![]() |
Re: "Now Playing" app
this app rox, you cud use it for other notifications maybe??
reminders/// etc |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
Hi, and thanks for your reply!
It's good to know! Wish it could be fixed somehow! Now Playing Notifications is a superapp! /Trancedancer Quote:
Re: "Now Playing" app
I've committed support for showing the filename if the tag information isn't available.
A workaround would be to get the image, resize it (multiple times for the small notification and for the larger notification), put the resulting images in the folders that the notification plugin does look for images and hope that we don't encounter a race condition. Doing all this, BTW, would make the N900 rather slow when pressing the "next track" button repeatedly. @tuminoid I'm looking at https://garage.maemo.org/pm/task.php...roject_id=2599 . It wouldn't take long to add statusbar applet functionality (I've written a few of those already =)) to the notifier. This is what I've come up with: http://imgur.com/9Rt5J.png The album art is real, is from MAFW and resizing it is no problem. Ignore "Example Title" and "Value"; you already know that we can get those filled in by MAFW. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Wow, you are really productive out there, guys! Wonderful!
Wish I could help out, but it's not my thing... :-( The statusapplet-function is a great idea!!! This way, maybe it could be possible to turn the Notification On/Off??? :-) |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
Though I got this (sick) idea of having the configuration applet have a button, which would gather the album art from MAFW and batch process it to suitable icons. It'd take time, but since it would be in the applet and explicitly started by user, consuming time is no problem. Do you see problems with this approach? Quote:
I also see very little advantage of having the statusmenu button for notifier. It requires user to actively seek it and is pretty much the same if user would go to desktop and look at mediaplayer widget which is showing the exact same things. Agree? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I'm not bothered either way, TBH. It's much nicer to test it as a daemon, though. :) |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Thanks for the notification app look forward to other apps [powerkey menu] for example :)
Re: "Now Playing" app
Got it!
Thx alot! Good work! Like the app, as simple as it can be, I don't miss anything. If I read it right you also wanted to implement a next-trackbutton in the notify. To me, that'd be the only thing further needed, but I dont know if its possible and if its gonna be easy to make a good difference between tapping it to go to the mediaplayer and tapping 'next track'. Perhaps repeat track could also be usefull. That's one more opinion for ya guys;) |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
am i blind?
or is this app missing a menu where it can be deactivated? it's great if you're browsing or doing something on a desktop where the media player widget isn't on... but i would like to deactivate it for some time too :) (couldn't find a button in the statusbar and no point in the settings :/ ) |
Re: "Now Playing" app
No, there is no option to deactivate it...I pointed that out too earlier...that maybe it could be in settings somehow, or in the statusapplet.
I would hate to uninstall it, I love it! |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Stable. Works good even with heavy stresstesting.
thanx! |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Settings applet will be added soon. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Thanks for the app, wonderful job :)
Wouldn't it be better/cleaner/easier (w/e :)) to use this instead of the notification method? http://i46.tinypic.com/2eppq14.jpg Edit: Well it would disable the click to open media player function. Just thought of another thing, might look at the code and edit/learn to edit C code :) Thinking of adding a LED notification (traffic light pattern that doesn't repeat itself), sure it wouldn't help with the original idea of the program but it might be considered as an improvement. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
I do definitely like the notification way nicer, but if there will be option at some point it wont hurt anybody :)
Re: "Now Playing" app
How does the media player widget handle this? I guess it creates the album art of the current playing song on the fly. Couldn't this be done by the 'now playing' daemon also? Or would it create a too long delay before the notification is displayed? I wouldn't mind an extra second or so delay before the notification is shown. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
this just might only be me, but i have to keep adding songs to my playlist to play them. and most times when i press play, i wont play. its just there for nuthin. possible bug? i love the widget but its unstable atleast for me . |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I installed a now playing from deb, grabbed the phone after installation reboot but nothing happens as if it was not working, what could be the cause?
