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-   -   How to increase the font sizes in N900 (

kamishly 2010-05-29 19:47

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I have upgraded to PR 1.2 and was able to do part one for the fonts. But, UNABLE to get part to change the SMS and Messaging to to work as I get to the leafpad part to open gtkrc but nothing happens, only a blank white page shows up.

Help please!


Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 590261)
My eyes aren't as sharp as they used to be so I found the small fonts used in the N900 to be less than ideal. I searched for a way to increase them so that I can read them without wearing my reading glasses. The full credit for these techniques goes to b666m and Grant, I just compiled their info into a step-by-step form for us non-programmers. Thanks guys, now I can read them w/o glasses!

Basically the system fonts can be changed by editing the config file "gtkrc" for the theme you want to use. Each theme has it's own gtkrc file so if you want to switch between themes you have to edit them all.

The font sizes used in the SMS and IM conversations and in the single SMS view are controlled by 3 separate config files with a .css extension. You only need to do this once unlike in the above for themes.

To begin: first, you need to have access to the root. Download the file rootsh from Maemo.extras and install it. Also download and install the text editor Leafpad or you may use another text editor if you wish.

I will be using the theme 'marina' in this example, use whatever theme you want to modify, the steps are the same. So here is how I did it: Please type exactly as shown, as it is case-sensitive. Press 'Enter' after each command.

Part 1: Changing the theme fonts size
1. Open X-terminal
2. Type "sudo gainroot". If you had installed the rootsh mentioned above this will allow you to edit files
3. Type "cd /usr/share/themes"
4. Type "ls" to display the installed themes. This step is optional
5. Type "cd marina/gtk-2.0"
6. type "leafpad gtkrc" to edit the config file gtkrc
7. scroll down or use the search function until you see the section
* font definitions
8. Here you will see the fonts used in this theme. Just increase all fonts below 20 by 2 or 3 points higher.
Example I changed small fonts from 13 to 16
9. Do the same for the section
* new fonts for fremantle
10. When finished, use the pull-down menu to save or just press "x"
to exit. The program will prompt you if you want to save first before exiting

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html"
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit
13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations". This will load for editing the config file that
controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 30px;" (without the quotation marks of course)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 30px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversations".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 32px instead of 30px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

This is how I did it. I cannot guarantee that it will work for you and of course I cannot be liable for any damages that may or may not happen to your phone. In my case it worked without a hitch and as you can see in the photos below, the fonts are much easier on the eyes!

Good Luck! If you want to modify another theme then just do Part 1 only. Part 2 is done one time only. It would also be a good idea to make back-up copies of the files before you modify them so in case something goes wrong you can restore.

My apologies for the poor quality pics and for the long post, I intended this post for non-expert people like myself who only wish to have bigger fonts the better to enjoy the N900. Oh I love my N900, what other phone allows me to tweak config files like this?

zero2007 2010-05-30 00:57

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Did you miss out part 2 Section 12?
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit

try adding .css to the end of part 13
13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations.css". This will load for editing the config file that

I have just had redo this since I upgraded to PR 1.2

adding the .css to the end of those 3 lines is the only addition I had to make.


BongC36 2010-05-30 05:16

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 688583)
I have upgraded to PR 1.2 and was able to do part one for the fonts. But, UNABLE to get part to change the SMS and Messaging to to work as I get to the leafpad part to open gtkrc but nothing happens, only a blank white page shows up.

Help please!

Hi there, Zero2007 is correct, you missed some steps. Adding ".css" is also a good idea because it filters out the other files except those with .css extensions. Less clutter on screen

To change the SMS and IM font sizes you have to edit 3 other files, not the GTKRC in the theme folder that we edited in Part 1. I'll try to revise part 2 to make this clearer:

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size

Open x-terminal and type "sudo gainroot" like before if you had not yet done so.
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html" note the space after the letters cd!
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit. The command "ls" means "list"
12A. The three (3) files that you will see are:

13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css". This will load for editing the configuration file that controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 32px;" (without the quotation marks of course, and note the semi-colon after px)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 32px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 38px instead of 32px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

Please be very careful when using x-terminal with root access enabled because you can damage your phone if done incorrectly. Check spellings carefully and see that you haven't accidentally erased or modified any other config entries other than the ones shown above.

This is how I did it in mine but of course I cannot assume any responsibility that it will work in yours. But look at the screen shots I posted to see what the results are when you do this right:D

kamishly 2010-05-30 06:11

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks you for the details! I will try to follow your description.
BTW, would you happen to know what I need to look name as for one of the default themes Digital Nature in the Xterm??
I don't see the Digital Nature.


Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 689205)
Hi there, Zero2007 is correct, you missed some steps. Adding ".css" is also a good idea because it filters out the other files except those with .css extensions. Less clutter on screen

To change the SMS and IM font sizes you have to edit 3 other files, not the GTKRC in the theme folder that we edited in Part 1. I'll try to revise part 2 to make this clearer:

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size

Open x-terminal and type "sudo gainroot" like before if you had not yet done so.
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html" note the space after the letters cd!
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit. The command "ls" means "list"
12A. The three (3) files that you will see are:

13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations.css". This will load for editing the configuration file that controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 32px;" (without the quotation marks of course, and note the semi-colon after px)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 32px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversations.css".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 38px instead of 32px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

Please be very careful when using x-terminal with root access enabled because you can damage your phone if done incorrectly. Check spellings carefully and see that you haven't accidentally erased or modified any other config entries other than the ones shown above.

This is how I did it in mine but of course I cannot assume any responsibility that it will work in yours. But look at the screen shots I posted to see what the results are when you do this right:D

BongC36 2010-05-30 08:09

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I think its under "default". The NSeries is "Alpha"
I edited the font sizes all the themes that I have installed so no problem when changing themes.

kamishly 2010-05-30 14:08

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Sorry to report, once I get to the leaf pad and to section 14 I only get a blank page .

BTW, I do see the 3 files you are talking about.

I have done this over and over, followed your instructions step by step. Something is not right!!


Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 689205)
Hi there, Zero2007 is correct, you missed some steps. Adding ".css" is also a good idea because it filters out the other files except those with .css extensions. Less clutter on screen

To change the SMS and IM font sizes you have to edit 3 other files, not the GTKRC in the theme folder that we edited in Part 1. I'll try to revise part 2 to make this clearer:

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size

Open x-terminal and type "sudo gainroot" like before if you had not yet done so.
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html" note the space after the letters cd!
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit. The command "ls" means "list"
12A. The three (3) files that you will see are:

13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations.css". This will load for editing the configuration file that controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 32px;" (without the quotation marks of course, and note the semi-colon after px)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 32px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversations.css".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 38px instead of 32px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

Please be very careful when using x-terminal with root access enabled because you can damage your phone if done incorrectly. Check spellings carefully and see that you haven't accidentally erased or modified any other config entries other than the ones shown above.

This is how I did it in mine but of course I cannot assume any responsibility that it will work in yours. But look at the screen shots I posted to see what the results are when you do this right:D

BongC36 2010-05-30 15:04

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 689843)
Sorry to report, once I get to the leaf pad and to section 14 I only get a blank page .

BTW, I do see the 3 files you are talking about.

I have done this over and over, followed your instructions step by step. Something is not right!!

Opps very sorry:o, it should be "MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css" (no "s") not MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations.css

I have edited the revised instructions already:o

ddwwf1 2010-05-30 15:22

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
everything is working great for me now needed to increase font size in the IM file and the single text as i had set the to small and forgot to resize thanks for the help everyone

tangigi 2010-05-31 08:34

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 689843)
Sorry to report, once I get to the leaf pad and to section 14 I only get a blank page .

BTW, I do see the 3 files you are talking about.

I have done this over and over, followed your instructions step by step. Something is not right!!

It is case sensitive. you must type "Messaging" with a capital "M", not a small "m"

leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css
leafpad MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css
leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css

In my case, I did not see MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css, but MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css.
so I typed leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css

ahmoda 2010-05-31 12:32

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Working perfectly

Thanks a lot.

tangigi 2010-05-31 13:03

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Hi Bongc36,

one question:

when you open leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css.

there is a div.message * { first and as you scroll down there is a div.message {.

we insert the font-size: 38px on the latter one, correct?


ahmoda 2010-05-31 13:10

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by tangigi (Post 691680)
Hi Bongc36,

one question:

when you open leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css.

there is a div.message * { first and as you scroll down there is a div.message {.

we insert the font-size: 38px on the latter one, correct?


Only under "div.message {" not with the star "div.message * {".

By mistake i put it with the star , but it make some problem in message appearance as it was not showing probably.

However, put it in the "div.message {.".

Good luck.

BongC36 2010-05-31 13:15

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by tangigi (Post 691680)
Hi Bongc36,

one question:

when you open leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css.

there is a div.message * { first and as you scroll down there is a div.message {.

we insert the font-size: 38px on the latter one, correct?


Hi, I put it after the first. like this:

div.Message *{
font-size: 38px;
white-space: normal;


and it worked:) I don't know if it will work if placed under the 2nd one.

Oh I see just now that Ahmoda has put it under the 2nd div. message and it worked for him too so maybe it doesn't matter

BongC36 2010-05-31 13:20

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by tangigi (Post 691257)
It is case sensitive. you must type "Messaging" with a capital "M", not a small "m"

leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css
leafpad MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css
leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css

In my case, I did not see MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css, but MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css.
so I typed leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css

That's correct, it is case-sensitive I should have pointed that out and thanks for correcting from MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css to the correct MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css.

ahmoda 2010-05-31 13:25

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 691709)
Hi, I put it after the first. like this:

div.Message *{
font-size: 38px;
white-space: normal;


and it worked:) I don't know if it will work if placed under the 2nd one.

