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xpress 2010-05-15 21:38

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
searching to download it , but cant find it anywhere

nicolai 2010-05-15 22:08

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I don't know why the icons revert to the blank icon. Only to not be misunderstood, the control panel does not activate the profiles.
You have to use the additional profiles-statusmenu button to
set the active profile.

The name is "ProfilesX" it is in the extras-devel repository, category "system".


hawaii 2010-05-17 04:04

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I also am unable to view the status icons. Silent still comes up with the icons, but my newly created profiles don't.

Great work on this. I can finally set an automated 'sleep' profile that I can access through a simple dbus call.

Foxer 2010-06-07 15:54

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Sorry because i'm having so many requests, but can you plsssssssss make it that i can select .ogg files? I have installed Ogg support for n900 and i have a beautiful ringtone that is a ogg file. It works with the standard profiles manager, but with ProfilesX the file can not be seen (it doesn't appear) when i browse to look for it.

Thank You!

das_schlumpfie 2010-06-08 06:03

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
hi, thanks for your work,

i created a new profile, now the problem is that i dont know how i can select the new profile.

please help.


nicolai 2010-06-08 08:03

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by das_schlumpfie (Post 704853)
hi, thanks for your work,

i created a new profile, now the problem is that i dont know how i can select the new profile.

please help.


There is an extra "profiles" button in the statusbar menu.


das_schlumpfie 2010-06-08 09:41

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
cheers its working now

Foxer 2010-06-09 05:13

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Any hope on ProfilesX seeing .ogg files? :o

nicolai 2010-06-09 07:05

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by Foxer (Post 706593)
Any hope on ProfilesX seeing .ogg files? :o

I' ll take a look on ogg-support in the next version.


Foxer 2010-06-11 00:26

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 706682)
I' ll take a look on ogg-support in the next version.


Thank You!! :)

rnb89 2010-06-11 09:12

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Can some one give me a guide or quick tut so that I can use ProfilesX + Something to get automated profile switching based on time and day.. ? Asking for that feature to be implemented in profilesx seems to be a long shot cos am sure it will take a lot of work..

I read about SES and Alarmed but am not sure how to use them..

Help appreciated..

harald 2010-06-14 13:01

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thanks nicolai for this application. Much appreciated.

For me, the icons don't work.

After having selected and saved an icon for a profile in "Control Panel ProfilesX", next time I want to edit the profile, the "Statusbar icon" field is blank.

I would expect the icon information to be saved in .profiled/custom.ini


# custom profile values



Can you please shed some light on what to expect in custom.ini for working icons.

Have you got other suggestions for troubleshooting this?



nicolai 2010-06-14 13:44

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
No, the profilesx application has its own config file (.profilesx), where
the icon information is stored.
Did you a reboot after install?

I don't have problems with the statusbar icons. But I heard from
other users that they have problems with the icons, too.
I will do some further tests.


das_schlumpfie 2010-06-14 14:42

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
icons dont work for me either, everytime i choose an icon, save , then open the menu can check again, the selected icon disappeared, as if i have never chosen an icon before.

any idea? thanks

harald 2010-06-14 15:27

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thanks for your immediate response.

To your question: Yes, I did reboot.

There is no file /home/user/.profilesx

Performing a "touch .profilesx" in /home/user does not resolve the problem.

When I create a new profile "Test" in the first place, I get a "Segmentation fault". When launching "Control Panel ProfilesX" again, the profile "Test" is there. I can modify "Test", all attributes as far as I can tell, but not the icon. When deleting "Test", I get another "Segmentation fault", but the profile is gone when re-launching "Control Panel ProfilesX".



raholco 2010-06-16 03:50

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I tried installing ProfilesX and I set up two profiles, but I cannout delete them-the app crashes. I also don't get the icons. But it does appear that the profile switching does work.

kylepsp 2010-06-16 06:55

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Ive created my own profile but when I get a message there is no sound, I've checked all the settings but it doesnt work

harald 2010-06-16 08:07

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Hi nicolai

If you want me to support, kindly let me know. Happy to run an image through gdb. I have also an strace output available.



nicolai 2010-06-19 15:09

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by harald (Post 717182)
Hi nicolai

If you want me to support, kindly let me know. Happy to run an image through gdb. I have also an strace output available.



