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lma 2010-11-11 20:11

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870618)
because I don't see any reason to release a maemo6 branded as meego device. It will create only confusion on both sides: developers and end users.

Yeah, that ship has sailed :-( See here and here for some attempts to reduce confusion.


On the other side I don't think they can release a product and brand it as meego if it's not compatibile with real meego.
Correct. The packaging format alone is enough to make Harmattan decidedly non-compliant.

lunat 2010-11-11 20:16

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 870718)
Actually most the devices already got something similar. Example zune hd, ipod/iphone, s^3 phones you press power button for 10 sec to do the same thing as taking the battery out and back. Having own off/on button would be quite a waste and something that... well would be bad sign for the customer.

how it is implemented doesn't matter.
i just want that button, that relyably independent of the state of the software turns the phone off and really off so and when you turn it on again(from really off) it is in a defined start state.

efekt 2010-11-11 20:28

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 870722)
Like this?

So what? :confused:
This is one and non-representing occurrence in Nokia phones (btw, my USB port is pretty solid and I have my N900 for almost a year now).

lunat 2010-11-11 20:43

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 870743)
So what? :confused:
This is one and non-representing occurrence in Nokia phones (btw, my USB port is pretty solid and I have my N900 for almost a year now).

it is representing. and i think nokia has realized that it is in its press statements.
the big difference defines the class of the device. the small things define the quality and the usability.


efekt 2010-11-11 21:04

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870757)
it is representing. and i think nokia has realized that it is in its press statements.
the big difference defines the class of the device. the small things define the quality and the usability.

No its not. If it was, it'd have happened in the N97, N97 mini, N96, N86, etc.
And again I remind you - say the USB port got detached in 5000 devices, still the majority of the devices did not have their port detached (neither did mine), so this is probably a production problem in a specific series of devices.

In fact, finding another Nokia product with such a defect won't be such an easy chore, I can assure you...


Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870757)

Yea ok whatever...

lunat 2010-11-11 21:30

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
lets settle this: this is a wishlist for a to come phone: better quality.

usb(might stumble over a wire)
touchscreen(want to carry it in my pockets together with keys)
waterresistant(not waterproof but rain shouldn't hurt it)
and yeah: a charger that is capable of charging the phone and doesn't go up in flames....
and all that tested makes the big difference in quality
this are shortcommings of the n900 reg. quality and sure wishlistitems for futur phones..


Originally Posted by efekt (Post 870774)
No its not. If it was, it'd have happened in the N97, N97 mini, N96, N86, etc.
And again I remind you - say the USB port got detached in 5000 devices, still the majority of the devices did not have their port detached (neither did mine), so this is probably a production problem in a specific series of devices.

In fact, finding another Nokia product with such a defect won't be such an easy chore, I can assure you...

Yea ok whatever...

cfh11 2010-11-11 21:31

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 870722)
Like this?

Limited occurrence, hasn't affected me fortunately. Design flaws aside, drop a Galaxy S and an N900 5 times onto concrete. Which one do you think would survive?

3beers 2010-11-11 21:40

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 870645)
I don't understand what confusion there could be concerning OVI?

if they brand the phone as meego and developers submit application that will not work on future real meego devices it will create fragmentation and confusion on developers and end users , plus they need to implement in ovi store another category of OS just for 1 phone.

Anyway they can't brand an OS as meego unless it's compatibile with meego.

3beers 2010-11-11 21:43

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Speaking of U8500, your dream might become true since a new platform has been added on meego devices page :

2disbetter 2010-11-11 21:48

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870799)
lets settle this: this is a wishlist for a to come phone: better quality.

usb(might stumble over a wire)
touchscreen(want to carry it in my pockets together with keys)
waterresistant(not waterproof but rain shouldn't hurt it)
and yeah: a charger that is capable of charging the phone and doesn't go up in flames....
and all that tested makes the big difference in quality
this are shortcommings of the n900 reg. quality and sure wishlistitems for futur phones..

If it comes down to Nokia investing more time and effort into building a more powerful phone, and not one as prone to your accidents and small pockets, I would prefer they build a more powerful phone.

A phone that cost me nearly $700 does not go in the same pocket as my keys. And I certainly don't feel the need to use it while it's raining. And while falls happen, I certianly don't think Nokia should waste too much time and resources in "toughbooking" their phones. Just be careful with your phone.

Case solved.


efekt 2010-11-11 22:01

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870799)
lets settle this: this is a wishlist for a to come phone: better quality.

usb(might stumble over a wire)
touchscreen(want to carry it in my pockets together with keys)
waterresistant(not waterproof but rain shouldn't hurt it)
and yeah: a charger that is capable of charging the phone and doesn't go up in flames....
and all that tested makes the big difference in quality
this are shortcommings of the n900 reg. quality and sure wishlistitems for futur phones..

