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kingzeus 2010-05-25 20:19

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 676407)
This is wrong information. :confused:

We have tested video call between Nokia E71 Running Fring skype and N900 Running LPR1.2 last week ... over 3G network. :cool:

What did not work was N900 to MacOSX Snow Leopard running whatever latest version of Skype. 2 Way video did not establish. :(

Unless the other phone has skype and a 2nd camera it should work i mean its common sense you cant make a video call from an n900 to an iphone it wont give you the option or it might but it still wont work.

ksm 2010-05-25 21:49

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by teh (Post 675569)
Really stupid question but.. how do you make a video call with Skype on PR1.2? :)

I tried using skype video-calling here in the UK, tonight via wi-fi, following PR 1.2 update:

front-facing camera now working with skype calling, so I can now see myself talking ... but unfortunately cannot see the other user, nor can the other user see my front-facing camera image.

The other user was on a pc, with web-camera, and it was a tried and tested skype platform, with hitherto no problems.

Any progress on this, Brethren?

will177 2010-05-25 22:01

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I too have this problem. When I select video call, I can see myself but the person at the other end cannot see me and I cannot seem them.

This is for a N900 to PC call, with the PC running Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit and having a Logitech webcamera. (It works for PC to PC) PC to N900 video calling displays no remote video either. :(

Any ideas? (I've tried rebooting the N900 - didn't help)


mrl0n3ly714 2010-05-25 22:58

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
i can make a call from my n900 using wifi and to my gf N97 using fring but when initiate the video , the video show my face at N900 but not showing at N97 and sameing with other side, , also the video call from N900 to MAC is the same. but work in window.

Dima202 2010-05-25 23:26

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I have the same problem most people are having that they cannot call people that do no have web camera :(

raed 2010-05-26 00:50

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
well my problem is i cant see any skype video option on my contacts.
i tried everything mentioned
my contact has webcam
my contact called me with video but it failed
disabled skype and enble it
delete skype account and recreate it
in my contact setting there is no video call option

any help plz

amorek13 2010-05-26 01:27

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
from my own experience it only works on laptops with build in cams, all laptops i tested had build ins
one laptop had a usb cam and did no work i saw my self he saw him self but did not see each other

ernaveen 2010-05-26 07:44

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by raed (Post 677534)
well my problem is i cant see any skype video option on my contacts.
i tried everything mentioned
my contact has webcam
my contact called me with video but it failed
disabled skype and enble it
delete skype account and recreate it
in my contact setting there is no video call option

any help plz

The skype video call is currently supported between two N900 or between N900 and latest Skype windows client v4.2 onward

Siddarth 2010-05-26 07:47

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Is video call only for skype??....any idea Of Video call via 3g!!! is it there on N900 PR1.2!!!

ernaveen 2010-05-26 07:54

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by mece (Post 675576)
in a contact with skype, click skype video call instead of skype call

True, also from the call menu you will get "Turn Video On" option.

Also one important note, Skype video call works between:

1. Between two N900 devices.
2. Bentween N900 and latest Skype Windows client v4.2 onward.

ernaveen 2010-05-26 07:56

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ernaveen (Post 678327)
True, also from the call menu you will get "Turn Video On" option.

Also one important note, Skype video call works between:

1. Between two N900 devices.
2. Bentween N900 and latest Skype Windows client v4.2 onward.

One more important note, these options to use video call comes only if the above two conditions applies.

ernaveen 2010-05-26 08:13

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 676407)
This is wrong information. :confused:

We have tested video call between Nokia E71 Running Fring skype and N900 Running LPR1.2 last week ... over 3G network. :cool:

What did not work was N900 to MacOSX Snow Leopard running whatever latest version of Skype. 2 Way video did not establish. :(

Its true, because Skype Mac client still does not support H264 video codec, thats why video does not works.

dwould 2010-05-26 12:39

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
So this limitation of n900-n900 or n900 to latest windows client makes this a pretty much non-feature for me. of those people I know with skype very few are windows users, and those who are are probably not up to date with versions.

this is a bit of a dissapointment, I'll have ot try to get everyone using google talk instead, which did work fine.

pety 2010-05-26 14:14

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 679208)
So this limitation of n900-n900 or n900 to latest windows client makes this a pretty much non-feature for me. of those people I know with skype very few are windows users, and those who are are probably not up to date with versions.

this is a bit of a dissapointment, I'll have ot try to get everyone using google talk instead, which did work fine.

