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venkat_i22 2010-05-25 17:54

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Virtual keyboard doesnot work in portrait mode and the display rotates to landscape mode
Have any one tried ? i have flashed the global version

mornage 2010-05-25 17:55

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by oldnetdog (Post 676260)
if you have install and config omweather widget, it seems the 1st problem will happen.

The issue with Done staying appears to happen when the email widget is on too.

Optln 2010-05-25 17:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
"Get more from Ovi Store" button in the "Change Background" window is missing a proper string. Mine says: "home_li_get_ovi"

mece 2010-05-25 18:01

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by vaibhavsharma (Post 676556)
Update: Flashed Global FW to replace India FW. Scrolling in menu is faster, Skype also shows up. WTF is up the India FW?

Interesting development. That might explain why I haven't noticed any of the bugs mentioned. 2010-05-25 18:03

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
had to flash twice, first time didn't boot up properly, both vanilla and fiasco.
after rebooting 'Done' issue gone
missing search option in app manager
apart from that very good impression

venkat_i22 2010-05-25 18:03

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Can someone tell abt the virtual keybord in portrait mode

Diavoli 2010-05-25 18:04

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
So anybody try the OVI MAPS yet? Is it really better UI?

uddas 2010-05-25 18:04

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
seems good to me nice update

Kegetys 2010-05-25 18:07

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Skype video calling seems to not work that well for me, most of the time there is no video visible at all for either party. Once trying to enable video froze the IM functions of the phone entirely (could not change my status or send/receive messages) and needed to reboot.

Video recording also seems to be as choppy and low quality (ie. useless) as before

zwer 2010-05-25 18:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by (Post 676589)
missing search option in app manager

Just type on the keyboard, the search activates automatically now.

Anyways, I just filled in my first PR 1.2 bug report - #10273, can somebody confirm that's the case on the non-global PR 1.2 FWs as well?

Quasar 2010-05-25 18:12

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Calendar doesn't show birthdays (automatic added)...

scifi.guy 2010-05-25 18:16

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by DJRedline (Post 676251)
Email Widget - The Configuration (spanner) icon does nothing

In my case it shows up Nokia Messaging and Mail For Exchange. I enabled both.

Now the widget always shows 0 at the top bar next to @ icon, even if i have new unread emails. In the widget main area it shows a message "Tap here to see messages".

I'm using US firmware. Anyone else having save problem? I thought i'll check here before filing a bug.

scifi.guy 2010-05-25 18:18

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Diavoli (Post 676595)
So anybody try the OVI MAPS yet? Is it really better UI?

Better than previous version but still not close to Ovi maps on Symbian.

venkat_i22 2010-05-25 18:22

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
anybody with portrait mode virtual keyboard

zwer 2010-05-25 18:23

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Quasar (Post 676617)
Calendar doesn't show birthdays (automatic added)...

Actually, that's somewhat true... It will add automatic birthdays for Skype contacts, but not the ones you enter by hand. Somebody should fill a bug report for that one.


Originally Posted by venkat_i22 (Post 676659)
anybody with portrait mode virtual keyboard

There is no virtual keyboard for portrait mode.

mornage 2010-05-25 18:24

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by zwer (Post 676615)
Just type on the keyboard, the search activates automatically now.

Anyways, I just filled in my first PR 1.2 bug report - #10273, can somebody confirm that's the case on the non-global PR 1.2 FWs as well?

Yeah, happens on UK FW too

pwannell 2010-05-25 18:25

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
no portrait mode virtual keyboard here infact no virtual keyboard at all here tbh with you all

cddiede 2010-05-25 18:26

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by venkat_i22 (Post 676592)
Can someone tell abt the virtual keybord in portrait mode

There was never any intention of having a portrait keyboard on the N900 in PR1.2 or any other firmware update. It just wasn't in the cards.

venkat_i22 2010-05-25 18:32

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
even nokia n95 and other phones have video call directly on 3g but n900 shld have skype

hawaii 2010-05-25 18:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
MSN Pecan doesn't seem to share online contacts in the Conversations IM window selector. Probably PECAN issue.

When merging contacts, you can see font squishing on the drop down selector also.

jcm6084 2010-05-25 18:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I have flashed from the global firmware to the global 1.2, but all my media has gone and it says it cant perform a backup as there is 'no memory card inserted' !?

AndrewG 2010-05-25 18:45

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Only bug I found is the half assed portrait mode.

zwer 2010-05-25 18:45

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by jcm6084 (Post 676718)
I have flashed from the global firmware to the global 1.2, but all my media has gone and it says it cant perform a backup as there is 'no memory card inserted' !?

Have you flashed the eMMC as well? If so, everything from the storage area is removed, including backups.

On another note, just filled a bug for the birthdays bug: #10274 so please confirm/vote for it.

macquade 2010-05-25 18:48

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I have just flashed the pr1.2 transitioning from the leaked one where my recent calls and conversation history was not showing with the leaked one, i was hoping that this new firmware was going to solve the problem but i still have it!! Anyone has this? please help

aspidites 2010-05-25 19:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by zwer (Post 676615)
Just type on the keyboard, the search activates automatically now.