You just don't know what you're talking about, and you've probably never watched the following video:

jsa 2010-11-11 22:02

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870812)
Speaking of U8500, your dream might become true since a new platform has been added on meego devices page :

I don't know what to say..

Hint: read the first post of this thread..

lunat 2010-11-11 22:16

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
excatly that is what i expect. if it is done the way they state it in the vid everything is fine: no usb comes off, no charger gets on fire ... this is exactly what i am talking about.
your vid shows that i am not demanding something outordenary but something one expect from a phone .

so whats wrong with that wishlist, if you find nokia stating itself, that this is what makes the difference in quality?


Originally Posted by efekt (Post 870822)
You just don't know what you're talking about, and you've probably never watched the following video:

efekt 2010-11-11 22:23

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870841)
excatly that is what i expect. if it is done the way they state it in the vid everything is fine: no usb comes off, no charger gets on fire ... this is exactly what i am talking about.
your vid shows that i am not demanding something outordenary but something one expect from a phone .

so whats wrong with that wishlist, if you find nokia stating itself, that this is what makes the difference in quality?

Man, I don't even know how to reply to such comment... :confused:

Anyone willing to give me a hand here? I don't get what the hell this guy is talking about...
Any translators in the audience?

lunat 2010-11-11 22:32

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 870848)
Man, I don't even know how to reply to such comment... :confused:

Anyone willing to give me a hand here? I don't get what the hell this guy is talking about...
Any translators in the audience?

i said i want them to do this tests with the next phone they ship. whats so difficult to understand about that?

godofwar424 2010-11-12 01:38

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870855)
i said i want them to do this tests with the next phone they ship. whats so difficult to understand about that?

Charger gets on fire?? This is not a widespread N900 issue. Ive never heard of this since you just mentioned it!

USB issues?! Yes that happened with a batch of N900 but not ALL of them. For example my N900 was one of the first batches yet the USB is FINE and I admit I haven't been entirely careful with it!

The screen, deal with it! All phones have this problem eventually. Don't blame the manufacturers for scratches on a screen, That is the laws of physics and the materials aren't around yet to make that problem go away. Buy a screen protector? Like most people!
Clear-coat are the best ones

I have dropped my N900 LOADS of times! Obviously not off a 2 story building but in general around the house n outside! Learn to grip you device better??

NO phone is or ever will be fully water resistant! That is electronics for you. But I use my N900 in the UK where it rains ALOT and I have had no problems with it even after using it in heavy rain.

How about you stop moaning and blaming Nokia (who TEST the crap out of these phones before approving them to be manufactured) about stupid issues that aren't even issues related to the N900 apart from the USB thing. Go elsewhere and complain... Its not a helpful not useful addition to this thread!

rabilon 2010-11-12 01:59

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Other than the usb problem some people have had, I've never heard of these other "problems." If one worries about dropping their N900, get an Otterbox - it fits perfectly and is cushioned.

And I had the pleasure of using my N900 recently in London (what a great city!). The T-mobile service and cost are way better than the US.

lma 2010-11-12 02:54

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 870743)
So what? :confused:
This is one and non-representing occurrence in Nokia phones (btw, my USB port is pretty solid and I have my N900 for almost a year now).

It's a design defect (see eg texrat's analysis), you've just been lucky so far. The point being: you can't just look at the company logo to judge build quality, you have to look at each model individually.

lma 2010-11-12 03:03

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by rabilon (Post 871001)
Other than the usb problem some people have had, I've never heard of these other "problems."

There was also the LCD bright spots issue, but I don't see any new reports of it so maybe they fixed it in production since.

sjgadsby 2010-11-12 04:32

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 870722)
Like this?

That is the fault of danramos. During the lead-up to the release of the N900, he kept going on about how the design should feature modular parts. He meant the cellular radio, but Nokia misunderstood.

lunat 2010-11-12 08:35

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
folks come down! all i said was that i wish the next phone to meet high quality standards.

what i get is a lot of bashing telling me that quality is not necessarry for a expensive phone("take care"). another points to a vid in which nokia shows that quality matters(stresses out my point). and then speculations over speculations based on personal experience to the amount of affected devices or not.

folks, i don't care much about all that. i care that i can trust if i buy a phone that it is of a high quality so that i can use it in all situations of my life and can trust that it is robust enough to survive little accidents happening in day in day out use and is fit to be used independent of the wheater(bad situation if you stand in the rain with a phone but can't use it to call a taxi ... ) so that i know that i can rely on it and know i will have it for a long time.
and this is what i would love to see with the next phone.

rash.m2k 2010-11-12 08:45

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 870722)
Not that much, but that's a matter of personal preference I guess.

Like this?

It was a design flaw - the first thing i noticed about the N900 was the micro usb port - I'm always very careful with it! (And any device with a microUSB port!).

