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VulcanRidr 2009-10-12 16:11

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 341440)
can you post up a screenshot so I can try and find what color grey is using, also I plan on multiple color variants

Sorry about the delay, Andrew. Here is a screenshot of xword and midori. In midori, everything displays fine except for text input boxes. Note that I haven't noticed this behavior with any other theme, but then again, this is the first dark one I have tried.

bongo 2009-10-14 18:03

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I'd love to see a blue version of your theme

VulcanRidr 2009-10-20 13:10

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Any headway on the issues with the theme and the black-on-gray text or the blue version of the theme? I'm itching to use this theme. :D

andrewfblack 2009-10-20 13:26

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Midori doesn't listen to the text color from the theme, it is how ever using the background color for the text boxes. My only hope would be to change text box BG back to white and text web text color to black. I know default browser follows colors I'm not sure about tear but I will look into changing it soon. I will also start work on a blue version next week some time. I have been getting ready for the Florida Linux Show this weekend and been very busy. Thank you for your interest.

Tabster 2009-10-20 13:45

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
is this theme available in extras-devel or extras? I can't seem to find it..

andrewfblack 2009-10-20 13:49

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
extras-devel or use the .deb on first post.

Tabster 2009-10-20 13:56

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
hmm, eyesight must be worse than I thought..what name am I looking for in Application Manager?

EDIT: nevermind. I still had "chinook" in my Distribution for something I was doing. I can see your theme now I removed "chinook" :)

LABAUDIO 2009-10-24 20:34

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Damn iam very suprise to see the theme of maemo5 look very close to my borg theme i make it for maemo2008

for real....i dont said its a copy cat...but honnestly, i'am curious to know if my borg theme inspired someones to make a dark theme for maemo5 whit a lot of green scale...

anyway....iam glad to see finaly my borg theme 2008 be maybe precursor of what look maemo5 ui theme now

so if i give a little inspiration for who create fremantle theme whit my borg one....that a good think

cheers :D:D:D

andrewfblack 2009-10-25 13:32

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Fremantle does look similar to your borg theme in the fact that its dark and green buts thats about all I think.

sjgadsby 2009-10-26 01:55

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 357689)
Fremantle does look similar to your borg theme in the fact that its dark and green buts thats about all I think.

And only the SDK Fremantle theme is black with green. On device, the default theme is black with blue and the alternate is black with orange. The use of blue and orange in the on-device themes is in keeping with previous Maemo releases.

andrewfblack 2009-10-26 12:15

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 357934)
And only the SDK Fremantle theme is black with green. On device, the default theme is black with blue and the alternate is black with orange. The use of blue and orange in the on-device themes is in keeping with previous Maemo releases.

The black and green theme is available for the n900.

sjgadsby 2009-10-26 13:04

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 358155)
The black and green theme is available for the n900.

Ah, thank you. I haven't seen it yet in Nokia Applications, Extras, or Extras-Testing, so I was unaware Nokia was making it generally available to end users.

In any case, a SDK & add-on theme is a step removed from built-in themes.

andrewfblack 2009-10-26 14:57

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 358182)
Ah, thank you. I haven't seen it yet in Nokia Applications, Extras, or Extras-Testing, so I was unaware Nokia was making it generally available to end users.

In any case, a SDK & add-on theme is a step removed from built-in themes.

It comes with the Theme Maker Package if no one has put it in extras then someone should build it and put it in there. It would be nice for people to have I think. Its the theme I based my theme off of I do plan on doing version for all colors as well. The will not be the exact color of Fremantle version but similar(trying to cover my butt)

joppu 2009-10-26 15:46

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
So, black themes aren't supported so well on OS2008? Since I was thinking of releasing a version of Hitech for N8x0 devices while waiting for the ironing out of the Fremantle TM.

andrewfblack 2009-10-26 16:21

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by joppu (Post 358292)
So, black themes aren't supported so well on OS2008? Since I was thinking of releasing a version of Hitech for N8x0 devices while waiting for the ironing out of the Fremantle TM.

There are a few problems where some applications don't take the default text color and tries to use black text with dark background. All the standard applications work fine just some 3rd party ones have trouble. I would assume its more of a application problem then a theme problem.

gazza_d 2009-10-26 20:11

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 358317)
There are a few problems where some applications don't take the default text color and tries to use black text with dark background. All the standard applications work fine just some 3rd party ones have trouble. I would assume its more of a application problem then a theme problem.

I've been using Andrew's Fremantle for Diablo theme since he releases it into the wild, and have encountered very few problems with applications.

Only real issues for me are some of the URL links are dark blue on black, and the size of the font, sometimes means I'm squinting (which could just be me getting older). It could do with being a point or two larger, and possibly bold as well.

Other then that I am really enjoying using a dark theme for Diablo, and would welcome more.

pinguino89 2009-10-29 17:06

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I wuould suggest this theme to everyone, it's fanstatic ^__^

only ussue with Tear! the area where you have to write is black! (and the caracters too..) so i cannot see what I'm writing...other than that, it's perfect!

Tintin 2009-10-29 17:38

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
A really neat theme but the small text makes it unusable for me :(
I also wish that the background image could stretch up to the top like it does to the left.

Any chance that there is a font size setting that I missed somewhere?

jkq 2009-10-29 18:57

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Any updates on the blue variant? :)


andrewfblack 2009-10-30 18:20

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
updates are on the way I deep into several projects right now but an update to this theme is near top of my todo list.

gsruff 2009-10-30 18:56

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Looking forward to updates. This theme is great!

mfortner 2009-10-30 22:34

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by bongo (Post 346464)
I'd love to see a blue version of your theme


Is changing the color a matter of replacing an image file somewhere? Is it something we can customize by editing the source file for the color?

andrewfblack 2009-10-30 22:41

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Normally I try to make my themes using .svg to make color change easy but this theme was made using parts from a .png from the theme maker package. I now have access to the .svg of the them and will have to start over to make color variants.

