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jwshale 2010-05-25 20:56

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
I really like this theme, but after switching to PR1.2 today I've noticed that the graphics for the virtual keyboard need to be re-done. Other than that, great theme!

CepiPerez 2010-06-03 18:44

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
I've uploaded version 0.5
Updated for PR1.2 and added icons for camera, pdf reader, image viewer, rss reader, conversations, and a few more

Download here (or via extras-devel in app manager)

Bratag 2010-06-03 19:23

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Looks like the keyboard is fixed in the new version. Only thing I found not working was the unlock screen notifications.

Top work

CepiPerez 2010-06-03 19:51

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 698222)
Looks like the keyboard is fixed in the new version. Only thing I found not working was the unlock screen notifications.

This one?

Bratag 2010-06-03 20:50

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 698243)

Hrmm - maybe it doesnt like the CallNotify/built in alerts combo. I will try again.

My Mistake - takes like 15 seconds after the alert sound to show up. Sweet, I can go back to my favorite theme :)

arya 2010-06-03 23:14

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
thank you very much, this is such a lovely theme!

plaban 2010-06-04 07:17

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 698243)

Please change this background image.This image looks very bad in 65k colour screen

cjp 2010-06-04 09:41

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 699014)
Please change this background image.This image looks very bad in 65k colour screen

Maybe watch that tone there, that background image is fine, it is just like in the original Ubuntu theme for PC systems.

I would like to see some new background images as well, though. Those that shazosbourne posted were great, but you could only make 2 screens flow into eachother with those pictures.

Anyone got some other ones from official Ubuntu background images?

PaK 2010-06-04 15:00

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
I upgraded doing an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, the new icons of the camera and the photos are very beautiful!

but i lost the custom lock screen.. (pac man :D )

DonPIZI 2010-06-07 10:42

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
very nice theme, but you must work on it. There are different colors around textareas:

There is a lighter grey...

grillojr5 2010-06-08 19:48

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Cepi, me urge contactarte, si puedes conectarte al msn con Chriss_Floresta ... sorry by the off

gpv79 2010-06-13 22:27

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
I am a novice user.
I have tried your theme.
It's very nice! Congratulations.
Unfortunately the icons (164x164) of multimedia don't appear:mad: .

CepiPerez 2010-06-14 03:23

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
I'm wondering the same. The icons are in the right place.
I think the player is reading default icons instead of current ones.

gpv79 2010-06-14 22:07

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Hi CepiPerez,
I would to make a theme for my N900, but i don't know where starting.
I have tried to make a theme with ThemeMaker but all my icons don't appear because they appear that default ones.
Would you explain me how I must do a theme?

cjp 2010-06-15 06:02

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by gpv79 (Post 715273)
Hi CepiPerez,
I would to make a theme for my N900, but i don't know where starting.
I have tried to make a theme with ThemeMaker but all my icons don't appear because they appear that default ones.
Would you explain me how I must do a theme?

Hmm that's interesting.

Go through the sticky one more time and Power search the forum.

You could also try sending a private message to theme makers asking for help.

crash16 2010-06-15 12:12

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 713936)
I'm wondering the same. The icons are in the right place.
I think the player is reading default icons instead of current ones.

the media player has the default icons because for some reason is using the hicolor ones by default (BUG MAYBE :) ) if you want to change them you have to replace the hicolor one...

mpimpiki 2010-06-24 11:46

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Its my best theme ,on N900.Congratulations.I have one problem with the icon Leafpad.Also i would like to ask,if its possible to change the icon of menu to ubuntu logo icon.

HeavyComponent 2010-06-25 01:53

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Also my main theme and the best one for me so far. Great theme!

msa 2010-06-28 21:28

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
it got promoted to extras, congratulations :)

dcell 2010-07-03 08:21

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
superb theme, grabbed it yesterday and i am really loving it.

jim_0068 2010-08-09 05:04

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
is it just me or when you have this theme installed your battery drains much faster? i know that it doesn't make sense since it's a theme but i've tested it numerous times and whenever i'm running that theme by battery life sucks. i change it back to a normal nokia theme and everything is fine again.

Anyone have any reasoning why that is because i do love this theme.

jim_0068 2010-08-09 05:05

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
is it just me or when you have this theme installed your battery drains much faster? i know that it doesn't make sense since it's a theme but i've tested it numerous times and whenever i'm running that theme by battery life sucks. i change it back to a normal nokia theme and everything is fine again.

Anyone have any reasoning why that is because i do love this theme.

jim_0068 2010-08-09 05:05

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
is it just me or when you have this theme installed your battery drains much faster? i know that it doesn't make sense since it's a theme but i've tested it numerous times and whenever i'm running that theme by battery life sucks. i change it back to a normal nokia theme and everything is fine again.

