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whats_up_skip 2010-03-15 02:43

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 566614)
Tap on the screen and choose the second button on the left :-)

Great thanks :)

Any reason for removing it from the menu?

Also have you used the tracking function much?

Running Mapper with tracking seems to put a very high load on the cpu making the N900 prone to crashing or at least getting really bound up where you cannot close any apps. It doesn't always happen, but it has several times now.

d-iivil 2010-03-15 08:28

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 567092)
This can be done more quickly:
- Tap on the route icon (third from top, on the left)
- download route to

Aah! Cool, thanks! I knew I was missing something :) And I really didn't realize what that button did since I have finnish translation and that button says "load" instead of "download" so I though it was ment to load some previous route etc.


Originally Posted by mardy (Post 567092)
Maybe. It could be that if the starting point of the route is set to the GPS position, then the "follow mode" is activated.

This is a good idea. Auto map centering when starting point is GPS.

And could it be possible to make map NON-rotating when not driving. That spinning causes headache when stopped to traffic lights ;)

Jaykie 2010-03-15 09:16

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Hi Mardy, I got one feature request:
- possibility to select whether onscreen buttons are shows all time on the screen or automatically hidden after some time.

I didn't find this option at all and I would prefer to have those buttons visible all the time without first tapping on the screen to get them visible.

Thanks for updating this great application!

sophocha 2010-03-15 13:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
When I try to insert an address for routing it says 'invalid address' this a bug?

d-iivil 2010-03-15 13:10

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by sophocha (Post 567735)
When I try to insert an address for routing it says 'invalid address' this a bug?

I think it's because the google (or what ever calculating engine you have chosen to use) won't find the address you typed. I've found that working "syntax" is this:
"streetname housenumber town"
Ofcourse without " -marks and the house number should be written in numbers.

johannschmidt 2010-03-15 17:02

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

I've got a bit of a feature request but I'm not sure if it's a bit excessive. I plan to use Mapper for hiking, i.e. download the maps and routes before I go and follow the route over a few days. (Haven't figured out about the battery life issue but that's another matter...)

Anyway, would it be possible to come up with a screen that can be toggled on and off to replace the map view that would show journey information? i.e. a 'Stats' icon that would bring up a screen showing the following kinds of information:

* Distance travelled (total and/or since last waypoint)
* Distance remaining (to next waypoint and/or end of route)
* Time elapsed
* Average speed
* Estimated time remaining (based on average speed)
* Estimated finish time
etc etc

Perhaps the info could be displayed on 4 or 6 panels and configured with whatever the user requires through Options.

Not sure how possible any of this would be but it would be great if it was something you could look into.



mele 2010-03-16 08:05

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

First i like to thank mardy for developing this great app!

Second i have been searching maps folder from my n900, but havent still found it. Im preloading maps for certain areas and i like to know how much space they take.

I dont yet own mmc but it in my future plans, so i would also like to know how to change default map folder to the mmc.


mardy 2010-03-16 08:30

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by johannschmidt (Post 568044)
Anyway, would it be possible to come up with a screen that can be toggled on and off to replace the map view that would show journey information? i.e. a 'Stats' icon that would bring up a screen showing the following kinds of information:

* Distance travelled (total and/or since last waypoint)
* Distance remaining (to next waypoint and/or end of route)
* Time elapsed
* Average speed
* Estimated time remaining (based on average speed)
* Estimated finish time

Hi Johann, 3.0+beta2 (which you can get from has such a panel. The speed and estimated times are missing, but they shouldn't be hard to add. :-)

mardy 2010-03-16 08:35

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mele (Post 568817)
Second i have been searching maps folder from my n900, but havent still found it. Im preloading maps for certain areas and i like to know how much space they take.

They are in /home/user/MyDocs/.maps/
The tiles are shared with Maep and eCoach, and it seems that the size of each tile is about 8-16kb.

whats_up_skip 2010-03-16 10:26

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by johannschmidt (Post 568044)
(Haven't figured out about the battery life issue but that's another matter...)

You are going to need a way to charge the N900 while on a long walk. I suspect you will need the better part of two batteries per day, but it will depend on what other applications you are using and how frequently you look at the map.

