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christoph 2010-01-18 16:40

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I saw about a dozen at the 26C3 conference ein Berlin/Germany just after Christmas

stobbsc 2010-01-18 16:44

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Thought I should add this:

I showed my Dad my N900 over x-mas and I thought I would be showing off when I loaded the x-term (I didn't know how to ever do ls on it then).
The biggest smile comes on his face, he grabs the beast out my hands and starts typing away at the x-term. I was shocked, he smiled and said "did you think I was too old for linux?"

Made me laugh. It's funny how the N900 can bring the best out in people :-)

wickermonkey 2010-01-18 16:46

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Most of my friends and workmate dont even know it exists except for in my hand, Nokia arnt doing a very good job of promoting it are they. Maybe it because they are still using us as lab rats for the OS, or maybe they want to try sell of all those crappy n97 n97-mini's that nobody wants

mikec 2010-01-18 16:52

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Popped into Vodafone store in Bournemouth on Saturday. Lots of posters etc of N900, but not even a plastic dummy one to be seen.:confused:

I also noticed that are not getting thier units until Feb.

misterm 2010-01-18 16:58

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Together with someone eles in my street I haven't seen one yet as well. Leading the pack has always been me ; )

Parabellum 2010-01-18 17:13

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I removed the batterie of my device (n900) without turn it off first, now it wont start, can somebody help me out???

Lebowski 2010-01-18 17:16

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by MaemoCurmudgeon (Post 480155)
Nope! Bethlehem PA....I'm ssoooo lonely here all by myself! This is Nokia's Siberia! But then again I get to torture the iPhone users.

I'm near Carlisle, PA, and I should be receiving my N900 tomorrow.

Soulhatcher 2010-01-18 17:21

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Pretty sure me and my GF had the first N900s in Croatia (preordered from the states) - had mine for about a month now, havent seen another one here :(

Though they did just go on sale here a few days ago, no marketing presence whatsoever.

andyfrommk 2010-01-18 17:25

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 480041)
We could be the closest owned N900s apart from a mobile phone shop in Camberley at the moment. I am about 6 miles from Bracknell.

Nuh-uh, my nextdoor neighbour also has a N900

Bec 2010-01-18 17:28

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I'm not in one of those "select" countries. To have a N900 you either have to go to nokia and specifically order it, or get it online.

tonymark 2010-01-18 17:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I haven't seen any yet and I work at NTU and see close to 3000 students every day. Seen plenty of them iphone's for some reason. Got a couple of work friends with N97 and 97mini's but no n900's

kalx2e 2010-01-18 17:41

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Although living in Helsinki, I have not seen another N900 "in the wild" yet. And I do not count in my friends that work for Nokia and thus have carried prototypes of N900 for quite some time now.

But when commuting across town, I often see people looking at me poking my screen. A couple of times I have found people watching over my shoulder to see what I have on screen. Just yesterday I was playing Angry Birds in a tram (with headphones), and noticed two little girls (maybe 10-12 years of age) leaning over my shoulder to see how I am doing :D

IWantToMarryTheN900 2010-01-18 17:42

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Wow, three N900s in PA.

nex 2010-01-18 17:49

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Haven't noticed anyone else with one here in Nicosia but I know there were a few preorders back in November so there must be 20-30 of them around. I'm going to call the nokia store tomorrow out of curiosity.

I saw none in Athens either over the holidays but the retailer I got it from had plenty available. With all the iphone promotions there I doubt therem is much demand for the N900, especially when no retailer I went to has it on display.

gtessier00 2010-01-18 17:51

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by tonymark (Post 480280)
I haven't seen any yet and I work at NTU and see close to 3000 students every day. Seen plenty of them iphone's for some reason. Got a couple of work friends with N97 and 97mini's but no n900's

I'm a university student and yes, everybody has an iPhone. As a canadian, I havent seen a N900!!!!

MaemoCurmudgeon 2010-01-18 18:09

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Lebowski (Post 480247)
I'm near Carlisle, PA, and I should be receiving my N900 tomorrow.

MMMM Mopar country!

dryeti 2010-01-18 18:20

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Came back to work after Christmas Holidays and my collegue also just got his N900. :)

roundyz 2010-01-18 18:34

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
havnt seen any myself, or adverts for that matter.

ioan 2010-01-18 18:37

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I was buying some resistors and capacitors in Radio Shack and I saw that they have lost of cell phone pouches, so I got my N900 out of my pocket and started to try to see if any of them fit. The sales guy came to ask if I need help and as soon as he landed his eyes on my N900 he said: WOW! What is that? He called some other Radio Shack guys over to admire my N900. I was so proud :-)

But no, I didn't see anyone else with a N900 (or any Nxxx).

sadfist 2010-01-18 18:37

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Saw a guy sitting on the F train with an N900 a week or two ago. A friend at work got one so that's TWO wild N900s I've seen!

Naughty 2010-01-18 18:38

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by kalx2e (Post 480285)
Although living in Helsinki, I have not seen another N900 "in the wild" yet.

