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sergnnpls 2010-01-17 21:16

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Is there any way you can make a video about flashing the n900 because i think i'm not doing it right.

sergnnpls 2010-01-18 15:42

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Finally did it right! SIM card is now working perfectly

ABerri 2010-01-19 18:10

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by sergnnpls (Post 480111)
Finally did it right! SIM card is now working perfectly

So you reflashed your phone and now you don't have that Sim Card red dash icon anymore? And you are using the new design chip as well?

I thought after the firmware update everything would be fine and dandy but it still has the same problem.

So when I do a re-flash of my device, do I install the original firmware and then do the OTA Updates or do I just install the latest firmware available? I guess I'll just research the flashing issue later today and I'm sure my answer is somewhere in there.

floffe 2010-01-19 21:20

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Just flashing with the latest firmware should keep problems with the upgrade away.

sergnnpls 2010-01-19 23:06

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
That's what I did. I just flashed it with the new firmware and now my SIM works perfectly. I don't know if my SIM is the new design; all i know is that I got my SIM in 2006. Hope that helped.

djjaku 2010-01-20 08:54

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Hi, I had the same issue and it jus after flashing the new FW (the 90 meg one). It helped me to get back to previous one with NSU and flashing the newest one again.

ABerri 2010-01-20 23:12

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by sergnnpls (Post 483094)
That's what I did. I just flashed it with the new firmware and now my SIM works perfectly. I don't know if my SIM is the new design; all i know is that I got my SIM in 2006. Hope that helped.

Thanks! I will flash tonight. Will be my first time lol.

hanh 2010-01-21 03:38

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I updated OTA last week, but it didn't fix my problems. I then reflashed over USB to the global version instead of the USA version, still didn't fix it and now 90% of the time I try to make a call, I only get "General Error". I can still text and receive phone calls though... I'm going to try to reflash both the eMMC and the firmware again tonight, this time with the USA version. If this still doesn't work, I'm just going to chalk it up to a hardware issue and try seeing if Nokia can do something about it. :\

ABerri 2010-01-21 16:33

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by hanh (Post 485868)
I updated OTA last week, but it didn't fix my problems. I then reflashed over USB to the global version instead of the USA version, still didn't fix it and now 90% of the time I try to make a call, I only get "General Error". I can still text and receive phone calls though... I'm going to try to reflash both the eMMC and the firmware again tonight, this time with the USA version. If this still doesn't work, I'm just going to chalk it up to a hardware issue and try seeing if Nokia can do something about it. :\

Waiting to see what ends up happening. Please let us know because I was also considering just going with the Global version as well but seeing that it didn't make a difference for you I guess I will just stick with USA version.

What do you mean reflash the eMMC? I thought firmware was only thing there is to flash.

sergnnpls 2010-01-21 21:44

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 486905)
Waiting to see what ends up happening. Please let us know because I was also considering just going with the Global version as well but seeing that it didn't make a difference for you I guess I will just stick with USA version.

What do you mean reflash the eMMC? I thought firmware was only thing there is to flash.

I also didn't know what those things meant. There were also some things about red flags and something but you shouldn't pay attention to those things. Just do the flash as it's explained in the wiki and you'll be alright.

hanh 2010-01-22 03:33

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 486905)
Waiting to see what ends up happening. Please let us know because I was also considering just going with the Global version as well but seeing that it didn't make a difference for you I guess I will just stick with USA version.

What do you mean reflash the eMMC? I thought firmware was only thing there is to flash.

I meant that I was going to reflash the internal memory card to factory settings. I thought that maybe something I installed somewhere along the way was messing with things (though I never installed anything from extra-devel or -testing) so I wanted to start completely from scratch.

So...I reflashed both the eMMC and the firmware, and nothing changed for the better. The way I know something is still wrong is that 100% of the time, whenever I'm able to establish an EDGE or 3G data connection, within 10 minutes (usually within even just 1 minute), I get the "no SIM card inserted" error.

