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Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-13 00:01

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 919055)
It doesn't work for me. I think that it conflicts with Livefocus which is opened also via this sensor. I'll uninstall livefocus and give it another try.

Livefocus works so I've uninstaled it and rebootd the device but still it doesn't work. Shortcut also has proximity disabled. I'm out of ideas for now.

Hmm... odd. I have LiveFocus installed - I never noticed it using the proximity sensor to activate itself... *Shrug* Maybe there's some setting somewhere for that?

If MohammadAG would like, I can install this myself and see if it works on my system (ShortcutD installed, but not using proximity sensor; livefocus installed too). Then we can compare what we have installed, etc, to see if anything's obviously the same among those for whom it doesn't work.

MohammadAG 2011-01-13 04:30

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
You could always start /opt/mediabar/mediabar manually and see what's going on ;)

As for the black borders, it's because my lazy implementation (when you hold the mediaplayer button controls show up, if you didn't notice that :p)
I'll add in auto resizing.

cincibluer6 2011-01-13 04:48

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
This definitely looks promising. This is one of those features that I also missed dearly from my 5800XM. I'll be downloading in the next couple days for sure.

cloud596 2011-01-13 04:59

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I got problem guys trying a day. a minute ago it worked and now it doesnt work I dont have any shortcutd . I tested during a call . proximity sensor still fine. dunno why.
any idea.

cloud596 2011-01-13 05:01

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
edit it works again. dunno its miracle.

porselinaheart 2011-01-13 05:48

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
wow, MAG, this mediabar roxors my boxors. any chance of changing the orientation to the right or left edge of the screen???

F2thaK 2011-01-13 05:55

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
how come im just only seeing this now ?!?!
great work MAG as always

F2thaK 2011-01-13 06:02

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
this is cool, suggestion:

-short vibe when activating/deactivating

also after changing time, do we need to reboot?

cloud596 2011-01-13 06:22

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
dear MAG. would u like to made it autostart cause u know it really annoying. while reboot and start it manually

Omkar 2011-01-13 06:34

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Hello Mohammad!
Thanks for the nice app. :)

Is it normal to show the dock when phone (call functionality) is in use? Or may be this is a bug.

Could you please fix this?


F2thaK 2011-01-13 06:39

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
it does start automatically, i rebooted twice and it works straight away...........?

fw190 2011-01-13 07:09

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
trying to start it manualy gave me this:

$ /opt/mediabar/mediabar     
"mediabar" "0.1" initallized with process ID: 4173
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name proximityd.method.change was not provided by any .service files

MohammadAG 2011-01-13 09:17

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Time is loaded dynamically from the file, so nope, saving the file should show the results instantly.
I'll add a vibration when it opens/closes and make it configurable.
Moving it to the left will cause it not to function, that's how I originally intended it, but the task manager button always captures press so it won't work.

fw190 try start proximityd; stop mediabar; start mediabar.

F2thaK 2011-01-13 09:43

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
im sure i needed to reboot after changing the time..

fw190 2011-01-13 09:43

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
How to start it?

F2thaK 2011-01-13 09:46

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
also another suggestion MAG...

auto close/hide after say 5 seconds..??

D4rKlar 2011-01-13 10:10

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Personally I think it would look amazing as a dock on the bottom, but I'm perfectly happy as it is! Thanks again mate :)

I've got a friend who's having issues (resolved by starting manually), but when he first installed he didn't have a mediabar.config file, he had to create it himself. Not sure if this helps but the only difference I can see between my system and his is hostmode, could that have anything to do with it?

Kind Regards,

MohammadAG 2011-01-13 10:20

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Done (autohide), though I need to add some GUI to configure this or I'll drive some users crazy :P

F2thaK 2011-01-13 10:46

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
cool, nice work MAG.

u da man

n900ak 2011-01-13 11:36

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919343)
Time is loaded dynamically from the file, so nope, saving the file should show the results instantly.
I'll add a vibration when it opens/closes and make it configurable.
Moving it to the left will cause it not to function, that's how I originally intended it, but the task manager button always captures press so it won't work.

fw190 try start proximityd; stop mediabar; start mediabar.

