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tissot 2010-04-18 23:59

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 616856)

Its not 100% but its possible. I think we all agree that not too many people gonna spend 500+ on a phone:D so if they release budget Maemo it might help to make it more popular

N95 with 600-700 euros, 17 million sold and iphone with about 600 euros price does not agree. ;)
Nokia did release in Nokia Capital Market Days 2009 that Maemo/MeeGo will be in the 400 euros price point and above. Symbian have already partly lost it's charm and is moving to mid end so i'm happy that Maemo/MeeGo will again be real smartphone OS for Nokia. Symbian will be all about Qt in Symbian^4 so we will be getting apps both ways.

ed00 2010-04-19 00:03

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Me personally want Maemo to stay on N900 and could be improved and work much better than any other OS on mobile device. I think it has its uniqueness and style that no other system has. But MeeGo is pushing and we dont have choice but accept it. ( i guess Maemo project will stop). I think MeeGo remind me more of those Android. And its probably coming from Intel. Considering that they are working on some Android devices too if im not mistaking. And Nokia trying make it more user friendly so call. But at the end its ok for me as long as it will works smoothly and bring more options. :rolleyes: All tho i like Maemo!

qgil 2010-04-19 01:49

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 616506)
question is, will Meego on n900 run apps like picodrive,snes, facebrick, fmms etc? or will they have to be remade in Qt?

future is bright future is........

Non-Qt apps can run in MeeGo just like they could in Maemo: by having developers maintaining the libraries these apps depend upon.

Ronaldo 2010-04-19 01:51

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616979)
Non-Qt apps can run in MeeGo just like they could in Maemo: by having developers maintaining the libraries these apps depend upon.

thanks for confirming, now i'm really looking forward meego. well pr1.2 more for now :p

vkv.raju 2010-04-19 04:54

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Just wanted to ask if Ovi Music (DRM free) will be made available for the N900 with MeeGo 1.0 release or any other future releases for this device?

Btw, Ovi Maps (with free navigation for life) is coming to N900, right?

Thanks in advance,

Ahmed360 2010-04-19 05:56

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 616431)
You do understand that Quim Gil (qgil) is a Nokia employee right? And not just any employee.. Read more about him and you will know that whatever he says, is true.. Believe it or not... it's up to you...

Guess what....i work for nokia too in dubai!
Yeah im still new, but thats the answer i got from more than one person in a meeting about the future of meego.

And that question was the first thing that poped in my mind because i my self own an n900...

bandora 2010-04-19 20:57

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 617128)
Guess what....i work for nokia too in dubai!
Yeah im still new, but thats the answer i got from more than one person in a meeting about the future of meego.

And that question was the first thing that poped in my mind because i my self own an n900...

7abibi ok, bas qgil works in finland oo mosh bas finland, elo 3alaqa bi Maemo/Meego.. So he has good solid info of what he's talking about...

Sorry for speaking another language.. Had to explain it somehow to him.. :D

Dave999 2010-04-19 21:01

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
duel boot?

mankir 2010-04-19 21:08

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 618386)
duel boot?

I will choose the one which boots faster, when functions are equal!

nMIK-3 2010-04-20 05:17

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Ulrik (Post 616177)
Both for the N900?

(Just to be clear :))


Can you please clarify the above question from Ulrik :confused:

russo_br 2010-04-20 13:26

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 616646)
That appears to sum up the overall sentiment. But I would add "avoids or reduces confusion". :D

(poll needs an "either one" option)

I would add the option "Dual Boot" in this poll as well!!! :p

Or going more insane... how about build a ARM-based hypervisor based on Xen or KVM to run both at the same time!??? That way we could have not only multi-tasking, but multi-OSing :eek:

russo_br 2010-04-20 13:40

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616151)
MeeGo will be released officially for the N900, since the N900 is the reference ARM hardware of the MeeGo project. See and related questions in that wiki page.


Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616155)
Maemo 5 users will have choices. Some of them will prefer to stay with Maemo 5 updates, some of them will prefer to jump to MeeGo updates (probably with different flavors to choose depending on your preferences).

@qgil, just to be clear, does this mean that Nokia has now a final decision to support the "end user" version of Meego on N900?

The first post could be interpreted as the Meego developers version already available right now (without graphical UI), but the second post was more direct. But the wiki page currently states that Nokia hasn't either confirmed or denied Meego official support on N900.... Maybe there was no time to update the wiki, so can you please tell what is the official position from Nokia?

