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herix1 2010-01-21 03:03

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I haven't heard from them but I know they got my form because I signed up for email updates for offers blah blah, and they already started to spam me. So you can use that as a sign.

syncdot 2010-01-21 03:05

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by hcry4 (Post 485802)
The only bullet of info was "This mobile phone purchased is not valid for this offer."
I ordered from Amazon on Nov. 20th and got the phone a week before Xmas.

That's odd. I ordered in the beginning of December and got it before Christmas too, and I've yet to receive any notification about the rebate...

Hopefully it went through. It was so painful to cut out the UPC label off the box..

theflew 2010-01-21 03:22

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by arpwatch (Post 485526)
I received an email from Nokia today basically telling me to keep my eyes peeled for my card in the mail.

Yay me!

I received the same email today. I sent my rebate in on December 14th.

"Thank you for participating in the Nokia program!

You should be receiving your request in the mail within the next 2 - 3 weeks.

You will be unable to reply to this email because it has been automatically generated, please direct any inquiries to the Nokia Customer Care Center at 1-800-436-6394 "

les_garten 2010-01-21 03:25

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Nice that we had to sell the box back to Nokia(ie rip the box up to get the UPC)

x61 2010-01-21 03:34

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by les_garten (Post 485847)
Nice that we had to sell the box back to Nokia(ie rip the box up to get the UPC)

The box is worth a lot

les_garten 2010-01-21 04:33

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 485861)
The box is worth a lot

Might have been nice to have for a resale...

olighak 2010-01-22 21:52

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by les_garten (Post 485938)
Might have been nice to have for a resale...

Why did you damage the box? They didnīt specify they wanted the box itself. Just the proof of purchase label. Which was easy enough to remove.

I delicately removed the one form my dadīs, scanned it and printed a slightly bigger copy to put back on his box :)

On my own N900 box I actually had two identical labels, one on top of the other. I just left one on and sent the other...

syncdot 2010-01-22 23:26

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
My UPC sticker was well stuck on the box. If I'd only removed the label, it'd be torn.. So I had to cut 'em out.

ABerri 2010-01-22 23:45

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I purchased 2 N900's. One from Amazon on 09/29/2009 but it wasn't shipped until first week of December.

Second one purchased from Dell on 11/05/2009 and that was shipped on 12-09-2009.

Just got two mailings in from Nokia earlier this week saying they couldn't honor my request because the purchase date did not fall into the qualified category. Oh well. At least I tried I guess.

les_garten 2010-01-23 01:29

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by syncdot (Post 489698)
My UPC sticker was well stuck on the box. If I'd only removed the label, it'd be torn.. So I had to cut 'em out.

I tried to lift mine as well, no luck. Scissor time...

x61 2010-01-23 20:58

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 489730)
I purchased 2 N900's. One from Amazon on 09/29/2009 but it wasn't shipped until first week of December.

Second one purchased from Dell on 11/05/2009 and that was shipped on 12-09-2009.

Just got two mailings in from Nokia earlier this week saying they couldn't honor my request because the purchase date did not fall into the qualified category. Oh well. At least I tried I guess.

This is bull. They did not release the device until 11/16/09. Obviously those that ordered before the release date should automatically be qualified for the rebate. This is complete bull. I ordered on the 11/05/09 also from D3LL. For the date of purchase, I put 11/20/09 since that was when my credit card got charged and the order got shipped.

intofx 2010-01-23 22:25

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I got the letter too. I called the number explained the situation and they reprocessed my rebate. Check should be here in 6-8 weeks.

I did send in the amazon receipt which showed a Sept.21 preorder date along with my credit card statement that showed the actual Nov 29 transaction date and the amazon Nov 30 shipping date. She really had nothing to question and just reproduced it. took 5 min

phrique 2010-01-23 22:37

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
i got a letter today saying my phone does not qualify for this rebate? looks like i'll be calling to ***** bright & early monday.

j.s 2010-01-23 22:40

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 490978)
This is bull.