Not nearly as useful as the old search option because:
  • you can't search by application description
  • you can't do wild card searches, which means you have to know the name of the app you are searching for
Scratch that. It searches the entire description and exact app names simultaneously. Wild cards would be nice, but funtionally it is as good as PR1.1 ( perhaps better because you no longer have to decide if you are looking for name and description or name alone.)

rahulg247 2010-05-25 19:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by aspidites (Post 676776)
Not nearly as useful as the old search option because:
  • you can't search by application description
  • you can't do wild card searches, which means you have to know the name of the app you are searching for

I agree with this.

I also have the bug where once you have finished customising (widgets, shortcuts, themes, wallpapers, etc) the desktop the done button will not work. However, if this happens you can press ctrl + backspace (the buttons pressed to access multitask screen) and this will make the done/desktop menu bar dissapear.

rahulg247 2010-05-25 19:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by aspidites (Post 676776)
Not nearly as useful as the old search option because:
  • you can't search by application description
  • you can't do wild card searches, which means you have to know the name of the app you are searching for

I agree with this.

I also have the bug where once you have finished customising (widgets, shortcuts, themes, wallpapers, etc) the desktop the done button will not work. This does not happen everytime and is an intermittant problem. However, if this happens you can press ctrl + backspace (the buttons pressed to access multitask screen) and this will make the done/desktop menu bar dissapear.

slaapliedje 2010-05-25 19:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by pwannell (Post 676669)
no portrait mode virtual keyboard here infact no virtual keyboard at all here tbh with you all

I had to enable mine within the Settings -> Text Input area first, then when I clicked on something requiring text input, it rotated the phone to landscape mode where you had to type in... Virtual keyboard basically sucks. That's why there is a hardware keyboard in the first place. Then again, my opinion is that virtual keyboards suck everywhere.

The best Virtual Keyboards I've seen are Cellwriter for Linux, and the Windows 7 one (mainly because you can use hand writing recognition as well).

The Chinese have hand writing recognition, why don't we? That would be cooler than a virtual keyboard (especially one that sucks)


Quasar 2010-05-25 19:45

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Lol....Nokia didn't correct big with birthdays appearing one day before, but have made another bug with calendar.
Email client is absolutely unoperable...
The only useful improvement for me is skype-videocall.

Please, vote for this very old bug too:

hawaii 2010-05-25 19:48

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
/usr/bin/rtcom-messaging-ui is hammering my processor since I installed PR1.2

elmonen 2010-05-25 19:50

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
anyone have problem downloading applications.. I flashed to 1.2 via flasher and now the phone can't get the application list so I can't dl my old applications :E

egoshin 2010-05-25 20:00

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by cenwesi (Post 676102)
Yep. That was the first bug i got when trying to customize my screen. I ended up rebooting and it went away.

Looks like again - thumbnailerd works hard after upgrade, grows in memory and swaping it out takes time.

It happens only some time after upgrade and disappears after that, I think.

D4rKlar 2010-05-25 20:01

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I had a few bugs which were all corrected by uninstalling and re-installing the theme I was using.

ketil 2010-05-25 20:08

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
1. I can't get microb to work, at all. It just shuts down. And downloading Firefox from is slow as molassis at the moment.
2. Birthdays between today and the end of May is not shown in the calendar widget. One contact has his birthday on June 1st, and that shows in the widget. I'm missing one birthday today, and one on May 30th.

michalurban 2010-05-25 20:09

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Ok, I know that I mentionted this bug earlier (, but in LPR 1.2 and PR 1.2 threads it gets lost easily . So ...

... under PR 1.2, when I install EXTRA PROTOCOL PLUGINS FOR CONVERSATIONS AND CONTACTS and set up my ICQ account, I can see my contacts in the Contacts app, but when in Conversations I press New IM message, it says "No contacts" ... Facebook works fine here. To start a ICQ chat, I have to go to Contacts first and select the buddy there.

I reverted back to 1.1.1 and this bug isnt here ... I mean, when I press New IM message, my ICQ contacts appear just fine ...

Any ideas, fellas?

PS: First, I decided to wait for a OTA PR 1.2 update and update my PR 1.1.1 with ICQ up-and-running-fine ... but it didnt work anyway ...

boxkillor 2010-05-25 20:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
got the same bug michalb.

hawaii 2010-05-25 20:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
This is also a bug with the MSN pecan plugin. Hope it will get sorted soon.

michalurban 2010-05-25 20:14

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I hope so too ... :)

boxkillor 2010-05-25 20:20

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
michalb. the protocols u have installed for icq, were they from pidgin or the other one which its icon showing the two blue heads ?

simbart 2010-05-25 20:21

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 676634)
In my case it shows up Nokia Messaging and Mail For Exchange. I enabled both.

Now the widget always shows 0 at the top bar next to @ icon, even if i have new unread emails. In the widget main area it shows a message "Tap here to see messages".

I'm using US firmware. Anyone else having save problem? I thought i'll check here before filing a bug.

Yeah i can confirm the same behavior. Remains on 0 regardless of new emails. . Spanner icon for configuring widget also does nothing. Latest "Conservations Inbox" widget from extra-devel also has the same issue 0 messages for email( sms is OK )

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