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tso 2011-04-27 13:26

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 995845)
Archos recently put the page up if your interested.

That would be the store page i mentioned. See the store. part of the url? in any nationality makes no mention of a archos 7b, tho there is a 70c in the ereader section (that looks nothing like either the 7th or the 70, unlike the 7b).

railroadmaster 2011-04-27 14:19

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by tso (Post 996197)
That would be the store page i mentioned. See the store. part of the url? in any nationality makes no mention of a archos 7b, tho there is a 70c in the ereader section (that looks nothing like either the 7th or the 70, unlike the 7b).

Well the 7c is available in the US for me and it gives me the ability to add to cart.

railroadmaster 2011-05-07 03:19

Re: the Archos Thread
Archos announced and updated Archos 9
with a new Atom processor Oaktrail I think its called.

phr 2011-05-11 03:54

Re: the Archos Thread
Wait, the Archos 7c, released a few weeks ago, has Android 2.1? The existing Archos 70 had 2.2, suggesting some kind of hardware shortcoming of the 7c?

I don't mind not having cameras or wireless-N, but no bluetooth could be a bit of a drag.

Added: it looks like they've now got a 4.8" tablet with a 500gb disk! That is tempting... I always felt the 250gb disk in the Archos 70 was too small... but it has 128mb ram (instead of 256mb like the other models) and no bluetooth... obviously a low end device. Sigh

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:03

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos is killing their home tablet line in favor of Arnova.
I could see the Arnova brand be useful for other appliance like devices such as camcorders and eReaders.

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:10

Re: the Archos Thread
I would love to see true pen input on future Archos devices so they could be used for taking notes and drawing. I think a solution like a active digitizer or capacitive touchscreen with a transparent resistive layer for pressure sensitive input. It would be a good differentiator and the HTC flyer is way to expensive. Bringing that functionality to affordable devices like the Archos one would be great.

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:11

Re: the Archos Thread
Also its incredibly easy to hack the Arnova tablets.

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:22

Re: the Archos Thread
I think it would be good for Archos to adopt MeeGo because at this point Android remains quite closed and it is stupid to try to build an ecosystem where one already exists. I think Archos should either use MeeGo or Ubuntu and build a Software UX on top of either and build an ecosystem on top of that or they should make their own Linux distribution. Android differentiated Archos from other MID/PMP/UMPC maker MeeGo could help Archos differentiate themselves from Android tablet and Media player makers and it would be another thing they could add to their list of tablet innovations. First widely available MeeGo tablets and first Arm based MeeGo tablet available to consumers.

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:30

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by phr (Post 1003864)
Wait, the Archos 7c, released a few weeks ago, has Android 2.1? The existing Archos 70 had 2.2, suggesting some kind of hardware shortcoming of the 7c?

I don't mind not having cameras or wireless-N, but no bluetooth could be a bit of a drag.

Added: it looks like they've now got a 4.8" tablet with a 500gb disk! That is tempting... I always felt the 250gb disk in the Archos 70 was too small... but it has 128mb ram (instead of 256mb like the other models) and no bluetooth... obviously a low end device. Sigh

err it seams most rockchip devices lack bluetooth. Their will be a new version with capacitive, RK2918, Gingerbread, and 512mb of ram. This version is the Eclair resistive version I think.

railroadmaster 2011-05-11 04:36

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos will adopt a new Screen technology. That is "revolutionary"
So the best guess is a transflective screen like Pixel Qi or Mirasol
These devices are getting better the more I hear about them.

railroadmaster 2011-05-19 00:28

Re: the Archos Thread
The first pictures of the Archos 35 have been released confirming the existence of Generation 9. Also if you look at the pictures you will notice a microsd slot a feature that was missing from the Archos 32 an 28, but it doesn't have a camera. This should still be a nice upgrade.

danramos 2011-05-19 06:04

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1003872)
I think it would be good for Archos to adopt MeeGo because at this point Android remains quite closed and it is stupid to try to build an ecosystem where one already exists. I think Archos should either use MeeGo or Ubuntu and build a Software UX on top of either and build an ecosystem on top of that or they should make their own Linux distribution. Android differentiated Archos from other MID/PMP/UMPC maker MeeGo could help Archos differentiate themselves from Android tablet and Media player makers and it would be another thing they could add to their list of tablet innovations. First widely available MeeGo tablets and first Arm based MeeGo tablet available to consumers.