ALL rebates are bull.

ABerri 2010-01-25 21:45

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by intofx (Post 491078)
I got the letter too. I called the number explained the situation and they reprocessed my rebate. Check should be here in 6-8 weeks.

I did send in the amazon receipt which showed a Sept.21 preorder date along with my credit card statement that showed the actual Nov 29 transaction date and the amazon Nov 30 shipping date. She really had nothing to question and just reproduced it. took 5 min

Oh wow had no idea you could do that. I threw away both letters. Did they need a reference number from the denial letter or anything like that? What's the phone number to reach them at so I can call them?

x61 2010-01-25 22:57

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
If you get denied, tell them to ship back your UPC code so you can tape it back to the box. Then EVER let the have it both ways.

olighak 2010-01-25 23:05

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 494536)
If you get denied, tell them to ship back your UPC code so you can tape it back to the box. Then EVER let the have it both ways.

"Submissions become the property of Nokia". Fine print :)

jeweladdict 2010-01-25 23:26

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
just tried calling to push mine through but Gwen was having none of it. Said I ordered on Nov 5th, does not matter if I was charged Dec 5th


maxximuscool 2010-01-25 23:46

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
i didn't get anything back either. It's been a month and heard nothing from NOKIA

hihai411 2010-01-26 00:45

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
i did the dell deal nov 5th received a rejection letter also. I will do the same as intofx and explain to them the situation.

vrman68 2010-01-26 06:05

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
They should be honoring all of them. How many do you think they sold at $600 a pop that aren't even sold through any major carriers? Where is the love for all your beta testers Nokia? Its not like we are going to get anything for these when the next version comes out.

ordxpres 2010-01-26 06:12

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I got mine today saying I purchased the device outside of the "promo" dates. I will rise some stink over this. I preordered back in September yet my card was not charged until the date within the promo. Some Fu..k head is sitting and spewing this letters out.

stlpaul 2010-01-27 07:55

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I've heard nothing back so far, and no results on the site. I ordered on 12/17 and sent rebate around Jan 1st. Ovi Store did not exist so hopefully they have nothing to complain about. I gave them my already-existing Ovi account name instead (all the rebate said to do was "click the ovi store icon"... well, I did it :)). I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I did receive my $50 paypal cashback from Newegg today. :D

mooninite 2010-02-08 23:42

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Nokia's rebate company just sent me a rejection letter claiming I did not send a receipt. Yeah... hm... I still have the receipt on my N900 when I took it to work to print and mail.

They're really looking for any excuse to not give out the $50. Luckily I got the $100 from Bing a few weeks ago. That was quick and painless (no paper, no hassle) compared to Nokia's draconian methods.

RogerTHAcctant 2010-02-08 23:56

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
a few weeks ago they told me i didnt meet the requirements too. i sent a scan of the box label and hoping they except it. they better accept it after they rejected the one with a panel with the imei

dcman 2010-02-09 02:27

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
i got the rejection letter as well, stating I didn't send in the original receipt or packing slip. Of course all I now have is a copy of the original packing slip. I suspected this would happen, I'm sure the vendor they're using to fulfill the rebates has to hit some redemption metrics, so they're invalidating legitimate rebates, knowing most people won't pursue.

Anyone have an escalation path to someone at Nokia who can do something about this?

Laughing Man 2010-02-09 02:29

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Maybe you guys can try writing to Consumerist?

(I haven't heard anything..about my rebate either).

lancewex 2010-02-09 03:50

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I got my rejection letter today. Mine says the date of purchase on the receipt is "not within the valid dates of the offer". Complete bull---- of course. I plan to call the 800 number tomorrow, because this shady business can not go without pushback.

maxximuscool 2010-02-09 04:14

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
i still haven't heard anything from them yet.

RobbH 2010-02-09 17:34

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by dcman (Post 517120)
i got the rejection letter as well, stating I didn't send in the original receipt or packing slip.
[remainder snipped]

I just got the same rejection letter. They are correct: I did not send the original receipt or packing slip. Why? Because the rebate form did not ask for it!

