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kevloral 2011-07-01 07:22

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Next September I am staying in Oulu (FI) for a couple of days. I think I will buy myself a little present there before coming back to Spain. :D

blipnl 2011-07-01 07:48

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
I think the countries not listed (NL and more) are still going to get it. The Netherlands is one of the larger Nokia customers, because here Nokia is still one of the market leaders. And.. I have yet to see a WP7 here in the wild! Would make absolutely no sense to skip these countries and aim for the sea ray (what kind of **ap name is that anyways, sounds like the only thing to have survived the burning platform for it was submerged)

I am slightly concerned that they will not produce enaugh units considering Eflop's actions lately. However noting that the N9 will be a more consumer targeted phone, they better make more of these than they made n900s. Fingers crossed.

kanishou 2011-07-01 08:14

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by blipnl (Post 1042619)
[..] the sea ray (what kind of **ap name is that anyways, sounds like the only thing to have survived the burning platform for it was submerged)

A sea ray is a large flat fish, that "flies through the water like birds through air". Nokia desperately needs something like that to hold on to, after plummeting into the freezing ocean to escape the burning platform. :)

Also "Sea Ray" seems to be a boat maker, which again fits with the "rescue boat" analogy.

Let's just hope it doesn't turn out to be a sting ray.

zymo 2011-07-01 14:18

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
i just noticed that the german nokia online store has closed the doors. maybe this is the reason why germany besides uk, italy, spain... are not listed in that n9 availability checklist.

Badevil 2011-07-01 19:22

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
I have wrote a mail to Nokia Germany and got this answer:

Sehr geehrter Herr Badevil :-),

vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme mit Nokia Care.

In Bezug auf Ihre Anfrage über das Nokia N9, werde ich Ihnen gerne helfen.

Ich möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass das Nokia N9 in Deutschland verfügbar wird.

Ein genaues Datum gibt es leider nicht, wenn es erhältlich wird. Die neuesten Informationen können Sie in den Nachrichten auf unserer Webseite finden.

Ich hoffe Ihnen geholfen zu haben.

Für weitere Fragen und Anregungen stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit auch telefonisch zur Verfügung.

Dear Mr. Badevil,
regarding your question about the Nokia N9 i would be glad to help you. The Nokia N9 will be available in Germany, but I can not give you a specific date, when it will be available. You can find the newest information at our website

Rauha 2011-07-01 19:40

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by zymo (Post 1042808)
i just noticed that the german nokia online store has closed the doors. maybe this is the reason why germany besides uk, italy, spain... are not listed in that n9 availability checklist.

That's not the reason. The store has also closed in Finland and Sweden and they are on the list.

Guffaw 2011-07-11 23:37

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Norway is not on the list and they are saying:

Det er ikke blitt sluppet noe som helst informasjon når det gjelder pris og tilgjenglighet for N9.

Jeg ser dog ingen grunn til å tro at denne telefonen ikke vil bli sluppet i Norge. Uavhengig av det, vil den jo bli laget for det Europeiske markedet, så den vil fungere i Norge.

Med andre ord, det er ingen info ennå, men du har ingen grunn til å bekymre deg!

Google translate (lazy):

It has not been released any information regarding price and availability of the N9.

I see however no reason to believe that this phone will not be released in Norway. Regardless of that, it will be made for the European market, so it will work in Norway.

In other words, there is no info yet, but you have no reason to worry!

Badevil 2011-07-13 11:14

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
I have asked why the N9 is variable at and (produkt site) and here there answer.

vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme mit Nokia Care.

Der verschiede Inhalt von unseren Lokalseiten geht auf verschiedene Marketingkonzepte zurück. Aus diesem Grund gibt es manchmal Unterschiede in den Zeitpunkten, zu welchen wir die neuesten Produkten unseren Kunden vorstellen. Wir versichern Ihnen, dass wir auch bald N9 zu unserer deutschen Seite einfügen werden, und bedanken uns herzlich für Ihre Interesse.
Translated (google it is easier):

Thank you for contacting Nokia Care

The contents of our various local sites dating back to different marketing concepts. For this reason, there are sometimes differences in the times at which we introduce the latest products to our customers. We assure you that we will soon add to our N9 German side, and thank you for your interest.
Maybe it will be available for the other as well... but i still disagree with there "marketing concepts"...

