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sup 2011-11-27 10:59

Re: N900 Will not work in Mass Storage after PR1.3
If the device says it cannot be connected because it says it is in use and your /home/user/MyDocs cannot be unmounted and

lsof /home/user/MyDocs

gives you nothing (if it output something, that something would need to be stopped first), you can unmout it manually in terminal with:

umount -l /home/user/MyDocs

Took me two hours to learn this the other day.

tuteja 2013-10-01 14:56

Re: N900 Will not work in Mass Storage after PR1.3
Dear All

Serious Issue Coming ...Pls Help

When i Connect My N900 With USB to Laptop and Select The mass storage Mode....Nothing Happens

Error- Insufficient Power-Not Charging
Some Times-Unable to Connect Mass Storage , Device Memory In used

I am Not Able to Access My N900 in Mass Storage Mode, But Its Working Perfectly With PC-Suite

Pls Help.......Thanks in Advance!!!!

pichlo 2013-10-02 13:30

Re: N900 Will not work in Mass Storage after PR1.3
Have you read this thread from the beginning?
Your symptoms sound like the advice given within might apply to you as well.

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