![]() |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I just ran a memory profiler (massif) on the Desktop version which executes the same code. The memory usage stays at the same level while downloading tiles, so I don't expect a problem here. I'll give it a try on the N900 as well, though I used that feature many times without a problem so far. Guess you were using the OpenStreetMap map theme, right? @bugzy: Technically Marble support Google Maps, Ovi Maps and other non-free map providers. Ovi maps needs to change their terms of use before we can integrate it properly (e.g. ship with the default packages), however. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
But if I selected a bigger range of tiles - say about 300 MB and started to download them, then after some 10 - 15 minutes laying on the table the phone has frozen again... :confused: |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
This sounds like something triggering the infamous freezing bug.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
At least I found a way to reproduce it reliably :D So I did one more test, this time selecting another map region (where the town "Nokia" is situated :p) retaining the scale and selected again about 300 MB tiles to download and the freeze followed after about 15 minutes... :( |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I have the same problem. (And I have also GPS off)
I want to ask: Is there some way to workaround this problem? I cannot download any larger block of tiles due to this hang. E.g. Is it possible to download tiles from marble on desktop machine (using marble from kdeedu 4.5.1 or 4.6.0 on Linux or marble-qt for windows) and then copy all tiles to n900 for maemo marble 1.0.0? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I tried to download tiles by marble for windows and I found more problems:
(1) Download is incredibly slow (servers are probably very busy) (2) When I tried download tiles for whole Czech republic, level 13 total downloaded tiles takes about 180M, but level 14 takes only about 30M for the same area. When I watch size of folder with level 14, it seems that some tiles are deleted during downloading others in some interval... (?) (3) Due to OSM tiles-download policy http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy there is not possible/legal/recommended to download level 18 or so... So I wonder, what is the way to pre-load map for whole country for offline usage with marble? It seems to me, there is no other way than setup some local renderer and dowload .osm xml file for it. Is it possible to run a mapnik server - ondesktop or even n900 directly? Or use something like http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Maperitive ? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi artwine,
Unfortunately we don't have any influence on (1). Regarding question (2): Marble has a limit for the amount of tiles that can be downloaded. This hard disc cache limit is configurable. If the amount of downloaded tiles exceeds the hard disc cache limit then Marble will start to delete tiles in the background. I think the UI for this kind of setting has been disabled on Maemo. But you can still configure it using a text editor by changing the config file (~/.config/kde.org/Marble\ Desktop\ Globe.conf ): Just change the following line (under [Cache]) up to your needs: persistentTileCacheLimit=300 Regarding (3): Yes, our implementation of this feature has been developed working together with the OSM server admins. So it should be fine. Creation of tiles for a whole country from an .osm file is out of the scope of the Marble project. But we do have plans (and work) to display .osm files as vector graphics. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
FWIW the "Unsupported DBUS type: 0" problem isn't limited to Marble - I get it on two other applications: groove and quickflickr. This is the only thread that I can see where anyone has mentioned the problem. And it obviously is not widespread. If anyone had any ideas about what might be causing it I'd be happy to follow them up. Right now I'm at a dead loss.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Umm, grep sources for "Unsupported DBUS type:", use gdb to place a breakpoint on that function in marble? /j |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
A quick question: is off-line routing and searching for names (addresses, streets or things) supported when using the monav-routing-daemon?
When off-line all my searches never finish (even when putting in the name of the current city). |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Update: Here's a bug report to follow: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267026 |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Can I make it use
~/MyDocs/.maps/OpenStreetMap I instead of ~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap for downloading and reading tiles? Mappero, AGTL and ModRana are all using and sharing it and I already have about 1Gb of images there. And Marble is just doubling that space with the same data in other directory. I wish it was some filesystem that supports symlinking, but it's FAT by default, so I can't make a link. Any suggestions? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Marble 1.1.0 is scheduled for 2011-04-15. If you or anyone else wants to help out testing the packages, please see see here. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
So i just installed Marble, but I cant seem to make routing work in general, bot offline and online!!! I tried a million times but it just does not create directions for a route that i create. It finds my current position without problem and the gps say "fine accuracy" yet the routing dont work. PLz help...I reinstalled but still no luck. .
Well.... where does the config file for Marble stored, so I can delete it and then retry everything? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
So i just installed Marble, but I cant seem to make routing work in general, bot offline and online!!! I tried a million times but it just does not create directions for a route that i create. It finds my current position without problem and the gps say "fine accuracy" yet the routing dont work. PLz help...I reinstalled but still no luck. .