Guess it's time to give up and call Nokia.. :\

ABerri 2010-01-25 22:00

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Guess I'll go ahead call them up as well. Let me know what they tell you. I'll post what they tell me as well later this week when I call.

darkjoker 2010-01-25 22:43

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
mines started doing this aswell just today:mad:. really peed me off coz i flashed it like 5 times with the uk version. then i ended up doing a global flash and it seemed to work fine try using the other versions. hope this helps :)
btw first i did a emmc flash after that was complete i switched on my device then switched it off, then done the global flash

biggzy 2010-01-25 22:44

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I had the "no sim card" problem last week, my n900 was working great, but i wanted to flash and start fresh, what happend was i flashed my n900 that was running PR 1.1 with the earlyer firmware then i got the sim problem, then i flashed with the PR 1.1 global and everything was fine again (phewww), no sim probs etc , i did however sh*t myself at the time lol, thought id ruined my n900.

ABerri 2010-01-25 23:42

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by biggzy (Post 494511)
I had the "no sim card" problem last week, my n900 was working great, but i wanted to flash and start fresh, what happend was i flashed my n900 that was running PR 1.1 with the earlyer firmware then i got the sim problem, then i flashed with the PR 1.1 global and everything was fine again (phewww), no sim probs etc , i did however sh*t myself at the time lol, thought id ruined my n900.

Ok so it worked by going global on the firmware. I can do that and it will probably solve our "no sim" problem but for how long? The real question is: Why do some of us have this problem and some of us dont? My wife and I have the same firmwares installed and she doesn't have that problem at all. Here is the difference:

My wife has never done any downloading of apps of any kind, her phone is like brand new. I'm the one who enabled all the repositories on my phone and downloaded apps. Only thing I downloaded from extras-devel is MSN Haze. Other than that, everything else is from Maemo Extras and Ovi Store. I'm assuming it's an app that is causing this problem yet I don't know which one.

You guys aren't experiencing that sim problem after flashing because maybe whatever app it was causing that problem is no longer on your phone. I don't know this is my assumption for now lol.

darkjoker 2010-01-26 11:34

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 494604)
Ok so it worked by going global on the firmware. I can do that and it will probably solve our "no sim" problem but for how long? The real question is: Why do some of us have this problem and some of us dont? My wife and I have the same firmwares installed and she doesn't have that problem at all. Here is the difference:

My wife has never done any downloading of apps of any kind, her phone is like brand new. I'm the one who enabled all the repositories on my phone and downloaded apps. Only thing I downloaded from extras-devel is MSN Haze. Other than that, everything else is from Maemo Extras and Ovi Store. I'm assuming it's an app that is causing this problem yet I don't know which one.

You guys aren't experiencing that sim problem after flashing because maybe whatever app it was causing that problem is no longer on your phone. I don't know this is my assumption for now lol.

my phone was likre new aswell i downloaded no apps all i did was switchoff and switch on and itg stopped reconising it might just be a random fault that occurs

leetut 2010-02-03 05:06

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
ive now got this 'sim not recognised' problem, flashed with:


i was on pr1.1 before

is there a solution yet?

Rob1n 2010-02-03 09:48

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 507969)
ive now got this 'sim not recognised' problem, flashed with:


i was on pr1.1 before

is there a solution yet?

Yes, update to 51-1 (over WLAN or via flasher). The PR1.1 update also updated the firmware for the GSM hardware, and it's no longer compatible with earlier firmware versions.

meep 2010-02-03 12:04

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
To confirm what Rob1n is saying, I also had this problem and reflashing to PR1.1 resolved it...

leetut 2010-02-03 12:27

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
phew major flap there!
was up till 5.30am trying to solve it
flashing with:
fixed it, thanks guys

Chromium@ 2010-02-03 18:37

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Hi Guys,

How do I reflash..?

Sorry for the noob question :confused:

leetut 2010-02-03 18:47

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
finally fixed it with the new global firmware

biggzy 2010-02-03 18:50

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 509087)
finally fixed it with the new global firmware

lol lee i had same problem on last page, i sh*t myself lol :rolleyes:

Rob1n 2010-02-03 18:58

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by Chromium@ (Post 509074)
Hi Guys,

How do I reflash..?