I have to totally agree. If I own an N900 I probably have friends/family who do not use windows pc's but macs and Linux. This is a bit of a disappointment really..

priit 2010-05-26 17:32

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Yeah, same issue here, most of my relatives using Ubuntu, so no skype video calls with my n900 :-(

Pigro 2010-05-26 17:36

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
just to further clarify - you can also initiate a video call from PC to n900 as long as you have the latest skype client. the video i posted earlier in this thread was of a call initiated that way. prior to updating my laptop skype client to the latest, the video wasn't working for me either.

mangal_sk8erboy 2010-05-26 17:48

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
hey i know skype is awsome n stuff..
but is there a way to VIDEO call ANOTHER phone through the SERVICE provider?
the n97, 6233 etc had a built in option of video calling other phones just like making a normal phone call.
Is that going to be available?

istarskyypsilon 2010-05-26 18:25

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
***** i am so disappointed right now!

i was looking forward to skype video call in PR 1.2, it was the most anticipated feature for me (along with working play button in media player widget:D )

If Nokia had made it in a way that it would be 99% working it would have been the killer feature for my N900. I was like: Awsum the future has begun and finally the N900 grows further!

But then reality hit me hard when i tried to videocall my friend on ubuntu karmic koala. I had the option to videocall in my contact and did so. But i was only able to see myself on N900. I couldnt see my friend and neither could he see me. Same **** with another friend and his mac book pro. Jeez Nokia not everyone has Windows with skype 4.2!

I am sure there must be a smart workaround or fix, maybe with less quality in the video stream but hey better than nothing.
Smart community members heres your chance to get big honor by cleaning up the **** Nokia dumped on my N900 sundae.

Sorry for being angry but i also have some hope that community will find a solution and i think its time to say thanks for all the great stuff i downloaded from this place so far.

Lets try to make skype video calling more versatile!

kingzeus 2010-05-26 18:31

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
They got the video call and its like the first phone that i seen that actually works and people still complain and its free what more do you want?

sph 2010-05-26 18:39

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Please vote the fix here:

ed00 2010-05-26 19:38

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
3 Attachment(s)
So far having no problem with Skype. Can make video call even when other party has no camera and can see it perfect or even when signed off (TESTED ALREADY!) . It just getting disconnected when nobody answers the call but my camera is on.

snostorm 2010-05-26 20:00

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
the video call only seems to work with the latest windows version 4.2 I tried the latest mac version and the next to latest linux version
an only win ver worked

snostorm 2010-05-26 20:04

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
video only worked with win ver 4.2 latest mac and linux ver did not work there is a linux version that I did not try yet

tirtawn 2010-05-26 20:08

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 679208)
So this limitation of n900-n900 or n900 to latest windows client makes this a pretty much non-feature for me. of those people I know with skype very few are windows users, and those who are are probably not up to date with versions.

this is a bit of a dissapointment, I'll have ot try to get everyone using google talk instead, which did work fine.

Agree :(, I have to stick eith 3.8 version since the I have a USB device that connects to Skype. Arggghhhh, now needs to upgrade to version 4.

tirtawn 2010-05-26 23:17

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
If you would like to give your video from n900 to the skype person (I will need to assume the other party is using skype 4.2).

If the other party does not have a webcam enabled -> there is a possibility that your n900 skype will not have the video option enabled.

So I use this trick to make it work.

Option 1
1. Ask the other party to use "screen sharing"
2. Right click on your skypename -> Share Your Screen -> Share Selection
3. Click on Start Sharing.

4. Then your n900 will ring -> Pick up the phone
and you will see the camera option will "appears" on your n900,
5. Click on the camera to send your video to your friend
6. Stop Screen sharing (from your friend)

then you will be able to send video from your n900 to your friend.

Option 2:
1. Establish a skype call to the person (a normal skype call)
2. Ask your Friend to use the screen sharing
Right click on your skypename -> Share Your Screen -> Share Selection
3. Click on Start Sharing.
4. Your N900 screen will change to allow video call.
5. start the camera on your n900
6. stop the sharing

PS: DO NOT try to use share your screen -> Full Screen because the call will be aborted.

Have fun for video calling :-)

jsbigs 2010-05-27 00:10

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by pety (Post 679521)
I have to totally agree. If I own an N900 I probably have friends/family who do not use windows pc's but macs and Linux. This is a bit of a disappointment really..

