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jakiman 2011-11-03 01:06

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

I have now used OVP properly during my train trip to work and here's my findings/requests/gripes: (loving the app btw!)

1. While playing a video, if a call comes in and after hanging up, the video starts back from the beginning. (I guess that's related to the meta info issue you are referring to. Hope you can figure this out soon as it can get quite annoying. hehehe.)

2. Is it possible to disable auto-rotation and lock it to landscape during video playback? I would like an option for this as it can get really annoying it constantly changing orientation while I'm carrying it in my hand while walking etc. I rather it be fixed full screen landscape while playing. (even for task switcher thumbnail)

3. Is it possible to make the video names to just always display the "file" name. (it seems to sometimes show some embedded name instead which I don't want. This also happens with default video player)

4. Also, can the video file name auto-scroll sideways (can scroll fairly fast) so I can see the whole thing?

marxian 2011-11-03 01:11

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 1117577)
Btw, I can not see the Nokia Pure video, the screen is black
I can only hear the sound.

I have noticed that with some videos (in particular YouTube videos in 480p). In those cases, I get the following error:


virtual uchar* QGStreamerGLTextureBuffer::map(QAbstractVideoBuffer::MapMode, int*, int*) bind-frame failed

marxian 2011-11-03 01:41

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1117582)

I have now used OVP properly during my train trip to work and here's my findings/requests/gripes: (loving the app btw!)

1. While playing a video, if a call comes in and after hanging up, the video starts back from the beginning. (I guess that's related to the meta info issue you are referring to. Hope you can figure this out soon as it can get quite annoying. hehehe.)

I'm not sure why it does this. I don't have a sim card in my N950 (the device won't reliably hold a 3g signal), so I haven't tested for this behaviour. I should set the video to pause when a call is received.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1117582)
2. Is it possible to disable auto-rotation and lock it to landscape during video playback? I would like an option for this as it can get really annoying it constantly changing orientation while I'm carrying it in my hand while walking etc. I rather it be fixed full screen landscape while playing. (even for task switcher thumbnail)

You can lock the orientation to landscape-only, but the setting is applied across the application, rather than to video playback specifically. I can add another setting easily enough. :)


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1117582)
3. Is it possible to make the video names to just always display the "file" name. (it seems to sometimes show some embedded name instead which I don't want. This also happens with default video player)

I use the title that is reported by the tracker. I can change it to use the filename.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1117582)
4. Also, can the video file name auto-scroll sideways (can scroll fairly fast) so I can see the whole thing?

I'm not sure about doing this for all videos in the list simultaneously. Having said that, there are only a few delegates instantiated at any one time, so it shouldn't be too bad. I can set it so the animation only takes place when the view is stationary, so it won't affect scrolling performance.

Jeffrey04 2011-11-03 16:14

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
do i need to install anything else for this to work? i am not seeing anything on the screen when a video is playing, audio is fine.

EDIT: OVP can play the other video that came with the device (the dolby soundscapes clip) but not the nokia pure video

Metsämies 2011-11-03 16:18

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I have all my videos on dlna server. N900 could play them, N9 not :(

Nokia (or someone else) should do DLNA support for N9 also.

shmerl 2011-11-03 17:08

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Does it support WebM?

hotnikkelz 2011-11-03 18:35

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Geez i wish there were more devs like Marxian. Seems like damn Nokia always gets the best devs damnit!! come make some money on Android and WP7 Marxian!!!

Nokia 5700 2011-11-03 18:47

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by hotnikkelz (Post 1117926)
Geez i wish there were more devs like Marxian. Seems like damn Nokia always gets the best devs damnit!! come make some money on Android and WP7 Marxian!!!

There's no official port of Qt on either of those platforms.
And seriously, Qt beats those SDKs to the bone.

hotnikkelz 2011-11-03 19:01

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I doubt a guy like Marxian NEEDS Qt although it is awesome. C# is simple enough ;) that is an assumption though

jakiman 2011-11-04 06:42

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Eagerly awaiting for 0.0.3 version. =)

marxian 2011-11-04 07:16

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118143)
Eagerly awaiting for 0.0.3 version. =)

It's coming soon. :p It's 7:15am here, and I haven't been to bed yet. :eek:

0.0.3 has support for playlists, including creating, editing and deleting. :)

marxian 2011-11-04 07:56

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Version 0.0.3 is now available. Changelog:

* Added support for playlists.
* Fixed errors in subtitles support.

Some screenshots:

Demo video:

ivgalvez 2011-11-04 08:13

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Now go to sleep :D

HtheB 2011-11-04 08:47

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Awesome job!

I really dont know why such talented guys here at tmo arent hired by Nokia

F2thaK 2011-11-04 09:45

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
where do we download from? I can only find 0.0.2

TMavica 2011-11-04 09:52

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
post 1 can be find

F2thaK 2011-11-04 09:57

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
haha, thanks! I did look there! hey, its friday, its a big post too.

maybe a bold capital DOWNLOAD link should be added? :p

kai_en 2011-11-04 13:54

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Works great but fail to play one video though, the sample video that comes with the phoen titled "Nokia Pure"

babraq 2011-11-04 18:18

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
First of all -- marxian, thanks for making this wonderful application. I read that stock video player won't get any big updates, so OVP is great substitution for serious video playing... Love it! :)

Second, I found two bugs in 0.0.3. Don't know if I should write them here or create tickets on Which do you prefer?

