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christexaport 2009-11-22 09:27

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by JayOnThaBeat (Post 384971)
Chris is the king of that... he really only has 26 posts :p

I laughed out loud at that, seriously! ROFL! :p
My workflow makes me do that. I may be reading from 6 pages back, and plus my mind races sometimes. Stupid medication wears down at night...

Now back on topic, why is everyone acting like Facebook is great, and all other networks suck? This is just like the iPhone's great, Nokia/RIM/Samsung/SE suck. Not making sense. Since when is 200 million users irrelevant? Its bigger than Twitter, people! Bigger than LinkedIn. Bigger than Orkut. Bigger than Beebo. And I'd like to see all of these supported, too.This attitude is how the iPhone and Facebook grew. We need choices. Or are you saying eff MySpace, go to Facebook?

Coca Cola is the shizznit, but is Pepsi irrelevant!? BET is the bomb, but MTV is last year?! Toyota is a nonfactor now that they've been passed by Volkswagen/Audi/Porsche?! Of course not. Social networks are all important. Any that have hundreds of millions of users are important. Tunnel vision is stupid, stupid, stupid. There are a large portion of the world's citizens on social networks. Most aren't using Facebook. Keep that in mind. MySpace and Orkut are also big, and have a unique focus to keep them relevant.

RevdKathy 2009-11-22 09:31

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
You forgot to mention Tumblr!

*Hopes that if she keeps mentioning Tumblr someone will get the idea...*

christexaport 2009-11-22 09:38

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
How about a universal widget that supports all of the major social networks? Let it show a profile photo, status updates, inbox, friend requests, comments, friend list, media streams, and photos. We could start with Facebook and MySpace, the largest social networks in the world, and add Orkut and and others over time.

(And please don't say Orkut and 51 are irrelevant, too. Do the research and check the numbers first.)

christexaport 2009-11-22 09:39

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I give up on this one. I'm working with the MySpace developers on my own, now. Can't get the butts to move, so I'll go with the MySpace devs. They were immediately open to discuss this with me. Wish my own community was like that...

christexaport 2009-11-22 09:45

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 384963)

Just sayin'. I'm 22 for the record, and I haven't accessed or used myspace for around 2.5 years now.

Back to the topic, if someone wants to make this, all the power to them, but as a developer myself, I have no incentive to.

Look closely at those numbers. MySpace has page views in the dozens of millions, and membership in the hundreds of millions. That another is bigger doesn't mean the others are irrelevant. Developers need to learn that you can't just follow number 1. Everyone is doing that anyway. Who's serving number 2? Whoever does will be famous, because everyone will be using the only app available. Most musicians keep a laptop near, so mobile apps aren't something they'll really benefit from like I will. But the normal users and audiences use mobiles, and as long as you ignore the content creators, the people the Nseries is made for, you allow our audience to be siphoned off to Facebook for lack of service.

christexaport 2009-11-22 09:47

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I'm all about Tumblr, too. My friend DaniB, one of the top photographers in Germany, is big on Tumblr, and I am too. Take my vote for Tumblr, too, Kathy.

RevdKathy 2009-11-22 09:50

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 385907)
How about a universal widget that supports all of the major social networks? Let it show a profile photo, status updates, inbox, friend requests, comments, friend list, media streams, and photos. We could start with Facebook and MySpace, the largest social networks in the world, and add Orkut and and others over time.

(And please don't say Orkut and 51 are irrelevant, too. Do the research and check the numbers first.)

What I want is something that will publish to Tumblr quickly and easily. I'm hoping pixelpipe will cover photos, but as Tumblr queues RSS, it may take ages to actually feed.

Fargus 2009-11-22 09:56

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 385907)
How about a universal widget that supports all of the major social networks? Let it show a profile photo, status updates, inbox, friend requests, comments, friend list, media streams, and photos. We could start with Facebook and MySpace, the largest social networks in the world, and add Orkut and and others over time.