This is a SERIOUS disappointment really. Three months of anticipation while waiting and waiting for this feature in PR1.2 only to have this feature be so limited. Like the others, I and many of my fellow Skype users are on Macs. I'd bet money that Skype will update their Mac client about the same time Apple releases their new phone w/video calling.

Bratag 2010-05-27 00:40

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by jsbigs (Post 681178)
This is a SERIOUS disappointment really. Three months of anticipation while waiting and waiting for this feature in PR1.2 only to have this feature be so limited. Like the others, I and many of my fellow Skype users are on Macs. I'd bet money that Skype will update their Mac client about the same time Apple releases their new phone w/video calling.

Did you ever think that perhaps the issue is a limit in the technology of the client on the mac etc rather than the N900.

Chaminda 2010-05-27 06:17

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
1 Attachment(s)
yeah as "oprocopio" said... other user must have web cam activated to make video call. It worked fine for me... I tried it with couple of friends.

mrdally204 2010-05-27 06:38

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Calm down ladies. If you need the latest version of Skype for windows, its obvious that they added something there to make it work. Do not get your panties in a bunch as updates will be released for Linux and Mac so y'all can get back to cyber jerking cross platform. Lets not mention that this is the first release of this feature from skype, and I'm sure your lovely phones will receive an update once they get all the negative feedback from this thread. Chances are they made it use the best codec for quality/data rate to ensure QOS.

Siddarth 2010-05-27 06:42

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Video Call on Skype works just great! .....It didnt start after The PR1.2 update quickly.....Couple of restarts got it right!!!
still have to check Gtalk...

Quasar 2010-05-27 06:46

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by Chaminda (Post 681703)
other user must have web cam activated to make video call.

No, I've made videocall with person, who doesn't have webcam. On windows the latest Skype-version is necessary only (and your friend should allow accept videocalls)

otrdriver5005 2010-05-27 06:49

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by ksm (Post 677194)
I tried using skype video-calling here in the UK, tonight via wi-fi, following PR 1.2 update:

front-facing camera now working with skype calling, so I can now see myself talking ... but unfortunately cannot see the other user, nor can the other user see my front-facing camera image.

The other user was on a pc, with web-camera, and it was a tried and tested skype platform, with hitherto no problems.

Any progress on this, Brethren?

Mske sure that the pc skype is updated to the latest version thats how mine started working

awygas 2010-05-27 06:55

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900 and IM problem
Can you write IM to skype people who are offline ???
For me, this feature is not available now.

otrdriver5005 2010-05-27 06:57

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900 and IM problem
yes i can skype im to people who are offline

wierdo 2010-05-27 07:18

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900 and IM problem

Originally Posted by awygas (Post 681807)
Can you write IM to skype people who are offline ???
For me, this feature is not available now.

It disappeared for me, also. It came back after I disabled my skype account and reenabled it, as someone suggested near the beginning of the thread.

prowler-13 2010-05-27 08:56

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900 and IM problem

Originally Posted by wierdo (Post 681861)
It disappeared for me, also. It came back after I disabled my skype account and reenabled it, as someone suggested near the beginning of the thread.

Unfortunately, this solution only works to a certain extent...
Only works if your contacts are online, if they are online I can only see skype video call im option exists..
The im option only exists if I am offline,and vithout a video call option and then I cannot send anything :confused:

Basically I cannot send an im to a contact that is offline now :(

the only way to do that is if I already use a previous im conversation and continue from there......but I cant start a new one :mad:

cjsegninir 2010-05-27 12:12

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I tested yesterday and it's pretty cool!
Decent image and good sound.

I tried both ways, making the call and receiving it and everything worked.

Nice one for Nokia/Skype.

davidp 2010-05-27 12:15

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900

Originally Posted by cjsegninir (Post 682556)
I tested yesterday and it's pretty cool!
Decent image and good sound.

I tried both ways, making the call and receiving it and everything worked.

Nice one for Nokia/Skype.

Same here I tried it and worked fine, though once the skype video call dropped...

stobbsc 2010-05-27 12:20

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I'm happy to be honest.
The only thing that I am struggling with is that if I start a video call to pc with 4.2 running I don't get to see their image, but if they start the call to me then I do, is something wrong on the PC skype settings that I haven't thought of?


RDJEHV 2010-05-27 12:36

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I just tested some settings.

It seems the contact must have the newest skype version AND a webcam connected when you log on to skype.
Webcams connected after you log on to skype with the n900 are not recognised. However, the other party can still initiate the skype call.

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