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robin92 2011-06-28 14:19

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
update 0.1-5
fixed/changed some icons
about 5 min and it in extra-devels :D

changed almost all icons to white becasue its nicer :)

Dragoss91 2011-06-28 14:24

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
For a crap OS , they have nice icons . :)

robin92 2011-06-28 14:25

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by Dragoss91 (Post 1040825)
For a crap OS , they have nice icons . :)

yeah is read some where on the internet that the new update for winodws mobile are named Mango xD :D

Edit: Fackbook is changed to S insted of F becasue the app called Sociality :P

ammyt 2011-06-28 14:46

Re: Windows 7 Mobile icons

Originally Posted by robin92 (Post 1016551)
give me a name for the icons :D


anismistry 2011-06-28 21:23

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
Hi Robin the Micro B icon had identity of its own when it had the previous 'earth' icon why then you changed to internet explorer logo icon. please bring back the earth icon for micro B in your next release, thanks

robin92 2011-06-28 21:31

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by anismistry (Post 1041060)
Hi Robin the Micro B icon had identity of its own when it had the previous 'earth' icon why then you changed to internet explorer logo icon. please bring back the earth icon for micro B in your next release, thanks

It was ugly :p but I can make it cleaner :D

anismistry 2011-06-28 22:21

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
to me it was alrite, if you think it looked ugly then u can make it clean but please remove the internet explorer logo. thanks

mirciox 2011-06-29 12:18

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
Could you do icons for bluezwitch, pidgin internet messenger, app search widget? And maybe for angry birds :D

robin92 2011-06-29 12:21

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by mirciox (Post 1041426)
Could you do icons for bluezwitch, pidgin internet messenger, app search widget? And maybe for angry birds :D

yea, but I dont now about app search widget :/

mirciox 2011-06-29 15:17

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
The other ones should be enough :)
Thanks for reading my suggestion.

robin92 2011-06-29 15:21

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
when I come home I make your icons for you :) and the other who is rquseted :D

robin92 2011-06-29 20:17

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
update 0.1-6
FIxed icons as requested :D


Originally Posted by mirciox (Post 1041426)
Could you do icons for bluezwitch, pidgin internet messenger, app search widget? And maybe for angry birds :D

App search widget icon worked :D

EDIT!!!! version 0.1-6 dont work :S It's app search widget that give me error :S
0.1-7 uploaded to extras-devel now :)

sorrry anismistry I missed stockona I will take that in next version :)

robin92 2011-06-30 11:18

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
uodate 0.1-8
Now work (I think :P)
Added more icons

robin92 2011-06-30 20:56

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
Update 0.1-9
Fixed error with bluezwitch, icons dont work :S

anismistry 2011-07-01 03:48

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
thanks for adding more icons, can you make the thickness of the opera a bit thinner.

Also can you make icons for Sheet, word and slide show to go please

Also for
angry birds
open office
Iceweasel Web B
S & S calculator
Storage Usage


Also downloaded your Camaro Theme, liked it very, is going to stay for while on my desktop. good going

robin92 2011-09-05 15:09

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
version 2.0 out

Added this apps:


should I continue with Mango ?

TajB 2011-09-06 16:51

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
This is a very nice icon set!

The Opera icon looks a bit weird though. My Chromium icon isn't in the same style either.

My main desktop is now filled with these beautiful icons! :D

Thank you very much for creating these icons!

vetsin 2011-09-06 17:13

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by robin92 (Post 1082304)
version 2.0 out

should I continue with Mango ?


I'll try your icons later! Thanks!

robin92 2011-09-06 17:20

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
I amnot good at photshop :p

what do you mean that cgrom kicon isnt same style?:o

robin92 2011-09-06 18:24

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
Update version 2.1

added this icons


And fixed chromium icon (wrong name from beginning)
Changed also opera, size of the opera icon. I dont have opera so cant see if that is good :/

drnoksnes dont work becasuse wrong name:/ fix it to next version :)

robin92 2011-09-06 19:21

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
Version 2.2 in extras-devel
Here it going fast ;) boring even :p
I fixed icons for the menu to they who runs catorise. I know that is not the finest icons but post some better icons if you dont like them.

