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Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
You can't do a true cold flash without building a custom serial cable, which AFAIK no one one this forum has bothered to complete.
It may help if you describe what you did prior to the device not booting properly. As far as the battery goes, if the device isn't booted (either into the OS or into a sub-OS for charging) it will not charge the battery. However, you can use an external charger (ebay via china) or a compatible phone i.e. Nokia 5230, 5800. The drivers are irrelevant, it just wants to use the phone as a modem. This device is flashed pretty low-level so it is in fact possible to brick these, however, you should give it a try in Linux. Windows is more ******ed as far as drivers go. Open a terminal, cd to the directory flasher is extracted to, make sure you chmod +x it make it executable. Make sure you have the firmware ready, then plug in the usb cable, be sure to plug it into a usb port known to work correctly on the host computer, execute the flasher command with the proper parameters, hold down the specified button for your device and then turn on the device. the flasher program should detect the device. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
ok this is what i have done so far. i bought a desktop charging unit from EBAY for my battery.
im going to boot into my PC in linux through the USB bootable Ubuntu. ill open terminal and cd to the directory of flasher. the next command is chmod +x <----is that right?? the next command is sudo ./flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -RIt then unplug the device and plug it back in. if all goes well that should be it???? if this doesnt work i have the number for nokia head office in finland so im going to give the guys in the marketing deparment who gave me the phone a call. lol good luck to me. is the linux commands i used right????? |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Sorry, I was going from memory.
You may need to sudo chmod +x flasher-3.5 and don't forget you can ./flasher-3.5 --help to get a list of possible commands sudo ./flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f I don't know who told you to use the -RIt flags, R is reboot, I is initialize serial port (you don't have that cable), and t, WTF does that flag do, it isn't documented... |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
the linux thing didnt work. also tryed it on a mac.
by the way i won my phone on the blogs.nokia.com website. i just found out someone else has the exact same issue as me. he also won his phone on the blogs.nokia.com website. this is very strange. nokia are not getting back to me. im gonna try and use the battery from my friends 5800 and see if it makes a difference tmrw, then try and reflash again. i have low hope it will work. i really hope nokia get back to me. i called the head office in finland and they have no idea what i was on about. :( i got a feeling all the contest winners are going to have the same issue if they try to reflash like i did. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
dont see why nokia service will not repair your device even if you did win it. Its clearly still in warranty.
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
its because im in australia and the NSC here have never seen it before and dont know what to do since the phone isnt released here.
i want to send it back but i need it to be organised. thats why i want nokia to get back to me but i got nothing. have sent heaps of emails :( |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Did you have the same issue as me????? im going to get my other friends 5800 battery and try that again in a few hours |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
******just to let you guys know. nokia called me just now about my n900 being bricked after a NSU. they are investigating it. they got every bit of detail off me. might be getting a replacement. it seems to be an issue with a batch of them if you try to flash it.********
they finally got back to me after all the emails. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
congratz, felbutss.
sorry to hear that you have suffered these. =] hopefully you can get a new one soon. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
ye thats why i wanted to re flash aswell. then when i did reflash it bricked my phone
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
OOO MMYY GOD. it worked my phone is fixed. eyyesyysysyysysyyyyyeessssssss.
guys if you have a bricked n900 and it wont flash its because your battery is flat. when i borrowed my friends n900 it must of had a low battery. when i borred my other friends battery just now it was fully charged. yayayayayyaya and it worked. fixed wot wot I want to thank the maemo community for all their help. you guys are amazing bellow is what i did on windows XP N900 (XP) To flash direcly from the XP command line, follow these steps: Fully charge the battery. Unplug charger and switch off the device. Open the command prompt on XP. Start + Run. Type cmd and press Enter. Change directory to the flasher program cd c:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5 Connect the USB cable while pressing 'u' key on the N900 Run the following command: flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R The update will take about 4 minutes after which the N900 will reboot and display the Welcome screen with Regional settings. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Felbutss, that's a really, really useful post. I have copied it for the FAQ. Is there any chance you could just tell me what you needed to d/l to do this, and where you got it from to make this as complete as possible. Thanks!