If you still have the PDF file, take a look. They are attempting to change the rules after the fact.

I am trying to keep an open mind, but it's hard not to conclude that this is and was always intended to be a scam.

Edit, May 17, 2010: Since I wrote the above, a number of people have reported receiviing their rebates, so the rebate program cannot be considered a scam. There are still some legitimate questions, though, about the way it was conducted, why the rules were changed, and why some of us who are entitled to the rebate have not received it.

nokiabuff 2010-02-09 17:40

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
Same here. Asked to send the packing slip or receipt. Rebate form did not ask for it. Why are they changing rule of the rebate?


Strive_Masiwa 2010-02-09 17:51

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I have called the 800 436 6494 number and was advised that you can fax the reciept to 1-866-843-9980 together with your rejection letter.

Then you can call them back at the and confirm they have recieved everything they need (even though they never listed it on the form) and will process your claim.

Jeromeo 2010-02-09 17:54

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
When I called to check on my status they claimed they had never received my rebate form. Now I have to scour my folders to find my tracking number and return receipt.

knicholls 2010-02-09 21:30

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I got back my denial with "You didn't activate an Ovi Store account".

I called the number and was told that I needed to do Maps AND Store with the N900 -- even though the Ovi Store hadn't launched.

They said there was nothing they could do, and to call Nokia. So I did.

Nokia told me to call the rebate people because "We don't handle rebates. That's done by a third party."

I ended up complaining to the AG.

bugelrex 2010-02-09 22:11

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by knicholls (Post 518358)
I got back my denial with "You didn't activate an Ovi Store account".

I called the number and was told that I needed to do Maps AND Store with the N900 -- even though the Ovi Store hadn't launched.

They said there was nothing they could do, and to call Nokia. So I did.

Nokia told me to call the rebate people because "We don't handle rebates. That's done by a third party."

I ended up complaining to the AG.

Did you will in the box that asked for OVI username? I doubt they went to the trouble of verifying 'when' the user was created.

of not, can you just give them an existing username?

knicholls 2010-02-09 23:25

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 518431)
Did you will in the box that asked for OVI username? I doubt they went to the trouble of verifying 'when' the user was created.

of not, can you just give them an existing username?

I used the account I had with my N97 -- the same Ovi account I tied to my N900 and used Ovi Maps with.

Apparently, that's not good enough for them.

Funny... the rebate form says it has to be postmarked by the 7th... and the Ovi Blog says the beta opened on the 12th:

lancewex 2010-02-09 23:37

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 517165)
I got my rejection letter today. Mine says the date of purchase on the receipt is "not within the valid dates of the offer". Complete bull---- of course. I plan to call the 800 number tomorrow, because this shady business can not go without pushback.

I called today and 'Holly' initially told me that they did not get my receipt. I told her it was definitely included in what I sent. She eventually read the receipt and the date of the purchase (I did not tell her this information), and said my rebate would be resubmitted.
We'll see. This is so sleazy.

les_garten 2010-02-10 22:19

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by olighak (Post 520234)
Just got a email saying that I should be getting the Debit card sent in, in my fathers name.

My wifeīs has arrived, and been spent.

Almost finished :)

When did you send yours in?

les_garten 2010-02-10 22:34

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card

Originally Posted by olighak (Post 520262)
The one on my wifes name was sent in like November 27th-28th and paid out about 3 weeks ago.

The one in my name was sent in January 5th - 6th and also the one in my dads name (mailed them from home on the same day)

I sent mine in around the Jan 6th as well. I JUST got confirmation in the mail to expect it in 2-3 weeks.


dsawhney 2010-02-10 22:45

Re: Nokia Visa $50 rebate/prepaid card
I also got an email today saying I should be receiving my request in the mail within next 2-3 weeks. I mailed my rebate form on Jan 7th.

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