If this is confirmed, I suggest to also publish in the section, since it would be a more direct way than through posts on the forum.

Bec 2010-04-22 07:35

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Personally I want maemo.

Probably after ~6 months when MeeGo reaches PR 1.2 too I'd be interested in a dual boot.
No beta testing can replace real world customer experience and suggestions. No need to rush MeeGo.

Either way if nokia supports this officially this is indeed a gesture of good faith from them and I'll think trice before I change to another brand.
If not... well I'm unfortunately used to that.

jorjino 2010-04-22 07:54

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
I think it is interesting question.

With current Maemo 5 stage we are as laboratory mouses - we have good mobile device, but with not all functionality - not so good phone functions (phone book, sms, profiles), not good GPS maps, etc.

So, I personally prefer MeeGo - I know that at this moment it is not polished, but has good future and it is worth to invest in it. We will still feel as laboratory mouses for while, but will have faith that soon will get good and up to date OS with excellent functionality.:)


russo_br 2010-04-22 13:52

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Bec (Post 622091)
Personally I want maemo.
Probably after ~6 months when MeeGo reaches PR 1.2 too I'd be interested in a dual boot.
No beta testing can replace real world customer experience and suggestions. No need to rush MeeGo.

I think most of us were aware that Maemo was a platform in development and it would take sometime to be mature/polished. The Meego announcement was changed the scenario since it is clear that's where Nokia and Intel will invest most of their resources on its development.

But let's face it, those who adopted Maemo probably like to be early adopters and thus participate in all the O.S. polishing process. So the same users will probably be tempted to install Meego 1.0 as soon it is launched, specially if it comes with attractive new features and UI, which is what everybody expects.


Originally Posted by Bec (Post 622091)
Either way if nokia supports this officially this is indeed a gesture of good faith from them and I'll think trice before I change to another brand.

Me too!! Meego won't be exclusive from Nokia, so they need to differentiate from competitors. More than a gesture of goof faith, it is a business decision which defines whether old customers will remain loyal to Nokia or not.

Texrat 2010-04-22 13:58

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by brera (Post 616660)
what either option do you want? And how change a poll?

Like I said: "either one". A "don't care" selection. Unfortunately polls can't be changed; my comment was an FYI.

ZShakespeare 2010-04-22 14:02

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
If intel can provide me with an OS that provides basic apps such as email, calendar, and media player that do more than the bare minimum that one would expect from such an app I'm in. Also portrait mode. It makes me irrationally furious when I have to put down what I'm doing to send a single-word sms reply when every review I read for the N900 said that portrait support was promised to come "any day now". I feel kind of ripped off and MeeGo has the promise to remedy all this.

No1cromo 2010-04-22 23:38

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
I'm always willing to try new things so yeah MeeGo 1.0 :)

Venemo 2010-04-22 23:54

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
The moment MeeGo surpasses Maemo 5, I won't hesitate to switch.
Until then, good old Maemo.

Cue 2010-04-23 00:14

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by russo_br (Post 619350)
I would add the option "Dual Boot" in this poll as well!!! :p

Or going more insane... how about build a ARM-based hypervisor based on Xen or KVM to run both at the same time!??? That way we could have not only multi-tasking, but multi-OSing :eek:

does anybody know what happened to this very cool vmware development?

ogre 2010-04-23 01:56

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 618386)
duel boot?

This is where there are two OS but definitely some conflicts?

Kajko 2010-04-23 02:23

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Meego to be officially released for the N900? Awesome news. I was one of the vocal ones who complained.

Thank you!

I love my N900 more and more everyday.

russo_br 2010-04-23 16:24

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 623706)
Meego to be officially released for the N900? Awesome news. I was one of the vocal ones who complained.

Don't jump into conclusions for now, for me at least it is still unclear if the statement was about an actual Nokia support for N900 or could be a "best effort" to let the community support a distribution of Meego. The wiki page about the subject "Meego on N900" has no updates, so I asked @qgil on my previous post on this same thread, but no answer so far:

un-named_user 2010-04-23 16:54

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 623706)
Meego to be officially released for the N900? Awesome news. I was one of the vocal ones who complained.

It still hasn't been decided if Meego on the N900 will be productized.

What it means that while Meego will come to the N900, it is still not clear if it'll contain the same features/applications expected of a proper Nokia Meego Device.

russo_br 2010-04-23 18:41

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by un-named_user (Post 624707)
It still hasn't been decided if Meego on the N900 will be productized.