I have been doing some testing, but at this stage I could not give you an estimated time.

whats_up_skip 2010-03-16 10:32

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I have been doing some more stability testing of running 'Mapper' with tracking enabled and other applications to see what can cause the N900 to go into a death spiral where your only option is to pull out the battery to restart.

Here is what I have found to date:
Mapper with tracking by itself is fine for at least several hours.

Mapper with tracking and MfE is fine for at least several hours.

Mapper with tracking, MfE and browser can cause problems. Heavy sites can make the response time of the N900 drop noticeably. Additional applications or flash sites can really slow the N900 down and I suspect this is when the N900 is likely to go into the death spiral.

Pigro 2010-03-16 10:53

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
don't know if it's directly relevant or not, but during a recent walk (battery fully charged before setting off) I had tracking enabled on maep,with nokia messaging running for push gmail, the built in media player for music, with occasional use of the camera plus the odd SMS. I stopped media player after a while, and later on when I stopped for a coffee I realised the n900 had switched itself off. It wa totally dead & unresponsive - it would not power on again until after I took out the battery - when I put it back in, the phone booted up fine again.

That was the first time I'd used the tracking feature, so I assumed it was probably a bit buggy, but perhaps my lock up was the same as your 'death spiral'? I tred to reproduce the problem but I walked for another hour with tracking+music+push email+camera+calls/SMS+email send/receive (I even did a bit of youTube to stress it!) and it refused to break again. Total duration of that walk ewas about 3 hours, the lockup happened after ~1 hour. As far as I'm aware it didn't hang in response to any action by me, it just died in the background. My n900 hasn't got much from extras-testing/devel and has never needed a battery removal before or since.

johannschmidt 2010-03-16 10:54

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 568926)
You are going to need a way to charge the N900 while on a long walk. I suspect you will need the better part of two batteries per day, but it will depend on what other applications you are using and how frequently you look at the map.

I have been doing some testing, but at this stage I could not give you an estimated time.

Thanks fella,

I've done a bit of testing myself and tried to maximise battery life by turning pretty much everything off (even the little wiggle you get when you press the screen), still not getting a full day.

I might look at the Proporta USB turbocharger as the 3400mAh should last two full recharges or maybe even the Solar Monkey Explorer - though with the sun as it is in the UK I'm not too hopeful of free energy to keep me going all day.


whats_up_skip 2010-03-16 11:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Pigro (Post 568967)
I had tracking enabled on maep,with nokia messaging running for push gmail, the built in media player for music, with occasional use of the camera plus the odd SMS. I stopped media player after a while, and later on when I stopped for a coffee I realised the n900 had switched itself off. It wa totally dead & unresponsive - it would not power on again until after I took out the battery - when I put it back in, the phone booted up fine again.

It could be the GPS driver or common library used by both applications. I am not sure if tracking has anything to do with it.

All we can do is more testing to see if we can work out the common factors.

whats_up_skip 2010-03-17 02:02

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Based on three hours of tracking I did today with AGPS disabled, running MfE and 3G enabled, I used about 25% of the battery capacity. This is based on using battery-eye, not the little battery guide at the top which is useless.

Now the device never obtains full charge (100%), it only ever gets to 95% on battery-eye and I don't know what the bottom of the range is. Also you need to be able to save the tracking file. Let us assume you need to switch batteries with 10% remaining. That gives you a working capacity of 85%. This gives you a working time of 10 hours. This will still need to be verified and I am sure many other factors will come into play.

I really don't recommend the solar chargers for charging phones or some have an internal battery that is then used to charge the phone. Most of these require 10 or 12 hours of full sun to charge their internal battery. You cannot even get this on a clear day in summer in Australia, because full sun is not what you get in morning or late afternoon. At best you would get 8 hours. This all assumes you are angling the panel at the sun correctly, there is no cloud, your not walking under trees etc.

For the weight and cost you are better to just buy several of the 3rd party batteries and charge them up before going.

sondjata 2010-03-17 02:39

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 569895)
Based on three hours of tracking I did today with AGPS disabled, running MfE and 3G enabled, I used about 25% of the battery capacity. This is based on using battery-eye, not the little battery guide at the top which is useless.