Comments plz

elie-7 2011-09-06 19:53

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
the only way this package gets popular is that if it gets a winphone 7 theme with it, just saying .....

robin92 2011-09-06 19:56

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by elie-7 (Post 1083036)
the only way this package gets popular is that if it gets a winphone 7 theme with it, just saying .....

you can found a windows 7 in extras-testing/devel. But it isnt samething :p

robin92 2011-09-07 20:58

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
version 2.3 out

Fixed better Catorise Plus icons

mohi2k7 2011-09-07 22:49

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
I really like the look and feel of the simplistic icons but theres one thing that prevents me from using the iconset, its that nearly every icon lacks smoothness, some are jagged and some appear slightly different then others. Your iconset would look spectacular if it had the level of finish of the "awoken iconset" it just needs some more uniformity. I didnt mean to be a downer and keep up the great work.

robin92 2011-09-08 06:39

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by mohi2k7 (Post 1083867)
I really like the look and feel of the simplistic icons but theres one thing that prevents me from using the iconset, its that nearly every icon lacks smoothness, some are jagged and some appear slightly different then others. Your iconset would look spectacular if it had the level of finish of the "awoken iconset" it just needs some more uniformity. I didnt mean to be a downer and keep up the great work.

I dont now how I made a perfect circle in photoshop :/

mohi2k7 2011-09-08 11:35

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
for example compare the circle around xterminal to maps or sociality theres a visual difference, press ctrl, shift and + to zoom in one appears smoother then others, it needs more antialiasing for a smoother effect.

robin92 2011-09-08 13:47

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by mohi2k7 (Post 1084197)
for example compare the circle around xterminal to maps or sociality theres a visual difference, press ctrl, shift and + to zoom in one appears smoother then others, it needs more antialiasing for a smoother effect.

can you help me to make a perfect circle ? ;)

mohi2k7 2011-09-09 00:04

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
i shall indeed try but at the moment i aint got a computer or laptop, the last time i did graphic work was quite a while back and i simple used

robin92 2011-09-09 22:50

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
version 2.5
I have now fixed almost every icon with better circles and icons

mohi2k7 2011-09-09 23:26

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
dude woah just looked at the new updated iconset talk about smoothness :) well done, honestly they look simple but yet beautiful. keep up the great work

m2k 2011-09-10 01:52

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
This is great work robin92. Much improved indeed! Keep it up yo!

vetsin 2011-09-10 06:20

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
thanks for the update! :)

robin92 2011-09-10 08:00

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
I have some icons left i will change icons for orginal games or make them better now they look like crap :/
I change sms, note and cutetube icon, you like it ?

mohi2k7 2011-09-10 09:18

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
yup i like the changes that you made alot, they look clean and refreshed. Btw if its not to much to do can you make a modrana icon and a conboy icon aswell plz.

robin92 2011-09-10 09:22

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by mohi2k7 (Post 1085421)
yup i like the changes that you made alot, they look clean and refreshed. Btw if its not to much to do can you make a modrana icon and a conboy icon aswell plz.

OKey I will make icon for modrana and conboy to next update (if I remember :))

eefo 2011-09-10 09:32

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)
in <3 with your icon set , as i love neat and simple graphic :)
just a question .
haven't you designed icons for settings menu ?
like there are only 3 to 4 icons from your icon set , rest are the default ones .
are you planning to make icons for settings menu ?

robin92 2011-09-10 09:38

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 1085426)
in <3 with your icon set , as i love neat and simple graphic :)
just a question .
haven't you designed icons for settings menu ?
like there are only 3 to 4 icons from your icon set , rest are the default ones .
are you planning to make icons for settings menu ?

yeah I can make them :)
DO you now which map they are located in? :D

eefo 2011-09-10 09:39

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by robin92 (Post 1085431)
yeah I can make them :)
DO you now which map they are located in? :D

map as in ? :$

robin92 2011-09-10 09:40

Re: Mango iconset (aka win7)

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 1085434)
map as in ? :$

I mean Folder

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