(And please don't say Orkut and 51 are irrelevant, too. Do the research and check the numbers first.)

Chris, this is something along the lines of what I was thinking. Nokia has done a lovely job of integrating things with IM in the main OS so as a Dev I would think it sensible to simply extend the width on this for other environments. Telepathy has done this for IM and VOIP so maybe it's time to sort out the generic functionality for all social network interactions and make facebook/myspace/tumblr simply another protocol choice. I'm sure people use multiple sites so why not just tag contacts the same as you would email providers or telephony provider.

Thoughts from OP please?

If this is what people want then raise the Brainstorm so things can get started. If you want the solution the start the ball rolling by creating the brainstorm.

zerojay 2009-11-23 04:16

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 385900)
I laughed out loud at that, seriously! ROFL! :p
My workflow makes me do that. I may be reading from 6 pages back, and plus my mind races sometimes. Stupid medication wears down at night...

Now back on topic, why is everyone acting like Facebook is great, and all other networks suck? This is just like the iPhone's great, Nokia/RIM/Samsung/SE suck. Not making sense. Since when is 200 million users irrelevant? Its bigger than Twitter, people! Bigger than LinkedIn. Bigger than Orkut. Bigger than Beebo. And I'd like to see all of these supported, too.This attitude is how the iPhone and Facebook grew. We need choices. Or are you saying eff MySpace, go to Facebook?

Coca Cola is the shizznit, but is Pepsi irrelevant!? BET is the bomb, but MTV is last year?! Toyota is a nonfactor now that they've been passed by Volkswagen/Audi/Porsche?! Of course not. Social networks are all important. Any that have hundreds of millions of users are important. Tunnel vision is stupid, stupid, stupid. There are a large portion of the world's citizens on social networks. Most aren't using Facebook. Keep that in mind. MySpace and Orkut are also big, and have a unique focus to keep them relevant.

I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say it until you finally understand. No one is saying "Myspace sucks, so we shouldn't do anything for it". I'm saying that most of the people developing aren't interested in Myspace because they no longer use it themselves. And if you no longer use it yourself, why should you spend your free time working on something for it?

Facebook is the place right now. It's the critical mass place to go and it has the most mindshare. That's why we're seeing Facebook having widgets out of the box on the N900. Hell, even the video ads for the N810 talked about Facebook (and ignored Myspace).

As I've told you several times before... if you want Myspace, round up some Maemo developers who are also interested in making stuff for it. Become a focal point to push what you want forward instead of complaining like Maemo developers owe you something. Be the change you want to see. All the graphs in the world aren't going to help get an app or integration to happen if you can't find the people interested in doing the code for you, whomever that would be.

hypnotik 2009-11-23 04:19

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
This is all you need to know. Made me LOL:

kryptoniankid17 2009-11-23 04:24

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 381245)
I'm not saying "don't make one for Myspace". I'm saying the fact that Myspace isn't really used anymore is the reason why there aren't already some made for Myspace.

logged back into my myspace account. they've pretty much copied facebook. guess if you cant beat em join em. but alot of people still use myspace. who's using myspace to promote maemo?

w00t 2009-11-23 04:43

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Thor (Post 385343)
If there are 50 million active MySpace users, why not? It could prove attractive to hardcore MySpacers who may then get a Maem05 device, and who knows? Some of them may even be developers too.

Again, if you'd read my post, you'd realise I'm not saying there *is* anything wrong with that. Just that I (and apparantly quite a few other people) won't be bothered enough to do something with this.

Repeated again, since this seems to be going round and round in circles again: *we* don't care about myspace. It's *great* that other people do. Hopefully someone with technical clue *will* care about it, so that those who want to use it, can.