:) |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
@feltbuss Glad to know your N900 is alive once again. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
I'm trying using Linux Mint AND Vista, but getting nowhere, and using that wiki as my bible. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE work with me on a solution??
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
BIG UPS TO Jiiv, straight outta DFW, for helping me over the phone reflash my device via Linux and the Xterm. Saved my arse!:D I owe you a beer, bro!
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Watch out, I might try to take you up on that when there's another meetup. :)
Glad to be of assistance. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
FYI, I added a line in the wiki about using the flasher from the .deb install (to leave off the leading './'), but I don't know anything about wiki formatting...would someone mind cleaning that up for me? :)
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
speaking of wiki, I am surprised the flashing instructions for each OS aren't a little more clear.
For example I don't see the "u" key mentioned on any of the OS instructions. I know what some are saying "Then update it. . . it's a wiki anyone can do it". I would but I don't have a N900 nor first hand experience flashing only what I have read here at Maemo.org Something which may be helpful would be to break down per device how to flash. I know this may sound "low tech" but maybe even include images for people who don't have a tech background. I know I know, "Are you some kind of *****"? No I actually do a ton of programming so this isn't a request or suggestion from a low tech person but someone who almost spends more time commenting code than the actual code itself. Code is only as good as the comments that tell you what a nest does. @OP Glad you were able to get yout N900 working again! Also nice little write up on your experience and how you did it. That is the information which people may need if they fall into a similar situation. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Great thanks ossipena!
Just thinking the community won't always have die hard linux buyers. I know there are some out there that may have the N900 and not even know what linux is. Just looking to better the community now that I will soon be among the N900 owners. (GF got me a N900 after my long 7+hour battle with NokiaUSA. Amazon order for the win). |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
If flashing does not start with a "Waiting for suitable usb device" message, you may try to turn off the phone, hold the "u" key on the keyboard and plug in the cable. This way the phone won't boot up but it'll stay in bootloader mode and you can flash it.
[edit] Sorry i missed the post describing this method :) |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
I'd do it, but my wiki technique is very weak...looks like I should probably brush up on that in the near future. |
Re: N900 bricked hheellpp
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
OK Guys. Solution for all that have Vista 64bit OS (or other 64 bit microshit) and cant flash n900 and posible many other devices.
You need to turn on loading of unsigned drivers. You do it by choosing option in text boot menu (the one that you will get after pushing "F8" key just on start of Windows booting). You need to choose from text menu "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar (cant exactly write option name because got polish edition of Vista) If someone can check how its called in english version properly then please write it. Good luck. Have a nice day. And pray for fast firmware update (Bricked 2 times in 1 week). |
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
I've yet to see a Vista tutorial. The XP one does not work.
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
This vista tutorial works 100%
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Nice post, God. Unfortunately, I don't speak Italian. Care to repost one in English?
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
phone fails during start up. Nokia sign comes on the the Knightrider light goes across the bottom for a bit then locks. Any way to get my contacts off the piece of junk?
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Step 1: Maemo flasher-3.5exe > Open it up > type; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MRO_ARM.bin -f -R Step 2: it will say "device not found"; plug the usb in the N900 - wait until "Nokia" comes up then proceed to the next step Step 3: type the next command; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R Last step: you will see your N900 starting like out of the box. (LINK TO THE FLASHER, IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT) |
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Well basically just follow the steps which I previously posted. Download the flasher > open it up on your PC > type the first command & plug the USB into the N900 > once it's done it will come up with "Nokia" with a white background > type the second command > once that's done, the N900 will restart & VOILA. |
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Did you buy your N900 or receive it from the Summit? The wiki advises to contact 'Nokia Care' for problems with the eMMC. If you bought yours and didn't have any problems flashing the eMMC, perhaps that 'advice' on the wiki needs to removed. |
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N900.php Called; RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin Then follow the steps posted. |
Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Doesn't matter in a moment of genius I'd kept them on the old sim. They copied even though the sim was inactive. |
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