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NvyUs 2010-07-17 14:36

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
RIM give statement and are mad about apple trying to draw others in the debacle to cover there own *****.

imperiallight 2010-07-17 14:54

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Apple clearly made certain design decisions and it should take responsibility for these decisions rather than trying to draw RIM and others into a situation that relates specifically to Apple."
Very true.

Turkishflavor 2010-07-17 15:00

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
apple's iphone 4 is just an epic FAIL.

imperiallight 2010-07-17 15:01

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

apple's iphone 4 is just an epic FAIL.
This is flamebait. Can we please delete the user?

RolePlayGame 2010-07-17 15:06

Re: Sorry, but Nokia hypocrites go to Hell

Originally Posted by sdesai (Post 754768)
apple is worse company ever.... the antenna problem is big...u catch N900 in any way and calls will never drop...and apple over that instead of accepting fault says we are giving free covers...cmon any kiddo will know that software update or any cover is not the solution..its design fault. So for mee apple sucks and if u love it too much i think u dont belong here..get the hell outta here and joing the list of ppl fooled by apple!

P.S : The proximity sensor is also **** !

Read this...

Worst post ever.

ironm8 2010-07-17 15:07

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
this iphone is not a fail. 3million and counting

thats just like a line from a song a know:

"The public is stupid hence the public will pay"

I think i never seen it placed so rightfully :)

Rauha 2010-07-17 15:07

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 754982)
Stop treating these companies like they're people.

Apple trying to smokescreen it's own problems by saying that everybody else is as bad as they are. Then everybody else getting pissed and giving angry replys.

Basic (bad) human behaviour under stress.

ysss 2010-07-17 15:30

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 755037)
Apple trying to smokescreen it's own problems by saying that everybody else is as bad as they are. Then everybody else getting pissed and giving angry replys.

Basic (bad) human behaviour under stress.

Yeah... some companies 'exude the charm' of their leader(s) more than the others, heh.

I'm just saying that the problem isn't as simple and straightforward as many people are making it out to be.

schettj 2010-07-17 15:37

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 754751)
After watching the press conference, I have even more respect for Apple as a company that cares.

The ironic thing is, if you go to the Apple boards, and the AT&T boards, their trolls are saying the opposite - that Jobs came off as evasive and smug, and that companies like RIM and Nokia show how they care about their customers by designing handsets that you can successfully hold and use.

So, I guess it all comes down to which troll you talk to.

Me, personally, I think Apple spun it pretty well, and they used the media attention to their advantage. Well done, Steve. You're looking a little gaunt post liver transplant, you might want to beef up a bit.

extendedping 2010-07-17 15:41

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
its a tragical device.

geohsia 2010-07-17 15:53

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 754751)
After watching the press conference, I have even more respect for Apple as a company that cares. This whole stupid antenna thing was blown way out of proportion. There is nothing wrong with the iPhone 4 more than any other Phone.

Wow, the Apple reality distortion field must be strong where you live. You respect a company that chooses not to admit to their own problems while trying to blame their problem on others?

a) They keep saying that this problem can't be fixed in software. True, can't ignore physics. The original iPhone "boosted performance" in a software update. Hmm, no one thinks this is strange? But wait, now they tell you that they used the wrong algorithm, admitting that they CHOSE NOT to use the correct algorithm recommended by ATT and they make it seem like they're doing customers a favor by using what they should have used to begin with. And then he makes false claims that others are lying and provides no evidence. Right. Let's see.... Lie, then convince others you're doing them a favor finally telling the truth (when finally caught) and them blame others for lying even though you offer no proof.

b) He then tries to confuse customers by making the issue about "blocking" the antenna with your hand while all along the issue has been about shorting the two exposed antennas. He makes examples of other phones in a non-controlled environment. For all we know the iPhone gets 0 bars in the same situation with or without the deathgrip.

c) As far as I know there is no other phone in the industry where you can short two of their antennas because bare metal is exposed. It's a flawed design so no one does it.


What other company’s CEO would come to talk to the people like this?
Instead of acting like a 5 year old and being so fast to release statements about how you “can” hold Nokias any way you want. How about you pay attention to the problem YOUR USERs are facing??!
You mean come out and blame others to cover your own problems? Yeah, really mature.