RevdKathy 2009-11-23 08:15

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Hmmm so the root of the problem is that maemo developers are a different group from musicians who want to promote their music. I guess that's not so surprising.

f pickels 2009-11-24 02:34

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Once again I am seeing people miss the point, and you people that say myspace is not used any more are simply ignorant to the facts. I to am in the music industry, every band has a profile and many use this as their primary web page. I am tired of people that the only social network in the virtual world telling everybody how it really isnt in the real world.

f pickels 2009-11-24 02:43

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Well by that logic Nokia is dead as a phone platform, and by extension so is Maemo, People are leaving Nokia by the millions.

f pickels 2009-11-24 03:35

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I would think myspace sucked to if my band only had 2700 profile views. And before you go there , the last time I was in Chicago I was at the Congress, and I will be at the Aragon in Feb or March. Why does Every body have to be such haters.

noventa98 2009-11-24 04:25

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 386652)
if you want Myspace, round up some Maemo developers who are also interested in making stuff for it. Become a focal point to push what you want forward instead of complaining like Maemo developers owe you something. Be the change you want to see. All the graphs in the world aren't going to help get an app or integration to happen if you can't find the people interested in doing the code for you, whomever that would be.

It looks like exactly what Chris is doing here, but some people here are more prone to interfere with his efforts than to be helpful.


christexaport 2009-11-24 09:21

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 385914)
What I want is something that will publish to Tumblr quickly and easily. I'm hoping pixelpipe will cover photos, but as Tumblr queues RSS, it may take ages to actually feed.

Pixelpipe works with tumblr already, at least for photos. I don't know what other data they accept, so not sure on the rest.

Cherrypie 2009-11-24 09:45

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I wanted to come around just to ask. Who's prefering Myspace over Facebook? Some bands, yeah. Not a big audience for the effort, that has to be put in such a project to create a neat result.
Maybe you should check first, how many people are interested in a myspace app? Maybe a poll?

christexaport 2009-11-24 09:45

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 386652)
I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say it until you finally understand. No one is saying "Myspace sucks, so we shouldn't do anything for it". I'm saying that most of the people developing aren't interested in Myspace because they no longer use it themselves. And if you no longer use it yourself, why should you spend your free time working on something for it?

Facebook is the place right now. It's the critical mass place to go and it has the most mindshare. That's why we're seeing Facebook having widgets out of the box on the N900. Hell, even the video ads for the N810 talked about Facebook (and ignored Myspace).

As I've told you several times before... if you want Myspace, round up some Maemo developers who are also interested in making stuff for it. Become a focal point to push what you want forward instead of complaining like Maemo developers owe you something. Be the change you want to see. All the graphs in the world aren't going to help get an app or integration to happen if you can't find the people interested in doing the code for you, whomever that would be.

Its cool. No hard feelings. In my Symbian blogging and community activities, I've found new friends all over the world, and have a wider view because of it. Facebook is big HERE, but not everywhere. My Indian and Chinese friends don't care for Facebook or MySpace. They like 51 and Orkut. So someone is always saying something is useless, when in actuality, social networks aren't venues. They're people. We need to realize 200 million or so folks don't want to move to Facebook, and stayed at MySpace for a reason. There is no king social network.

Facebook is for connections to those you already know or have established contact. MySpace is all about finding new people to network with, whether you know them or not, based on common interests, music, art, location, etc. They aren't comparable on many fronts, because they compliment each other. I use both. All of these social networks are different in their own ways.

Developers shouldn't always be so self serving. Think about the community, and ask how many would use it, and how many would be drawn to the community if we supported it. I'm willing to bet if we had some sort of special MySpace support, and we trumpeted it online and on MySpace, it would draw sales. Everyone wants a MySpace app for their phones, but if you have a Nokia, you're stuck with the full page or the mobile trash version. No in between.

iPhone has one. Blackberry has one. WinMo has one. Android has one. According to THIS REPORT, Symbian and WebOS has one that was in development almost a year ago, though I've yet to see it. But where's the Maemo one??

You can't always code for yourself. Sometimes you can work to draw more eyes to the ecosystem.

christexaport 2009-11-24 09:53

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 386661)
logged back into my myspace account. they've pretty much copied facebook. guess if you cant beat em join em. but alot of people still use myspace. who's using myspace to promote maemo?