Although, I don't disagree that they should officially support and bring Maemo, with the exception of Honeycomb (which was kept close to the vest, for some insufficiently unexplained reason), Google's Android has been pretty much open-source... and increasingly more open with every revision. Especially as they begin to split off the proprietary portions out into separate apps that can be replaced (thusly, no longer part of the root /system and instead, now, part of the /system/apps where normal apps are located).

Naw, I think it's great that they keep on putting Android on their devices for the majority of people buying their devices, but I'd really like them to augment their hardware with the availability of MeeGo and Ubuntu and other very open OS's as well.

railroadmaster 2011-05-20 23:12

Re: the Archos Thread
Also the patent with Archos' new 3G solution has been revealed to the internets
Unfortunately the page is in French.
Still it confirms the existence of a 3G solution.
I wonder how they will implement it.

railroadmaster 2011-05-25 23:35

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos now are flash capable out of the box.
Only took them so long. It seems as if the appslib may have a chance of competing with the Android market.

railroadmaster 2011-06-01 03:42

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos has officially announced an event for Generation 9.
The message translated from the pictures says on Thursday June 23rd at 18:30/6:30(Paris Time) Archos will unveil the 3rd Generation of Archos Android Tablets. Also look at picture of the Android robot he is holding an Android Market shopping bag and a bee is buzzing and flying by him, this clearly indicates Honeycomb and Market support out of the box. Cool stuff!!!

railroadmaster 2011-06-08 14:22

Re: the Archos Thread
Archos in future devices will be using a special transparent film technology that charges your devices through solar power, and get this Archos got it before LG, Apple, Samsung, Nokia, HP ETC. Another innovation for Archos. This will bring us closer to true mobility and never even needing to plug in our devices!!!

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-06-08 15:39

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1025071)
Archos in future devices will be using a special transparent film technology that charges your devices through solar power, and get this Archos got it before LG, Apple, Samsung, Nokia, HP ETC. Another innovation for Archos. This will bring us closer to true mobility and never even needing to plug in our devices!!!

Very, very nice... I doubt that we will never have to plug in our devices, but this should help extend the battery life greatly, and even allow us to charge the device when not in use (eg. a well lit room during the day). But I agree that we are closer than before.

Good move, Archos.

Just don't leave it in the car in the summer! ;)

railroadmaster 2011-06-08 20:13

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 1025130)
Very, very nice... I doubt that we will never have to plug in our devices, but this should help extend the battery life greatly, and even allow us to charge the device when not in use (eg. a well lit room during the day). But I agree that we are closer than before.

Good move, Archos.

Just don't leave it in the car in the summer! ;)

Also whats even cooler unlike Pixel Qi or Mirasol it isn't vaporware!!! According to the article the technology is available TODAY, which is so many levels of awesomeness.

railroadmaster 2011-06-18 00:33

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos leaked another thing about generation 9 over their facebook.
"@Zachary - there will not be a new 43 offering at this time"
and Archoslounge got word of it too
So I think for Archos' product line will look something like this.
Archos 35, Archos 50, Archos 70v2, Archos 80, Archos 84, Archos 101v2

GeraldKo 2011-06-18 07:24

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1031204)
Also Archos leaked another thing about generation 9 over their facebook.
"@Zachary - there will not be a new 43 offering at this time"
and Archoslounge got word of it too
So I think for Archos' product line will look something like this.
Archos 35, Archos 50, Archos 70v2, Archos 80, Archos 84, Archos 101v2

Naturally, it's the Archos 43 that (especially if well-updated) was the one that interested me!

