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Tiboric 2011-02-17 04:51

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
So similar function but for each contact and directly underneath their shortcut

nicholes 2011-02-17 05:38

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
restrat didn't work for me.

thej80 2011-02-17 08:19

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
hi. i'm using 0.6.0-3 and its working just right :) thank you for this app!

Tiboric 2011-02-17 16:53

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by nicholes (Post 948661)
restrat didn't work for me.

did you uninstall and then reinstall?


Originally Posted by thej80 (Post 948723)
hi. i'm using 0.6.0-3 and its working just right :) thank you for this app!

No worries, just wanted to give something back to a community that's given me so much.
BTW what one did you install the on in this thread or the one in the repos? THX

thej80 2011-02-17 17:43

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 949038)
BTW what one did you install the on in this thread or the one in the repos? THX

i installed the one from the repos.

Tiboric 2011-02-17 19:23

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Thanks, that's good news. I can leave it up and start adding features, and learning more QT/Python.

datjomp 2011-02-17 20:34

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Been fooling around with this and got some weird shortcuts in the menus.
Is it possible to remove the shortcuts in another way than through the app?

Tiboric 2011-02-17 21:30

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
why don't you delete it through the app?

nicholes 2011-02-18 04:36

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
I uninstall and install scm 0.6.0-3 again and restart device too but it could not launch.let me tell you i have bought it(N900) from india.and it is little diffrent from other countries.for example skype is not preintstalled here(even not in PR 1.3) and there is no folder in the menu called "more". so what i think my indian N900 may be little diffrent from others(i may be wrong)

so what next for me???

also is there any indian who can confirm scm running on his N900?

datjomp 2011-02-18 07:59

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 949214)
why don't you delete it through the app?

The whole system freezes for a couple of minutes when i try to delete the shortcuts. I had made some cmd shortcuts which seemed weird but I managed to delete them through the app at last :)

cutehunk04 2011-02-18 13:05

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
mine is working awsome no flaws or errors.... its working great...

Tiboric 2011-02-18 14:02

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
That's good to know. I'm now working on a adding some stuff I want implement. (oh and postman's at my door, this will be my blueray drive, may take e some time to install that on me laptop, lol, distractions distractions.)

cutehunk04 2011-02-18 14:04

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
great, looking forward for your updates.

Tiboric 2011-02-23 18:35

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
New version in the repo's, with simple icon selector....

cutehunk04 2011-02-24 14:04

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
just updated SCM, and its working like an charm....icons are doing good... but still miss the name of sms..can do with different sms icons for different contact but name would be useful..looking forward in your next update...but great work again...

p00ltergeist 2011-02-24 16:21

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
I tried uninstalling scm and that went well , but my remaining problem is that two desktop icons are still in my menu , "Project-id-version" and "email to" . so I'd thought I wanted to remove them , what are the icons called in usr/share/applications/hildon ?

thanks !

Tiboric 2011-02-24 22:25

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
@p00ltergeist: one will be named 'email.desktop' and the other 'cmdProject-id-version.desktop'

Thanks for testing my app.

p00ltergeist 2011-02-25 09:41

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
I see , thank you !

Tiboric 2011-03-02 11:24

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
New version is devel can someone confirm or rebut that the icon text is not working. thanks

nicholes 2011-03-03 04:58

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
scm still does not work for me!

i need one .desktop file very much! for caph game,and the game is stored in.....
/opt/caph/bin/caph (i use this code to launch the game from xterminal)

is there any way i can create a .desktop file for this? or you can make a .desktop file and give me that file? plz help.THANKS! in advance

cutehunk04 2011-03-03 10:44

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
it worked ... didn't find the icon button before... now its working for me...

Tiboric 2011-03-03 16:37

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
That's great news, have you tried the new version uploaded to devel with text customising, colour / font etc?


