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sorodoros 2010-01-08 16:50

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Anyone getting broken MaeMap (Google Maps) pages with any search from the bar? I get the search query text and broken page backgrounds.

Also, I cannot edit the name of Google Maps to MaeMaps, or edit the text. All changes are not kept.

Why not call it MaeMaps, since that what it is, and add a real Google Maps?

Great widget. Thanks!

BrentDC 2010-01-08 17:39

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 459486)
Really excited to download this package!

However, I just grabbed it from the app manager and it's not showing up on my desktop. I know it's enabled since it shows as installed and doesn't appear in my list of inactive widgets in my desktop's "add widget" dialog.

I've seen this problem before ( looking at you DiggHomeWidget...) but a reboot usually solved it. This time, I've rebooted twice and still can't see the touchsearch widget.

Any tips?

I know this may seem like a stupid question, but it has happened to me before where a widget has popped up on a different desktop than the one I was currently using and I thought it wasn't showing up at all. Could this be happening?

It is normal for TouchSearch not to show up until you reboot, but once you do, it should always show up. If it really is not showing up at all, please report back which version you are using (you can see in the App. Manager).


BrentDC 2010-01-08 17:50

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by sorodoros (Post 459503)
Anyone getting broken MaeMap (Google Maps) pages with any search from the bar? I get the search query text and broken page backgrounds.

MaeMaps is working OK for me today.


Also, I cannot edit the name of Google Maps to MaeMaps, or edit the text. All changes are not kept.
Yep, this is a big-time bug. I just looked at the code, and man, what was I thinking! I'll upload a new version with the Edit dialog fixed (probably, later today).


Why not call it MaeMaps, since that what it is, and add a real Google Maps?
Good question, I'm not sure :) I'm thinking of switching to for maps. Once you enable "Selection Mode" in the browser, all features work perfectly (and it's fast!). Sorry twaelti -- I don't know if MaeMaps will remain preinstalled. :(


Great widget. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback!

HugoSon 2010-01-08 18:11

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Hi brent - first: thanks for your work; just installed the 2.x version - nice. Still - not being able to edit the google search is not so cool. I do not want to end up on your google ads driven account. I fully understand that you want to make some money with the conversions - still these pages do not return full google index results but only ads keyword results....

BoeMatic 2010-01-08 18:16

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Another question:

What do I have to regard when i want assign a custom picture to a search engine?

HugoSon 2010-01-08 18:19

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BoeMatic (Post 459675)
Another question:

What do I have to regard when i want assign a custom picture to a search engine?

read his help file - it's a png file you have to place... ahrg: read the authors help ;-)

cddiede 2010-01-08 19:05

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 459607)
I know this may seem like a stupid question, but it has happened to me before where a widget has popped up on a different desktop than the one I was currently using and I thought it wasn't showing up at all. Could this be happening?


I've got touchsearch ver. 1.3-2

I'vew checked & the widget isn't hiding behind anyrhing or on some other desktop. :(

BrentDC 2010-01-08 20:12

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by HugoSon (Post 459665)
Hi brent - first: thanks for your work; just installed the 2.x version - nice. Still - not being able to edit the google search is not so cool. I do not want to end up on your google ads driven account. I fully understand that you want to make some money with the conversions - still these pages do not return full google index results but only ads keyword results....


When I started this project I had the idea that it would be a fairly popular widget, that would be easy to create, and I could sell it on Nokia's OVI store. Unfortunately, that was hardly the case.

I have written the widget in Python, which usually makes things easier, but in this case made things much harder. When I started, I was the first person using Python to write home widgets for Fremantle. By definition, there were a lot of problems getting started, almost all of which have since been now sorted out. I had to file numerous bugs with Python and work with the Python team (who are fantastic, by the way) just to get home widgets working.

On top of that the documentation was very thin so I had to figure out the API's mostly without any help -- this took lots of time and work. I even had to buy a device to be able to fully test things. This set me back several hundred dollars.

Finally, I was able to get developing at a steady pace and was ready to release my widget to OVI. Except, where is OVI? On top of it not even existing yet, I started hearing things like you need to be incorporated to even join OVI and you need Million-dollar liability insurance. Maybe it was poor planning on my part, but I needed to find an alternative.

The alternative was to incorporate Ads into Google search results (heck, they will be there anyway) so that I could try to offset some of my costs. So that is what I did. I released it for free instead of for the (small) fee I was planning with the one compromise being a Google CSE instead of regular results.

It wasn't my first choice, but seemed like a decent compromise.