It will work , but for the message in Arabic for example (from right to left) , it will not show the single message. and when i moved it to the second it worked perfectly.

BongC36 2010-05-31 13:37

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ahmoda (Post 691731)
It will work , but for the message in Arabic for example (from right to left) , it will not show the single message. and when i moved it to the second it worked perfectly.

That's cool! This is really what is so great about this phone, we can TINKER with it haha

Good luck to all

tangigi 2010-06-01 02:31

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Yes, nothing like tweaking a toy. Thanks again

kamishly 2010-06-02 18:46

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Any idea on how I can restore the water theme (blue)?

I tweaked the fonts, but for some reason I get the water background but in contacts and stuff I get white backgound with very tiny fonts.

I'm not sure what happened there.

Any help would be appreciated!


Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 691720)
That's correct, it is case-sensitive I should have pointed that out and thanks for correcting from MessagingWidgetsIMConversation.css to the correct MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css.

raublai 2010-06-04 02:03

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Hi, BongC36 i was follows your step to change theme fonts, i was using Nokia Nseries theme, i just only follow to part 1 step4.
i type : cd Nokia Nseries/gtk-2.0
can't cd to Nokia/gtk-2.0
pls help

i need help with the N900 2010-06-04 03:04

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
This is what I need to do, but where do I find the options?

If I select themes, I am given two options, nseries and digital nature, with no sub menus or anything?

This phone is doing my head in!!! Appreciate any simple guidance, thanks.

tangigi 2010-06-04 07:28

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by raublai (Post 698830)
Hi, BongC36 i was follows your step to change theme fonts, i was using Nokia Nseries theme, i just only follow to part 1 step4.
i type : cd Nokia Nseries/gtk-2.0
can't cd to Nokia/gtk-2.0
pls help

1. Open X-terminal
2. Type "sudo gainroot". If you had installed the rootsh mentioned above this will allow you to edit files
3. Type "cd /usr/share/themes"
4. Type "ls" to display the installed themes.

you will see "default", "alpha". but you wont see nokia, nseries or digital nature, so nothing will happen when you type any of the 3 bec it does not exist. try typing default (maybe nseries) or alpha (maybe digital nature)

raublai 2010-06-04 13:15

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
hi tangigi,
i was follow your step, but when i came to "leafpad gtkrc"
it show "leafpad not found"
where to get the leafpad?

kamishly 2010-06-04 18:22

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Nosto theme in extra devel, very nice theme and I don't know how to contact the developer.

Would you happen to know how to change the colors of the numbers as they are NOT visible also the virtual key board color is not showing the back space and CAP buttons.



Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 590261)
My eyes aren't as sharp as they used to be so I found the small fonts used in the N900 to be less than ideal. I searched for a way to increase them so that I can read them without wearing my reading glasses. The full credit for these techniques goes to b666m and Grant, I just compiled their info into a step-by-step form for us non-programmers. Thanks guys, now I can read them w/o glasses!

Basically the system fonts can be changed by editing the config file "gtkrc" for the theme you want to use. Each theme has it's own gtkrc file so if you want to switch between themes you have to edit them all.

The font sizes used in the SMS and IM conversations and in the single SMS view are controlled by 3 separate config files with a .css extension. You only need to do this once unlike in the above for themes.

To begin: first, you need to have access to the root. Download the file rootsh from Maemo.extras and install it. Also download and install the text editor Leafpad or you may use another text editor if you wish.

I will be using the theme 'marina' in this example, use whatever theme you want to modify, the steps are the same. So here is how I did it: Please type exactly as shown, as it is case-sensitive. Press 'Enter' after each command.

Part 1: Changing the theme fonts size
1. Open X-terminal
2. Type "sudo gainroot". If you had installed the rootsh mentioned above this will allow you to edit files
3. Type "cd /usr/share/themes"
4. Type "ls" to display the installed themes. This step is optional
5. Type "cd marina/gtk-2.0"
6. type "leafpad gtkrc" to edit the config file gtkrc
7. scroll down or use the search function until you see the section
* font definitions
8. Here you will see the fonts used in this theme. Just increase all fonts below 20 by 2 or 3 points higher.
Example I changed small fonts from 13 to 16
9. Do the same for the section
* new fonts for fremantle
10. When finished, use the pull-down menu to save or just press "x"
to exit. The program will prompt you if you want to save first before exiting

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html"
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit
13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css". This will load for editing the config file that controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 30px;" (without the quotation marks of course)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 30px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 32px instead of 30px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

This is how I did it. I cannot guarantee that it will work for you and of course I cannot be liable for any damages that may or may not happen to your phone. In my case it worked without a hitch and as you can see in the photos below, the fonts are much easier on the eyes!

