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ewo 2010-01-19 11:09

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
When I try to install 0.3 it wont do it and says Im missing these:

libc6 (>= 2.7-1)
libgcc1 (>= 1:4.3)

What can I do to fix this?

mothmanex 2010-01-20 04:28

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Translation to Spanish (Latin America)

XB-Maemo-Display-Name: Soporta mas decodificadores.
XB-Description: Reproduccion de mas formatos de video y audio.

BTW, thanks for the add-on works amazing with FLAC audio files. If you need to translate more things to spanish just pm me (if possible).

Tomaszd 2010-01-21 15:41

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Please vote for Extra Decoders Support 0.3.4-1. 10 votes needed.

The changes in this version are relatively minor. I've added a confirm text with information about corner cases (tracker times out), there's a troubleshooting wiki page, some translations added (thanks guys!), re-added MKV support for Maemo 5 2.2009.51-1 release (PR1.1). Package is now compatible with both PR1.0 and PR1.1 with the same feature set.

Oh, and don't post in the other thread, I'm confused enough as it is.

Also, the playback issues you're having after updating to PR1.1 are most likely not related to this package.

salah99 2010-01-21 21:10

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Why do we need to vote?

egoshin 2010-01-21 22:04

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by salah99 (Post 487464)
Why do we need to vote?

To promote package for general use from extras-devel.

donsaibot 2010-01-21 23:54

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
at first i want to apologize couse i don't have the time to go through the whole thread right now.

After i uninstalled the extra decoders supoort i can't play music files (mp3) anymore.

I keep getting an error i would translate it to "can't process task" or something like that.

I there a way to fix this or do i have to reflash my device?

jessi3k3 2010-01-22 03:16

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by donsaibot (Post 487858)
at first i want to apologize couse i don't have the time to go through the whole thread right now.

After i uninstalled the extra decoders supoort i can't play music files (mp3) anymore.

I keep getting an error i would translate it to "can't process task" or something like that.

I there a way to fix this or do i have to reflash my device?

Is that so? Can you try restarting your phone and trying again? If this is the case then this may be a Huge blocker.

donsaibot 2010-01-22 06:20

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I have rebooted many times and also reinstalled extra decoders. it didn't help.

Also i can't play AVI files.... very frustrating.

Tomaszd 2010-01-22 09:22

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
OK, we have enough votes, now we need to wait 10 days before I can promote this to Extras.


It's virtually impossible for this package to mess something up, because it's impossible to overwrite decoder libraries from other packages. No vital configuration files are altered in any significant way. I have tested this package by running a clean installation (every dependency of decoders-support removed manually) and everything works fine.

Have you perhaps been messing with other, untested packages, such as subtitles support or other related ones?

I suggest reading the troubleshooting guide and using the information from the "Re-installing from X Terminal" section.

BabylonV2000 2010-01-22 09:29

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Hi ,

First thanks for the job you did with Extra Decoders .

I have some questions who need answers, there's some codecs my N900 can't read for the moment :

++Real Media in .ram, .rm (cf RealPlayer in

++3gp Player (amr & aac) in .sdp (cf 3gp Player in

Are these codecs supported by your Extra Decoders ? Else can i expect they'll be supported in the future ?

Thanks for your answer.


Tomaszd 2010-01-22 09:35

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by BabylonV2000 (Post 488298)
Hi ,

First thanks for the job you did with Extra Decoders .

I have some questions who need answers, there's some codecs my N900 can't read for the moment :

++Real Media in .ram, .rm (cf RealPlayer in

++3gp Player (amr & aac) in .sdp (cf 3gp Player in

Are these codecs supported by your Extra Decoders ? Else can i expect they'll be supported in the future ?

Thanks for your answer.


No, streaming is not supported, but I'm pretty sure that at least the .RM (as well as RMVB by the way) format is supported if you try playing the file locally. Unfortunately streaming is a different beast and the Media Player is closed-source, so we can't do anything about this.

I'm aware that different modules are responsible for streaming RealMedia content rather than playing it back locally, they are not included, but according to my sources, they will not work anyway.

donsaibot 2010-01-22 12:32

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 488290)
OK, we have enough votes, now we need to wait 10 days before I can promote this to Extras.