6 months into the life of the n900 and it’s excluded from being updated to Meego. Mail is still crap. Store is still crap and the list goes on.
I won't pretend that Nokia nor the N900 doesn't have its issues. In fact I agree with most of your Nokia criticisms. True as it may be it doesn't give Apple a license to lie to their customers.

geohsia 2010-07-17 16:00

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by schettj (Post 755052)
Me, personally, I think Apple spun it pretty well, and they used the media attention to their advantage.

He spun it to make Apple look like the victim and that they're doing a favor for their customers by giving everyone a case.

According to his own data the iPhone 4 drops just as many calls as the 3GS, but somehow the end message is that the iPhone 4 has the best antenna they've ever made.

He's a master at turning a negative into a positive. Pure marketing genius.

imperiallight 2010-07-17 16:11

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
He also says that only 1.5% of users have returned the iphone 4 compared to 3.5% in the same period for the 3G S. Which is quite remarkable.

ysss 2010-07-17 16:33

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 755081)
He also says that only 1.5% of users have returned the iphone 4 compared to 3.5% in the same period for the 3G S. Which is quite remarkable.

Yeah, but that is not an indication of the extent of the antenna 'problem'... because there is still a huge (secondary) market for iPhone 4s. Those customers who truly are bothered with the current state of iPhone 4's reception are much better off selling it for a profit on Ebay than getting refunds from Apple.

GaryHT627 2010-07-17 16:45

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
Excerpt from Page 20 of the N900 Manual

Antenna locations
Your device may have internal and external antennas. Avoid
touching the antenna area unnecessarily while the antenna
is transmitting or receiving. Contact with antennas affects the
communication quality and may cause a higher power level
during operation and may reduce the battery life.

daperl 2010-07-17 16:46

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
I was so wrong. I thought he was gonna get up there and say:

"This is just step 4 of 5."

Man, he must really know his audience; he totally fooled me (not that hard). Instead, he decided to take the immature low road and deflect away a major design flaw. Silly me.

Texrat 2010-07-17 16:49

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 754751)
After watching the press conference, I have even more respect for Apple as a company that cares.

Funny-- I have much, much less respect for them as a company that spins.

NvyUs 2010-07-17 16:51

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
you cant take too much notice of apple care antenna complaint stats b/c most people have contracts with networks and would go to their customer care instead.
also iphone 4 return rate stats was for ATT only so we have no idea what stats are like for Worldwide returns. companies are not stupid they will break down overall stats until they get the figures to back up what they need.
oh and most of the 3 million people who have purchased the new iphone are still within the 30 day return period so we will not know real return stats until next month after the 30 day returns are up

rmerren 2010-07-17 16:59

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 754954)

Clearly this person was using the Australian model, which is designed for the other side of the world. That is why it only works upside-down.

sachin007 2010-07-17 17:32

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
If anyone in the mobile industry can talk about antenna reception.... it is none other than nokia. I have never heard of reception problems with any of the 1000 different nokia devices to date. Apple has about 4 different devices and every one had the problem of inferior reception. Of course the iphone 4 further boosted the reception problems with the wrong design with the antenna.

geohsia 2010-07-17 18:02

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by GaryHT627 (Post 755103)
Excerpt from Page 20 of the N900 Manual

Antenna locations
Your device may have internal and external antennas. Avoid
touching the antenna area unnecessarily while the antenna
is transmitting or receiving. Contact with antennas affects the
communication quality and may cause a higher power level
during operation and may reduce the battery life.

Internal and external mean inside / outside the body. The issue with the iPhone is that the antenna not just external but is not covered and exposed.

Contacting / covering the antenna here speaks to the blocking that no one disputes and in this case the phone may increase power to overcome that. Touching an antenna has some affect on any phone. Sure.

The iPhone problem is that they put two antennas two side by side. Because both are bare metal you can make a physical connection with the two through your skin (quality of contact has to do with galvanic skin response). The interference caused by two antennas being shorted can not be overcome by increasing power.

The issue is confusing and not the same as some may want you to believe.

anthonie 2010-07-17 18:14

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
Personally, I find this whole fan-boyism amazing. Hence my bakery-reaction.

For me, I carry an N900 because I want to have the freedom to tweak, break, molder and solder as much as I want, without breaking some silly laws (EULA) imposed on me by the company that sold me the gear and made good money with that. If I buy a phone from Steve Jobs, he will happily take my money, but tell me as well what I can and what I can not do with my purchase. Nokia did not do that and chose a different path. Not necesarily better, but different and more suitable to my personal needs.