BrentDC 2010-01-08 20:14

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 459770)
I've got touchsearch ver. 1.3-2

I'vew checked & the widget isn't hiding behind anyrhing or on some other desktop. :(

I am not sure what the issue could be -- no one has ever reported this happening before.

Could you try uninstalling and reinstalling? I'm really guessing here :o

evad 2010-01-08 23:04

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 459925)
The alternative was to incorporate Ads into Google search results (heck, they will be there anyway) so that I could try to offset some of my costs. So that is what I did. I released it for free instead of for the (small) fee I was planning with the one compromise being a Google CSE instead of regular results.

It wasn't my first choice, but seemed like a decent compromise.

Didn't realise that, actually. But I totally understand your reasoning. Plus, it's quite clever idea to crank out few extra $$$ too, hmm.... :)


Good question, I'm not sure I'm thinking of switching to for maps. Once you enable "Selection Mode" in the browser, all features work perfectly (and it's fast!). Sorry twaelti -- I don't know if MaeMaps will remain preinstalled.
Wow, I didn't realise existence of Google Maps mobile either! It really works great!

cddiede 2010-01-09 03:09

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 459927)
I am not sure what the issue could be -- no one has ever reported this happening before.

Could you try uninstalling and reinstalling? I'm really guessing here :o

Yeah, tried that and two more reboots and still nothing.

Guess I'll uninstall and try it again after the new firmware hits (whenever that'll be....)

BrentDC 2010-01-09 17:30

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 460575)
Yeah, tried that and two more reboots and still nothing.

Guess I'll uninstall and try it again after the new firmware hits (whenever that'll be....)


Could you try installing the newest version from extras-devel? It should be 2.0-* (depending on whether you do it after a current upload builds it will be 2.0-3, or 2.0-2).

If that still doesn't work, we can look at what python packages are installed on your device.

cddiede 2010-01-09 23:05

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 461297)

Could you try installing the newest version from extras-devel? It should be 2.0-* (depending on whether you do it after a current upload builds it will be 2.0-3, or 2.0-2).

If that still doesn't work, we can look at what python packages are installed on your device.

This is what I pulled down from the App Manager:
touchsearch 2.0-1

Here's my python stuff:

ii gnome-python 2.18.0-2maemo6 Python bindings for GConf and GnomeVFS
ii hildon-desktop-python-loader 0.1.0-1maemo2 Hildon Desktop Python Plugin Loader
ii python 2.5.2-3maemo3 An interactive high-level object-oriented lang
ii python-alarm 0.1-0maemo2 Python bindings for libalarm library
ii python-all 2.5.2-3maemo3 Package depending on all supported Python runt
ii python-bluez 0.15-1.1maemo3 Python wrappers around BlueZ for rapid bluetoo
ii python-cairo 1.4.12-1.2maemo1 Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphics
ii python-central register and build utility for Python packages
ii python-configobj 4.6.0-1maemo3 a simple but powerful config file reader and w
ii python-conic 0.1-5 Python bindings for Internet Connectivity libr
ii python-dbus 0.83.0-1maemo3 simple interprocess messaging system (Python i
ii python-feedparser 4.1-13maemo0 Universal Feed Parser for Python
ii python-flickrapi 1.2-1maemo3 Python Flickr API
ii python-gconf 2.26.1-1maemo1 Python bindings for the GConf configuration da
ii python-gdata 2.0.2-0maemo1 Google Data Python client library
ii python-glade2 2.12.1-6maemo10 GTK+ bindings: Glade support
ii python-gobject 2.16.1-1maemo1 Python bindings for the GObject library
ii python-gst0.10 0.10.14-2maemo5 generic media-playing framework (Python bindin
ii python-gtk2 2.12.1-6maemo10 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
ii python-gtkhtml2 2.19.1-2maemo2 Python bindings for the GtkHTML 2 library
ii python-hildon 0.9.0-1maemo14 Python bindings for Hildon Framework.
ii python-hildondesktop 0.1.0-1maemo2 Python bindings for libhildondesktop
ii python-imaging 1.1.6-3maemo2 Python Imaging Library
ii python-minimal 2.5.2-3maemo3 A minimal subset of the Python language (defau
ii python-mutagen 1.14-2 audio metadata editing library
ii python-notify 0.1.1-2maemo1 Python bindings for libnotify
ii python-numeric 24.2-9maemo4 Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Py
ii python-osso 0.4-0maemo2 Python bindings for libosso library
ii python-pycurl 7.18.2-1maemo1 Python bindings to libcurl
ii python-pygame 1.8.1release-0maemo3 SDL bindings for games development in Python
ii python-runtime 1.0-11 Python runtime environment.
ii python-simplejson 2.0.9-1maemo1 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder
ii python-support 1.0.4maemo1 automated rebuilding support for Python module
ii python-xml 0.8.4-10.1maemo4 XML tools for Python
ii python2.5 2.5.4-1maemo5 An interactive high-level object-oriented lang
ii python2.5-ecore 0.3.1+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for Ecore
ii python2.5-edbus 0.3.1+svn41533-maemo1 DBus python integration for ecore.
ii python2.5-edje 0.3.1+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for Edje
ii python2.5-efl-core Python bindings for EFL (Enlightenment Foundat
ii python2.5-efl-utils 0.1.4+svn41533-maemo1 Python utilities to work with EFL
ii python2.5-elementary 0.1+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for elementary
ii python2.5-epsilon 0.3.1+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for Ecore
ii python2.5-etk 0.1.2+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for ETK
ii python2.5-evas 0.3.1+svn41533-maemo1 Python bindings for enlightenment advanced can
ii python2.5-minimal 2.5.4-1maemo5 A minimal subset of the Python language (versi

