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colin.stephane 2011-04-28 22:40

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Expire in 7 days from now ...

Damn, by the way, now I have buy the product, where I download it !!! ??? :(

I have purchased the Europe version ...


dgls82 2011-04-30 14:40

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Expire in 7 days from now...

Bye! ;-)

xardoz 2011-05-01 00:01

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Originally Posted by dgls82 (Post 997834)

Expire in 7 days from now...

Bye! ;-)

Thanks a lot, awesome thread, here is mine:

spag 2011-05-01 07:13

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

The Wizard of Huz 2011-05-02 20:36

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
What is the difference between this and OVI maps? Is Sygic useful even if you don't have a car?

Dave999 2011-05-02 20:56

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
You have just broken the secret line of the great sygic discount coupon. Why...why????

Ok. Its not for walking. You need a car or a fast bike. Its voice navigation turn by turn.

why 2011-05-04 16:33

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

tabbit 2011-05-05 11:56

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
Thanks man!
This one - valid for the first and until 12th May 2011:

laurainthai 2011-05-07 02:22

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
SHOP275664060 valid until 14th of May

whayong 2011-05-11 23:50

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
SHOP200534221 Good till May 18th!

multipasko 2011-06-21 11:26

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
Any new codes?

Thanks in advance

mrexcess 2011-07-01 02:13

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

ive had old versions of tomtom that have worked for years but about to start driving to new places daily and don't know if out of date maps is a good idea, i liked sygic mm10 but no more updates are coming :(

whats the best alternative (turn by turn) ?

deheugden 2011-09-02 08:28

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
no new codes??

delmar 2011-09-02 09:08

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
Which discount to you expect, if Sygic doesn't sell no more the version for maemo (N900)?

vi_ 2011-09-02 09:12

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
Sygic do not sell this anymore...just ungh...acquire a copy on line.

gregoranderson 2011-09-02 10:32

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
And in the meantime ; there was (on the Sygic Aura on N900 thread) this intriguing post:

In theory - use Aura maps on your Sygic MM10 on your N900.

delmar 2011-09-02 12:06

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Originally Posted by gregoranderson (Post 1080528)
And in the meantime ; there was (on the Sygic Aura on N900 thread) this intriguing post:

In theory - use Aura maps on your Sygic MM10 on your N900.

This maybe is possible, but we have to pay again and so on in the next years if we want the current maps. Ok, there can be not much legal alternatives, but this is another question.

The question for me is that I paid for Sygic and still can live if they doesn't release updates for the programm itself (reason of them: because Nokia also not update Maemo again and that's right) but I expect updates of the maps, what is not given.

picrots 2011-09-06 04:48

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
any new code?

djdas 2011-09-06 09:56

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
No, never! Maemo support is died.
Don't buy Sygic products! They decide to stop supporting you without any valid argumentation, they're the worst company I have ever knew.

sykesvr6 2011-09-06 10:24

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
why buy it when u can download it for free i have sygic 10 all working didnt pay a penny

gregoranderson 2011-09-06 10:54

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 1080579)
This maybe is possible, but we have to pay again and so on in the next years if we want the current maps. Ok, there can be not much legal alternatives, but this is another question.

The question for me is that I paid for Sygic and still can live if they doesn't release updates for the programm itself (reason of them: because Nokia also not update Maemo again and that's right) but I expect updates of the maps, what is not given.

Do Sygic explicitly state they will provide regularly (if not annually) updated maps for the product as well as product updates. If not, then I don't see where you have grounds for complaint.

For example, if I need to update the maps for my Audi beyond the year of purchase, I am obliged to purchase a new DVD-ROM (or CD-ROM in the case of the other car).

Happy to be persuaded otherwise, but I don't think purchasing a copy of Sygic 10 ensure you would received regularly updated maps and from that point of view, I can't see any valid reason to you being upset.

strongm 2011-09-06 11:44

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon
>Do Sygic explicitly state they will provide [] updated maps

The Sygic FAQ used to state (have not recently looked):

"Sygic provides FREE maps updates for products sold via Sygic online shop and products published by Sygic in different app stores"

gregoranderson 2011-09-06 11:50

Re: Sygic Discount Coupon

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1082794)
>Do Sygic explicitly state they will provide [] updated maps

The Sygic FAQ used to state (have not recently looked):

"Sygic provides FREE maps updates for products sold via Sygic online shop and products published by Sygic in different app stores"

I stand corrected then. Cheers for the confirmation. Ach - as your man says earlier on, it's simple enough to get updates through other means. Have to say though, up here in Scotland, Sygic's routing leaves an awful lot to be desired, sending you across farm tracks and so forth :)

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