I don't see how they copied Facebook. The layout we have isn't anything like Facebook. Maybe your old layout on MySpace is like their current one, but the new MySpace is way more advanced. You can edit your page with HTML/CSS, change what goes where, etc. Facebook tells you how the place should look. In my opinion, MySpace's adaptability and customizability make it perfect for Maemo. I think you use Facebook for professional stuff and MySpace for cursing and acting more candid, even though Facebook is for friends you met in real life situations. I use them opposite, but only because I've been MySpacing since day one, and Facebook is only for the blogging stuff with a few friends sprinkled in.

And I have a personal page I use to promote Maemo/Symbian as well as talk to my friends. My music team's pages are all artist related, and I'm the kind of producer that doesn't want to have a famous face outside of my hood, so I don't have my own music page anymore. But check me out here:

mannakiosk 2009-11-24 09:56

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Cherrypie (Post 388378)
I wanted to come around just to ask. Who's prefering Myspace over Facebook? Some bands, yeah. Not a big audience for the effort, that has to be put in such a project to create a neat result.
Maybe you should check first, how many people are interested in a myspace app? Maybe a poll?

Such a poll could tell us that early adopters of this handheld linux computer regard MySpace old non-hip (or whatever the term used today might be) technology.

So, it would be more interesting to poll the (millions of?) users of MySpace, whether they thik it would be a good idea to have a "mobile MySpace-machine" that also does phone calls and other extra stuff.

christexaport 2009-11-24 09:58

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 386669)
*we* don't care about myspace. It's *great* that other people do. Hopefully someone with technical clue *will* care about it, so that those who want to use it, can.

Who is "we"? devs?

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:01

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 386757)
Hmmm so the root of the problem is that maemo developers are a different group from musicians who want to promote their music. I guess that's not so surprising.

I notice plenty of musicians and songwriters are members of, so its shocking no one thinks musicians and content creators exist here. I'm a musician, composer, writer, sketch artist, novice photographer, and proud MySpace user. We need support too.

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:03

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by f pickels (Post 388036)
I would think myspace sucked to if my band only had 2700 profile views.

Uh, you know you can reset that number to zero, right? We do that so we can see how fans react after shows or any online marketing activity. At least our music acts do.

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:04

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Fargus (Post 385917)
Chris, this is something along the lines of what I was thinking. Nokia has done a lovely job of integrating things with IM in the main OS so as a Dev I would think it sensible to simply extend the width on this for other environments. Telepathy has done this for IM and VOIP so maybe it's time to sort out the generic functionality for all social network interactions and make facebook/myspace/tumblr simply another protocol choice. I'm sure people use multiple sites so why not just tag contacts the same as you would email providers or telephony provider.

Thoughts from OP please?

If this is what people want then raise the Brainstorm so things can get started. If you want the solution the start the ball rolling by creating the brainstorm.

I'm thinking out the UI now. Whenever this gets any momentum, I'm ready to help. Will you be posting a brainstorm? Or shall I?

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:16

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by JayOnThaBeat (Post 388052)
FYI, we've only been playing for 9 mos, and we don't really do anything with myspace. The fact that we have 2700 page views is higher than I thought, considering everyone we know uses facebook, and the only way anyone would even know about our myspace page would be by clicking the link on our website.

Let me know when your band comes through, I'll check it out.

You should know better, Jay. I have a guy that consults on social media campaigns for musicians. He could get you to 100k easily with your act in a couple months. I've seen you guys. Not bad, I must say. 2700 is a sad number. I'm sure I've that many views on my page the last couple months. My PERSONAL page, not my working pages. (Just checked, and I have had 1894 views since October 11th)

Ask yourself this: You do many shows. How many people from Facebook show up? Can I listen to your music easily on Facebook? Can I see video of your last shows on Facebook? If I can, imagine if you'd used the #3 site globally that people use for finding and streaming music, or the #2 site people access to stream video? You followed the numbers of Facebook instead of sticking to your marketing tools, which no one else can match right now. You could be selling downloads of your tracks, marketing your gear, and gaining fans. MySpace isn't as popular as a social medium for everyone, but they expect all musicians to have a page. Name one that doesn't that has a major following.

