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J4ZZ 2011-02-15 11:53

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
^ Oh yeah, me likes it!

Would it possibly work with other hosters in the same way?



fatcobrah 2011-02-15 15:26

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by Rav (Post 936285)

Any problems please let me know and I can update this for other users. The N900 truly amazes me, no more need to use the laptop for downloading!!

Good Luck!

i'v done all of ur instruction but i have some problems :
1- i cant use menu coz they are under maemo menu :SS:S:S:
2- if u try to download any video from youtube for example it will give u flv + mp3 + mp4 so how to delete 2 of them and select the other ?
plz hlp me
sry for my english :$

maemo55 2011-02-15 15:45

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by fatcobrah (Post 947098)
i'v done all of ur instruction but i have some problems :
1- i cant use menu coz they are under maemo menu :SS:S:S:
2- if u try to download any video from youtube for example it will give u flv + mp3 + mp4 so how to delete 2 of them and select the other ?
plz hlp me
sry for my english :$

hey man

read first post again !

fatcobrah 2011-02-15 20:58

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by maemo55 (Post 947119)
hey man

read first post again !

it doesnt work until i reboot my n900 :DD thx

IzzehO 2011-02-16 00:32

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 946941)
^ Oh yeah, me likes it!

Would it possibly work with other hosters in the same way?



Can't see why not. Assuming they have direct download and support http login. Give it a go.

Also just left it overnight downloading some tv shows. Pulled nearly 25gb and over 50 files and had no issue. It doesn't stop and look for no internet or failed downloads or anything though. But that doesn't matter to me much.

md.asaduzzaman 2011-02-16 03:43

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by Rav (Post 936285)

I hope someone finds this useful, a big thanks to Megaltariak for his posts on another thread that allowed me to successfully get jDownloader working. I will copy some of his steps and add my own to form a concise set of instructions.

This is fantastic for anyone who uses hosting sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, Netload etc, I can confirm that Link Grabber works perfectly with MicroB, simply fire up jDownloader, leave it running and copy the relevant links from MicroB and jDownloader will pick these up. I have managed to download 1GB content with consistent speeds of over 1MB/sec (screen-shot below), exactly the same as my laptop! Also I can confirm you can comfortably carry on with other tasks whilst downloading (screen-shot below). There are a few caveats:

1) There is a UI issue with jDownloader that prevents certain options being accessible from the settings tab, I've checked on the desktop, same issue occurs here if you reduce the window size, hence this is not a N900 specific issue or problem. I will probably raise a bug with the jDownloader team.

2) At present I've not found a way to right click under the Java SDK environment, I've not found it debilitating at present as for the basic functions there are the relevant menu options present.


1) Download the Java Runtime for Linux(ARM) from:

Select Linux(ARM) for platform and agree licence terms, then proceed to download the following tar.gz file:

"Java SE for Embedded 6 Update 21 (Build 9) ARMv7 Linux - Headful, EABI, Hard Float (VFP), Little-Endian"

2) Login to terminal as Root (Need to have rootsh installed) -

sudo gainroot
3) Install wget if you don't already have it, we will need this later on -

apt-get install wget
4) Move the tar.gz file to /opt/ -

mv <filename>.tar.gz /opt/<filename>.tar.gz
5) Extract the tar.gz to current directory -

tar -zxvf <filename>.tar.gz
6) Create symlinks so that you can use Java from anywhere -

ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_21/bin/* /usr/bin/
7) Exit the terminal

8) Re-start the terminal, not as root, and type the following to check for successful Java install -

java -version
Hopefully you should see version information, meaning you have successfully installed the runtime.

9) Now time to fetch jDownloader, go the website:

Select Linux for o/s and download the script

10) Move the script to /opt/ to avoid issues with chmod and VFAT filesystem -

mv /opt/
11) Give correct execute permissions to script -

chmod +x
12) Run the script, not as root, as root will fill up rootfs -

At this point it will commence the install, this can take some time and will open a Java GUI window for downloading files, let it finish, once complete jDownloader should start.


13) Once settled down jDownloader is quite responsive, now click into Settings -> Extensions, from here un-check everything except JD Webinterface (this will give you the option of using the web browser based jDownloader client using MicroB)

14) Under the Extensions section you should now see JD Webinterface menu item, click on this and set the options according to your preference, I didn't bother with authentication so unchecked "Need User Authentication", I left the port as default (8765)

15) Now for the tricky part, as you may have noticed the Maemo notification tab hides the top menu items, to fix this go to Settings -> User Interface, now you will notice what I was referring to earlier as a jDownloader GUI bug, you will see that there is no scroll bar on the right window meaning you can't scroll down to all the options, but what you should just be able to half see is the first option under the Performance section, very carefully un-check this box, it is very much do-able and you should be able to tell that it is unchecked.

