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marxian 2010-12-11 00:57

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
0.0.4-1 working very nicely for me. I can't provide any data on 3g usage unfortunately, as I'm on WiFi only atm.

lemmyslender 2010-12-11 03:45

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
0.0.4-1 working over IPv6 now.

Thanks for the update.

Frank Banul 2010-12-12 00:47

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Simply_Texan (Post 887196)
Would it be possible to have a progress indicator or busy/working icon or some visual aid when fetching results. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's working in the background or didn't register a tap.

Um, yes. Yes it would be possible. See version 0.0.5-1 in extras-devel.

Sorry diablo users, this feature is Maemo 5 only.


Frank Banul 2010-12-12 21:19

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
I've promoted 0.0.5-1 to extras-testing, please vote here as you see fit.


AgogData 2010-12-12 21:30

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
i love your app Frank, just wish you can do two things :
1- include shoutcast stations
2- built-in player (even if its very simple)

Frank Banul 2010-12-13 03:00

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 895481)
1- include shoutcast stations
2- built-in player (even if its very simple)

1 - No offense, but we need to save that feature for ShoutcastToGo. :) Seriously, there are licensing requirements for using the RadioTime API. I'm honestly not sure how mixing in another radio directory would work.

Having looked at the Shoutcast API, it is very similar to RadioTime. It probably wouldn't be that difficult to produce a similar program that uses Shoutcast as it's back end. Any volunteers?

2 - I have a list of items that would be nice and a built in player is on it. I'm not convinced of the advantages but plan to investigate.


Frank Banul 2011-01-17 20:06

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

I uploaded new fremantle and diablo versions today to clean up a few issues found during testing of version 0.0.5-1. Added an about menu, changed window titles, save browse location when reporting. Please vote here.


rotoflex 2011-01-18 11:29

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Not connected to internet

Press "presets" button when main screen comes up, or do a search

Whirling busy indicator starts whirling & never stops, no indication that the program knows what the problem is.

Maybe a "not connected" message or ask to connect might work well there.

Frank Banul 2011-02-02 01:18

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
New version today. The most notable change isn't anything you'll see just yet. It turns out RadioTime holds back radio streams for "devices". I've applied to be classified as a device which would enable more stations to work. In the event that they allow this, the streams will actually play in this latest version. Vote here please.


mrp 2011-05-12 04:54

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
is N900 classified as a device now?

Frank Banul 2011-05-12 13:23

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by mrp (Post 1004642)
is N900 classified as a device now?

Unfortunately it is not.


snubmoggy 2011-05-23 12:47

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Just discovered this, and it's exactly what I was looking for. Simple and brilliant. Thanks!

mrp 2013-10-11 05:26

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

I have been using RadioTimeToGo for a very long time now and have been very pleased with it.

I had to do a complete reflash on my N900. I installed RadioTimeToGo but am only able tos tart it form the command line. I use version 0.0.7-2 and PR1.3 of maemo. Any way of getting to start from the desktop? When I click the icon nothing happens.


Mika 2013-10-13 21:44

What about harmattan is there a such comparable app ? Meeradio ?

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