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Creamy Goodness 2011-04-29 06:41

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
felipec is actually a Nokia employee, I just saw his blog today and he seems to have bigger problems than this at the moment.
Thought you guys might like to think about that before claiming you've been abandoned...

Carlito 2011-04-29 08:12

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Using Jabber (msn) works really great! You can also use filetransfer with it.

ednunez70 2011-04-30 03:58

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
I was having the MSN network error using pecan and butterfly, but after uninstalling this two programs, and installing "Extra protocol plugin for convertations and contacts" from the extra-testing repo, I created a new account using MSN(Haze) IM and no more Network error working 100% perfect.

I hope someone else can check this and coment.



9000 2011-04-30 05:29

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by PartyboyXP (Post 996463)
Pecaannn, hazeee, somethiingg, i hate pidgin!!!

haze works. I use it daily.

cjp 2011-04-30 06:05

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Haze is no longer available as a single package, and so you must install the 'Extra protocols ... ' package. This, however never installed well and only a reflash of my device fixed the package.

I have everything working now by using Jabber. I also feel Jabber is a little better performance-wise on my N900 than Haze or Pecan.

LOD 2011-04-30 06:56

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by 9000 (Post 997686)
haze works. I use it daily.

It always not connects when it looses connexion or when I switch 3G/Wifi :mad:

LOD 2011-04-30 06:59

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
But I don't want to give my ID & PassWord to Jappix !

Please Felipec do the job before you leave Nokia ;)

9000 2011-04-30 07:50

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by LOD (Post 997697)
It always not connects when it looses connexion or when I switch 3G/Wifi :mad:

Reinstall with the following command as root:


apt-get autoremove telepathy-haze
apt-get install telepathy-haze account-plugin-haze

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-30 08:03

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
i can confirm that haze is also working fine... ever since pecan broke down... but felipec DID mention that he'll start working on it soon... but no official deadline

Bramji 2011-04-30 08:16

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by Carlito (Post 997189)
Using Jabber (msn) works really great! You can also use filetransfer with it.

how did you do that?

LOD 2011-04-30 09:23

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by 9000 (Post 997709)
Reinstall with the following command as root:


apt-get autoremove telepathy-haze
apt-get install telepathy-haze account-plugin-haze

Thank You 9000, but it is not a solution for me ; after that impossible to connect with 3G or Wifi :/

felipec 2011-04-30 17:18

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
It's fixed! I found a hacky solution that din't involve that much work.

I'm pushing telepathy-msn-pecan 0.1.2 right now, which contains other fixes as well.

9000 2011-04-30 17:21

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by felipec (Post 997899)
It's fixed! I found a hacky solution that din't involve that much work.

I'm pushing telepathy-msn-pecan 0.1.2 right now, which contains other fixes as well.

Good to hear that. I'm looking forward to it.

Also, wish you luck in job seeking, and get a more desirable job with better paid. ^^

BlueSparK 2011-05-05 00:20

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by felipec (Post 997899)
It's fixed! I found a hacky solution that din't involve that much work.

I'm pushing telepathy-msn-pecan 0.1.2 right now, which contains other fixes as well.

Thanks alot your the best :)

Gill T 2011-05-27 09:34

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
i got it working but i update my kernel power from power46 to power 47
and now its not working anymore its saying account is being used
does some one have an solution


LOD 2011-06-19 07:59

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by Gill T (Post 1016617)
i got it working but i update my kernel power from power46 to power 47
and now its not working anymore its saying account is being used
does some one have an solution


No update here but after a month or 2 of operation, now it shows "account in use" most of time when I switch to 3G ; in Wifi, no probem !

jo21 2011-06-19 08:06

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
msn probably changed something wouldn't be surprised microsoft doesnt like our protocols.

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