Se7eN 2009-11-22 21:09

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
hello guys
I wanted to ask, if there's any way to imitate maemo 5 look & feel in diablo, more then just colors and icons ?
First, I thought if it's possible to remove the left bar, to get some more space for the application, like in maemo 5 or Mer. Second, change menu look to finger-friendly and not just regular GTK clone.
I don't know if a theme can do that, but I thought it's a good place to begin.

pinguino89 2009-11-23 22:15

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I'm interested too in the evolving of this theme ^_^

I wish To remove the side bar of the hildon desktop (I prefer the Mer's one in this way) and the integration with webkit (it have problems to handle the example in the text area i cannot see any caracter because is black...on a black background...)

i think that if we can manage to have the hildon-desktop like Mer and apply this theme to it, we can have a very similar framantle effect and very beautiful ^_^

andrewfblack 2009-11-24 20:36

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Se7eN (Post 386275)
hello guys
I wanted to ask, if there's any way to imitate maemo 5 look & feel in diablo, more then just colors and icons ?
First, I thought if it's possible to remove the left bar, to get some more space for the application, like in maemo 5 or Mer. Second, change menu look to finger-friendly and not just regular GTK clone.
I don't know if a theme can do that, but I thought it's a good place to begin.

You can't with Diablo but that is what Mer is doing.

Se7eN 2009-11-24 21:04

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 389858)
You can't with Diablo but that is what Mer is doing.

Well... I have been waiting a long time for Mer, but unfortunately, it's development is very slow (as you know, I guess), and it is not usable at all (yes - I have tried).
Instead of waiting for Mer, which her best improvment for me is the better look&feel (especially - finger usage), I just started to transform my Diablo to "something like maemo 5". It's still early level, but looks very promising. I hope to share it with you ASAP. And for sure, that theme is a great step in that effort.

Se7eN 2009-11-28 20:21

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
andrewfblack, there are some changes that should be done in the theme in order to fit it for the new layout. Is it ok that I do it ? do you prefer that I'll publish it under different name ?

andrewfblack 2009-11-30 16:53

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Nope you can make the changes and I'll send you the source if you want it. I would like to take a look at your screenshots of your new layout. PM them to me if you don't want other people to see them

Se7eN 2009-11-30 19:29

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
thanks :)
I wanted to PM you but I didn't find how...
screenshots - a day or two, I hope. I crashed the maemo desktop so I had to re-flash the device, and I used this opportunity to try some new things, like nitdroid and so ;)

andrewfblack 2009-11-30 19:35

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
you need 10 post to pm people you can email me at

Mer uses a custom layout so you might be able to get some help from there also.

Se7eN 2009-11-30 20:18

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
There's a bug in FreDiablo: the cursor in hidden (while inserting text). I guess because it's black.
Moreover, the WB version looks like as the regular version...I didn't see any difference

andrewfblack 2009-11-30 21:06

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Not a bug no way to change cursor color that I know of. Also WB version has some problems I haven't gotten fixed yet

Se7eN 2009-12-01 20:52

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
Well, the new theme is almost done. All the desktop changes are already done. I hope to upload some photos on thursday, and maybe downloads on the weekend. I have to think on a name for the project...
BTW, does someone know how to launch the main applications launcher by a shortcut key (or a command) ?

giladmttw 2009-12-02 20:22

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Se7eN (Post 403504)
Well, the new theme is almost done. All the desktop changes are already done. I hope to upload some photos on thursday, and maybe downloads on the weekend. I have to think on a name for the project...
BTW, does someone know how to launch the main applications launcher by a shortcut key (or a command) ?

To launch the launcher you can use xte. download from:

the command is then:
xte 'keydown Alt_L' 'keydown Shift_L' 'key Tab' 'keyup Alt_L' 'keyup Shift_L'

This command depends on the shortcut set for a bluetooth keyboard.

I really like this theme but the font is too small. Can you make the font bigger, the same size as the default themes ?

Se7eN 2009-12-03 21:22

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by giladmttw (Post 405792)
To launch the launcher you can use xte. download from:

the command is then:
xte 'keydown Alt_L' 'keydown Shift_L' 'key Tab' 'keyup Alt_L' 'keyup Shift_L'

This command depends on the shortcut set for a bluetooth keyboard.

I really like this theme but the font is too small. Can you make the font bigger, the same size as the default themes ?

for the menu - I need to know the exact command that launch it, I can't depend on installed xte.
about font size - you are definitely right, and I already changed the font size!
after 3 times of crashing the maemo DE , I surrender. I did some big changes in the layout, but I couldn't make a really important one. therefore, I'll upload tomorrow some screenshots and after that the theme file, and then I will ask for the community help.

Se7eN 2009-12-03 22:32

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
3 Attachment(s)
well, to surprise myself and you guys, here it is:
the pre-alpha version:

BTW, I'm still looking for a name... any suggestions ?

Se7eN 2009-12-03 22:37

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
downloads and instructions - really soon, after opening a garage project (I really want some wiki pages to manage all the options and instructions). waiting for your replies...

jkq 2009-12-03 23:07

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo

Originally Posted by Se7eN (Post 408567)
downloads and instructions - really soon, after opening a garage project (I really want some wiki pages to manage all the options and instructions). waiting for your replies...

Would it be possible to make (a variant with) wider scroll bars? I've been spoiled by the "echowb" theme. :)


chenli 2009-12-04 01:36

Re: Theme - Fremantle for Diablo
I'm definitely in support of taking away the bar on the left.
It really does take up too much space...

Looks good so far to me though.

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