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BillyTheFish 2010-02-04 17:47

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 510312)
Id love to know if my pack really has had 500 unique views. I never expected so many.
so come on peeps good or bad let me know what you like or dislike.

I've downloaded the pack but not installed it yet as I didn't want to spoil the scores for when I get the official pack 2.

Do I get it right that there is some way to reset pack 2 level scores but keep (free) pack 1 scores for when the official pack 2 comes out?

If so, is there any way to keep the custom level scores as well?

Midget010 2010-02-04 17:50

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Nevermind, I found it.

cgarvie 2010-02-04 18:55

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by bullion87 (Post 510724)
I just installed your level pack follow the instruction on NokiaExperts :D. So good, thank you very much cgarvie. I have a question, since this level pack in active using the button reserve for world 2, what will happen if the level pack available again? is it gonna stop me from playing your level and Rovio world 2 ???????? I am a noob about maemo :D soooooo.......

yeah . im trying to work on some sane solution.

At the moment. Its 1 or the other. but as most people dont have the pack2 its not an issue at moment,

Rovio also hope to try implement in the paid version the ability to use custom levels., but of course that takes time

cgarvie 2010-02-04 19:23

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by BillyTheFish (Post 510726)
I've downloaded the pack but not installed it yet as I didn't want to spoil the scores for when I get the official pack 2.

Do I get it right that there is some way to reset pack 2 level scores but keep (free) pack 1 scores for when the official pack 2 comes out?

If so, is there any way to keep the custom level scores as well?

Yeah there is, now ive dug deeper.

theres a highscore file
if you copy this to highscores.lua.orig or some such
you will have a backup copy
that you can put back when you get the real pack2

and every time you swap between pack2 you swap this file. they will stay in sink.

but if you play a L1 or L3 on one highscore file it of course wont be on the other.

WARNING do not muck around with this if you do not know what your doing.

BillyTheFish 2010-02-04 22:37

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Good job! Now I can play the custom levels :)

TA-t3 2010-02-05 11:25

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Ok I have the custom pack 2 installed. But no. 7 there has only a single piglet to hit.. with 5 birds. I hit it,but the game isn't finished. Are there invisible piglets, or is there something wrong with the pack I downloaded?

cgarvie 2010-02-05 13:04

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 511659)
Ok I have the custom pack 2 installed. But no. 7 there has only a single piglet to hit.. with 5 birds. I hit it,but the game isn't finished. Are there invisible piglets, or is there something wrong with the pack I downloaded?


see private mail

alll is rigth with the world and level

wolfpac72 2010-02-05 13:11

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 511659)
Ok I have the custom pack 2 installed. But no. 7 there has only a single piglet to hit.. with 5 birds. I hit it,but the game isn't finished. Are there invisible piglets, or is there something wrong with the pack I downloaded?

I think this one is the hard one lol
I did not have yet time to work on that. Too much work and not time on my private time.
But tricky one.

Cgarvie they are just AWSOME and I love it.
Good people here know what they do :)

BR keep on going I want to see more lol


stobbsc 2010-02-05 13:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
cgarvie, I think that 500 is a normal number.

After I made the post on the blog about our new levels I got instant 500+ views on my site for 3 days running.

Nokia experts also refers to my site, so that increases trafic, and I refer to the threads and use the file downlink directly as you have.

SO there is a good chance the downloads are high.

Also I was thinking could you not create a text file that has the "install" copy etc in it and then noobs just run that from x-term, like in dos you would run a bat file to create the folder and or back up pack2 and then copy and or move mypack?

Is this possible in linux? Might make it easier for everyone

TA-t3 2010-02-05 14:01

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 511801)

see private mail

alll is rigth with the world and level

Thanks for the PM. I had already tried what you suggested, but as I wasn't sure that was the right approach I didn't try too many times. I'll follow up now that I know it was the right idea after all.

Midget010 2010-02-05 16:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
How many levels are there supposed to be? After level 10 they are all the same level on world 2, and everytime i try to load world 3, it crashes...

cgarvie 2010-02-06 08:50

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Midget010 (Post 512090)
How many levels are there supposed to be? After level 10 they are all the same level on world 2, and everytime i try to load world 3, it crashes...

If you read the Post where the level pack was posted :-)

you'd see we only have 10 levels just now.

salawat 2010-02-08 11:35

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
can some one plz plz tell me how to complete level 7 im getting really stressed not knowing how to.

i plead again plz plz anyone?

salawat 2010-02-08 11:37

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
no probs just did it :) :) :)

stobbsc 2010-02-08 11:38

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by salawat (Post 515985)
can some one plz plz tell me how to complete level 7 im getting really stressed not knowing how to.

i plead again plz plz anyone?

that is really funny,

@cgarvie created that tricky little devil, so if you PM him he can give you a tip I would help, but I think it's only fair to let @cgarvie float in his own devious glory :-)

wolfpac72 2010-02-08 12:47

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by salawat (Post 515985)
can some one plz plz tell me how to complete level 7 im getting really stressed not knowing how to.

i plead again plz plz anyone?

That one is soooooo cool @cgarvie :)

I love it :)

All the Levels are so nice really. Perfect work but im done so need new ones :D.
Im troo stupid to create



cgarvie 2010-02-09 08:00

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Ok should have another level up tonight

Particularly want this playtested as so far i havent bloody solved it.

It should be possible with 1 bird even if DAMN difficult.
but i havent even managed with 5 (and i thought it would be easy using more than 1 bird)

im still tweaking at moment to try make it a bit easier

with luck will post tonight when i get home

ofels 2010-02-09 13:03

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 511659)
Ok I have the custom pack 2 installed. But no. 7 there has only a single piglet to hit.. with 5 birds. I hit it,but the game isn't finished. Are there invisible piglets, or is there something wrong with the pack I downloaded?

