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pali 2012-03-02 13:39

Re: Updated MicroB
I wrote to MicroB developer and he updated source code of some PR1.3 MicroB packages on garage project, see:

Android_808 2012-03-02 14:09

Re: Updated MicroB
does this mean we could look at incorporating performance patches into firefox/fennec or, even better, port a later xul/gecko to microb.

pali 2012-03-02 14:12

Re: Updated MicroB
This is what MicroB developer wrote me:

Also in general case with existing sources it is even possible to make
that UI work with Latest Mozilla-central engine sources ... and even
make port on webkit.
So instead lamenting somebody can try it.

PS: Info: MicroB UI is closed

jonwil 2012-03-02 16:24

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1173070)
I wrote to MicroB developer and he updated source code of some PR1.3 MicroB packages on garage project, see:

Checking over that code and going by the "last updated" dates, the only source code we now have that we didn't have before is the proper actual PR1.3 source code for tablet-browser-daemon (and not my reverse engineered clone) and the actual PR1.3 source code for browser-neteal (including the correct not-reverse-engineered browser-neteal-dev package)

This is still VERY good though for anyone wanting to replace the browser daemon and all the libraries it pulls in or to change/extend the dbus interface between the browser daemon and the UI layer. And its VERY good for anyone wanting to use the browser in their app by talking to the browser daemon instead of loading the browser directly.

The interesting stuff in the UI layer (tablet-browser-ui, tablet-browser-view, tablet-browser-widgets, tablet-browser-controls, tablet-browser-dialogs and others) is still closed source :(

In terms of actually replacing the engine with a newer Gecko version, the biggest issue you will face will be any API changes between PR1.3 Gecko and whatever Gecko you move to that cause any of the closed source extensions, plugins or components (e.g. nokia maps, microb-geolocation, media player plugin, flash plugin) to fail to work.

pali 2012-03-02 16:28

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by jonwil (Post 1173175)
The interesting stuff in the UI layer (tablet-browser-ui, tablet-browser-view, tablet-browser-widgets, tablet-browser-controls, tablet-browser-dialogs and others) is still closed source :(

If you are interesting in MicroB, then write to MicroB developer for opening UI code...

(I wrote about tablet-browser-daemon and they updated it from PR1.0 to PR1.3)

jonwil 2012-03-02 16:32

Re: Updated MicroB
Ok, so who here can write to the browser guys and ask for opening up the UI and whatever else browser-released we can get? The worst they can do is say no.

I would ask but I think we need someone with better people skills than me and who can ask in the nicest way possible.

pali 2012-03-02 16:34

Re: Updated MicroB
search for Maintainer filed in debian/control file of each browser armel deb package (or sources on svn)

jonwil 2012-03-02 16:53

Re: Updated MicroB
Browser UI components list maintainers as Oleg Romashin <> and Sudarsana Nagineni <>

Someone wanna contact them and see if we can get the browser UI code?
Might be harder though since we are asking "hey, we want the code for xyz" instead of "hey, here is code for xyz, can we have the most recent version?" (remembering here that the browser UI code in the garage repo predates the switch to the client-server architecture and the big rewrite that took place at some point (when packages like tablet-browser-view came into existence)

In any case getting the latest PR1.3 source for tablet-browser-daemon and browser-neteal is very useful for people doing browser work :)

pali 2012-03-02 16:57

Re: Updated MicroB
@jonwil, I already contacted them (days ago). And it is not good idea to post email address here (where google bot indexing)...