Re: "Now Playing" app
ps ax | grep nowplayingd Code:
dpkg -l | grep nowplayingd |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Tuminoid when i install from .deb on x-term
wrote starting nowplayingd and restart phone, and when i log to ssh on phone and there dpkg -i nowplaying... was fine, but after reboot deamon not started and another time apt-get remove and install... this is bug or something wrong with .deb file ? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
The reboot with 0.1-2 is not intended, it is caused probably by a bug in dsmetool (I've seen similar issues with other daemons as well in certain circumstances), but its fixed in unreleased version of nowplayingd, by supplying a different flags to dsmetool (it gives up instead of rebooting). I have no idea why the daemon would not be running after reboot, if deb was installed successfully, as its started by dsmetool, and given the flags in 0.1-2 it guarantees the daemon starts, or device reboots. If you are installing unreleased 0.2 from GIT directly, then it might be a case where dsmetool has already given up and daemon won't be running. I'll look into it before sending 0.2 to -devel. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I also notice that when u do that and u try to play something or u remove it too fast while the phone is still turning on it resets all the widgets =( MASTER |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Seems that nowplayingd isn't run after fresh reboot for me, with 0.1-2
Works just fine if I start it on my own. Is it being started by init? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Re: "Now Playing" app
No worries at all. Good work you guys have been doing.
Re: "Now Playing" app
Hi Guys.
I'm using this lil' addition since day 2 i guess. I wonder if it's still that popular. For me it is. And i thought if the devs are still interested to expand or update the "now playing notifications" - Could you imagine a way to customize the the notifications position? Like, pop it up on the bottom, left, right side of the screen... move it from left to right side.... scrolltext... ...something like that. I also photoshopped together some styles of notification I could imagine.^^ tooo bad I'm just a graphics guy... http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8...tification.png http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8061/notification2.png ...any thoughts? Would be great to see Tuomo or qwerty12 back in here. Lota respect for you guys. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
Dunno about Tuomo, but Qwerty stormed off after a bust up last year, leaving some closed sourcemedia player control package with a massive rant. 1 thing I'd like to have the option of would be to have the artist and track announced. That would be nice when listening on headphones with the N900 in the pocket or pack. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
How did you do this? :) |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I can't get this to go to the HildonBanner, it only shows in the Task Manager and setting the time limit doesn't seem to take either.
I have this in my config file. NPN_OPTIONS="-u -t 4" Diablo. Version 0.1. And yeah, I even rebooted. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
change that and you should be good to go... |
Re: "Now Playing" app
No, that didn't work at all.
It's not accepting anything it that config file. I even changed the permissions to user/users for it and it's still not a go. Any ideas? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
What editor are you using? nano or vi? |
Re: "Now Playing" app
i ma upset than some talented maemo developers didnt get free n9(50). nokia in my country give away ten free n9 in a lucky draw.
Re: "Now Playing" app
Yeah, I edit it as root using Emelfm2.
I save the file just fine. But for some reason, the option for Hildonbanner and the timer don't change the default settings. |
Re: "Now Playing" app
2 Attachment(s)
Have you rootsh installed? If not, then install it.
Try editing it in Xterm; 1. open xterm from the utilities menu. 2. type root - this will change you to be the "superuser/administrator" 3. type nano /etc/default\now-playing-notifier -this will open the file for text editing in the nano text editor. 4. make the changes, and save by pressing ctrl-x - this will save and close the file. 5. type /etc/init.d/now-playing-notifier restart - This will restart the service and save you from rebooting. test by opening mediaplayer and playing a music track. Note that the track needs the metadata like artist, title otherwise it won't display anything |
Re: "Now Playing" app
I really don't get this. :)
sudo etc/init.d/now-playing-notifier restart Restarting Now Playing Notifier: It just hangs on this without ever giving me a new command line. After running that and having this NPN_OPTS="-u -t 2" in my config file. No notifications anymore. Here is my complete config file now. # Default settings for now-playing-notifier. This file is sourced by /bin/sh from # /etc/init.d/now-playing-notifier. # -u will make now-playing-notifier use a HildonBanner instead # -t <number> allows you to adjust the time that the notification is displayed on-screen for (default: 10) # Options to pass to now-playing-notifier NPN_OPTIONS="-u -t 2" I receive notifications but they appear like so. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/715...1121815024.png Current permissions and owners of the config file. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9...1121815065.png Thanks for helping me with this gazza. :) |
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