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anidel 2010-05-18 04:21

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Got a pre-production as well, but as stated already, one of the very first to have not even a pre-production, but a prototype, was lcuk.

felbutss 2010-05-18 04:29

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
maybe change the first post on this thread.

lol kinda cool

First prototype = Lcuk
First Pre-Production = ???????? whos missing?
First Production = Felbutss - 30th October

cjp 2010-05-18 05:32

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 663444)
First prototype = Lcuk
First Pre-Production = ???????? whos missing?
First Production = Felbutss - 30th October

I sold the N900 to myself on the 3rd of December.

Wow didn't know I was early? :O

felbutss 2010-05-18 05:41

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by cjp (Post 663484)
I sold the N900 to myself on the 3rd of December.

Wow didn't know I was early? :O

lol what?? confused

phreck 2010-05-18 05:45

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
pre ordered in sept 09, recieved nov 24 09

alinefx 2010-05-18 05:54

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Nov 20th, 2009... just popped into the Nokia NYC store and told the sales droid some story about me being on the list since August... when in reality I had only called the day before.. funnily enough, someone called me the next day to pick it up.... :rolleyes:

jorjino 2010-05-18 06:08

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
1 Dec 2009.
I got my N900 from the first 10 pcs which came in my country.

ossipena 2010-05-18 06:32

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

strange... I was so sure it was warm still outside... but it could have not been...

bandora 2010-05-18 06:55

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Ordered from that crazy Dell deal back in november... got it December 1st... :)

somekeystrokes 2010-05-18 06:56

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I gt it on 28th nov..09!

koivjann 2010-05-18 07:00

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I got my first N900 09.09.2009 so I guess I was one of those first outside of Nokia who got the proto version in use

cjp 2010-05-18 07:02

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 663487)
lol what?? confused

Yeah I bought it from my self then. I sell phones... sold it to myself... that sorta thing.

dp333 2010-05-18 07:53

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
got mine in the first batch from NOKIA NYC STORE IN MID NOVEMBER.!!! AND LOVED IT EVER SINCE!

Snaps 2010-05-18 08:17

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Mid December. Whenever Mobile Phones Direct sent the phones out basically.

Guffaw 2010-05-18 08:25

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
30.11.2009 :)

Siddarth 2010-05-18 08:28

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
December 19th 2009

seba 2010-05-18 08:31

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November 23, 2009,
but ordered first day It was possible, so quite a long time to wait.

cardiff-blues 2010-05-18 08:36

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Order date: 21/09/2009

Delivered: 8/12/2009

Peter@Maemo Marketing 2010-05-18 08:43

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by dp333 (Post 663622)
got mine in the first batch from NOKIA NYC STORE IN MID NOVEMBER.!!! AND LOVED IT EVER SINCE!

You were probably among the first ones that got N900 production model in a store. We might have shipped other production models that have been preordered before that, but the first ones were most likely in NYC as far as I remember.

Peter@Maemo Marketing 2010-05-18 08:47

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 663437)
Got a pre-production as well, but as stated already, one of the very first to have not even a pre-production, but a prototype, was lcuk.

Yes, the first prototypes for the community were handed to out the Fremantle stars (five of them) that the community selected in a poll in 2009. Among those lucky ones were beside lcuk the developers of eCoach, OSM-to-Go, and Mauku under NDA.

In addition, the Maemo Community Council members got prototype devices ahead of the launch under NDA.

AndrewG 2010-05-18 09:13

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I got mine on 23rd november

jeppe777 2010-05-18 09:19

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Who cares who the real first N900 owners were

AndrewG 2010-05-18 09:22

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by jeppe777 (Post 663735)
Who cares who the real first N900 owners were

Seems quite a lot of people do.

zehjotkah 2010-05-18 09:33

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I preordered in late August and got mine on Monday 30th of November.
One of the first in Germany.

optimistprime 2010-05-18 10:14

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing (Post 663696)
You were probably among the first ones that got N900 production model in a store. We might have shipped other production models that have been preordered before that, but the first ones were most likely in NYC as far as I remember.

Sweet! Since i got mine that first day they were available in stores, its good to know I was one of the first few!

optimistprime 2010-05-18 10:16

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by jeppe777 (Post 663735)
Who cares who the real first N900 owners were

If you were waiting for the n900 for months like most of us were then yeah it kinda does mean something. It was awesome opening the box and turning it on for the first time and doing the little Maemo 5 tutorial. Ive been hooked ever since.......

sidwhosane 2010-05-18 11:12

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
aorund mid-December..

amorek13 2010-05-18 11:52

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November 23 NYC

janezek 2010-05-18 12:05

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
got mine on 31/12/2009, a few minutes before the store closed :)

lcuk 2010-05-18 12:11

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
/me had stayed away from this thread :D
but since peter confirmed it..

plaban 2010-05-18 12:18

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Got on 14th Dec in India shipped from USA

ossipena 2010-05-18 12:18

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by lcuk (Post 664009)
/me had stayed away from this thread :D
but since peter confirmed it..

well, you had earned it.

optimistprime 2010-05-18 12:29

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by lcuk (Post 664009)
/me had stayed away from this thread :D
but since peter confirmed it..

so you took the N900's virginity...congrats!

lcuk 2010-05-18 16:13

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
to the people asking me exact dates and stuff.
I cannot offer any more information than is public already suffice to say, i was VERY nervous coming home with it :D

God 2010-05-19 00:01

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 663267)
no label...nice. any issues with preproduction like loose usb? yeah i would like to see a pic too....

Mhm . .

HellFlyer 2010-05-19 03:05

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 665037)
Mhm . .

WTF? looks like a frame from a video:confused:

RDK 2010-05-19 03:23

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Feb time! :D Think I may be one of the last ;).

F2thaK 2010-05-19 03:24

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
if thats really urs you could post another photo of your 'nameless' N900 with a piece of paper with "God - Switzerland" written on it, in full quality (I.E. dont attach to post) hosted on photobucket (or equivalent)...


N900schizo 2010-05-19 03:45

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Got it Dec 1. Almost returned it dec 18 as couldn't get my work email to work. Currently using it to watch porn, iPhone 3GS for everything else

ysss 2010-05-19 04:08

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
After all the PR1.2 leak and overclocking thread... what I really want to know is:
who's the owner of the FIRST N900 that got owned??

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