Well.... where does the config file for Marble stored, so I can delete it and then retry everything? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
The YOURS server used in Marble 1.0 unfortunately does not work anymore since some weeks. I replaced it by a different one in Marble 1.1, which will be available soon. The OpenRouteService should work (assuming you have an internet connection and Marble is not set to offline mode). At times their server does not work, however. Maybe you hit it at an unfortunate time. Note that OpenRouteService only has maps for Europe; requests for routes e.g. in the USA won't give any results. In summary, here's a checklist: Monav:
If you want to delete Marble's configuration file then remove /home/user/.config/kde.org/Marble Desktop Globe.conf. Other interesting files are /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/routing/route.kml (the last route) and /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/bookmarks/bookmarks.kml (all bookmarks). |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
The monav-routing-daemon 0.2-release-2 from extras-testing solved the problem!! I knew it was the routing daemon not working. Anyways, I got a problem scrolling through the directions. Everytime i try to press and drag to go slightly downwards or upwards, it goes to the end. I have to select a specific turn direction first and then carefully drag in desired direction and even then many times it ends up goin to the end. Its very annoying, hope you can fix that. Cant wait for voice guided directions!!! |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Update: Thanks for voting, everyone: monav-routing-daemon is now in extras :) Quote:
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
So a new version of MoNav just appeared in devel recently - is this one supposed to work for routing now, or do we still need to stay on the testing version to keep offline routing?
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
In short: Please wait for Marble 1.1.1 which will appear around 2011-05-15 in extras-devel/extras-testing.
Longer answer: The new monav-routing-daemon version is based on the recent release 0.3 of monav. Fortunately it is able to read the "old" format of maps, but still requires a bit conversion work on the client side. I made the necessary changes in Marble's git master and will backport them to the 1.1.1 release which is planned for the end of the week. Marble 1.1.1 will work with both monav-routing-daemon 0.2-release (extras) and 0.3-release (extras-devel, soon -testing). I'll also generate new monav offline maps using the 0.3 release in the next weeks. They'll include data for offline address search, a feature that will be available in Marble 1.2 and later (around July). You can upgrade the maps directly in Marble once they're there. I'll announce that here once done. Update: It would be nice to get more votes for the two Marble 1.1.0 packages in extras-testing. Ideally we'd get them into extras before i push Marble 1.1.1 to extras-testing. Thanks :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Please, maybe I am not clever enough, but I cannot discover how to have a map different from the openstreet. I have Marble 1.01.
Thank you |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@Patroclo: Did you install the Marble Maps package yet? The Marble - Virtual Globe package only contains the OpenStreetMap theme and many other themes are in the Marble Maps package. Once that is installed, open the Map View dialog in Marble's application menu and click on a different map theme to load it. I'm creating a tutorial page on map themes currently. It will show screenshots for these steps when I'm done.
@All: I just pushed Marble 1.1.1 to extras-devel. It contains a couple of minor fixes and improvements as well as the support for monav-0.3 I mentioned above. I'd like to promote it to extras-testing, but that'd mean that all the votes for Marble 1.1.0 for extras promotion would be useless. So if anyone who tested Marble 1.1.0 can give it a vote that'd be great. I just need one more vote for 1.1.0 to be able to promote it to extras. Afterwards I'll promote 1.1.1 to extras-testing. Thanks :) Update: Got enough votes, thanks! |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Just tested Marble for the first time. It's is so awesome ! Thanks for your work.
Waiting for the POI to be added now :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Compared to other openstreetmap renderers, Marble's maps look blurry and "chunky". It looks like the tiles are being rescaled.
Fortunately, I found this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=199259 which includes a fix. :) Is there a timeline for getting this fix into a release for the N900? P.S. Thank you, Marble is amazing, the best cartography app I've used. :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Looks great and I hope to have a fully useable sat nav system with this.
One question whilst I am playing with it, how do I search for an address. I don't mean for navigation or routing, but just type in an address and show it on the map? Also, does it support POIs? Thanks in advance. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@Vlad_on_the_road: Great to hear you like Marble :)
@tkatchev: Marble 1.2 will show OpenStreetMap themes sharp. I'll release a first beta in the next days (not in extras-devel, but still with a one-click installer for those interested to test it). Marble 1.2.0 will be released at the end of July. If the beta versions show little bugs, I'll push a release candidate to extras-devel some time before that. @mmarks: In Marble 1.2 you can use the "Go To..." dialog for that. In earlier versions you have to use the routing dialog for it (note: after searching you can close the routing dialog and all results are shown on the map). Support for points of interests will come with Marble 1.2 as well, see http://userbase.kde.org/Marble/Search and http://nienhueser.de/blog/?p=321 @all: Thanks for the quick votes for Marble 1.1.1 to get it into extras :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Many thanks for your response, I shall look forward to testing the 1.2 release.