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:18

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by noventa98 (Post 388072)
It looks like exactly what Chris is doing (gathering some devs) here, but some people here are more prone to interfere with his efforts than to be helpful.


I'm glad you said it and not me. I've worked on being nice, but I still have to figure out a way to get the developers to get that sense of service that was so prevalent in the Symbian world. You have to pull teeth and beg to get something unless they want it to. I won't beg. I asked nicely. I've gotten a response from the MySpace developers in the meantime about my wish, and they said they're open to working with our community and the Maemo platform, but I don't think they're rushing to get anything done. But I'll keep my fingers crossed. Haven't heard from them again yet.

Cherrypie 2009-11-24 10:25

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by mannakiosk (Post 388395)
Such a poll could tell us that early adopters of this handheld linux computer regard MySpace old non-hip (or whatever the term used today might be) technology.

So, it would be more interesting to poll the (millions of?) users of MySpace, whether they thik it would be a good idea to have a "mobile MySpace-machine" that also does phone calls and other extra stuff.

Just for that, they wouldn't pay $500. :P
You only buy a N900 if you know how to use its full potential.

christexaport 2009-11-24 10:27

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Cherrypie (Post 388378)
I wanted to come around just to ask. Who's prefering Myspace over Facebook? Some bands, yeah.

Right, the folks that actually use social networking the best and are usually tech savvy and geeky. Why would we want to cater to that demographic? So they can brag about using MySpace on their N900 to stay in touch with their fans? That would suck, huh? You know 50Cent is a Symbian user, and may jump to Maemo. He could really help give us visibility to the mass market. When he said he used the N95, it was all over the web. I even wrote a piece:
He's now running his own branded social network called, and a univeral social network app would be super if he could port his site into it. I see big success enabling MySpace on the N900.

mannakiosk 2009-11-24 10:34

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Cherrypie (Post 388426)
Just for that, they wouldn't pay $500. :P
You only buy a N900 if you know how to use its full potential.

Not all of them, but quite a few just might. Maybe some of the (millions of?) MySpace users look at other sites too. If that's the case, the N900 might be the best mobile thing out there at the moment. If they also use email and phones and IM and Skype and are wealthy enough, they might very well be quite interested. I think far wider audiences than just commandline-guru-server-admin-types will appreciate the N900. ;)

christexaport 2009-11-24 11:33

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I can show you an entire crew that would love a MySpace app on the N900 or Symbian device. For instance, check out my artist's little brother, T-Real, a local rap artist himself. He's not signed, but through MySpace, he's making real cash, and uses social networks to get his hustle on. He's like most artists on MySpace, using it and Facebook as well as others lilke Twitter, UStream, and even Google Voice!
He's only like 19, and has done a few videos, does multiple shows weekly, and buys gadgets like snack cakes. People aren't aware of how popular MySpace is with the urban minority music artist, or how much we hate Facebook.

And for the record, MySpace isn't millions of people, but HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS.

zerojay 2009-11-24 14:57

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I'm still not even remotely sure what a Myspace app should even do (if we ignore the social networking part of it). If we look at Myspace as purely a place for music and look at it from that context... what should a Myspace app do exactly that the web browser doesn't allow us to do already?

Should it upload music? Allow direct playing of your favorite bands bypassing the randomly broken flash player? What are you looking to do with it exactly?