Sorry for the noob question :confused:


ABerri 2010-02-09 03:54

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
3 Attachment(s)
So here I am trying to flash with the new Global Firmware to take care of my Sim card problem. I have Windows Vista 64-Bit and I've disabled the checking of unsigned drivers by going "F8" when windows was starting up. When I pressed "F8" I chose the last option at the bottom of the list which was like "disable checking of unsigned drivers" or something to that sort I forget which one.

Now here is my problem. I can't seem to flash and the following 3 pictures is what I get (the list scrolled on so I had to spread them out in 3 pictures) but if you notice at the beginning of the last pic it says "Nothing to do!"

Attachment 6998

Attachment 6999

Attachment 7000

Rob1n 2010-02-09 09:02

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
You've missed off the "-R -f" from the end of the command.

ABerri 2010-02-09 14:48

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Ok I will try this again tonight and post my results. Thanks Rob1n! Is it necessary to flash my eMMc as well? I don't mind all my pictures and videos staying on the phone, I'm not trying to sell it or anything.

Rob1n 2010-02-09 14:58

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 517758)
Ok I will try this again tonight and post my results. Thanks Rob1n! Is it necessary to flash my eMMc as well? I don't mind all my pictures and videos staying on the phone, I'm not trying to sell it or anything.

It shouldn't be necessary, no - unless you're trying to fix a problem involving the eMMC.

ABerri 2010-02-18 04:43

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I'm in the process of flashing right now and it's been on the line that says "Suitable USB Device not found, Waiting..." for more than 10 mins now. I thought this was supposed to take approx 4 mins. Could this be possible? I'm starting to get worried.

ABerri 2010-02-18 04:58

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Almost more than 20 mins later and it's still on that same line...I'm hoping someone can help in the next few minutes. Not sure if I should just unplug my phone or if that will brick the device.

Bugslife 2010-02-18 05:38

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 533619)
Almost more than 20 mins later and it's still on that same line...I'm hoping someone can help in the next few minutes. Not sure if I should just unplug my phone or if that will brick the device.

Were you able to fixed the problem?
Are you running windows 32 bit?

I stalled on using the nokia updater and having a hard time flashing it. I thought I bricked the phone. Was able to flash it after several tries (took me probably 20x).

Rob1n 2010-02-18 09:18

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 533619)
Almost more than 20 mins later and it's still on that same line...I'm hoping someone can help in the next few minutes. Not sure if I should just unplug my phone or if that will brick the device.

It's failing to recognise the phone - if it recognises it, it'll start flashing straight away. I didn't have any luck getting flasher to recognise my phone under Windows either - I ended up using a bootable Linux CD to flash it instead.

ABerri 2010-02-18 16:56

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
No I didn't fix the problem. I just gave up and unplugged the device and powered it back on and all was normal again but never got to update the firmware.

I have Windows Vista with a 64-Bit Processor so I assume it's Vista 64 rather than 32.

I also disabled the driver signature verification upon starting windows when you press F8.

I will try to use Nokia Software updater tonight when I go home although I've never used it to manually do an update so I'll have to figure that one out.

ABerri 2010-02-19 14:33

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Ok I used NSU last night and all worked well. I thought it would just do the Maemo 5 update, the small 16.2 MB size one but it did something like 172 MB and totally reflashed my phone. Great cos that's exactly what I was wanting to do. So in the first 12 hours so far, no sim card problems so far (Knock on wood) and let's pray it stays that way. I'll post back here later if that problem returns.

Quick question: How come when using the NSU, I wasn't able to choose which firmware I wanted to download? How do I know if I have the USA variant or the Global variant or what? I guess by default NSU will just download and install the one based on your default location.

I really wanted to do the Global variant but flashing through "cmd" prompt never worked. Learning something new everyday!