Thank you for this.

I found some bugs and made a new version (0.5).
New feature:
the statusbar plugin hides the builtin profile button.
you can select ogg-files (if ogg files are supported).


harald 2010-06-20 10:19

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 721723)
Thank you for this.

I found some bugs and made a new version (0.5).
New feature:
the statusbar plugin hides the builtin profile button.
you can select ogg-files (if ogg files are supported).


Hi nicolai

Thanks for your efforts. Much appreciated.

A couple of observations:

The initial problem remains. I.e. After having selected and saved an icon for a profile in "Control Panel ProfilesX", next time I want to edit the profile, the "Statusbar icon" field is blank.

There is still no file /home/user/.profilesx

There is no longer a "Segmentation fault" when creating or deleting a profile. That part is resolved.

Thanks again for your work.


Foxer 2010-06-21 10:43

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 721723)
Thank you for this.

I found some bugs and made a new version (0.5).
New feature:
the statusbar plugin hides the builtin profile button.
you can select ogg-files (if ogg files are supported).


thank you so much for considering my request regarding the .ogg's!! I just updated and it works great :) Now my only wish is that maybe someday we'll see MIDI suport on the N900..

Regarding the discution about the icons in profiles, they don't work for me either (not that i'm complaining)

Thanks Again!!!

nicolai 2010-06-21 14:26

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by Foxer (Post 723450)
Regarding the discution about the icons in profiles, they don't work for me either (not that i'm complaining)


skalogre 2010-06-21 16:20

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Lovely application, Nicolai :) . The only thing I would like to see is the ability to use the profiles your program creates with Alarmed. Not sure if that has to do with ProfilesX or Alarmed, though, frankly.

rajil.s 2010-06-21 17:02

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 723681)

Icons now work. thanks for the update.

harald 2010-06-22 05:59

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 723681)

Thanks, nicolai.
Very much appreciated.

Foxer 2010-06-23 04:15

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
icons now work! :D Great job!
This is one of the most appreciated apps. on the n900

F2thaK 2010-06-23 04:39

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by skalogre (Post 723810)
Lovely application, Nicolai :) . The only thing I would like to see is the ability to use the profiles your program creates with Alarmed. Not sure if that has to do with ProfilesX or Alarmed, though, frankly.

Im with you on this, but im happy with alarmed + tweakr

skalogre 2010-06-23 05:18

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 725864)
Im with you on this, but im happy with alarmed + tweakr

Don't get me wrong, I use Tweakr also - but ProfilesX is a bit easier to use :)

F2thaK 2010-06-23 05:29

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
IMHO tweakr is quicker to use, but ProfilesX is easier to setup/change

nicolai 2010-06-23 08:06

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thank you all for your feedback.

The main reason I made profilesx, and why I prefere it to tweakr,
tweakr is a workaround.
I used it too, and I am grateful to the developer of tweakr.
In my opinion, to supporting only two profiles is a bad design decision.
Right after some users complained that there are only two profiles,
he made it possible to handle additional profiles. That was really fast.

But a workaround isn't necessary. ProflesX uses the same config files
like the builin profiles manager and the same "profile-backend"(libprofiled).
No hacks, no hidden apis, no unofficial dbus-calls, no fake profile.
It is all there.

But of course, it would be much much easier (and faster) to implement
those features, if nokia would had made this gui-parts open source.
Instead of that, I had to recreate the whole gui-parts from scratch.
(the same goes for other ui-components (calendar/mediaplayer widget, phone-ui,
contacts-ui). And I really don't get it, what would nokia lose, if those gui-parts
would have been open source.There are so much possibilities for
the community to make this device better and fulfill more
user wishes).


little_beat 2010-06-23 08:32

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Thanks for your great work on ProfilesX and Calendar widget - using them both and am very happy with them.
If you are considering some other features/application suggestions, I'd like to request profile-changer that's based on calendar events.
I really miss this feature from Symbian, where nearly every profile changer had this implemented. And since you're now familiar with both calendar and profiles API, I can't think of person that would do this better.
Don't know how this feature is usually implemented, but the simplest I can think of is:
1) Write a daemon/utility that starts once/twice/[some times] a day and on startup.
2) The daemon would find all calendar events (for the following day) that contain provided strings and grab their start/end time
3) Schedule profile change event to provided profile at event start time
4) Optional - save active profile somewhere
5) Schedule profile change event to default profile (or previously saved active profile) at event end time.

