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GuitarGuru 2010-06-18 20:19

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
2 Attachment(s)
Made some changes in the config-files (autoexec.cfg and config.cfg) to make it a little more playable. Speedchanges etc...
Keys: w,a,s,d (forw., backw, sidestep...)
k, l (turn right + left)
space (shoot)
i (jump)
x (down in water)
Check out the config.cfg file for key settings.
Shift+0 (zero) = save menu
Shift+1 = load menu
Shift+9 = quit
Shift+2 = cheat to give player all weapons + ammo + 999 health
change aim_sv to a higher value (not higher than 1) if you don't want as much autoaim as I have set it to.
Rightarrow = change weapon

Do not unpack files. Just remove .zip-extension. Put in /media/mmc1/quake/id1/

Change keyboard layout to english to be able to choose from load/save menus.


s33 2010-07-26 12:46

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 699703)
I have Quake 2 working fine on PR1.2
Did you copy pak0.pak from original game to /home/user/.quake2/baseq2 folder?

hey i installed quake 2 port from xtras...

i downloaded the original quake 2 game also....
but it couldnt find the /home/user/.quake2/baseq2 folder

under /home/user there is no folder called .quake....pls help me out

GuitarGuru 2010-07-27 21:08

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?

Originally Posted by s33 (Post 765150)
hey i installed quake 2 port from xtras...

i downloaded the original quake 2 game also....
but it couldnt find the /home/user/.quake2/baseq2 folder

under /home/user there is no folder called .quake....pls help me out

If it is installed it should be there. The . before quake2 means it is hidden. To list all files type:
ls -a
or just
cd .quake2
That should work.

GuitarGuru 2010-08-07 05:54

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
Anyone got Quake 1 mission packs running allright?

I get it to run, but it crashes unexpectedly after a while. Usually when loading a new map.

About Quake 2: Is there a way to get some sort of autoaim as there is in Q1? Too hard to scroll screen up/down to shoot.


AgogData 2010-08-09 04:39

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
hello guys
i got quake 2 but everytime it crashes ! i mean i got the first menu but when i choose game - multiplayer - option all crash to desktop
any solutions ?

AgogData 2010-08-09 21:06

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
any answers about quake 2 ??

jmk 2010-10-31 15:38

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
How about the good old QuakeWorld.. already available for Android :(

GL ES Quake: A port of Quake to OpenGL ES and the Android platform

Check also this one, but it is OpenGL

Necrofenser 2011-08-18 07:51

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?

Originally Posted by moerderameise (Post 579295)

This is an Optified Version of Quake 1 !!! A user on a german forum made it, so thanks goes to him ;)
Screensize should be optified too

And here is a customized config. controls are optified for german layout, don't know how us layout fits to that...

Link is dead!! Please reupload it


Originally Posted by GuitarGuru (Post 720937)
Made some changes in the config-files (autoexec.cfg and config.cfg) to make it a little more playable. Speedchanges etc...
Keys: w,a,s,d (forw., backw, sidestep...)
k, l (turn right + left)
space (shoot)
i (jump)
x (down in water)
Check out the config.cfg file for key settings.
Shift+0 (zero) = save menu
Shift+1 = load menu
Shift+9 = quit
Shift+2 = cheat to give player all weapons + ammo + 999 health
change aim_sv to a higher value (not higher than 1) if you don't want as much autoaim as I have set it to.
Rightarrow = change weapon

Do not unpack files. Just remove .zip-extension. Put in /media/mmc1/quake/id1/

Change keyboard layout to english to be able to choose from load/save menus.


I can't extract your attachments, please reupload them. When I try to open them it says that archive is broken

MaddogG 2011-08-18 08:32

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?


Link is dead!! Please reupload it
This is a not optified version, but it seems to work.


I can't extract your attachments, please reupload them. When I try to open them it says that archive is broken
Just rename them from to xyz.cfg

lytpic 2011-08-18 13:45

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
Would it be possible to get action quake 2 with multiplayer to work? How?

Half-Life_4_Life 2014-06-08 20:49

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
I could live with that. :)
But seriously, I want HL on N900.

biketool 2014-06-24 18:34

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
I spent several months trying to ge the HL-1 levels to run, problem was that some required files were no longer available. I think they were files modded for PSP Quake.

mayhem 2014-07-21 17:38

Re: [Maemo5] Quake 1 and Quake 2 - forgotten?
anyone still have optified version of sdl quake?tried to search in google and tmo couldn't find it anywhere

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