Just finished level 7.
Once you know where it is, things are getting worse :)
Boldly go where no bird has gone before- there is a reason why this level uses the yellow rocket propelled birds ;)

Rather addictive, got stuck at level 9 but some time and training will do it.

TA-t3 2010-02-09 13:35

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Yeah, I passed that level too, with the hint from cgarvie. I did the rest of them as well, but the last ones are all the same, there are only 10 (I think) individual levels. Great stuff, anyway! :D

Very addictive, without the (for me) usual queasiness I always associate with addictive games (which always makes me stop playing them quite quickly). However, angry birds does suck the battery dry fast.. it's the main reason I now have to charge the N900 daily (the other reason is that after I drained the battery down to 3 volts it never became as good again.)

fractals 2010-02-10 15:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i open the file for more levels for ungrybirds in X-terminal...and iv got a mypack.. this mypack i must to copy it in to mydocs... how to do that....HELLP!!!!

Rob1n 2010-02-10 16:00

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519583)
i open the file for more levels for ungrybirds in X-terminal...and iv got a mypack.. this mypack i must to copy it in to mydocs... how to do that....HELLP!!!!

Have you unpacked the file on the N900 then, or on the desktop?

If on the N900, where did you unpack it?
If on the desktop, you'll need to connect the N900 to the PC and copy the mypack directory over (in mass storage mode, copy it to the root of the mapped drive, in PC suite mode, copy it to the Data directory).

fractals 2010-02-10 16:09

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i open them direct into my n900 ... how i will copy from x-term. to mydocs???

Rob1n 2010-02-10 16:19

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519638)
i open them direct into my n900 ... how i will copy from x-term. to mydocs???

What directory were you in when you extracted the files? If you don't know, run the following in X Terminal (ignore any errors it gives you). It should output a path ending in "mypack".

find / -name mypack -type d

fractals 2010-02-10 16:22

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i took the file in to my docs in n900 folder.... i open it in x-terminal with

tar xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/cag_level_pack.tar.gz

how i copy that pack or levels from x-terminal to my docs???

Rob1n 2010-02-10 16:25

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519659)
i took the file in to my docs in n900 folder.... i open it in x-terminal with

tar xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/cag_level_pack.tar.gz

how i copy that pack or levels from x-terminal to my docs???

Okay, that's probably extracted it to the root user's directory. Try:

mv mypack /home/user/MyDocs

fractals 2010-02-10 16:28

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Helpp!!! Pleas

fractals 2010-02-10 16:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
ok now iv got my pack folder in my docs...but the game still have 1 pack of levels...what now?...must to turn off the beast? and back on?

Rob1n 2010-02-10 16:37

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519684)
ok now iv got my pack folder in my docs...but the game still have 1 pack of levels...what now?...must to turn off the beast? and back on?

Have you run the commands given on the second post?:

mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

sophocha 2010-02-10 16:40

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Folks, instead of running command on the phone, why not install rootsh, openSSH, then winscp on your pc and then you can see all your N900 files through wifi....much easier to copy and paste the files to the required folders rather than typing all these commands on xterm

take a look at this thread for instructions:

fractals 2010-02-10 16:41

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
that one it is gest if you took that trough PC...

Rob1n 2010-02-10 16:43

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519699)
that one it is gest if you took that trough PC...

No, that's required however you've done it.

fractals 2010-02-10 16:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
permission denide

gimel22 2010-02-10 17:53

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels was tough for me to do this... But i was totally new to N900 and maemo...and i was able to do this.....
But ones you do this you will really love your N900 more than your girlfriend....
step 1) download the file and unpack all the levels in your PC with the name mypack.
step 2) move it to your babe(N900) and rename the folder to pack2
(all letters in lower case since i heard that linux is case sensitive)
step 3) open up xterminal or debian chroot... I used debian chroot
step 4) Your demo game will have only one pack by default... to look into this you will have to install the easy-deb-chroot....and download the 1.3 GB image file.... Please do this.... Beautiful things in life come with price...And here the price is patience(i had to wait for 10 hours to get this image file)...ones you download this image file after installing easy-deb-chroot.....
Step/surprise 5) you can find a handfull of Debian applications installed... you can click on debian LXDE to view the best view on earth(i'll keep this as a suspense) employ your keyboard minimize use the FIX LXDE Keyboard application from your menu.
step 6) Sorry i got deviated.... use the following command.....
cp /home/user/MyDocs/pack2/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

to copy your levels to the game installed folder....

Hope i was clear.... I love my N900..... mail me @ to correct me or to get more help from me.... Anytime for my brothers with N900.....

Rob1n 2010-02-10 18:22

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519718)
permission denide

You need to run it as root.

fractals 2010-02-10 18:40

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
what mean if x-term. say that root not find???

~ $ root
-sh: root: not found
~ $ root mv mypack /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
-sh: root: not found
~ $ mv mypack /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
mv: cannot rename 'mypack': No such file or directory
~ $

fractals 2010-02-10 18:44

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
mypack containe all the new levels and is in mydocs.... how to move it in angrtbirds ...or hwo to make it work???


Rob1n 2010-02-10 18:57

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by fractals (Post 519892)
what mean if x-term. say that root not find???

~ $ root
-sh: root: not found

It means you need to install the rootsh package via App manager.

fractals 2010-02-10 18:57

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
how is .... ohh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll

zehjotkah 2010-02-10 19:06

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
oh, maan...
read the seconde post and do EVERYTHIN EXACTLY as I described there.
Also as Robin said you must have rootsh installed!

fractals 2010-02-10 19:07

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
i did install the rootsh pak. what now???????!!!!!!!!!l

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