Good Luck! If you want to modify another theme then just do Part 1 only. Part 2 is done one time only. It would also be a good idea to make back-up copies of the files before you modify them so in case something goes wrong you can restore.

My apologies for the poor quality pics and for the long post, I intended this post for non-expert people like myself who only wish to have bigger fonts the better to enjoy the N900. Oh I love my N900, what other phone allows me to tweak config files like this?

winson3886 2010-06-05 08:13

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Dear BongC36,

That increase the font sizes is very useful. But may I ask you that have you any other app to increase the font sizes for the system in N900? Please help me.

ddwwf1 2010-06-05 12:20

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
ok silly me forgot to make a back up of the original default file before editing the fonts does anyone know the original values that they can post here so i can work out why some of my fonts dont fit properly pleae

Ministeri 2010-06-05 13:40

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by kamishly (Post 699919)
Nosto theme in extra devel, very nice theme and I don't know how to contact the developer.

Would you happen to know how to change the colors of the numbers as they are NOT visible also the virtual key board color is not showing the back space and CAP buttons.


I am the developer of the Nosto Theme.

I'm beginner in Maemo theming and this is very early release with only small part of graphics made. I would suggest not to use this theme before announcement.

I'm working on making it usable. :)

kamishly 2010-06-05 13:52

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Ministeri, Great to here from you. I must say your theme is the best one with potential!!

I have it installed but not using it due to not being able to read the phone numbers and the missing keyboard characters, also the lock screen would be nice to change from the nokia Nseries.

Please, Please hurry up and update this theme, it would be a BIG hit for the N900



Originally Posted by Ministeri (Post 701039)
I am the developer of the Nosto Theme.

I'm beginner in Maemo theming and this is very early release with only small part of graphics made. I would suggest not to use this theme before announcement.

I'm working on making it usable. :)

xomm 2010-06-05 14:07

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by winson3886 (Post 700745)
Dear BongC36,

That increase the font sizes is very useful. But may I ask you that have you any other app to increase the font sizes for the system in N900? Please help me.

Unless someone is willing to create a GUI and a script for this, that won't be happening.

And by the way, reporting a post to get a moderator's attention is hardly conventional.

lepadekor 2010-06-12 22:54

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
i do it, thanks. :D
But i cannot do it for themes "Nokia Nseries" , instead "Marina".
I wrote "default", "alpha", "Nokia Nseries" or "Nseries" but, no!
Please Help Me!:o

santivdk 2010-08-23 19:00

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, this is absolutely great explanation. My eyes aren't what they used to be either, so I can see again. One question though. When increasing the font size I run out of room in some of the menus (see attached screen shot). I am sure this can be adapted somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated.

d-iivil 2010-08-24 09:33

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by santivdk (Post 796170)
Thanks, this is absolutely great explanation. My eyes aren't what they used to be either, so I can see again. One question though. When increasing the font size I run out of room in some of the menus (see attached screen shot). I am sure this can be adapted somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated.

Yeah, lower the font sizes pixel per pixel until text will fit into buttons.

santivdk 2010-08-27 11:53

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks, that does indeed work to a certain extent, but I keep running out of space. I will keep looking for a way to increase the buttons themselves.

d-iivil 2010-08-27 12:50

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by santivdk (Post 799960)
Thanks, that does indeed work to a certain extent, but I keep running out of space. I will keep looking for a way to increase the buttons themselves.

Changing button sizes would require not just creating bigger images for buttons, but also deep hacking to hildon / gtk itself. I have no idea where to point you though :( Maybe start a topic to developement or design -section?

hermes040 2010-11-10 21:47

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I was enjoying this modification and my eyes were happy to be able to see whats on the screen with enlarged fonts, but after PR1.3 I guess file structures have chaged. I can't apply the changes described here.


Yes, I know your Theme Customizer and I installed it. Unfortunately 2 drawbacks: one - maximum level you provide is +5, which is not enough for me. two - you apply same + or - value to ALL fonts, whereas I need different values applied.
As you give us the possiblity of changing colors of each font seperately, can you also add an option to change size of each font also independently?

raublai 2011-12-16 08:54

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
hi, i was follow the instruction given by bongC36 to increase the fonts size but i did't make it. The fonts come to smalles then before and hard to read pls help. tq

OldTimer192 2016-12-10 16:53

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thank you - now in 2016 December.
More than 4 years has gone since the last comment on this topic before mine.
I am still using N900 - since 2010 January. The time has come to me as well to set bigger fonts ... The N900 I use since 2010 January is still fantastic.
A very big thank you Bong for these instructions.

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