BrentDC 2010-01-09 23:26

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Where did you get the python2.5* stuff?

It appears you have some pre-Maemo 5 python stuff installed that is causing problems. The only way I know how to fix that is:

sudo apt-get remove python python2.5
sudo apt-get install touchsearch

Note: this will remove all apps that depend on python, but you will be better in the long run.

twaelti 2010-01-09 23:45

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 459623)
Good question, I'm not sure :) I'm thinking of switching to for maps. Once you enable "Selection Mode" in the browser, all features work perfectly (and it's fast!). Sorry twaelti -- I don't know if MaeMaps will remain preinstalled. :(

No problem at all - the URL you quoted is indeed great! Nobody of us knew about it when we started to look around for a better Google Maps interface. I'm awed by that one, too!

debernardis 2010-01-10 15:32

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Thanks for the app - it's one thing I missed from my N810 desktop.
Now, it seems I'm unable to make the png icon show on the widget. It shows when I click on the widget, near the input box, but not on the desktop. Any hint?

BrentDC 2010-01-11 16:41

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 462439)
Thanks for the app - it's one thing I missed from my N810 desktop.
Now, it seems I'm unable to make the png icon show on the widget. It shows when I click on the widget, near the input box, but not on the desktop. Any hint?


Is the "+" button showing up? Or nothing at all? If you could post a screenshot of the desktop, that would be great.

Should look like this:

debernardis 2010-01-11 18:49

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
2 Attachment(s)
This is for Emedicine. See by y'self :)

BrentDC 2010-01-11 19:07

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
That is strange...could you attach the emedicine .png file here so I can test it in scratchbox (so I can see if there are any errors).

Thanks, and sorry it isn't working right!

debernardis 2010-01-11 19:16

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
2 Attachment(s)
Brent, no worry... :) It's a great app :) :)

slender 2010-01-11 19:21

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Thank you for this little widget. I havent read thread so sorry if someone else has already made these suggestions.

For me it is too bit too slow to use(too many clicks).How about at least shortcut keywords.

Even better: put above search bar bunch of favoriteicons to launch search with writte term.

BrentDC 2010-01-12 22:46

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 464887)
Brent, no worry... :) It's a great app :) :)

Hey, I found out the solution (see my reply to someone else asking the same thing):

BrentDC 2010-01-12 22:51

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by slender (Post 464897)
Thank you for this little widget. I havent read thread so sorry if someone else has already made these suggestions.

For me it is too bit too slow to use(too many clicks).How about at least shortcut keywords.

Even better: put above search bar bunch of favoriteicons to launch search with writte term.

In the next version (don't know when that will be, as I haven't even started it yet) there will be many speed-of-use improvements. Hang in there!

BrentDC 2010-01-12 23:01

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
BTW, I finally have a 2.x version in testing that I don't think has any more bugs in it. Here's a screenshot:

I had 14 positive votes with 2.0-1 but decided not to promote it to extras because the Edit Search Engine feature was dead on arrival. This should fix that, so if you voted for 2.0-1 please take a minute and vote for 2.1-2, it is very much appreciated. Thanks!

Testing page:

evad 2010-01-13 13:43

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 467354)
I had 14 positive votes with 2.0-1 but decided not to promote it to extras because the Edit Search Engine feature was dead on arrival. This should fix that, so if you voted for 2.0-1 please take a minute and vote for 2.1-2, it is very much appreciated. Thanks!