This can also be implemented as a feature for your calendar widget. It shows forthcoming events successfully - so you've got point 1) implemented already.

Implementing such feature would give profilesX much better chances in the competition with tweakr =)

alex.darziu 2010-06-25 10:43

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Hi Nicolai,

I use this app as well and am very grateful to your amazing work as my life would've been such a pain without customizable profiles... :)

One quick question though (that I couldn't find in the thread) - is it possible to hide/remove the standard 2 profiles? Since I get both of them on the short power press drop down menu, sometimes it can be a bit confusing...

Many thanks in advance!

qwerty12 2010-06-25 11:26

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 725991)
But of course, it would be much much easier (and faster) to implement
those features, if nokia would had made this gui-parts open source.
Instead of that, I had to recreate the whole gui-parts from scratch.
(the same goes for other ui-components (calendar/mediaplayer widget, phone-ui,
contacts-ui). And I really don't get it, what would nokia lose, if those gui-parts
would have been open source.There are so much possibilities for
the community to make this device better and fulfill more
user wishes).

Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. :)

In fact, the inspiration for comes from your World Clock applet.

Anyway, minor bug:

Original CPA:

Your CPA:

As you can see, a long filename pushes the sliders out.

What the original CPA will do is g_strndup it before setting the HildonButton's value label. Alternatively, but that's rather clunky...

It's a shame that HildonButton won't allow access to its labels, as I think gtk_label_set_ellipsize is awesome...

Best regards,

ammadtira 2010-06-25 11:52

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Frm where can I find the link for it? anyone plz help?

ammadtira 2010-06-25 12:01

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
help plz? giv me the link

nicolai 2010-07-03 21:46

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 728836)

As you can see, a long filename pushes the sliders out.

What the original CPA will do is g_strndup it before setting the HildonButton's value label. Alternatively, but that's rather clunky...

It's a shame that HildonButton won't allow access to its labels, as I think gtk_label_set_ellipsize is awesome...

Best regards,

New version 0.7 in extras-devel.
Applied some patches from qwerty12 to fix this bug with
long filenames. And some more UI enhancements to let
the app look more like the original one.


roodmurning 2010-07-15 05:03

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I had two tiny issues with ProfilesX

1. I just tried Custom Ringtones but after I change profile, two ringtones (from profilesX and Custom Ringtones) would be trigger when receiving a call

2. so I uninstalled both, but the ProfilesX option would still show when I open Settings (will disappear 1-2 secs later)


nicolai 2010-07-15 08:27

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)


Originally Posted by roodmurning (Post 752378)
I had two tiny issues with ProfilesX

1. I just tried Custom Ringtones but after I change profile, two ringtones (from profilesX and Custom Ringtones) would be trigger when receiving a call

I don't know how "custom ringtones" work, but with profilesx you
can add extra profiles, maybe custom ringtones require to
have only the built-in profiles.


Originally Posted by roodmurning (Post 752378)
2. so I uninstalled both, but the ProfilesX option would still show when I open Settings (will disappear 1-2 secs later)


The controlpanel app makes a screenshot and shows this while
loading the control panel plugins. To update this screenshot, you can delete it

rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
and the controlpanel app will create a new one.


roodmurning 2010-07-15 19:42

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 752482)

I don't know how "custom ringtones" work, but with profilesx you
can add extra profiles, maybe custom ringtones require to
have only the built-in profiles.

The controlpanel app makes a screenshot and shows this while
loading the control panel plugins. To update this screenshot, you can delete it

rm -f /home/user/.cache/launch/
and the controlpanel app will create a new one.



I've also reported it to Custom Ringtones ...
where I hope something could be worked out :)

Schturman 2010-07-16 04:51

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by roodmurning (Post 753187)
I've also reported it to Custom Ringtones ...
where I hope something could be worked out :)

I know to about the problem with "Custom ringtones for your contacts" and here I opened this thread and sent the mail to creator, but for now is no answer... Meanwhile I removed this application because I miss the calls...

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