Now the device never obtains full charge (100%), it only ever gets to 95% on battery-eye and I don't know what the bottom of the range is. Also you need to be able to save the tracking file. Let us assume you need to switch batteries with 10% remaining. That gives you a working capacity of 85%. This gives you a working time of 10 hours. This will still need to be verified and I am sure many other factors will come into play.

I really don't recommend the solar chargers for charging phones or some have an internal battery that is then used to charge the phone. Most of these require 10 or 12 hours of full sun to charge their internal battery. You cannot even get this on a clear day in summer in Australia, because full sun is not what you get in morning or late afternoon. At best you would get 8 hours. This all assumes you are angling the panel at the sun correctly, there is no cloud, your not walking under trees etc.

For the weight and cost you are better to just buy several of the 3rd party batteries and charge them up before going.

This is kinda nonsense. While it is true that you won't be able to charge the phone, you will be able to run the phone from the sun. I've done it before on a 12 hour drive from GA to NJ. I ran my 800 off of direct sunlight for the entire trip (i have a convertible).

And yes, you can get 12 hours of sunlight in the summer.

Now for walking about in the woods? Different set of circumstances.

whats_up_skip 2010-03-17 23:12

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Two very small feature requests:

When saving a tracking to file, if the file exists it does not warn you that it is going to over write the existing file. (I just happened to over write yesterday's tracking. This time it was not important, but it could have been)

When you have enabled tracking it is probably because you want to log where you have been, but you can easily close Mapper by mistake and it does not prompt you that you have tracking enabled and it will stop tracking if you close Mapper.

These are just two house keeping features, but it will really make Mapper more robust.

ElGatoFlojo 2010-03-18 09:53

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I had used the old *-mapper program on the N810 and it was quite nifty. Except when the routing engine went off line :( I donated to the previous developer several times as it was such a killer app for me.

Tonight was the first time I tried the new version of mapper. I tried the alpha version and it crashed. But this most recent version worked. And not only did it work, but it impressed me! The pop ups for turns were very cool, and the intergrated distance left, etc was just awesome. Sure there are niggling features I'd like to see and all. But whats most important? I put in an address, told it to auto-update and it kept updating and got me to my destination with very minimal effort.

Thanks again, and I'll be donating marty :) And yes, integrating with the new e-speak instead of flite would be quite cool as well. But hey, for now I'm just happy with real turn by turn directions that work.


Beron 2010-03-28 19:44

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Just donated 10 EUR to Mardy through About button in Mapper.

Keep up the good work Mardy!


whats_up_skip 2010-03-31 00:14

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I need some help with downloading some map tiles for Japan.

How do I do this?

I am currently in Australia.

mardy 2010-03-31 07:14

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 589028)
I need some help with downloading some map tiles for Japan.

How do I do this?

I am currently in Australia.

I can download Japan maps by Google without any problem. Just zoom out, pan the map until you are over Japan, and zoom in again.

cheve 2010-03-31 23:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

I got missing packages: libhildon1(>= 2.2.10)
libpixman-1-0 (>= 0.15.16)

While trying to upgrade the app from 3.0+beta2 to 3.0+beta4 over the air. How do I get the missing package?

firmware on N900: PR1.1.1


whats_up_skip 2010-04-01 04:59

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 589249)
I can download Japan maps by Google without any problem. Just zoom out, pan the map until you are over Japan, and zoom in again.

Ok, but what about zoom levels, which are recommended and how many can we download (or how much space does it take up)?

I thought I read some where that there was 2GB limit.

I just picked a range for part of the greater area of Tokyo and it said 13,000 tiles. I am assuming that's a lot.

dsawhney 2010-04-01 05:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 590535)

I got missing packages: libhildon1(>= 2.2.10)
libpixman-1-0 (>= 0.15.16)

While trying to upgrade the app from 3.0+beta2 to 3.0+beta4 over the air. How do I get the missing package?

firmware on N900: PR1.1.1


The package has been built using PR1.2 SDK hence the missing dependencies, wait for PR1.2

Rocketman 2010-04-01 05:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
To expand on what the previous poster said:

It looks like the Autobuilder system that has been updated to use the 1.2 SDK which has caused some incompatibilities for some applications (Maepad is one other I noticed), given that pretty much everyone still has Fremantle 1.1.x on their N900's. Hopefully this means that the 1.2 update for the N900 is coming out real soon...

whats_up_skip 2010-04-01 21:48

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by mardy (Post 589249)
I can download Japan maps by Google without any problem. Just zoom out, pan the map until you are over Japan, and zoom in again.