You already done some work with browser code, so write that you want to continue...

jonwil 2012-03-02 17:33

Re: Updated MicroB
I think what the community wants is the complete browser UI source code, i.e. tablet-browser-ui, tablet-browser-controls, tablet-browser-dialogs, tablet-browser-view & tablet-browser-widgets at a minimum (there may be more that is part of the browser UI though, its hard to follow all the cross-dependencies on various libraries plus there are related items like browser plugins/extensions/components and of course the closed-source bookmark system)

wow23 2012-03-02 18:42

Re: Updated MicroB
romaxa from and oleg.romashin, they'r one and the same person?

wow23 2012-03-02 20:36

Re: Updated MicroB
so, romaxa = oleg.romashin )

He would be glad to open all the source code of microb, because there is no any unusual things, but he's need permission of legal team from nokia, but they're not very glad people as he and they need reason to open

sorry for my bad english ))

so, as he said, we can try to compile microb-eal and libgtkmozembed on the last mozilla-central sources

romaxa 2012-03-02 22:03

Re: Updated MicroB
Actually maps, chats UI-s should work because it is mostly using EAL interface.... problem could be with maps plugin, which IIRC works only with XPCOM->NPAPI proxy, and IIRC it was dropped long time ago from gecko due to NPRUNTIME advantages.

Flashplugin should work, Maemo5 ImageRendering API still in mozilla trunk and used in Maemo6.

romaxa 2012-03-02 22:14

Re: Updated MicroB
From other side, I'm made recently new IPC embedding based on mozilla-central source code. which is actually very nice alternative to MicroB IPC stack and Webkit2 IPC stack.
This IPC embedding is basically mix of Fennec(Chromium IPC approach) but without XUL/XPCOM/Gecko on UI side, and easily embeddable into any toolkit, Qt or GTK.
On N9 I have 60FPS scrolling + ~30% CPU free for simple scrolling zooming operations with Simple QML UI.
I guess if it is compiled on Maemo5 it should be not much slower.
Also Flash works/WebGL/CSS3/3D/ et.c - here is a bit more info.

Probably someday I'll find time and make build for Maemo5.

Dead1nside 2012-03-02 22:32

Re: Updated MicroB
All sounds great Romaxa, thanks for sharing on here. As for open sourcing MicroB's UI, it would be great too, it's good to know there isn't a technological reason not to, but the legal department is always the obstacle.

jonwil 2012-03-03 00:18

Re: Updated MicroB
The Corporate Lawyer is one of the inventions on my personal list of things the world would be better off without :)

szopin 2012-03-03 02:25

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by romaxa (Post 1173333)
From other side, I'm made recently new IPC embedding based on mozilla-central source code. which is actually very nice alternative to MicroB IPC stack and Webkit2 IPC stack.
This IPC embedding is basically mix of Fennec(Chromium IPC approach) but without XUL/XPCOM/Gecko on UI side, and easily embeddable into any toolkit, Qt or GTK.
On N9 I have 60FPS scrolling + ~30% CPU free for simple scrolling zooming operations with Simple QML UI.
I guess if it is compiled on Maemo5 it should be not much slower.
Also Flash works/WebGL/CSS3/3D/ et.c - here is a bit more info.

Probably someday I'll find time and make build for Maemo5.

In the days when everyone is concentrating on N9 these words are very much appreciated. Hardly anyone now provides maemo4 build together with fremantle, yet some n800 enthusiasts still persist. Hope you will find a spare second to build for 5 (assuming this is just starting SB2 and 'make' and not a full rebuild story with all libs incompatible).

Thanks in advance!

AapoRantalainen 2012-04-10 20:54

Re: Updated MicroB
I'm hoping to see more opened packages of MaemoBrowser.

Meanwhile I tested how to uninstall every package relating MaemoBrowser.

Packages are mostly depending on each other, and only 'external' package connected these were hildon-home, which use osso-bookmark-engine.


#Install hildon-home which is compiled without osso-bookmarks
dpkg -i hildon-home_0.3.70-1+0m5_armel.deb


#remove packages
apt-get remove --purge browser-neteal osso-browser \
tablet-bookmark-manager \
tablet-browser-controls \
tablet-browser-daemon \
tablet-browser-default-plugin \
tablet-browser-dialogs \
tablet-browser-mediaplayer-plugin \
tablet-browser-ui \
tablet-browser-view \
tablet-browser-widgets \
osso-bookmark-engine \

#purge should handle this...
rm /etc/X11/

Caution: even with --purge there might be some start script which needs manually be deleted. Remember this:
flasher-3.5 --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset

Additionally it will remove rtcom-messaging-ui and tutorial-home-applet.