I was fully aware (almost fully, I must admit) that there are issues with the N900. Most of them are software matters, but the lack of battery durability, to name one, is a hardware problem, in my view.

For the rest it's up to the user. Nokia has delivered a machine that has almost everything you could possibly ask for out of the box. And after that, it becomes a software matter, meaning the machine is only as good as the end-user has set up the machine. The fact that I am still not able to sync my Evolution contact/calendar records with my N900 shows that I have a lot to learn.

But as far as I know, there has been only one hardware issue with the N900 and that was the usb-port coming loose, with some machines. They got replaced but it was not a design flaw as such. For the majority of machines did not suffer from this and did not have to be replaced. New machines are still being made with that exact same port on the exact same location.

This whole thing with fan-boyism is nothing but the result of some brilliant marketing, a quality, I must admit, Apple certainly has.

In just a few words:

Their slogan "Think different" sells them millions and millions of the same item, without any significant difference whatsoever. Now thát I call ingenious deceit. Rephrased in my own words: They preach individualism but they teach it to the masses.

I bought an expensive N900, because it did not preach anything. Instead it just gave me opportunities.

maluka 2010-07-17 18:17

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
I think it's rather telling that the OP has only been thanked once by someone who has no Nokia device. His profile reads


Bye bye, Nokia. Nice to meet you.

Yes, I really don't like iPhone!
But I love Apple history.

Android rooted is enough for me.
How can we even take these posters seriously? They just come here to troll.

GaryHT627 2010-07-17 18:17

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 755152)
Internal and external mean inside / outside the body. The issue with the iPhone is that the antenna not just external but is not covered and exposed.

Contacting / covering the antenna here speaks to the blocking that no one disputes and in this case the phone may increase power to overcome that. Touching an antenna has some affect on any phone. Sure.

The iPhone problem is that they put two antennas two side by side. Because both are bare metal you can make a physical connection with the two through your skin (quality of contact has to do with galvanic skin response). The interference caused by two antennas being shorted can not be overcome by increasing power.

The issue is confusing but very different as some may want you to believe.

Agreed but by putting a case on the iPhone4, this issue is moot and the same as with any other cell phone.

There is no question that Nokia does a better job with RF than most, and that is one of the main reasons I have the N900. It really irked me when someone would claim "but it is not a phone". There are issues with the N900 that I wish would be addressed but I am not unhappy with it overall. My wife and daughter both have iPhones and for them that is the best choice as they would not understand or appreciate what the N900 can do. This does not mean one is good and the other is bad, they both have their place and we all have different needs. While I am surprised this issue escaped apple's testing (assuming it really did) I applaud their quick action to remedy it and make customers happy, with a full refund if necessary.

tso 2010-07-17 19:09

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 755156)
How can we even take these posters seriously? They just come here to troll.

i blame nokia for opening this can of worms by making the N900 a phone.

end result was that it dragged in a whole lot of people to this forum that have no interest in the software or policies, only in having the "latest and greatest" to show off how much spending ability they have.

rmerren 2010-07-17 19:11

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 755154)
Their slogan "Think different" sells them millions and millions of the same item, without any significant difference whatsoever. Now thát I call ingenious deceit. Rephrased in my own words: They preach individualism but they teach it to the masses.

I bought an expensive N900, because it did not preach anything. Instead it just gave me opportunities.

Very well said. And it brought this scene to my mind.

geohsia 2010-07-17 19:48

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by GaryHT627 (Post 755157)
Agreed but by putting a case on the iPhone4, this issue is moot and the same as with any other cell phone.

Absolutely. I just didn't like Steve's characterization of the issue WITHOUT the case. I don't like spin, maybe that's why I'm not in marketing anymore. ;-)

I'm glad that the iPhone is pushing the envelope though. A part of me wishes Nokia would do the same.

rainmaster 2010-07-17 20:45

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
first implements the shariah law on the iOS and now the antenna prob....tsk tsk

also I really don't get why....most people come up with sales figures to prove which is the better device/platform etc..isn't that a logical fallacy? "argumentum ad numerum" ..... why should we worry about who is profiting the most?
and.....don't we all know that the majority is always wrong :rolleyes:

Enyibinakata 2010-07-17 21:22

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 754952)
falling out USB ports...?

Thats not what I call a design flaw, its a production issue. A design flaw has to be intrisic to the device itself. Some iPhones blow up like a grenade due to manufcturing issues as well.

