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RdM 2010-08-09 22:55

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Yes I like this file manager very much much better then the standard
have a request can you add creation of a text document

CepiPerez 2010-08-10 01:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I already did it

RdM 2010-08-10 02:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I see only the creation of a new folder not of a new text document

CepiPerez 2010-08-10 02:15

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
wait for next update

sacal 2010-08-10 16:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Hi CepiPerez

I think this thread title is wrong. It should be:

File box - not just another file manager - The File Manager :)

I like it very mush. Thanks a lot for your work.

I have version 0.3-3 installed. I think it is possible to select several files for copying or deleting but how do you do it ?

dscobsct 2010-08-10 16:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
it is coming in an update, definately the file manager to beat all others, ive even started using this when modding instead of midnight commander, i tried hard to use other file managers but they all miss something, this one really is perfect.

CepiPerez 2010-08-10 19:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
uploaded to extras-builder... build ok... 2 hours ago...
waiting for the package to promote to extras testing and post in applications thread...

osama 2010-08-10 19:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
still waiting ... :)

sony123 2010-08-11 07:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Is it possible to have "Send via Services" available in sharing option?

Moozi 2010-08-12 18:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769677)
Did you made the qm file? Just put it in /opt/filebox/lang folder and the app should start in swedish. Or send me the file and I'll add it to the next release tomorrow.

The app now opens all files (thanks to qwerty12) and I've adedd Sort function. Now I'm looking for something that helps me to add scp.

I find Filebox a nice and working app, so I translated it to Finnish (.ts and.qm files in .zip attachment). :)

fwrnando 2010-08-22 06:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
could you add a 'disable automatic rotation' option? I love how many options you can configure, and would love to see that. thanks!

asidana 2010-08-22 07:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
this is probably posted before but it does nott keep settings after update

bipinbn 2010-08-22 07:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
is it possible to add "open with" option so that we can chose the application to be used to open the file.

DaSilva 2010-08-23 17:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by asidana (Post 794645)
this is probably posted before but it does nott keep settings after update

Yeah, I have the same problem and sending something over Bluetooth doesn't seem to work (no dialog was opened).

cardiff-blues 2010-08-23 17:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Great app. Small problem when opening a Word doc which I'd like to open automatically in 'Word to Go' I get an error. "Unknown Error".

datjomp 2010-08-24 19:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Thanks for the added unrar function:D

hqh 2010-08-25 07:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I now get all the texts in finnish even though I have english selected as device language (my "regional settings" are finnish, though)...

roondar 2010-08-27 14:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
1 Attachment(s)
Just add french translation ...
I tested it and it works with version 0.5-3 :)

Moozi 2010-08-30 07:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by roondar (Post 800027)
Just add french translation ...
I tested it and it works with version 0.5-3 :)

Updated finnish language files to same version as french.
Works with Filebox 0.5-4.

markusm 2010-08-30 11:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Thanks for an excellent file manager. It's simply brilliant!!!

I do have one request: could you add a setting for the language? It's great that the app recognizes the users language but for users like me who run their device in English and not in their native tongue it's a bummer. It's currently the only app running in Finnish on my device and even though the translation is great I'd love to keep change the language setting into English.

Moozi 2010-08-30 11:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Just delete files in /home/opt/filebox/lang/

roondar 2010-08-30 13:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
1 Attachment(s)
Fix bug to 0.5-5 version

Moozi 2010-08-30 17:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Also bugfix and update to 0.5-5 version.

CepiPerez 2010-08-30 17:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I thought it was fixed.
What version are you using?
Can you show me the /etc/osso-af-init/locale file content?

CepiPerez 2010-08-30 20:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
@ roondar, Moozi:
Hey guys, can you tell me the correct translations for:
Orientation, Automatic, Portrait, Lanscape.


GaRy delaMEr 2010-08-30 20:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

In french:


Thx for your work

GaRy delaMEr 2010-08-30 20:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
And a request:

When i edit a file i can't use fileBox until i close the editor. It's possible to open in background the file ?

CepiPerez 2010-08-30 21:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
It's already fixed. Are you using the last version?
If yes, tell me wich editor you use to edit files

GaRy delaMEr 2010-08-31 08:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Thank you, yes fixed in the last version. Forgot my last post :)

Moozi 2010-08-31 09:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 802614)
@ roondar, Moozi:
Hey guys, can you tell me the correct translations for:
Orientation, Automatic, Portrait, Lanscape.


Orientation = suunta
Automatic = automaattinen
Portrait = pysty(suunta)
Lanscape = vaaka(suunta)

Thank You!

paai 2010-08-31 10:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Nice app, but how do I get the share/send via bluetooth menu?


bertolt 2010-08-31 11:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by datjomp (Post 797122)
Thanks for the added unrar function:D

where is this? or how to use this function?...please?

CepiPerez 2010-08-31 12:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
just tap a rar file and you will see and extract the content

bertolt 2010-08-31 12:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 803153)
just tap a rar file and you will see and extract the content

i just did and nothing happened. do i have to install something else? although my cbrpager automatically unrars text contents only, not video.

CepiPerez 2010-08-31 13:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
open terminal and type
sudo gainroot
apt-get install unrar

WhiteWolf 2010-09-01 14:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Are not you can sort by date, size and name?

Only I get the option to order: ascendete and down.

Is it my problem or deleted?

poka64 2010-09-01 20:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Feature request, 7z support :)

roondar 2010-09-02 14:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by WhiteWolf (Post 804282)
Are not you can sort by date, size and name?

Only I get the option to order: ascendete and down.

Is it my problem or deleted?

I've the same problem !

Moozi 2010-09-02 17:07

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by roondar (Post 805306)
I've the same problem !

Me too! ( I thought it was deleted feature)

NightShift79 2010-09-03 09:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Filebox is awsome! I love it and you did a great job so far!
I would like to translate it to german, but I don't know how, cos I can't find *.po files in the source
(taken from

Could someone tell me how to translate this awesome filemanager?
Is there a source available so I can open it in QT Creator, properly ?

thx for your help.

Do I just have to open one of the *.ts files in an Editor and change phrases to german ?

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