It's virtually impossible for this package to mess something up, because it's impossible to overwrite decoder libraries from other packages. No vital configuration files are altered in any significant way. I have tested this package by running a clean installation (every dependency of decoders-support removed manually) and everything works fine.

Have you perhaps been messing with other, untested packages, such as subtitles support or other related ones?

I suggest reading the troubleshooting guide and using the information from the "Re-installing from X Terminal" section.

Wow.. i feel stupid.

Reinstalling Subtitle Support fixed my problem.

I'm going to inform the maker of this problem.



Tomaszd 2010-01-22 15:42

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by donsaibot (Post 488530)
Wow.. i feel stupid.

Reinstalling Subtitle Support fixed my problem.

I'm going to inform the maker of this problem.



Thanks for finding the offending package, and yes, please inform the author of Subtitles Support. PR1.0 and PR1.1 are unfortunately not compatible when it comes to GStreamer (some stuff has been moved around), so I suspect this is caused by dependencies that are mixing older and newer GStreamer packages. I don't see what is wrong with them at first glance though.

That One Guy 2010-01-22 15:47

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Thank you, Thomas.

I can now play mp4 formatted Videos I purchased on iTunes.

And before you guys get excited, no, I haven't found an app that will play DRM'd video and audio on the N900. I... um... fixed the videos by killing the DRM headers. I paid for the damned things, I should be able to play them on what I want to play them on.

Tomaszd 2010-01-22 16:08

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 488867)
Thanks for finding the offending package, and yes, please inform the author of Subtitles Support. PR1.0 and PR1.1 are unfortunately not compatible when it comes to GStreamer (some stuff has been moved around), so I suspect this is caused by dependencies that are mixing older and newer GStreamer packages. I don't see what is wrong with them at first glance though.

On second thought, a reboot would probably also have fixed your issues. There is nothing wrong with the subtitles support package after closer inspection.

donsaibot 2010-01-22 16:47

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Like i said i rebooted more than once and had the same issue.

Only a reinstall fixed it.

Tomaszd 2010-01-23 11:12

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by donsaibot (Post 488976)
Like i said i rebooted more than once and had the same issue.

Only a reinstall fixed it.

Strange. :) Well, I'm happy it worked out for you.

xavi6 2010-01-23 12:40

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 488867)
Thanks for finding the offending package, and yes, please inform the author of Subtitles Support. PR1.0 and PR1.1 are unfortunately not compatible when it comes to GStreamer (some stuff has been moved around), so I suspect this is caused by dependencies that are mixing older and newer GStreamer packages. I don't see what is wrong with them at first glance though.

yess i confirm that twice reflashed my N900 bcoz of the conflict between the Extra decoders support and the the subtitle support which i need it the most!!! :(

hope there is anyway to solve this!!
thanx guyz for the great job u r doing over here.

Jack6428 2010-01-23 13:32

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
It will sound silly, but for me everything works so far, even after upddating to PR1.1.

Anyways, what can we expect in future releases?:D

Arctine 2010-01-23 17:36

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I tried installing this but it says

Application packages missing: libflac8

Can someone help please :(

ndi 2010-01-23 20:46

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Google must be down.

It's in the repositories.

spinnukur 2010-01-23 21:57

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Don't know if this has been said in the past, but how do I get my music from itunes ( that I bought and downloaded from itunes ) to play on the N900 as everytime I try and play it, I get the damn "Cannot Play Copyright Music", I mean WTF!

Arctine 2010-01-23 21:57

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 490964)
Google must be down.

It's in the repositories.

Did you actually check google before trying to be funny? I did and it brought up zilch.

Thanks for the help nonetheless.

b666m 2010-01-23 22:08

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Arctine (Post 490673)
I tried installing this but it says

Application packages missing: libflac8

open x-term (you need to have "rootsh" installed)

1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get install *libflac8*
(look at the number and size of the package(s) ... if that's too much you need to specify the *libflac8*-line in another way ... if it's only one package you should be good to go)

Arctine 2010-01-23 22:45

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by b666m (Post 491058)
open x-term (you need to have "rootsh" installed)

1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get install *libflac8*
(look at the number and size of the package(s) ... if that's too much you need to specify the *libflac8*-line in another way ... if it's only one package you should be good to go)

Thanks, i already installed it from ndi's link though. :)

b666m 2010-01-23 22:54

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
the app-manager stops if a conflict occurs.
apt-get may install the app anyway.
to fetch the missing dependencies/packages you can run "apt-get -f install".
(just another thing to try if there is a problem)

Bingley Joe 2010-01-23 23:39

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 491046)
Don't know if this has been said in the past, but how do I get my music from itunes ( that I bought and downloaded from itunes ) to play on the N900 as everytime I try and play it, I get the damn "Cannot Play Copyright Music", I mean WTF!