Enyibinakata 2010-07-17 21:24

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by rainmaster (Post 755272)
first implements the shariah law on the iOS and now the antenna prob....tsk tsk

also I really don't get why....most people come up with sales figures to prove which is the better device/platform etc..isn't that a logical fallacy? "argumentum ad numerum" ..... why should we worry about who is profiting the most?
and.....don't we all know that the majority is always wrong :rolleyes:

Exactly! Here in UK we have silly programs like XFactor and BigBrother pulling record no of viewers. Does that make them any better a? Nope.

gerbick 2010-07-17 21:28

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Enyibinakata (Post 755291)
Exactly! Here in UK we have silly programs like XFactor and BigBrother pulling record no of viewers. Does that make them any better a? Nope.

But it does unfortunately mean that Big Brother 51 will probably happen.

Enyibinakata 2010-07-17 21:44

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 755295)
But it does unfortunately mean that Big Brother 51 will probably happen.

Haha thats true but wide is the gate to hell and only dead fishes go with the flow.

stickymick 2010-07-17 22:24

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
Come on guys.
This whole mess is Apple's own making. They come on like they've saved the world from impending doom, taking sly sideswipes at the opposition who just sit quietly by and release new handsets without half the over-hype that Apple thrash out.
Of course it's going to attract attention when something goes wrong. Over-hype is dangerous for the manufacturer and embarrassing for the consumer.

"Antennagate - Not unique to iPhone 4"? IMO it is. We're not talking about loss of signal here. Every phone suffers from loss of signal. It's down to the networks not investing in their infrastructure, weather and location of device.
Instead we're talking of a manufacturing defect, a bad idea, a design flaw, call it what you will. It should have been picked up prior to launch.

My N900 has some design flaws. Some are obvious, some are not so. But they haven't given me cause to throw a teddy.
I don't think Mr Jobs handled it well at all. He attempted to drag other manufacturers into the argument to try and soften the blows aimed at him. Oh, and the smarmy "Antennagate" motto as mentioned above. Of course it's unique to the iPhone 4, the iPhone 4 is the only device that uses that antenna.

And what about his accusation of anti-Americanism?

"I see some of these people jumping on us now. It's like I am not sure what you are after here. Would you rather we were a Korean company instead of an American company."

A good tip for Mr Jobs. Don't over-hype and behave like the second messiah. It's embarrassing for the consumer and dangerous for you. Because all eyes will be watching. Do yourself a favour, just stick to a quiet launch, like the rest of them, and let the consumer do the talking.

nikolajhendel 2010-07-17 23:05

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
Just out of interest. Has anyone in the press looked at the original software update that "boosted" the Iphone signal?
I'm just wondering whether this is a major deception Apple has played, which suddenly backfired when IPhone4 came around, and they suddenly found out that the "reception algorithm" was wrong.

ysss 2010-07-18 03:46

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by rainmaster (Post 755272)
also I really don't get why....most people come up with sales figures to prove which is the better device/platform etc..isn't that a logical fallacy? "argumentum ad numerum" ..... why should we worry about who is profiting the most?

Without being specific (better for what?), then that is a logical fallacy.

But for a platform, bigger userbase is generally better and one of the primary indicator of its success. Sure there are side effects (issues) that come from being bigger, but in the end bigger is still generally preferred by everyone involved in the ecosystem.

Sopwith 2010-07-18 06:26

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
The reactions from Nokia, RIM and HTC to the slandering were quite appropriate, imo. I am waiting to hear something form Samsung though -- not only were their phones dragged in the mud as well, but they are also Korean :eek:

ysss 2010-07-18 06:32

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Sopwith (Post 755491)
The reactions from Nokia, RIM and HTC to the slandering were quite appropriate, imo. I am waiting to hear something form Samsung though -- not only were their phones dragged in the mud as well, but they are also Korean :eek:

They will send the son-in-law of the CEO to take care of Steve jobs.

Sopwith 2010-07-18 06:38

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 755497)
They will send the son-in-law of the CEO to take care of Steve jobs.

Fine by me, as long as we get to see Halle Berry... :D

ysss 2010-07-18 07:27

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread

Originally Posted by Sopwith (Post 755500)
Fine by me, as long as we get to see Halle Berry... :D

Wait, what movie/series are we talking about?
I was thinking of Lost :D

gerbick 2010-07-18 07:34

Re: Apple's antenna problem press conference reaction thread
Who cares. Seeing Halle Berry doesn't need too many reasons for me to want that to happen.

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