Originally Posted by nicholes (Post 959396)
scm still does not work for me!

i need one .desktop file very much! for caph game,and the game is stored in.....
/opt/caph/bin/caph (i use this code to launch the game from xterminal)

is there any way i can create a .desktop file for this? or you can make a .desktop file and give me that file? plz help.THANKS! in advance

is /opt/caph/bin/caph the exact thing you type to launch? as i will send you it right away, if that is the case.

nicholes 2011-03-04 04:26

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

/opt/caph/bin/caph is the exact thing i type to launch.

thanks in advance!

cutehunk04 2011-03-04 11:21

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
yes just updated the new version... this is really rocking now i can place the icons as well as the color of the text...nice going...need to ask one thing... if i need to place the name below the icon how can it be the text comes in top of the icon..

nicholes 2011-03-04 14:56

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by nicholes (Post 960227)

/opt/caph/bin/caph is the exact thing i type to launch.

thanks in advance!

and i want a one more .desktop file or sourtcut on the desktop to lock the screen !(if you could help)

Tiboric 2011-03-04 17:22

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
what do you want the shortcuts to be called 'caph' and 'lock' or something else

nicholes 2011-03-04 17:29

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 960723)
what do you want the shortcuts to be called 'caph' and 'lock' or something else

'caph' and 'lock' sounds good. thanks man(asking for the name) when will i get .desktop files????? (me going to bed now! within 30 min) or will see tomorrow......thanks again!

Tiboric 2011-03-04 17:36

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
asap, do you have filebox installed to copy it to the right folder?

Edit: new working file for caph file:

put the icon in /usr/share/icons/

and the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/hildon

give me two mins as the lock screen isn't working for me

but working caph :

and working lock screen:

Tiboric 2011-03-04 18:19

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Did they work? i've got lock screen to work but i dont have caph so cant test. lol

nicholes 2011-03-04 18:20

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
a shortcut for caph came in the menu but did not work nothing happened when i click on it(even no new window open)
and lock icon does not exist anywhere in the menu nor it is found in the desktop settigs when i "add a shortcut" on the desktop
both .desktop files in the same folder(me going to bed now and will talk to you tommorow)

Tiboric 2011-03-04 18:35

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
ok override caph.desktop with this one

but the second lock screen def. works as i tried it a few times

Tiboric 2011-03-12 23:13

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Update in repo. got text to display nicely now under chosen icon...

shuraizo 2011-03-13 02:58

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
I installed this but it closes right away after it opens... is there any fix needed?

anismistry 2011-03-13 04:13

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
pls help had installed this earlier played with it couldnt understand what this does so deleted but after reading this thread i want it again but cannot find it from app manager . how can i download it

anismistry 2011-03-13 04:28

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by anismistry (Post 966622)
pls help had installed this earlier played with it couldnt understand what this does so deleted but after reading this thread i want it again but cannot find it from app manager . how can i download it

lol got SCM i was looking for 'shortcut maker'

Tiboric 2011-03-13 08:01

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by shuraizo (Post 966608)
I installed this but it closes right away after it opens... is there any fix needed?

i'm looking in to in, thanks for trying

Tiboric 2011-03-13 08:26

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by shuraizo (Post 966608)
I installed this but it closes right away after it opens... is there any fix needed?

Can you give me the output of

sudo python2.5 /opt/shortcutmkr/
Thank You

shuraizo 2011-03-13 09:28

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 966696)
Can you give me the output of

sudo python2.5 /opt/shortcutmkr/
Thank You

Hmm it's odd


sudo python2.5 /opt/shortcutmkr/
gives me a password: but i couldn't type anything


sudo gainroot python2.5 /opt/shortcutmkr/

opens the app successfully...

droitwichgas 2011-03-13 10:30

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 966696)
Can you give me the output of

sudo python2.5 /opt/shortcutmkr/
Thank You

I just get a ''password'' request?

Tiboric 2011-03-13 16:38

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Thanks guys!
Can you try the new version in the repo's and let me know if it works now?
Be about 30min in builder

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