You bought music that contains DRM that's only supported by Apple devices. Nothing Nokia or anyone else can do about it.

That said, you can always go back to the iTunes Store and pay Apple again to 'upgrade' your DRM'd tracks to remove that limitation.. :rolleyes:

Or you could just burn them to a CD and re-import them.

omikron 2010-01-24 23:33

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
is the n900, or will it ever be able to run 720p video?

slender 2010-01-24 23:40

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by omikron (Post 492690)
is the n900, or will it ever be able to run 720p video?

Probably no. And what would you do if it could? From small screen you can probably watch much lower resolution movies than what is its native resolution and you still wont notice big difference.

ewo 2010-01-25 14:11

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by ewo (Post 481669)
When I try to install 0.3 it wont do it and says Im missing these:

libc6 (>= 2.7-1)
libgcc1 (>= 1:4.3)

What can I do to fix this?

Trying to install 0.3.4-1, I still get this error.

Really dont feel like flashing my device because of this...

Is there a way to just ignore the error message and install anyway?

maemomatic 2010-01-29 20:30

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 488309)
No, streaming is not supported, but I'm pretty sure that at least the .RM (as well as RMVB by the way) format is supported if you try playing the file locally. Unfortunately streaming is a different beast and the Media Player is closed-source, so we can't do anything about this.

I'm aware that different modules are responsible for streaming RealMedia content rather than playing it back locally, they are not included, but according to my sources, they will not work anyway.

I want to share my experience, as hopefully it can be of use for Real Media- related issues.
When still running PR 1.01, I installed Extra Decoders Support 0.3 and managed to run some .rm streaming files (for example, this one: )

The procedure was:
1) Download the file (1Kb - pointing to the streaming content)
2) Open File Manager
3) Open the file with "Media Player (Extra Decoder Support)"

The file would play ok, including showing the title, provided I didn't try to pause it, stop it or fast forward through it. When attempting to do so, the interface of the Media Player would become unresponsive. The same file would not play from KMplayer. But the bottom line is: the N900 was able to play the file, somehow.

Yesterday I finally updated to PR 1.1 and to my surprise the .rm files now no longer play following the method above. When attempting to open a file in the same way, the Media Player would return a black screen with options to play the file but nothing happens if I hit play.

All this said, is there anything we can learn from this? It looks to me as if it's not impossible to play Real Media audio content on the device, but maybe something in PR 1.1 conflicts with Extra Decoders Support 0.3?

By the way, Extra-Devel and Extra-Testing are not enabled on my device.

Tomaszd 2010-01-31 15:04

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Extra Decoders Support 0.3.4-1 is now in Extras, update your devices :)

@maemomatic, I've no idea, did you try with the newest version?

Morphic 2010-01-31 15:24

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 503812)
Extra Decoders Support 0.3.4-1 is now in Extras, update your devices :)

@maemomatic, I've no idea, did you try with the newest version?

What's the changelog? I'm being lazy and can't find it sorry :) Also Do I have to uninstall anything first?

uuv 2010-01-31 15:39

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

I bought the N900 and I've been trying to install the extra decoders support, but when i try to download it (regardless whether it's from extras or from it says that my installation packages are contradictory (or something like that, my phones in Finnish). How could i solve this?

maemomatic 2010-02-01 00:30

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
@Tomaszd, I did try the new version just now, but I still can't play the real audio stream. This is a mystery...

QbAnYtO 2010-02-01 03:17

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
when will there e support for m4v? vlc coming soon huh

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-02-01 12:09

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
"Extra Decoders Support 0.3.4-1"

i have v0.3, and it couldn't update because the package manager whinged about some gstreamer dependency...........

fredda88 2010-02-01 12:36

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Same here!

fredda88 2010-02-01 17:16

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Solved! Had some download catalogues inactive, activated them and the installation worked

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-02-02 09:37

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
do you want to explain what that means to me? :)

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