From what I've seen so far it looks very good, haven't tried voice navigation yet - I'll try that on the way home tonight. I downloaded the Ireland maps over wifi, does that mean that it won't require a data connection when driving now? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Calculating routes in Ireland works fully offline then. Losely speaking, the offline routing maps contain the street network for a country needed for route calculation. They do not contain the map images used to display the map. These depend on the map theme you're using (Map View dialog). You can download them in advance however with the "Download Region" dialog. See http://userbase.kde.org/Marble/Maemo/OfflineRouting for details.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi there,
Tried the routing last night on the way home (and this morning). Didn't work at all last night, kept telling me no route found. I installed monav and the routing worked. Tried again this morning and routing was working but no voice. I followed the web page to download some tomtom voices and converted them (they are now ogg files I believe) and put them into the appropriate directory /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/audio/speakers/ameteur Radio But no voice. Do I need an ogg decoder installed for it to work or have I done something wrong? Looking forward to getting this working. Mike |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I got the voice guidance working with marble and marble maps latest versions (1.1.1) and monav (0.3). I used the Tomtom estonian voice.
But as this is more a technology preview I guess that it is not ready yet ;) I have made some tests during last 2 weeks and most of the "commands" were wrong (sounded in wrong places) or at least confusing. Tried to understand if there is some systematic error or shift in them, but until now I have no idea.... |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
First of all to the developers of Marble for Maemo team, a huge thanks. It is an exceptional application. I have installed marble (1.1.1) + marble maps + monav routing daemon(0.3). I downloaded the maps for my country and went into offline mode, did a route guidance worked very well.
Now how can i (in an offline mode), just load marble app and start driving and it will start to navigate with me. Second, during navigation why doesnt it automatically zoom in to road level. I noticed it kept at a certain zoom level (as much as i gave it before starting from home). How can zoom levels work automatically during navigation? Third, since automatic zoom wasnt working, i zoomed in manually to abt road level. But map never moved with me. It tracked my movement fine but map was not moved. so in summary, how can i start marble app and it zooms in at road level and start to navigate with me? City: Islamabad Country: Pakistan |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@mmarks: Did you select the voice you installed in the configuration dialog? Once that is done it should work. If that doesn't work, are you running some other application in the background that uses the audio output (e.g. a music player)? Are ogg related packages installed? I do have ogg-support and gstreamer10-ogg installed here.
@niqbal: You can enable automatic centering of the map and automatic zooming in the Tracking dialog (available from the application menu). Use the bottom two controls below "Re-center" (older versions) or "Map Adjustment" as shown in the screenshots in http://userbase.kde.org/Marble/Tracking The guidance mode enables both when turned on and disables both when turned off. @all: You may have heard that KDE 4.7 Beta 1 was released today. Here's what's new in Marble on the N900 (compared to 1.1.1): Features:
Known Issues:
I prepared packages for the N900 which are available in the testing repository on my server. I don't expect severe bugs, but there are rough edges (see known issues), so I won't push them to extras-devel. Still I'd like to get some testing to squash remaining bugs before the release. If you have some time and are not afraid of using a shell on the N900, please have a look. Note that you need to install (or upgrade) monav offline routing maps to get databases for offline address search. See the list above for countries whose maps are already updated with offline address search data. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hello, and thanks for the developers, this app is exactly what I was hoping for on Maemo.
For some reason I can't get the voice files from tomtom converted with the online converter, none of the ones I downloaded from the provided link seem to convert. If anyone has a proper english (don't care which voice, even Schwarzenegger would do :) ) sound files, could you please upload somewhere? Solved: Had to use the .zip file instead of the .chk |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hmm, I can't get the voice guidance working properly.
I'm using the openstreetmaps and openrouteservice for the navigation, I've extracted the voice files and am able to select them from the menu dialog. However nothing is spoken, I just get the directions on the screen. The voice files are in English, the directions are in Finnish on the screen. I tried to select device language as US English, but that doesn't seem to make any difference, the routing instructions still appear in Finnish and no voice is played. Any ideas what to check? edit: fixed now, apparently my ogg support was broken |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
my question is which voice files are u using that are working for you? so i can try the same. I am using Leicester_Sound downloaded it free from two links given in CustomSpeakers tutorial |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Niqbal - I have exactly the same issue - would love to know the solution.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I have ogg support installed and downloaded & converted the ameteur radio voice - I don't get any voice prompts at all in marble. I aslo tried the new update (1.1.80 I believe) and that didn't help either!
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