railroadmaster 2011-06-24 03:28

Re: the Archos Thread
Archos officially unveils there line of new products to the WORLD!!!!11one epicness
Anyways Archos unveiled two tablets an 8 inch and a 10.1 inch tablet. Unfortunately no 3.5, 5, or 7 inch tablet from Archos, probably because of the honeycomb screen size issue, Acer and Dell had the same problem. So they probably will make smaller devices when Ice Cream Sandwhich comes. The pricing for the 8 to 10 inch models are 280-350 dollars. Also the processor is a Omap 4460 clocked at 1.5ghz which is faster than many low end and old PCs (including the one I'm using to type this with now), can't wait to see what the benchmarks pull out :). There is flash based version up to 32gb and hdd versions up to 250gb. Also there is a detachable 3g modem that is USB powered and integrates with the design, the modem also works with a computer so you can have one data plan for all of your devices. The 3g is only an additional 50 dollars. Also these devices come with Honeycomb and Android market!!!! Archos seems to address all of the problems that plagued Archos devices such as the clunky HDMI implementation, poor viewing angles, and lack of market. Also GPS is built in. Full USB support is available on both models. So much stuff they crammed in.
HDMI Output
Viewing Angles
More Gaming and GPS
Home Phone system
Office Suite
More info
The home phone system is pretty much a home phone with smart device functionality very interesting idea, but I don't see it taking off

lma 2011-06-24 03:48

Re: the Archos Thread
Large tablets, meh. An OMAP4-based 4-5"er on the other hand would have been incredibly tempting.

railroadmaster 2011-06-24 04:06

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by lma (Post 1037847)
Large tablets, meh. An OMAP4-based 4-5"er on the other hand would have been incredibly tempting.

Like I said when Ice Cream Sandwhich comes there are very few 7 inch or 5 inch honeycomb devices on the market, Acer had to delay their 7 inch honeycomb, the Dell Streak 7 lacks honeycomb, the revamped Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 has yet to come, and etc. Google will optimize for smaller screens later this year.

tzsm98 2011-06-29 18:02

Re: the Archos Thread
I've added my name to the "Notify me" list at the Archos site.

I've not used Android before. I watch my co-worker's Samsung Galaxy S device have its battery removed twice a day to keep it on track. Is this what I can expect from Honeycomb on a tablet?

railroadmaster 2011-06-29 19:56

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 1041622)
I've added my name to the "Notify me" list at the Archos site.

I've not used Android before. I watch my co-worker's Samsung Galaxy S device have its battery removed twice a day to keep it on track. Is this what I can expect from Honeycomb on a tablet?

Actually Android has nothing to do with the battery life, the Galaxy S devices get the horrible battery life they have due to poor software optimization on Samsung part. Archos tablets have quite good battery 7-10 hours as quoted from the Archos webstie.

tzsm98 2011-06-30 03:26

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1041678)
Actually Android has nothing to do with the battery life, the Galaxy S devices get the horrible battery life they have due to poor software optimization on Samsung part. Archos tablets have quite good battery 7-10 hours as quoted from the Archos webstie.

It isn't the battery life. It's "the thing won't do anything. It's froze up again" issue. Removing the battery and restarting it restarts the fun. Do other Android devices have that sort of consistent issue?

railroadmaster 2011-06-30 04:40

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 1041886)

It isn't the battery life. It's "the thing won't do anything. It's froze up again" issue. Removing the battery and restarting it restarts the fun. Do other Android devices have that sort of consistent issue?

OH thats what you mean well I also think that too is a lack of software optimization on Samsung part.

lemmyslender 2011-06-30 12:19

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 1041886)

It isn't the battery life. It's "the thing won't do anything. It's froze up again" issue. Removing the battery and restarting it restarts the fun. Do other Android devices have that sort of consistent issue?

My Galaxy S Vibrant (T-Mo) runs for days no problems. A friend has one, that originally had eclair (2.1) on it, and had some issues. Apparently, a factory reset fixed it, after updating to 2.2, he hasn't had any issues.

Or, he may be running different roms, or flashing nightly builds that may have issues.

The Galaxy S is a pretty popular line. I doubt it would still be popular if everyone was having lockups, and having to pull the battery multiple times a day.

railroadmaster 2011-07-13 06:08

Re: the Archos Thread
Also two new tablet from Archos were leaked a 7inch one and another of an unknown size
A70S2 (7 incher)
Yey this mean Archos hasn't given up on smaller devices that are 3 to 7inches.

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