Also, no, I don't think you should be saying that devs shouldn't be coding for what they choose to. It's their time. If you want someone to work on Myspace stuff, either find people that want to do it or get Myspace to hire people to work on it.

drm 2009-11-24 15:42

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Facebook and twitter will eventually disappear. It’s the kind of hype that has no real purpose. If we try to see with some distance they have something of idiotic. On the opposite myspace has some real interest for many people.

ninjaboxergirl 2009-11-24 15:52

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 381006)
Myspace is pretty much a dead service at this point.

Speaking as both a musician and a radio host, a) annoyingly most radio stations, record labels, magazines ask you specifically for your MYSPACE page as opposed to your proper WEBSITE address, and b) a huge proportion of bands and artists ONLY have a myspace page which they use as their website because they can't afford a proper one-
So I'd say Myspace is very important to at least one very large sector of people, yes.

Edit- and facebook is an unnecessarily complicated, stupid annoying application ridden load of rubbish. I have to have a band page as well as a normal page and it mashes the whole lot onto my screen so I can't tell what's what. Hopeless unless you're a bored teen imho.

drm 2009-11-24 15:58

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by ninjaboxergirl (Post 388998)
Speaking as both a musician and a radio host, a) annoyingly most radio stations, record labels, magazines ask you specifically for your MYSPACE page as opposed to your proper WEBSITE address, and b) a huge proportion of bands and artists ONLY have a myspace page which they use as their website because they can't afford a proper one-
So I'd say Myspace is very important to at least one very large sector of people, yes.

I agree 100%

ARJWright 2009-11-24 18:50

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 388873)
I'm still not even remotely sure what a Myspace app should even do (if we ignore the social networking part of it). If we look at Myspace as purely a place for music and look at it from that context... what should a Myspace app do exactly that the web browser doesn't allow us to do already?

Should it upload music? Allow direct playing of your favorite bands bypassing the randomly broken flash player? What are you looking to do with it exactly?

Also, no, I don't think you should be saying that devs shouldn't be coding for what they choose to. It's their time. If you want someone to work on Myspace stuff, either find people that want to do it or get Myspace to hire people to work on it.

Psst. I already answered that earlier in this thread in part, fleshing out the rest of that really should hit a brainstorm thread - linked to this one hopefully.

RevdKathy 2009-11-24 18:58

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 388338)
Pixelpipe works with tumblr already, at least for photos. I don't know what other data they accept, so not sure on the rest.

The question with that is how long it takes. Tumblr take about 6 hours to publish from twitter and anything up to 3 days to publish from MMS (despite an immediate message receipt). I shall find out later this week, with any luck. ;)

christexaport 2009-11-25 22:29

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 388873)
I'm still not even remotely sure what a Myspace app should even do (if we ignore the social networking part of it). If we look at Myspace as purely a place for music and look at it from that context... what should a Myspace app do exactly that the web browser doesn't allow us to do already?

Should it upload music? Allow direct playing of your favorite bands bypassing the randomly broken flash player? What are you looking to do with it exactly?

Also, no, I don't think you should be saying that devs shouldn't be coding for what they choose to. It's their time. If you want someone to work on Myspace stuff, either find people that want to do it or get Myspace to hire people to work on it.

I can help here. We need to be able to post our status, Mood and Emoticon, view, approve, and reply to comments, view, approve and reply to send and receive messages, send, receive, and approve friend requests, stream audio playlists called "albums", and view and edit image albums, comment on photos, post bulletings and to blogs.

Also view member profiles and their status, mood, and emoticon, comments, friends list, stream their playlists, playlists, and view and comment on their images.

I can conjure up a UI model and get Josh to maybe help do the actual designing. I want to know how much work does this sound like, does it sound feasible, and how can I help?


Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 389582)
The question with that is how long it takes. Tumblr take about 6 hours to publish from twitter and anything up to 3 days to publish from MMS (despite an immediate message receipt). I shall find out later this week, with any luck. ;)

Please do test and tell. Post in a new thread with oodles of data. :D You may be able to post more than just photos, too. They have tons of support for lots of services, at least they did on Symbian.

captainqtp 2009-11-25 22:32

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Myspace is a legacy site. :)

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