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drsilviuro 2011-07-03 04:56

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Would like an invite. Thanks!

jo21 2011-07-03 05:40

Re: Google+ invitation requests
i would like one o.o

torpedo48 2011-07-03 05:58

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Unfortunately it seems that the trick doesn't work anymore, I've received my invitation but Google keeps saying that it is so deeply sorry that they reached the maximum number of testers ':-|

spag 2011-07-03 06:04

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Can't wait to try Google+. If someone could send me an invite, I would be so grateful!

Goliath27 2011-07-03 07:55

Re: Google+ invitation requests
How long till we have an App for it?

longcat 2011-07-03 08:03

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Google+ is a like EU. A conquest, harvest of thy souls, it says : come to the dark side, we have cookies ... :P

torpedo48 2011-07-03 08:40

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by torpedo48 (Post 1043723)
Unfortunately it seems that the trick doesn't work anymore, I've received my invitation but Google keeps saying that it is so deeply sorry that they reached the maximum number of testers ':-|

Ok I kept retrying and now Google has just let me join ;)

ironm8 2011-07-03 08:58

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If someone could send me an invite i'd be greatful :)

niqbal 2011-07-03 09:05

Re: Google+ invitation requests
thanks Raffay and Knuckles for sending invitations. I am yet to receive them maybe they are overloaded and are restricting sending invitations out but still i want to thank that you ..

EDIT: ya got in. email was never received but as someone else pointed out, notifications send out to you allows you to enter google+ by simply joining at

torpedo48 2011-07-03 09:09

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by ironm8 (Post 1043781)
If someone could send me an invite i'd be greatful :)


Originally Posted by niqbal
thanks Raffay and Knuckles for sending invitations. I am yet to receive them maybe they are overloaded and are restricting sending invitations out but still i want to thank that you ..

Now that I'm in too I can try inviting someone, just PM me your email ;)

H3llb0und 2011-07-03 09:24

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Invite mee too! :D

*Sonic* 2011-07-03 10:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Still won't let me join, says they have ran out again

scoobied 2011-07-03 12:05

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If there's an invite going spare I'd be happy to accept one!

torpedo48 2011-07-03 12:51

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by scoobied (Post 1043857)
If there's an invite going spare I'd be happy to accept one!

Just PM me your email ;)

To everybody: someone has been able to log into Google+ after my invitation without receiving any email (using Google+ for Android, but maybe it works even without that app), so if I invited you but you haven't received the email yet just try to log in! (of course you'll need a Google Account!).

Sopwith 2011-07-03 17:11

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Thanks Reffyyyy!

I also was able to log in without receiving any notification (just went to Initially I thought it was some glitch, then realized that I had already received messages in the fresh Google+ account -- that's what must have set the process off.

Still finding my way around it, willing to try the stream trick posted earlier on this thread to send invitation if anyone wants (PM me with email).

dahaus 2011-07-03 17:22

Re: Google+ invitation requests
can someone send me one, pls. thanks

amritpal2489 2011-07-03 17:24

Re: Google+ invitation requests
send me one too please

toille 2011-07-03 17:35

Re: Google+ invitation requests
And me thank you :)

naabi 2011-07-03 18:24

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I would appreciate an invitation and give thanks to you until your karma will explode :P

skykooler 2011-07-03 18:34

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by dahaus (Post 1043986)
can someone send me one, pls. thanks

Generally not a good idea to put your email in plaintext on the net - just sayin

rawutt 2011-07-03 18:37

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Send me 1 plz..

Cheers m4lvin..

zfarooq 2011-07-03 18:58

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If anybody can be so kind:

rado3105 2011-07-03 19:13

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Google is stealer of your privacy, it is uses your privacy for his own purposes and nobody dont know what are.

excelar8 2011-07-03 19:41

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I would like one too, can someone please email me an invite: excelar8[at]gmail[dot]com

*Sonic* 2011-07-03 20:12

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Not sure if it makes any difference I have had an invite at my address as that is what I requested however google+ thinks I'm and although lets me sign in it then tells me I need an invite

Could someone try with my address as above



gorgezilla 2011-07-03 20:19

Re: Google+ invitation requests
would care for one invitation, too...

marxian 2011-07-03 20:35

Re: Google+ invitation requests
marxianthecoder at gmail dot com ;)

RAZOR 2011-07-03 23:51

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Me too! Send me one please!

travla 2011-07-04 06:48

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I'm in, thanks torpedo48 and jedi, pm me your e-mail address and I will send you an invite per the method mentioned.

Kangal 2011-07-04 07:59

Re: Google+ invitation requests
PM me your gmail addresses and I will try to add you.
Remember it will only accept gmail addresses.

marxian 2011-07-04 09:04

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I'm in now thanks to Reffyyyy. :D Now to wait for the public API. :)

Reffyyyy 2011-07-04 09:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1044300)
I'm in now thanks to Reffyyyy. :D Now to wait for the public API. :)

I was planning one too. How about I develop one for Harmattan and you do Fremantle? ;)

Angry Master Yoda 2011-07-04 10:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Me too... One invite please.

saintmonte 2011-07-04 16:31

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hi would like to have one
tnx in advance

torpedo48 2011-07-04 16:47

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by saintmonte (Post 1044542)
Hi would like to have one
tnx in advance

Just send me your email via PM, I've already invited about 10 members ;)

niqbal 2011-07-04 17:45

Re: Google+ invitation requests
alfred, pigz, steven, lopho, corduroy, shadx, jaybee - invites send. Remember folks google stopped emailing invites out so you wont receive any email regarding it. But in couple of hrs time, go to (make sure are already logged into gmail) and it should allow you to join. cheers

JohnPeter 2011-07-04 18:28

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Just new here, finding out if I'm up to a N900.
If you have one too many, I'd like an invitation too.
As I don't know how to PM I just give my gmail account which is jpelfman before the wagging tail ;)

Thank you!

aenbacka 2011-07-04 18:34

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hello everyone,
After reading more about this G+ fuzz, I would be very interested in case anyone has a spare invite to offer..:) It would be very much appreciated..:)

timro 2011-07-04 19:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hi guys,

I'm new here and have only been in the off-topic forums, so I can't PM anyone, but an invite would be appreciated. timro27 [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

JayBEE 2011-07-04 19:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 1044591)
PM me your gmail address if someone needs an invite

alfred, pigz, steven, lopho - send ~

Request sent!

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