Rob1n 2010-02-19 14:40

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by ABerri (Post 536619)
Ok I used NSU last night and all worked well. I thought it would just do the Maemo 5 update, the small 16.2 MB size one but it did something like 172 MB and totally reflashed my phone. Great cos that's exactly what I was wanting to do. So in the first 12 hours so far, no sim card problems so far (Knock on wood) and let's pray it stays that way. I'll post back here later if that problem returns.

Quick question: How come when using the NSU, I wasn't able to choose which firmware I wanted to download? How do I know if I have the USA variant or the Global variant or what? I guess by default NSU will just download and install the one based on your default location.

I really wanted to do the Global variant but flashing through "cmd" prompt never worked. Learning something new everyday!

NSU always rewrites the entire firmware, and I think it picks the firmware based on the product code of the N900 (that's how it works for S60 phones anyway).

ABerri 2010-02-19 17:10

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 536631)
NSU always rewrites the entire firmware, and I think it picks the firmware based on the product code of the N900 (that's how it works for S60 phones anyway).

Good to know...Thanks!

EarthRise 2010-02-22 20:51

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Hi guys,

I'm also seeing the same No-sim Icon, sim card with the red stripe through it. :(
I've only had the phone 5 days, Upon receiving it i added only the extras repository(catalog), no dev stuff. Downloaded firmware updates (2) that appeared in the update list and installed a few games, nothing much done.

The no-sim icon started appearing randomly, even when i wasn't even using the phone. I left it phone down for a charge, came back to get it only to notice it had started displaying the icon. It's happened whilst i've been on the phone to people so that i've been disconnected, and i've had friends telling me that they haven't been able to phone me because they've gotten a message saying my phone is unreachable. So i know it's been happening whilst it's in my pocket too. It would make you think that the sims simply not sitting right or its coming loose or something, but its absolutely not. Once its in it looks really secure.

I've been using the same sim i've had in my trusty N95 for nearly 2 years with no problems whatsoever. When i put the sim back in the N95, everything works fine, no apparent sim problems. When i put it in a freind's phone, again, no problems. Inspection of the sim slot in the N900 also shows it to be in perfect order, nothing looks wrong with it. :confused:

I enjoy hacking around with devices so i'm aware that there can be teething troubles with getting things to work just right so if i thought that this problem is purely software, i'm willing to just hold on and see if it gets fixed. But that means potentially 18 months of random no-sim icon, disconnections and ignored calls. Also, because i'm still within 7 days of purchase via mail, I think i can at least ask for an exchange for another N900. But should I go to that trouble, or just stick with it? Is this fixable with software? I'm not sure what step to take, the clock's ticking for me and any help is greatly appreciated!

Rob1n 2010-02-22 21:03

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by EarthRise (Post 541719)
Hi guys,

I'm also seeing the same No-sim Icon, sim card with the red stripe through it. :(

I enjoy hacking around with devices so i'm aware that there can be teething troubles with getting things to work just right so if i thought that this problem is purely software, i'm willing to just hold on and see if it gets fixed. But that means potentially 18 months of random no-sim icon, disconnections and ignored calls. Also, because i'm still within 7 days of purchase via mail, I think i can at least ask for an exchange for another N900. But should I go to that trouble, or just stick with it? Is this fixable with software? I'm not sure what step to take, the clock's ticking for me and any help is greatly appreciated!

You could try reflashing it - do both the eMMC and the firmware (this will wipe everything, so make sure you backup everything first). If that doesn't help, I'd get it exchanged.

EarthRise 2010-02-22 21:43

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Thank you for the quick reply, I've been thinking about it, I'm a little apprehensive incase I can't return it after flashing it if something goes wrong. Although I am very careful. Have many people had success getting rid of the no-sim problem via flashing the phone?

Rob1n 2010-02-23 08:56

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by EarthRise (Post 541793)
Thank you for the quick reply, I've been thinking about it, I'm a little apprehensive incase I can't return it after flashing it if something goes wrong. Although I am very careful. Have many people had success getting rid of the no-sim problem via flashing the phone?

You'd have to read through this thread to check on numbers. Any issues reflashing shouldn't prevent taking it back though - you're using Nokia-supplied tools in an approved manner, so there should be no excuse to void the warranty.

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