16) Set the Max. Con. and Max Dls. both to 1 (bottom right hand corner), I think this is quite important as the default setting of 2 will cause disk i/o contention issues and will crash the N900 and fail to start downloads, I don't think this would be a problem if you were downloading to a memory card, so for internal memory ensure to do this. For me it had no bearing on download speed and like I mentioned I achieved the same speeds as my laptop.

17) Now click on the x to close jDownloader, it should close and take you back to the terminal.

18) To re-run jDownloader simply run the script -

cd /opt

19) When it loads you should now see that the Maemo top bar is now solid across the top, meaning the jDownloader GUI is sightly smaller, but you should now be able to access the file menu items.

20) You can now configure anything you need to like premium accounts etc.

21) I think at this stage you can test jDownloader by copying links from MicroB!!

Additional Information

1) If you want to use the jDownloader web interface (you will need to leave the main app open), drop to MicroB and type http://localhost:<port number> e.g. http://localhost:8765, from there it should be fairly straight forward.

2) Do not use the unrar extension as this is x86 and will not work, I've not tested this however.

Any problems please let me know and I can update this for other users. The N900 truly amazes me, no more need to use the laptop for downloading!!

Good Luck!

After follow your instruction upto 6 i do successfully but after that when i tried to check java verversion then show me /bin/sh: java: not found why i don't understand. i need to run java application through your instruction please help me that doing.

Thanks in advance.

J4ZZ 2011-02-16 09:37

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
do you have

in your /usr/bin directory?
cd /usr/bin
ls j*

else try

ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_21/bin/* /usr/bin/



md.asaduzzaman 2011-02-16 17:40

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by J4ZZ (Post 947828)
do you have

in your /usr/bin directory?
cd /usr/bin
ls j*

else try

ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_21/bin/* /usr/bin/



Thanks for responding. when i extract i do not found jarexec and the other
jcontrol is found. so, what next

mukati 2011-02-17 02:19

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
every time i try to check java version i get permission denied i did the linking with the command you gave...what should i do?


immi.shk 2011-02-17 04:05

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
i need Help :confused:
as i am a new user n having easy debian installed.. i also managed to install Nitdroid into emmc... bt whn i follow your instructions i face the problem of where to "cd" (in which directory) and write that command, so i used "cd" command wher-eva i felt ws rite... bt whn i write "java -version" in terminal it says:

OpenJDK Runtime Enviroment (IcedTea6 blah blah)
OpenJDK Zero VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

and when i try to run jDownloader it gives a Long msg in th termainal "with some error regarding icedTea"... :(

"i kno i did some thing wrong bt where i don kno..." :( :confused: :eek:
P.s. ok i tried to run it again by

cd /opt

but.. it says jDownloader.jar not found n starts a updater window but it closes automatically.. :( :confused:

bujingai 2011-02-17 07:21

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
when i do "java -version" i get "permission denied"
please help

fatcobrah 2011-02-17 20:51

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by bujingai (Post 948692)
when i do "java -version" i get "permission denied"
please help

try to use root or gainroot

bujingai 2011-02-18 01:56

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by fatcobrah (Post 949186)
try to use root or gainroot

i tried using sudo gainroot but i still get the same message
"/bin/sh: java: Permission denied"

any other way?

J4ZZ 2011-02-18 06:22

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by md.asaduzzaman (Post 948188)
Thanks for responding. when i extract i do not found jarexec and the other
jcontrol is found. so, what next

Did you in any particular way followed the instructions? Verify you downloaded java to MyDocs and start over from step 4. And please read carefully where you NOT should be root when executing the commands....



bujingai 2011-02-18 06:42

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
fixed for me..just need to chmod 777 to the jar folder and it should be ok now

J4ZZ 2011-02-18 12:48

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by bujingai (Post 949484)
fixed for me..just need to chmod 777 to the jar folder and it should be ok now

If you would have installed java as user like said in the instructions there would be no need for chmod anything and you could execute java -version either as user or as root from anywhere.

pedrocoba 2011-02-18 12:57

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Hi all
help me
I want to ask, step 4-5
what should I write in

(mv <filename>. tar.gz / opt / <filename>. tar.gz)

I have written filename, but always fail? Thank you for all that previously could answer this problem.

casketizer 2011-02-18 16:16

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Filename of the java jre tarball you downloaded.

pedrocoba 2011-02-18 22:50

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 949849)
Filename of the java jre tarball you downloaded.