The N810, 5800 and many other devices had it - and had no problems! And i've had no problems with my N900 - but when you notice that something may be delicate you TAKE CARE! The N900 weakest point IS the micro USB so you don't need to take much care of the phone but DO need to take care with the usb port.

If you can't understand/comprehend that then you may as well sell your N900 and get a £10 Nokia, which you can just throw at walls.


Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 870445)
Are you really implying that the manufacturer doesn't matter? Without even getting into UX differentiation, there is absolutely a difference in build quality from one company to the next. I happen to think Nokia handsets are very solid and durable. HTCs and Samsungs otoh feel like toys.

+1, HTC feels like toys. Nokia N-series look and feel the business, solid build and good quality components. Thats why I buy Nokia.

lunat 2010-11-12 09:10

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
milage varies. i'd say the weakest point is the display.
whatever: i'd rather have a phone without such "flaws".(for the usb: its no real flaw for it works. its just a low quality method of mounting it, not as robust as it could be using other technics of mounting the port. well and yes all devices had the weakness.


Originally Posted by rash.m2k (Post 871229)
It was a design flaw - the first thing i noticed about the N900 was the micro usb port - I'm always very careful with it! (And any device with a microUSB port!).

The N810, 5800 and many other devices had it - and had no problems! And i've had no problems with my N900 - but when you notice that something may be delicate you TAKE CARE! The N900 weakest point IS the micro USB so you don't need to take much care of the phone but DO need to take care with the usb port.

If you can't understand/comprehend that then you may as well sell your N900 and get a £10 Nokia, which you can just throw at walls.

+1, HTC feels like toys. Nokia N-series look and feel the business, solid build and good quality components. Thats why I buy Nokia.

NvyUs 2010-12-04 13:12

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
latest rumored spec list, i'll be happy when device is announced so people will no longer have to guess which one of the 100 lists are correct.

4.2″ AMOLED, 1600mAh, 190 Million Polygon/s power, 768MB RAM, 1GB ROM, 12MP

tissot 2010-12-04 14:41

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Well on thing is for sure, those specs are not real. He changed the original polygon count from 16 after hearing N8 count...

Anyways from the leaked N9 picture with the new 1320mah battery with higher voltage than N900 we suddenly go to big 1600mah battery....sure.

IsaacDFP 2010-12-07 17:36

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 889093)
latest rumored spec list, i'll be happy when device is announced so people will no longer have to guess which one of the 100 lists are correct.

4.2″ AMOLED, 1600mAh, 190 Million Polygon/s power, 768MB RAM, 1GB ROM, 12MP

I have to second that, lol, from the most recent google blogs:
IT Pro Portal
Gadget Venue
Product Reviews
Nok Nok
Nokia Phones
UK Plurk
Softpedia News
GSM Dome

they all seem to have in common 4.2inch screen, 1gb rom, 768ram. Some say the 1600mAh could be a typo, and no word on the processor...although... IT Pro Portal claims it uses a 28nm manufacturing process and they "seriuosly suspect" that N9 will run ST Ericsson U8500 dual core 1.2Ghz with ARM Mali 400 GPU... that would be a dream come true...

wmarone 2010-12-07 17:40

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
I suspect that if Nokia were to release an A8 based device next year it would be an embarrassment. My conjecture (baseless as it may be) is that the N9 that was rumored is dead and took Harmattan with it. What is to come will be something A9 based running MeeGo, as that's the only way they could actually compete if they release around April, when A9 phones will probably start dropping (if not sooner.)

Again, the above is unfounded conjecture.

IsaacDFP 2010-12-07 17:46

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
One of those blogs did mention that because Intel confirmed no MeeGo phones will be released until 2011, it gave Nokia time to revamp their hardware... again, it is nothing but speculations based on rumours, but i would love that to be true. Imagine a dual core on a will trully kill the competition

3beers 2010-12-07 18:43

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 891622)
I suspect that if Nokia were to release an A8 based device next year it would be an embarrassment. My conjecture (baseless as it may be) is that the N9 that was rumored is dead and took Harmattan with it. What is to come will be something A9 based running MeeGo, as that's the only way they could actually compete if they release around April, when A9 phones will probably start dropping (if not sooner.)

Again, the above is unfounded conjecture.

That's they way I see things. they planned to release the maemo6 device this year with an A8 CPU but they cancel it because maemo become meego and they didn't want to create fragmentation by releasing a meego-harmattan device. So they'll probably go for A9. However I don't think they will release any device in april. it will be nice, but I don;t think so. let's say they will target meego 1.2 for N9. meego 1.2 will be released at the end of april. most of the features are just being added in meego 1.2 and they are not properly tested. so they will need at least 2-3 month to test the os and fix the bugs, or they can go for meego 1.3 which will probably be more a bug fixing and optimisation version. At least this is my prediction.

wmarone 2010-12-07 18:53

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 891672)
they planned to release the maemo6 device this year with an A8 CPU but they cancel it because maemo become meego and they didn't want to create fragmentation by releasing a meego-harmattan device.