Did you then try using it off line?

When I tried this the maps did not load.

klinglerware 2010-04-02 02:45

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I updated via dpkg -i, and the application seems to work fine (including some promised bug fixes and minor UI tweaks).

I'm guessing that the program runs because it is able to utilize the older versions of dependencies that are now "missing"?

dragon_788 2010-04-04 13:09

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
wazzup_skip: the 2GB limit is only there if you keep the default $HOME directory size. I'm not sure if Mapper requires FAT32 formatting or if it'll use any file system, but there are some instructions (not for the meek) that explain how to expand your home partition so you could store more maps.

Unhuman 2010-04-05 17:55

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I started the application,I Got a GPS fix, i enabled from maps -> Google and enabled auto-download.But for some reason a map won't download at all. Tried with almost every map from the repository (which i Synced). Any hints?
EDIT: Oh and yes I am connected to my home Wi-fi which works fine and has Internet :<

ZogG 2010-04-08 10:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by dragon_788 (Post 594880)
wazzup_skip: the 2GB limit is only there if you keep the default $HOME directory size. I'm not sure if Mapper requires FAT32 formatting or if it'll use any file system, but there are some instructions (not for the meek) that explain how to expand your home partition so you could store more maps.

Just create dir on flash and symlink it to maps dir. it's linux, baby

Unhuman 2010-04-09 06:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
No one has a problem with downloading the actual maps themselves ?:O I tried reinstalling the program but didn't help :X Is there any way I can reset all the program settings? Even after reinstall they are still saved :o

fixfox 2010-04-21 18:37

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Just updated to Maemo Mapper version: 3.0+beta5

Has anyone else tried it?

If yes, are you able to download routes? It was working fine yesterday using the previous version but today, is giving the following error... "Service not available"

I do not think this is a bug (related to the new version) but just want to know if anyone else is getting similar errors.

mele 2010-04-21 19:37

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I just tried

Cannot calculate routes, google gives "service not available" and yandex doesnt do nothing.

rm53 2010-04-21 19:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
whenever I try to define a route, no matter in which way, I get the "service not available" error.
This is also when using the download route method, in which Google is set as routing service. But the maps from Google are loaded fine (I am online here).
What is this "service not available" error about? What service do you use in the download route dialog?
(I got version 3.0beta2 via extras-testing)

fixfox 2010-04-21 19:59

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I've tried "Google Maps" (symbian s60, N97) and "routing works fine".

It's as though Google is blocking third party apps from using their "routing service".

fixfox 2010-04-22 01:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
It seems this url is down and is the reason why downloading/calculating routes ( searching for locations) using google maps is not working in Maemo mapper!

Laughing Man 2010-04-22 01:43

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 621819)
It seems this url is down and is the reason why downloading/calculating routes ( searching for locations) using google maps is not working in Maemo mapper!

It seems gnuite's site is down in general. Though whether this is a temporary problem or he is no longer paying for the bandwith on the site and has left it I don't know.

whats_up_skip 2010-04-22 03:43

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I have a few questions about storing maps offline.

Can I store Google maps offline?
What should my setting for "Auto-Download PreCache" be?

What is the best way to load points of interest for off line use? File format?

fixfox 2010-04-22 08:47

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 621920)
I have a few questions about storing maps offline.

Can I store Google maps offline?
What should my setting for "Auto-Download PreCache" be?

What is the best way to load points of interest for off line use? File format?

All your questions have been covered in this Howto...

whats_up_skip 2010-04-22 10:38

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I have been using that reference. Sorry I should have said.

I have managed to get some maps saving off line, but the levels are still limited and it seems to be slower than over the HSPA connection.

Is this normal?

The information about POI mainly relates to downloading existing POI interest. I have created many POI in Google Earth/Maps format, but it doesn't seem to work when I try to transpose this to gpx format.

Any suggestions?

I have been GPS Babel, but the gpx files are empty when I have converted them.

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