Guffaw 2011-07-13 14:27

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
New answer in Norwegian:

Hei igjen,

Den listen gjelder kun for de land hvor Nokia har en egen nettbutikk. De vil nemlig gi en notifikasjon for når den blir tilgjengelig i deres egen butikk. Blant annet Norge og Danmark har ikke dette, derfor er ikke Norge og Danmark på listen.

Hello again,

The list applies only to the countries where Nokia has its own shop. They will in fact provide a notification when it becomes available in their own shop. Among other things, Norway and Denmark do not have this, why is not Norway and Denmark on the list.

crisscross 2011-07-14 08:52

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by Guffaw (Post 1050182)
New answer in Norwegian:


Not true since Sweden/Finland/Austria has no store but is in the list...

babis3g 2011-07-14 16:03

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

N9 added

nokia portugal facebook saying to come 4th quater of 2011

norway with telenor
meadle east & africa

in UK
and this web has got the 16 gb with price £500:(
i think they doing their best not sale much

Prozac786 2011-07-15 17:27

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Well I just pre-ordered one from Expansys website. Black 64GB.

Brock 2011-08-03 14:13

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
At the "N9 finally here" thread, zymo posted this link from
BUT, if i search for Nokia N9, i cant find it... very strange...

So it looks like it will be available in germany, at least the 16GB Version... for 619,- EUR...
I bet that the N9 with 64GB will cost 699,-

delmar 2011-08-03 14:27

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by babis3g (Post 1051003)

In the italian homepage (nokia,it) are only mentioned the model and the specs, so that not necessary says that it will be avaiable.

In austrian homepage ( you can add your email, so they will advice you when it's avaiable.

Grazy 2011-08-10 11:19

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by silent_64 (Post 1041640)
Now I had to register just to end all this foolish speculation.

A dropdown list on Nokias webpage is not the end-all gospel regarding availability. Especially when the dev-page for the N9 states.

"Regional Availability:Global " - General tab

It doesn't say excluding UK, FR, IT, NL or any other WP launch countries, global means global.

Second, the dropdown list is completely bogus, here in Denmark we have 2 carriers confirming they'll stock the N9 upon release, one more stating they'll only carry the 16 GB version, and another carrier stating they'll wait and see how it's received. All 4 of them though acknowledging that it will in fact be released in DK - Even though we aren't in the dropdown list.

your theory was wrong!! I was hoping it would come to the UK! oh well Samsung/iphone here i come!

percy 2011-08-10 13:42

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 1063454)
So it looks like it will be available in germany, at least the 16GB Version...

Have you seen that the title of the article says "[AT-Import]"?

gerbick 2011-08-10 14:15

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Each area in the title has an Amazon store for distribution.

Dave999 2011-08-10 14:24

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Just leave these countrys and move to a country that get all the nice things...:D

delmar 2011-08-10 14:31

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
On they first said that it comes from Nokia Gmbh ( = Nokia Germany), than changed to (= Nokia Austria).

Austria was allways mentioned by Nokia where it will be available, but not Germany. For me this is the confirm that it will not be officially released by Nokia in Germany.

zymo 2011-08-10 14:31

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by Chuck Norris (Post 1067294)
Just leave these countrys and move to a country that get all the nice things...:D

you mean Kazakhstan? :rolleyes:

zymo 2011-08-10 14:33

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 1067299)
On they first said that it comes from Nokia Gmbh ( = Nokia Germany), than changed to (= Nokia Austria).

Austria was allways mentioned by Nokia where it will be available, but not Germany. For me this is the confirm that it will not be officially released by Nokia in Germany.

in austria even all major carriers will get the N9 and it is Nokia Top-Smartphone for that market.

Dave999 2011-08-10 14:37

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?

Originally Posted by zymo (Post 1067300)
you mean Kazakhstan? :rolleyes:

Never been there so can't say if they get it all.

I'm talking about the the land of innovation.

jalyst 2011-08-11 09:26

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by Grazy (Post 1067140)
your theory was wrong!! I was hoping it would come to the UK! oh well Samsung/iphone here i come!

Well, it should still be available @Amazon UK.
And hopefully countless other retail channels.
Not clear if they're doing that for the US, might be Amazon only. :(

Price might be high initially, but will definitely come down over time.
Pre-order prices are "sometimes" very good.

But there may not be any dramatic drops, till after release of Searay.
Or there may never be dramatic drops, so WP looks more compelling.
Wouldn't surprise me... sigh...

oweng 2011-08-11 09:39

Re: No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
This will be of interest - sorry for the overlap...

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