Maybe I should go out more :). I've seen few in the wild. Last time was on the night-buss. The guy with the N900 was pretty amazed when I started laughing at him and showed him mine. After that he asked me out for drinks and if I was married, lol. People do stare quite a lot when I read the news on my N900 in the tram.

ivanzorkic 2010-01-18 18:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I was buying bread and milk and stuff few days ago, and pulled out my n900 while waiting in line as I was bored and the guy next to me says "sorry to bother you, but is that a N900?" - and I go "yes, yes it is". And he goes "And it runs Maemo, right?". I was blown away. I didn't expect anyone to mention Maemo while I'm buying my groceries :)

He asked if the device was good and I told him its everything I expected it to be and more. :)

datboireal 2010-01-18 18:41

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I have 2 say i havn't seen anybody with this magical piece of machinary! Which for me makes it more elitist and more of a 'wow' factor! Forget the iphone N900 rules!!!!

RevdKathy 2010-01-18 18:50

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I saw a lot of n900s in Barcelona, but have only ever seen My Mo in Cornwall. Thogh I have good reason to believe there's another one here somewhere.

*Waves at MontyBravo*

Laughingstok 2010-01-18 18:52

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
No N900 users that I've seen other than myself. I'm surrounded by iPhone users though and all of them think it's amazing.

That One Guy 2010-01-18 18:54

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I had one of my Baristas ask me if my N900 was an iphone. I looked at him a little perplexed, and asked him if he was an Idiot. I asked him that because he OWNS an iphone. How you could mistake an N900 for an iPhone is beyond me...

ioan 2010-01-18 18:57

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by That One Guy (Post 480467)
...and asked him if he was an Idiot.

Probably would be a good idea to don't buy coffee there from now on... or at least make sure you keep an eye on them when they prepare it :-)

wurnz 2010-01-18 19:01

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
havent seen any now. but i can say that everybody noticing my device is impressed as hell. "you can what?!" "i can play snes, use it as remote, watch youtube, do this, do that, do everything i want" :D


Jack6428 2010-01-18 19:04

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Although i know that like 100 people have bought it here in Prague...i haven't seen any of them in the wild yet. The N900 is still a new thing here, Nokia barely started promoting it lol. But people to whom i have shown the N900 were pretty much blown away.

ZackMorris 2010-01-18 19:19

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I was at breakfast this past weekend at Cracker Barrel. For those outside of the states, it's a restaurant chain that specializes in that American "Old Country" home type of cusine and the decor is very retro. Like 1920's America. I had the N900 on the table talking to friends and to my suprise the little indian kid who was our waiter, asks is that the N900? Threw me for a loop. Didn't expect to get my N900 recognized in a place like Cracker Barrel.

x61 2010-01-18 19:23

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I am yet to see one. Maybe there are 3 or 4 of them in my entire state of Kentucky.

in-effect 2010-01-18 19:25

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
well i get out even less than the guy who doesn't get out much and i work in a primary school too. it's SO frustrating owning the coolest gadget that NO ONE has heard of.

and 11 year olds have never heard of the SNES or Linux, or even an FM transmitter. some of them asked me about it the other day and i fumbled to take the case off because "it makes it look big" and one of them said "it's still massive".

my 8210 would get more kudos...

cardiff-blues 2010-01-18 19:25

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by andyfrommk (Post 480259)
Nuh-uh, my nextdoor neighbour also has a N900

Yea... I am your next door neighbour.....

adismith13 2010-01-18 19:27

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
i think i am the first n900 user in our small country - Nepal...anyone heard of it??? cellphone sellers dont even know what an n900 is....:(

mysticrokks 2010-01-18 19:28

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
only mine so far

EmmaGx 2010-01-18 19:29

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by in-effect (Post 480536)
well i get out even less than the guy who doesn't get out much and i work in a primary school too. it's SO frustrating owning the coolest gadget that NO ONE has heard of.

and 11 year olds have never heard of the SNES or Linux, or even an FM transmitter. some of them asked me about it the other day and i fumbled to take the case off because "it makes it look big" and one of them said "it's still massive".

my 8210 would get more kudos...

... plug it into the telly, and let them have a go at bounce ... that's bound to get you some kudos ...

blackbird 2010-01-18 19:31

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Yes I've heard of Nepal, visited your beautyful country in 2005 :)

Here in the Netherlands I've not yet met another N900 owner, only to much iFoon users ;)

adismith13 2010-01-18 19:37

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by blackbird (Post 480553)
Yes I've heard of Nepal, visited your beautyful country in 2005 :)

Here in the Netherlands I've not yet met another N900 owner, only to much iFoon users ;)

Jeez glad u have been here.....But i think i am the only one here using this beast.....and u said.... ifoon

in-effect 2010-01-18 19:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by EmmaGx (Post 480547)
... plug it into the telly, and let them have a go at bounce ... that's bound to get you some kudos ...

oh oh oh even better than that - every class is equipped with a massive whiteboard and projector - that will look amazing!!! then i'll bring my wiimote in and they can play mario.

emma, you're a genius. i'll report back :)

luisc 2010-01-18 19:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Besides a (Linux/Qt/KDE geek) friend of mine who owns one, I haven't seen any N900 in the wild. (not surprised, because here in Spain I haven't seen any n900 advertisement)

But when I showed it to my coworkers their heads exploded. I think two of them are getting one pretty soon :-)

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