My theory regarding this is not so much avoiding fragmentation, but that Elop killed Harmattan and the A8-based N9 because they would have been too little, too late, and drawn their support of MeeGo into question.


So they'll probably go for A9. However I don't think they will release any device in april. it will be nice, but I don;t think so. let's say they will target meego 1.2 for N9. meego 1.2 will be released at the end of april.
Well, if they wait much past April then they run the risk of being left completely in the dust as they'll be mere months away from Apple releasing the iPhone 5, never mind the constant deluge of Android phones. I suspect they'll be closer to the bleeding edge and will bank heavily on the compliance spec being set in stone before then, allowing them to release a device as close as possible to the MeeGo 1.2 release date.

vvaz 2010-12-07 20:00

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Hmm. If MeeGo devices really should overcome N-series release date should be somewhere September-October with announcement in April. This way it will be true successor of N8.

tissot 2010-12-07 20:04

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia. ;)
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.
Eldar and source over MR that has been spot on till now and both are still saying "old" N9 is very much alive but badly delayed as the OS and UI still need lots of work. According to the MR dual core Nokia phone would be seen at the earliest in next Nokia World.

Not to put too much negative stigma to this but looking how much S^3 and N8 got delayed or Nokia's past 3 years.... well while people should have high expections i would not get my hopes as high as so many here does.

wmarone 2010-12-07 20:06

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 891750)
You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia. ;)
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.

If Elop were to allow the release of an A8 device when other vendors were releasing A9s, he will have failed as CEO out of the gate. No release and a delay would be better.

mikecomputing 2010-12-07 20:18

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 891750)
You guys are giving too much credit to Nokia. ;)
I'm still quite sure that the Michael-Dallas specs (4", 1ghz A8, etc.) are still true.
Eldar and source over MR that has been spot on till now and both are still saying "old" N9 is very much alive but badly delayed as the OS and UI still need lots of work. According to the MR dual core Nokia phone would be seen at the earliest in next Nokia World.

Not to put too much negative stigma to this but looking how much S^3 and N8 got delayed or Nokia's past 3 years.... well while people should have high expections i would not get my hopes as high as so many here does.

Just look att the Meego wiki testpages etc... to see the progress... Its going... well... slow...

yet another reason Nokia should get more recources working on Meego instead of symbian. But I guess they doesnt want to sell good N series phones and stick with symbian yet some years...

Until Microsoft buys them and going winmobile... sarcasm with a bit of true maybe.... hope not....

And yes I know this rumors but I would be supriced if it will be delayed to Meego 1.3 in October 2011...

tissot 2010-12-07 20:21

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 891752)
If Elop were to allow the release of an A8 device when other vendors were releasing A9s, he will have failed as CEO out of the gate. No release and a delay would be better.

I agree in that we would still be waiting for that real wow phone from Nokia, but releasing the harmattan N9 around March as dual cores would be just arriving to phones at that time would unfortunately fit all too well to Nokia's past 3 years.

Though i will be surprised, but also first on line if Nokia manages to release MeeGo device with their UI in 1h next year plus dual core. I have gone thru many Symbian phones, ios, Maemo 5, Android 2.2 and MeeGo to me still easily seems the most promising OS.

3beers 2010-12-07 23:34

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 891765)
I agree in that we would still be waiting for that real wow phone from Nokia, but releasing the harmattan N9 around March as dual cores would be just arriving to phones at that time would unfortunately fit all too well to Nokia's past 3 years.

Though i will be surprised, but also first on line if Nokia manages to release MeeGo device with their UI in 1h next year plus dual core. I have gone thru many Symbian phones, ios, Maemo 5, Android 2.2 and MeeGo to me still easily seems the most promising OS.

releasing a harmattan device I don't think will help them much. people will buy it and then have high expectations like updates and will face the same situation like N900 cause nokia will be more focus to meego devices, and this kind of things just lower the brand power and make users move to competition.
I also agree that they should release a dual core A9 in the first half even if it's the end of june, even if it will have bugs, because this way they will be able to improve the OS much faster, and prepare a much better version for meego 1.3 which should be pushed much more to masses with a N8-01 camera phone-keyboard-less phone and probably an E7-01 business phone.
they should also release in 1H a meego tablet. That will be nice.

But I'm still thinking that we'll not see any nokia meego device until Q3-Q4 (not official at least)

NvyUs 2010-12-08 20:53

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
nokia are working on 3 devices and a tablet i'm told whether these are all harmattan-meego or real meego for later in the year is another thing,
more than 1 spec sheet could be true

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