That's why everybody who wants official Meego on N900 should answer the Nokia official survey and give your feedback:

toto29820 2010-04-25 07:10

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
wondering why two Nokia employees tell different stories. My guess is no meego for N900 lets wait any see.

qgil 2010-04-26 04:01

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Sorry for the silence. I was afk most of last week, trapped in a volcano ash cloud.

No news on Nokia supporting MeeGo / Harmattan officially for the N900. That is a business decision and no Nokia business representative has given any news recently.

There is progress on the technical side: [MeeGo-dev] Brief status of "MeeGo to N900" project

toto29820: who are the two Nokia employees and what are their diverging quotes?

ZogG 2010-04-26 04:24

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
as i understand ovi store would have meego apps and intelapp store would have them. does it mean i can use both on upcoming nokia meego based phone (hopefully n900 too) or ovi only for nokia and intel only for intel?

ZogG 2010-04-26 04:29

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 627741)
Sorry for the silence. I was afk most of last week, trapped in a volcano ash cloud.

No news on Nokia supporting MeeGo / Harmattan officially for the N900. That is a business decision and no Nokia business representative has given any news recently.

There is progress on the technical side: [MeeGo-dev] Brief status of "MeeGo to N900" project

toto29820: who are the two Nokia employees and what are their diverging quotes?

and as i see there are no much official news from nokia on n900. it would be interesting to know about futher support even if u can't reveal on meego suppot we still would like to know about maemo5 future. as we know about hong kong edition release. does it mean that pr1.2 is not the last update and if not what is upcoming?

gryedouge 2010-04-26 04:40

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Do you have any more info about the dual boot possibility? This sounds pretty exciting and opens a lot more opportunities for us.

un-named_user 2010-04-26 04:47

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 627741)
Sorry for the silence. I was afk most of last week, trapped in a volcano ash cloud.

No news on Nokia supporting MeeGo / Harmattan officially for the N900. That is a business decision and no Nokia business representative has given any news recently.

There is progress on the technical side: [MeeGo-dev] Brief status of "MeeGo to N900" project

toto29820: who are the two Nokia employees and what are their diverging quotes?

I'm guessing your following posts were misunderstood a bit and since then have been posted around the forum with the expectation that Meego will come to the N900 as fully productized OS.

The key mistake being putting the "OFFICAL" in it. Which well.. is a bit vague and was interpreted by many in a way at tangent to yours. Nothing wrong with the word, but to many official==productized

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616151)
MeeGo will be released officially for the N900, since the N900 is the reference ARM hardware of the MeeGo project. See and related questions in that wiki page.

The next post does make it sound like Nokia is providing a proper upgrade path for current N900 users, doesn't it? In which case many would expect it to be a proper commercial grade release.

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616155)
Maemo 5 users will have choices. Some of them will prefer to stay with Maemo 5 updates, some of them will prefer to jump to MeeGo updates (probably with different flavors to choose depending on your preferences).

The other Nokia employee would be @harrihakulinen who made it clear(thankfully, I must add) that it still has not been decided whether Meego will come as a productized OS to the N900.

Originally Posted by harrihakulinen (Post 623274)
Looks like I should have been little bit more specific. I did not announce any new activity, we are still talking about the same project that we announced way back, see

Please remember that MeeGo is about open source os, and product decisions for Nokia will be made by another people / scope.

Personally I feel that it is too early now to talk about MeeGo as productized platform for N900.


OR it could even refer to @Ahmed360

Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 616208)
I asked some "people" in Nokia, they told me it will not be released OFFICIALLY, instead it will be available to download in external firmware packages (like with windows mobile scene)
Believe it or not...its up to you


Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 617128)
Guess what....i work for nokia too in dubai!
Yeah im still new, but thats the answer i got from more than one person in a meeting about the future of meego.

And that question was the first thing that poped in my mind because i my self own an n900...

OT: After the whole "Cleaning up the FUD" thread I'd really appreciate better worded/less ambiguous posts. :)
I for one am not expecting a positive decision by the business guys given Nokia's legacy on that topic. But, I still hate the noise this topic brings/can bring along when things are misunderstood or taken out of context. Ruins T.M.O for me :(

qgil 2010-04-26 12:15

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
While things might seem a bit confusing, they are actually quite clear as soon as you understand what is MeeGo, what is Nokia and what is what you are looking for.