Hey AG, thanks a lot for this wonderful app (and your continuous contibution to the community.....), am dying to see it working on my n900 however I too am facing the same issue as that of fw190....could you please elaborate on how to "Start" and "Stop" proximityd and mediabar.........(sorry mate...but I ain't a Linux expert here....)


porselinaheart 2011-01-13 13:12

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919343)
Time is loaded dynamically from the file, so nope, saving the file should show the results instantly.
I'll add a vibration when it opens/closes and make it configurable.
Moving it to the left will cause it not to function, that's how I originally intended it, but the task manager button always captures press so it won't work.

fw190 try start proximityd; stop mediabar; start mediabar.

any possibilty of moving it being customizable to be on the right(vertically) or bottom of the screen?

try-alls 2011-01-13 13:35

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
this is an awesome bit o work,
could someone dumb done a quick run through on how to change the icons or allow it to be changed when using theme customiser?

CrckMc 2011-01-13 13:42

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by try-alls (Post 919500)
....could someone dumb....

someone dumb? :D



these are the icon files you need to change

try-alls 2011-01-13 13:51

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by CrckMc (Post 919506)
someone dumb? :D



these are the icon files you need to change

lol, guess that's a point proven then,
nice one

Keneraali 2011-01-13 14:25

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Hmm, is there a way to weaken the proximity sensor somehow? Because I changed the time to 30ms, so that mediabar would open with a single tap. But sometimes it opens when my finger is about 2cm above the sensor.

NightShift79 2011-01-13 21:13

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919385)
Done (autohide), though I need to add some GUI to configure this or I'll drive some users crazy :P

Hell yeah! ;D
cope to see some config screen. and the possibility to put custom apps in the mediabar!

It's great.

thx for bringing it.

c:drive 2011-01-13 21:27

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
This is very Nice Mod but due2 close distance between Task Switcher and Proximeter sensor this MBar open most of the time(need2 use keypad ctrl+back instead) and i found out also open during call

MohammadAG 2011-01-13 22:01

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I'll see if I can disable it when a call is in progress, noticed this today.

The proximity sensor is an open/closed thing, distance can't be measured with it.

Need icon suggestions/icons for the Application Manager and the icon for the GUI, please? :)

billybobjones 2011-01-13 22:13

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919794)
I'll see if I can disable it when a call is in progress, noticed this today.

The proximity sensor is an open/closed thing, distance can't be measured with it.

Need icon suggestions/icons for the Application Manager and the icon for the GUI, please? :)

Thanks for this MAG! I can try to throw together something in a day or so...

btw I also second the idea of having the bar come from the center and bottom of the screen, or at least the option to choose.

D4rKlar 2011-01-13 22:23

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919794)
I'll see if I can disable it when a call is in progress, noticed this today.

The proximity sensor is an open/closed thing, distance can't be measured with it.

Need icon suggestions/icons for the Application Manager and the icon for the GUI, please? :)

Is something like that too simple?

Kind Regards,

pantera1989 2011-01-13 22:33

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919794)
Need icon suggestions/icons for the Application Manager and the icon for the GUI, please? :)

How about something like this:

It's 64x64

excelar8 2011-01-13 22:49

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
this is awesome! Thanks MAG!

what would be amazing is the ability to replace with other applications! definitely cherry on the cake like the other user suggested

MohammadAG 2011-01-13 23:27

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by D4rKlar (Post 919817)
Is something like that too simple?

Kind Regards,

Good enough for me :D
One question though, could you change the white (not part of the MB letters) to an alpha channel? I'm a big n00b when it comes to editing images :p

tzsm98 2011-01-13 23:36

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919794)
I'll see if I can disable it when a call is in progress, noticed this today.

The proximity sensor is an open/closed thing, distance can't be measured with it.

Need icon suggestions/icons for the Application Manager and the icon for the GUI, please? :)

Something like this?

Sensor with a touch?

D4rKlar 2011-01-13 23:36

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919857)
Good enough for me :D
One question though, could you change the white (not part of the MB letters) to an alpha channel? I'm a big n00b when it comes to editing images :p

lol I could have sworn it was the png I uploaded!

No white intended, try this ;)

Kind Regards,

F2thaK 2011-01-14 00:41

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Have you updated this yet MAG?

Oh and it is in the repos, yeh?


MohammadAG 2011-01-14 00:46

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Just uploaded it, should be there at :05 (next 20 minutes or so).

GUI accessible from Settings app. :)

F2thaK 2011-01-14 00:53

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
ahh there it is.........!


romanianusa 2011-01-14 01:15

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Can it be align?? If i want to use just 3 icons instead 5, can it be adjusted? And can i choose which app i want?

BluesLee 2011-01-14 01:21

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@MohammadAG: i dont know if its mentioned yet but are you
sure you want to hide the close button with the browser one?
some users may miss it if something goes wrong.


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