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Vinh 2010-06-21 19:44

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
ARgh! Nokia MeeGo tablet or HP/Palm WebOS tablet?! Well, it's nice to have options...

elleberth 2010-06-21 21:35

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
tablet(s) from Nokia has already been tested. Starting in the fourth quarter?

devu 2010-06-21 22:03

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Sorry for little offtop, but this is my candidate for perfect geeky device if I will jump to tablet area.

I founded this by mistake looking for good ergonomic virtual keyboard implementation for touch devices. And I love every aspect of this device, IPone to compare to that is a joke and already dead :)

ysss 2010-06-21 22:11

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
@devu: (bypassing the fact that it'll run win7 and it's still quite sometime away from materializing) that thing will cost a boatload because it's a limited run libretto 25th anniversary device.

lwa 2010-06-21 22:16

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Did anyone notice on the new youtube video of the tablet UX that popped up, when he starts playing the trailer for avatar he has to use his thumb to cover up the apple logo that appears in the bottom right corner.... :rolleyes: lol

devu 2010-06-21 22:17

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 724211)
@devu: (bypassing the fact that it'll run win7 and it's still quite sometime away from materializing) that thing will cost a boatload because it's a limited run libretto 25th anniversary device.

Yeap... it just let my imagination fly :D. But Imagine Some MeeGo based device about size of N900 that fit your pocked. N900 thickness seems to be ok. And dual screen like above :rolleyes:

Laughing Man 2010-06-21 23:10

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by Vinh (Post 724025)
ARgh! Nokia MeeGo tablet or HP/Palm WebOS tablet?! Well, it's nice to have options...

Why not...


maxximuscool 2010-06-21 23:56

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by devu (Post 724220)
Yeap... it just let my imagination fly :D. But Imagine Some MeeGo based device about size of N900 that fit your pocked. N900 thickness seems to be ok. And dual screen like above :rolleyes:

uM... How are you going to make a phone call then? lol.. My suggestion is dual screen with slide instead. This way You can either use 1 screen or both.

But downside is scratches and thickness, also who would want to use 2 screens? Seriously!! This would kill the battery in 2hours of usage. Hell NO

chase15 2010-06-22 00:13

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
WHAT THE?? resistive screen with 5 multi-touch capabilities?? MEEGO FTW!

maxximuscool 2010-06-22 00:28

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by chase15 (Post 724320)
WHAT THE?? resistive screen with 5 multi-touch capabilities?? MEEGO FTW!

Don't you read about Multi-touch resistive? LOL man you out-dated.
Multi-touch resistive is out since before N900 is released. But It was during the making of N900, it wasn't. At least it wasn't fully in production but now it is fully.

I feel upset at first about resistive multitouch.. but now i have to live with single touch until 2011

devu 2010-06-22 00:33

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 724305)
uM... How are you going to make a phone call then? lol.. My suggestion is dual screen with slide instead. This way You can either use 1 screen or both.

But downside is scratches and thickness, also who would want to use 2 screens? Seriously!! This would kill the battery in 2hours of usage. Hell NO

Yea... and some slide mechanism similar to N97 for example.

But screen technology? Hmm from tech point of view is available from more than Decade and consuming less power as LCD is cheaper in production, thicker and can work wit more than 300DPI resolution if you like. Also consuming only when changing the state of content. If static consuming 0 volt, doesn't need back light to achieve good contrast. Philips 8 years ago even introduced some electronic circuits and components that can be bake to this thin flexible surface. Pierre Cardin even had some electronic product stands with this technology working also decade ago.
Also 7 years ago they manage to make it RGB. (guess what I'm talking about ;) )

Only from marketing point of view is not. And I'm the guy who was following this subject from decade.

Do you remember vodafone website "future vision"? Released in 2000? Interesting that 10 years later and tech companies slicing a bread slowly for us. That how it works. We should have really cool toys these days if no corporations and marketing decisions. Many people saying competition is driving changes in technology. This is urban legend at some point. Because competition is working only up to some level. Above that is huge break for technology and evolution because will start working against those who settle gently and they will do everything they can to defend this state.

Now, content about this subject is being removed successively. Less and less information is available. Some big companies holding technology patents no for make it alive. But for protect their status quo and keep it dead or even unborn. Against the marketing rules and competitors. We have no idea what we could have these days.

Do I really have to talk about this to Open Source lovers community? :rolleyes:

maxximuscool 2010-06-22 00:37

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by devu (Post 724329)
Yea... and some slide mechanism similar to N97 for example.