MeeGo is an independent project from The Linux Foundation that releases an open source operating system supporting different hardware platforms, being the N900 one of them.

Nokia is a commercial company that participates in the development of MeeGo and is working on products and releases based on this operating system. It hasn't announced any plans to offer a MeeGo based update for the N900.

If you are looking for updates of proprietary software like Ovi Maps or Adobe Flash then the MeeGo project alone is of little help and you need to look for the owners of that software.

Therefore, the use of "official" is correct both in Harri's and my communication. We both work at the MeeGo Devices team at Nokia, on top of the real stuff happening. We avoid rumours and we stay on facts and public information, even if at the expense of not explaining all the things you wish to read.

About the other recent comments, if you have generic questions about MeeGo please consider checking and asking at . Here we can keep focusing on Nokia devices & support.

russo_br 2010-04-26 15:12

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 627741)
No news on Nokia supporting MeeGo / Harmattan officially for the N900. That is a business decision and no Nokia business representative has given any news recently.
There is progress on the technical side: [MeeGo-dev] Brief status of "MeeGo to N900" project

Thanks for clarifying this, qgil.

The fact that this project "Meego on N900" is running by a dedicated team on Nokia is great news, thus it is no surprise that would lead the most optimistic users to believe N900 will be officially supported (at least the chances got better in my opnion). I do understand that business decisions sometimes can not be disclosed, even if there is a decision already.

I think the best way for keep this project running is to answer the official survey about N900. You mentioned several times that was not the proper customer channel for complains, so now we have a unique opportunity. I hope the results of this survey will reach the Nokia executive guys who have indeed the power to make the final decision about supporting Meego officially.

Ahmed360 2010-04-26 18:33

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 627741)
No news on Nokia supporting MeeGo / Harmattan officially for the N900. That is a business decision and no Nokia business representative has given any news recently.

Thank you sir, I already said that few posts ago

Now its confirmed...i wonder where is bandora now :cool:

boavista2000 2010-07-03 03:59

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
[Quote = qgil ; 616151 ] Meego será lançado oficialmente para o N900 , desde que o N900 é a referência hardware ARM do projeto Meego . Veja [ url] # The_MeeGo_project_has_announced_support_for_the_N9 00.__What_does_it_really_mean_for_my_N900_.3F [/ url] e as questões relacionadas com a página wiki. [/ QUOTE]

i hope so....realy!! one question you are Portuguese?

boavista2000 2010-07-03 04:18

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 616151)
MeeGo will be released officially for the N900, since the N900 is the reference ARM hardware of the MeeGo project. See and related questions in that wiki page.

Tens toda a razão,a Nokia não pode abrir muito a boca relativamente ao progresso do OS para a concorrencia...! Mas tambem espero que não deixe mal os fãs do grandioso N900!!!

bandora 2010-07-03 04:38

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 628708)
Thank you sir, I already said that few posts ago

Now its confirmed...i wonder where is bandora now :cool:

I'm still here.. :D yeah yeah, you don't need to rub it into my face.. :mad: lol

My hopes + faith on Nokia has gone down a lot lately.. like ALOT.. :( oh well.. waiting for some vendor to really interest me.. Galaxy S looks nice.. O.o

cjp 2010-07-03 12:51

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 739235)
My hopes + faith on Nokia has gone down a lot lately.. like ALOT.. :( oh well.. waiting for some vendor to really interest me.. Galaxy S looks nice.. O.o

Haha like you could go to anything else after the N900. I laugh at thee!

No seriously, if you've had the N900 experience, there's just no going to anything else. Everything else is backwards. Not Android 2.2, 3.0 or WinMo7... nothing will do the trick!

tswindell 2010-07-03 13:22

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
Lets remember that MeeGo and handset UI is not Harmattan/MeeGo or even what ever Nokia do afterwards, we will not have Ovi on MeeGo for N900. Ovi services and Nokia support, though obviously currently limited, will only be available to N900 users that stick with Maemo 5. Not to mention the UX is multitouch driven, and from what I've experienced with it is extremely flakey because of this. So, the future of the N900 is a split path, and something you alone will be able to decide for yourself, though because of multi-booting, we can get the best of both worlds. :)

n900faniam 2010-07-03 13:52

Re: MeeGo 1.0 or Maemo 5
As much as I can't wait to get going with Meego, I think I'll wait for the finished product in October. As an end user and not a developer, I can't see the point of installing an OS that's still very much in development

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