I started wikipage for this:

AapoRantalainen 2012-04-10 21:03

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by romaxa (Post 1173333)

I tested this one.

Maemo5 have only cairo 1.8.8, but 'cairo >= 1.10' needed. I got it configured (with risk)

And because our cairo aren't compiled with 'tee' (without more knowledge about this)
-ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
+ac_add_options --disable-system-cairo

And then I hit on the error:
ipclite/mozilla-central/gfx/skia/src/opts/SkBlitRow_opts_arm.cpp:780: error: fp cannot be used in asm here
(seems this has nothing to do with cairo)

I tested on scratchbox1 and followed 'Build instructions'.

bandora 2012-04-10 21:09

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by romaxa (Post 1173333)
From other side, I'm made recently new IPC embedding based on mozilla-central source code. which is actually very nice alternative to MicroB IPC stack and Webkit2 IPC stack.
This IPC embedding is basically mix of Fennec(Chromium IPC approach) but without XUL/XPCOM/Gecko on UI side, and easily embeddable into any toolkit, Qt or GTK.
On N9 I have 60FPS scrolling + ~30% CPU free for simple scrolling zooming operations with Simple QML UI.
I guess if it is compiled on Maemo5 it should be not much slower.
Also Flash works/WebGL/CSS3/3D/ et.c - here is a bit more info.

Probably someday I'll find time and make build for Maemo5.

I just wish somebody would implement the swirl to zoom like the and other gestures that a person can do in microB! Those are the best features in MicroB imo and what makes me use it as the default browser...

geneven 2012-04-10 21:44

Re: Updated MicroB
If Opera were just a bit better adapted to the N900 environment (with the bookmarks system, in particular) I think it would beat Microb.

olibe 2012-04-18 12:21

Re: Updated MicroB
I remember this message "Open source Maemo 5 browserd"
But nobody works to port a more recent Gecko version :-(

pali 2012-05-02 10:32

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by romaxa (Post 1173333)
From other side, I'm made recently new IPC embedding based on mozilla-central source code. which is actually very nice alternative to MicroB IPC stack and Webkit2 IPC stack.
This IPC embedding is basically mix of Fennec(Chromium IPC approach) but without XUL/XPCOM/Gecko on UI side, and easily embeddable into any toolkit, Qt or GTK.
On N9 I have 60FPS scrolling + ~30% CPU free for simple scrolling zooming operations with Simple QML UI.
I guess if it is compiled on Maemo5 it should be not much slower.
Also Flash works/WebGL/CSS3/3D/ et.c - here is a bit more info.

Probably someday I'll find time and make build for Maemo5.

Hi, any news about builds for Maemo5?

Android_808 2012-05-02 18:13

Re: Updated MicroB
With regards to the maps plugin, I imagine there are quite a few ways to get around this. The simplest, as long as closed source packages don't interfere, being to install both versions in parallel with a modified launcher for Maps to force it to use the old one.

I'm liking the sound of the performance of the alternate IPC stack. Will this disable support for extensions such as AdBlock as there is no XUL/XPCOM support?

makis 2014-11-14 18:40

Re: Updated MicroB
ok this is not a reply but can anyone please help?? Many sites including Amazon and yahoo webmail say I need an updated/new browser. IS THERE ANY AVAILABLE FOR THE N900?

nieldk 2015-11-09 05:30

Re: Updated MicroB

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1190527)
I tested this one.

Maemo5 have only cairo 1.8.8, but 'cairo >= 1.10' needed. I got it configured (with risk)

And because our cairo aren't compiled with 'tee' (without more knowledge about this)
-ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
+ac_add_options --disable-system-cairo

And then I hit on the error:
ipclite/mozilla-central/gfx/skia/src/opts/SkBlitRow_opts_arm.cpp:780: error: fp cannot be used in asm here
(seems this has nothing to do with cairo)

I tested on scratchbox1 and followed 'Build instructions'.

You need to add (or try to) -fomit-frame-pointer to the computer flags. This should avoid that message.

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