This is an example that I have done:
step 4.

mv ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz/ opt/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz

I already wrote filename correctly, but always <no such file or directory?

What is still something is missing here? :(

IzzehO 2011-02-20 08:33

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by immi.shk (Post 948627)
i need Help

OpenJDK Runtime Enviroment (IcedTea6 blah blah)
OpenJDK Zero VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

and when i try to run jDownloader it gives a Long msg in th termainal "with some error regarding icedTea"... :(

Why the hell do you have icedtea installed as well? Remove it and repeat the VERY simple instructions :)

J4ZZ 2011-02-21 09:25

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by pedrocoba (Post 950131)
This is an example that I have done:
step 4.

mv ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz/ opt/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz

I already wrote filename correctly, but always <no such file or directory?

What is still something is missing here? :(

Hit Tab in xterm menu bar after you've entered the first letters for autocomplete long filenames and verify that you are in the same directory as the tar file. /home/user/MyDocs else

cd /home/user/MyDocs
mv ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz /opt/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz

epitaph 2011-02-21 09:30

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I have some speed improvement for jdownloader. I will release it with my next version of my tune-up tools if I'm getting enough donations!

casketizer 2011-02-21 09:45

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

epitaph 2011-02-21 09:51

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 951669)

Noob and Troll!

casketizer 2011-02-21 10:06

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Scam artist and plagiartist!

epitaph 2011-02-21 10:08

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 951680)
Scam artist and plagiartist!

Liar and Sex-Macho!

immi.shk 2011-02-23 06:14

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
ok i removed "icedtea" and followed your instructions 1's again and now its workin... :)
bt hv to uninstall Microemulator also for that...

1) is thir any workarund to have Microemu bak...

2) Since we now have Java installed what else can we install(java apps) in N900 now..
3) thir is another midp2.0 emulator called Kemulator which is for windows bt it requires Java to run, and in its installation folder their is a 2mb Kemulator.jar file along with some dll's...
so is it possible to have it on N900 nw.. :)

& T h n x - A l o t its one of the best post here... :)

mukati 2011-03-16 01:30

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Is there a way to make a desktop shortcut for jdownloader that would run it from the /opt/ directory?


raaj13 2011-03-16 02:09

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by mukati (Post 968608)
Is there a way to make a desktop shortcut for jdownloader that would run it from the /opt/ directory?


you can use queen wiget to create a desktop wiget for it.
Or make a menu entry for it.Well I can try to make one

RenaldoTT 2011-03-16 03:19

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Will dpkg -P jdownloader remove the program? How do we uninstall this?

raaj13 2011-03-16 03:42

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by RenaldoTT (Post 968654)
Will dpkg -P jdownloader remove the program? How do we uninstall this?

simple delete will work.
use filebox or any other similar file manager.
and delete .jd folder from home directory

RenaldoTT 2011-03-16 03:44

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by raaj13 (Post 968657)
simple delete will work.
use filebox or any other similar file manager.
and delete .jd folder from home directory

Thanks for the help, much appreciated.

bujingai 2011-03-16 06:07

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by pedrocoba (Post 949710)
Hi all
help me
I want to ask, step 4-5
what should I write in

(mv <filename>. tar.gz / opt / <filename>. tar.gz)

I have written filename, but always fail? Thank you for all that previously could answer this problem.

It is better for u to rename the downloaded file to a simpler name such as "ej.tar.gz" so there is no spelling mistake.

kolos 2011-03-16 08:24

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by mukati (Post 968608)
Is there a way to make a desktop shortcut for jdownloader that would run it from the /opt/ directory?


It's already done in post #22 (3rd page).

mukati 2011-03-16 23:18

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by kolos (Post 968764)
It's already done in post #22 (3rd page).

Thanks it worked great

eefo 2011-03-18 10:24

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
1 Attachment(s)
facing this error while extracting

[OM] 2011-03-18 10:50

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
you are trying to extract the archive, after you have moved it to /opt/ ....... while still on /MyDocs .......................................

eefo 2011-03-18 11:02

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by [OM] (Post 970224)
you are trying to extract the archive, after you have moved it to /opt/ ....... while still on /MyDocs .......................................

then what to do ?
i mean how to do it in a right way ?
i have moved it to /opt/ now how to extract ?

bujingai 2011-03-18 11:05

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
must cd /opt first before u extract

bujingai 2011-03-18 14:31

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
continue with step 6...dont rename anymore since u already extracted the file

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