But screen technology? Hmm from tech point of view is available from more than Decade and consuming less power as LCD is cheaper in production, thicker and can work wit more than 300DPI resolution if you like. Also consuming only when changing the state of content. If static consuming 0 volt, doesn't need back light to achieve good contrast. Philips 8 years ago even introduced some electronic circuits and components that can be bake to this thin flexible surface. Pierre Cardin even had some electronic product stands with this technology working also decade ago.
Also 7 years ago they manage to make it RGB. (guess what I'm talking about ;) )

Only from marketing point of view is not. And I'm the guy who was following this subject from decade.

Do you remember vodafone website "future vision"? Released in 2000? Interesting that 10 years later and tech companies slicing a bread slowly for us. That how it works. We should have really cool toys these days if no corporations and marketing decisions. Many people saying competition is driving changes in technology. This is urban legend at some point. Because competition is working only up to some level. Above that is huge break for technology and evolution because will start working against those who settle gently and they will do everything they can to defend this state.

Now, content about this subject is being removed successively. Less and less information is available. Some big companies holding technology patents no for make it alive. But for protect their status quo and keep it dead or even unborn. Against the marketing rules and competitors. We have no idea what we could have these days.

Do I really have to talk about this to Open Source lovers community? :rolleyes:

I would rather preferred physical keyboards + multitouch resistive with a slimmer design than the N900 and wider screen and resolution screens over dual screen device :)

This way I don't have to worry about scratching either of the screen. Think about it, why would you buy the N900 at the start? Multi-tasking + Physical Keyboard... That is for me!

devu 2010-06-22 00:43

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Yea. Physical keyboard was the key point I guess for many of us. But in all this tablet craziness If I could I prefer Toshiba approach. I've seen a guy in train playing some racing game (accelerometer based) on his IPad. Everyone around him was holding some normal device and was looking at him. It was funny to see his challenge and faces of the rest of people. But if you think about it. If some day the situation will reverse.. Hell NO :D

...boy 2010-06-25 20:47

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Pre-Alpha MeeGo Tablet Demo (take 2)

ioan 2010-06-25 20:57

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
iPad/iXxx/Apple success is not about quality or features anymore, is a religion. Good luck getting legions of fanatics to change their believes and/or religion to Nokia/MeeGo.

U.ser 2010-06-29 11:48

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Nokia should take commercial lessons from al-mighty Steve Jobs if it wants to kill the iPad

Samsung Galaxy S is an iPhone killer .. But the company dosen't know how to make commercial , so there is a few number of people who it exist (Geeks) .. if you asked a normal person about Galaxy S they'll naturally say 'What's That?' .. try ask them about iPhone 4 or SE X10 .. They'll Know Them Right Away Cause They Know how to Make Commercials

But Leave Nokia Outta This , I Never Knew The n86 until 6months of it's announcment , same with n900

The N8 Commercial Rocks though .. i Hope they do the same thing with MeeGo device .. i hate to carry a phone that nobody knows because i will look like a hard-core geek -_-

nilchak 2010-06-30 14:07

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
I am really nterested in that Meego Tablet experience and am seriously debatintg waiting and getting a Meego tablet rather than a Meego phone (as I already have a Maemo Phone).

On the tablet front - apart from the iPad there is othing as yet which is very attactive in terms of form and function.
The JooJoo while it looks good is not very functional and damn expensive at that. An Android tablet makes sense but I would rather wait for the Meego tablet - provided Nokai (or anyone else) can make a nice form factor device.

ysss 2010-06-30 14:13

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
@nilchak: Have you heard about the Cisco Cius?

I'm not sure about the spec or whether they're going to bring this retail at all. But all I know is: Cisco + Android OS + 7" tablet.

That's gotta bring this form factor to the enterprise market and it'll come with many enterprise-related functionalities (remote management, etc) that's definitely going to net a significant positive effect to the Android camp.

nilchak 2010-06-30 15:22

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Yes say the news today about the Cius - but its more of an enterprise device with integration for Cisco telephoney and stuff.

Its not yet sure if Android Market will be available for this.
But enthusing to see more and more Android tablets hitting the market.

Point is if and when a very nice Android tablet comes along, can I wait (not knowing how long) for a Meego production tablet ?

ZackMorris 2010-07-01 15:09

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Looks like the tablet is officially confirmed to the press.

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