Anyone have any reasoning why that is because i do love this theme.

HellFlyer 2010-08-09 05:44

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Afaik the author abandoned development so i wouldn't be surprised if there are issues with these theme :(

daddeddad 2010-08-09 10:30

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by jim_0068 (Post 780040)
is it just me or when you have this theme installed your battery drains much faster? i know that it doesn't make sense since it's a theme but i've tested it numerous times and whenever i'm running that theme by battery life sucks. i change it back to a normal nokia theme and everything is fine again.

Anyone have any reasoning why that is because i do love this theme.

Sounds weird. I am using the icons for my theme actus reus and I have not noticed any difference in battery performance.

Do you have the same issue with other non-nokia themes? I have noticed that somtenimes the phone re-reads the gtkrc-file for every dialog when you are using custom themes. This could very well cause drainage.

jim_0068 2010-08-10 01:45

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
stupid maemo servers and triple posting lol. To answer your question daddeddad i'll have to try another theme and see.

CepiPerez 2010-08-10 01:54

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Batery draining for a theme? mmm let me try using stock themes for a couple of days
I have no much more to add, that's why I don't update this theme.
Do you have suggestions?

CepiPerez 2010-10-04 16:00

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme
Tired of orange background I made some changes
Also I've added some more icons to the humanity-icons pack.
Added a transitions.ini to the theme folder too.

Uploaded to extras-devel and promoted to extras-testing.
Don't forget to vote if you like it.

d-iivil 2010-10-04 19:28

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
NNNooooouuu... bring back the orange! :D

vickyg 2010-10-04 20:51

Re: [Help] Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 833126)
Tired of orange background I made some changes
Also I've added some more icons to the humanity-icons pack.
Added a transitions.ini to the theme folder too.

Uploaded to extras-devel and promoted to extras-testing.
Don't forget to vote if you like it.

Thanks for the changes i love your theme please keep improving

jedi 2010-10-04 20:56

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
Liking your work - thanks :)

SallyJane 2010-10-05 03:08

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
Lovely theme thanks.

One niggle - it makes the FBreader icon look both blurry and pixelated.

Parlapipas 2010-10-05 03:17

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by SallyJane (Post 833471)
Lovely theme thanks.

One niggle - it makes the FBreader icon look both blurry and pixelated.

That's funny. Same thing happened to me, but with my Chromium icon.

Parlapipas 2010-10-05 07:21

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
Hi Cepi, thanks for the awesome theme. One thing I noticed after I updated though, that for some reason it uses my own scalable icons. If I look in /opt/usr/share/icons/humanity_icons, I notice that the scalable folder symlinks back to /opt/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable. As a result I have my original battery icon in the desktop area and yours in the status area. Anyone else have this issue?

Edit: Actually I just notice that you have the stock battery icon in your screen shot in your last post as well:

Do your desktop and status area battery icons match? Thanks in advance for the help!

Tigerite 2010-10-05 08:55

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
I've noticed with the newest version of this theme that several buttons are no longer orange when selected, but the stock blue - for example, in the alarm screen?

Haus3r 2010-10-05 09:17

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
I want the orange back, too :( And please, don't include transitions.ini, some people prefer the standard one!

Apart from that, excellent skin!

mangrove 2010-10-05 09:29

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by SallyJane (Post 833471)
Lovely theme thanks.

One niggle - it makes the FBreader icon look both blurry and pixelated.

Same thing with Time Workshop and Comix.

jnack95 2010-10-05 11:09

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme

Originally Posted by Haus3r (Post 833600)
I want the orange back, too :( And please, don't include transitions.ini, some people prefer the standard one!

Apart from that, excellent skin!

Please include the transitions.ini....why would anyone prefer the standard one? It sucks...

CepiPerez 2010-10-05 12:12

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
Does the blurry and pixelated icons happens when you use another icon pack, like black plastic?


Originally Posted by Tigerite (Post 833586)
I've noticed with the newest version of this theme that several buttons are no longer orange when selected, but the stock blue - for example, in the alarm screen?

Sorry I didn't notice that. I'll fix that.
Did you see that in some other places?


Originally Posted by Haus3r (Post 833600)
I want the orange back, too :( And please, don't include transitions.ini, some people prefer the standard one!

Apart from that, excellent skin!

You can revert to 0.5 if you want orange and standard transitions.
For the rest of the people, they can always remove /usr/share/themes/humanity/transitions.ini file to get standard again.

ktchiu 2010-10-05 13:54

Re: Ubuntu Humanity theme
loving the new update. Just one thing tho.. the emoticons for the conversations app are a little difficult to discern from one another

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