Oh yes, I totally forgot to report that earlier. I am unable to edit or delete Google and my custom MicroBar search engines. When I go to "Configure Search Engines" dialog, Edit and Delete buttons are greyed out on these two engines.

It was happening with previous version, it also happens with the latest 2.1 which I've got as an automatic update this morning.

BrentDC 2010-01-13 15:09

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 468298)
Oh yes, I totally forgot to report that earlier. I am unable to edit or delete Google and my custom MicroBar search engines. When I go to "Configure Search Engines" dialog, Edit and Delete buttons are greyed out on these two engines.

It was happening with previous version, it also happens with the latest 2.1 which I've got as an automatic update this morning.

This has been reported as a bug but it really isn't: Google is non-editable because it is what TouchSearch defaults to in case of a problem. Your search engine currently in use is also uneditable because TS would not be happy if you deleted it :)

sorodoros 2010-01-13 15:39

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
2.1. I have lost googlemaps or maemaps or whatever it is called now. Uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't bring it back. How do I fix this?

BrentDC 2010-01-13 16:08

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by sorodoros (Post 468565)
2.1. I have lost googlemaps or maemaps or whatever it is called now. Uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't bring it back. How do I fix this?

The search engine configuration file remains even after uninstall/reinstall.

You can delete it forcing recreation of a new one by running this command in the terminal:


rm /home/user/.touchsearch/
This will remove all changes you've made via the Configure Search Engine dialog.

Bratag 2010-01-13 16:13

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Just voted for this widget. Very helpful and well worth pushing through

evad 2010-01-13 16:44

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 468482)
This has been reported as a bug but it really isn't: Google is non-editable because it is what TouchSearch defaults to in case of a problem. Your search engine currently in use is also uneditable because TS would not be happy if you deleted it :)

OK, makes sense now. However I'd still let user to edit/delete that engine and in case sth goes wrong from TS' point of view (ie user decided to delete that engine) you can always fall back to the default Google engine. It's just a little confusing at first why I can't edit my own custom engine..

BrentDC 2010-01-13 16:52

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 468686)
OK, makes sense now. However I'd still let user to edit/delete that engine and in case sth goes wrong from TS' point of view (ie user decided to delete that engine) you can always fall back to the default Google engine. It's just a little confusing at first why I can't edit my own custom engine..

Yes, I understand. There may be a different mechanism in the next version that recognizes you edited or deleted the search engine in use and defaults back to Google.

sorodoros 2010-01-13 17:08

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 468619)
The search engine configuration file remains even after uninstall/reinstall.

You can delete it forcing recreation of a new one by running this command in the terminal:


rm /home/user/.touchsearch/
This will remove all changes you've made via the Configure Search Engine dialog.

Perfect. Thx!

sorodoros 2010-01-13 20:31

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I get this kind of error when entering anything in the GoogleMaps (MaeMaps) search bar, in this example "los angeles." When I enter it manually on the site it works correctly. Any ideas?

I would still prefer the "real" google maps/m as the search engine, but cannot seem to add it. Anyone feel ike posting the correct strings?

BrentDC 2010-01-13 21:35

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I will be switching to Google Maps Mobile in the next version.

For now, the string is

Use %s as the query. :)

twaelti 2010-01-13 22:04

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by sorodoros (Post 469084)
I get this kind of error when entering anything in the GoogleMaps (MaeMaps) search bar, in this example "los angeles." When I enter it manually on the site it works correctly. Any ideas?

Should now be fixed.

twaelti 2010-01-13 22:05

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Brent: Could you branch a 2nd version that would be kind of "TouchSearchBar"? I find myself using about the same 5 searches daily, and having a horizontal bar widget with these 5 icons but be VERY handy.

sorodoros 2010-01-13 22:08

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 469251)
Should now be fixed.

Yes it is. Many thanks.

BrentDC 2010-01-13 22:13

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 469256)
Brent: Could you branch a 2nd version that would be kind of "TouchSearchBar"? I find myself using about the same 5 searches daily, and having a horizontal bar widget with these 5 icons but be VERY handy.

Just thinking about something like that yesterday -- I might make a new branch or maybe build different layouts right into TS.

Time frame probably two versions from now. :)

sorodoros 2010-01-13 22:25

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 469189)
I will be switching to Google Maps Mobile in the next version.

For now, the string is

Use %s as the query. :)

Hmmm... search enters successfully, but a search doesn't actually launch the browser, i.e., nothing happens.

BrentDC 2010-01-24 16:43

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by sorodoros (Post 469278)
Hmmm... search enters successfully, but a search doesn't actually launch the browser, i.e., nothing happens.

What exactly did you put in the URL and query fields?

It is working fine here.


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