PartyboyXP 2011-11-04 18:38

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Please, port to Meego CE

shmerl 2011-11-04 20:47

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Or Nemo as it's called now.

marxian 2011-11-04 20:58

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by babraq (Post 1118389)
First of all -- marxian, thanks for making this wonderful application. I read that stock video player won't get any big updates, so OVP is great substitution for serious video playing... Love it! :)

Second, I found two bugs in 0.0.3. Don't know if I should write them here or create tickets on Which do you prefer?

You can just post any bugs here. :)

ajalkane 2011-11-04 20:59

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Looks great!

I'm quite a modest video player user with mobile, but I do use it... I only need few videos in the phone that I watch. The stock video player is just great for me except for one thing: it's damn hard to seek to a wanted position, as there's no "jump 10 seconds forward, 5 seconds back" buttons or something similar, so that position can be changed more accurately. I think Jakiman already had commented on that.

jakiman 2011-11-04 21:23

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Well, once the auto-rotation during video playback can be turned off (It is super annoying), maximum brightness can be set (I hate how you can't set desired brightness in N9. I don't care about battery life, I want max brightness!) and resume function working (for obvious reasons), I will be a very happy chappy. =)

For now, is there a way to launch multiple instances of OVP? This will allow me to open a different video on each one so that I can pause them and resume playback of more than 1 video.

marxian 2011-11-04 21:44

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118463)
Well, once the auto-rotation during video playback can be turned off (It is super annoying), maximum brightness can be set (I hate how you can't set desired brightness in N9. I don't care about battery life, I want max brightness!) and resume function working (for obvious reasons), I will be a very happy chappy. =)

For now, is there a way to launch multiple instances of OVP? This will allow me to open a different video on each one so that I can pause them and resume playback of more than 1 video.

I've already included the option to lock orientation during playback in the next update. I also have the scrolling titles and the use of the filenames rather than the embedded titles.

I'm not sure if there is a way to force enabling of multiple instances from the command line. However, you can always edit the .desktop file located at




Exec=/usr/bin/single-instance /opt/openvideoplayer/bin/openvideoplayer


You will need to be root (enter devel-su, password rootme).

mikecomputing 2011-11-04 22:35

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by hotnikkelz (Post 1117926)
Geez i wish there were more devs like Marxian. Seems like damn Nokia always gets the best devs damnit!! come make some money on Android and WP7 Marxian!!!

**** you no good devs should work with crap like WP!

I would mind pay FOSS devs continue working with Maemo+ŚwipeUI+Qt. I hope this app will be uploaded to nokiastore and Marxian makes good money on it! (Hint: With lowest possible price every damn intresed person buys it ;)

Android and WP can burn in hell!!

hotnikkelz 2011-11-04 23:06

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
sad face :'(

marxian 2011-11-05 21:45

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Version 0.0.4 now available from


* Added option to lock to landscape orientation when viewing videos.
* Added optional marquee text in video delegates.
* Now using filenames rather than embedded titles for videos.
* Fixed error in displaying playlist video details.

jakiman 2011-11-05 23:55

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1118855)
Version 0.0.4 now available

You are my hero. Awesome job Marxian.

Now some other final touches I would like you to consider.
- Sorry for being so demanding. Hope you don't mind.
- I watch a lot of videos with my N9 on the go. :p
- Persistent resume function is still on top priority for me...

1. While playing a video, if you tap the screen once, the video controls show up. Can this be made so that it doesn't auto-hide? I do a lot of seeking back/forth and so it gets very annoying when it just auto-hides after a couple of seconds. I would like it so you tap video to show the controls for as long as you like, then when done with it, tap video again to make it hide. (this should also fix the annoyance where you can't go back to the list while the video is paused as the back button doesn't show up while video is paused in landscape mode and only option is to play the video again...)

2. When the video is minimized, the live thumbnail reverts back to portrait mode even though I've locked it to landscape only during video playback. Can this be changed so it stays in full sized landscape-oriented even for the live-thumbnail?

3. Is it possible to have another thumbnail size / view for the list? Like a mini-thumbnail mode where you see a tiny thumbnail on the left and show file name on the right like a list view? Like this sorta. (hope you get what I mean :p) It will allow to see more of the longer file name even without scrolling and can fit more videos in a single screen.

btw, I can confirm that it now auto-resumes the playback to the right point after an incoming phone call. :D

Also, do you have any paypal donation link etc?
I can donate a small amount... (at least $5 for now. =P)

marxian 2011-11-06 00:22

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118897)
You are my hero. Awesome job Marxian.

Now some other final touches I would like you to consider.
- Sorry for being so demanding. Hope you don't mind.
- I watch a lot of videos with my N9 on the go. :p
- Persistent resume function is still on top priority for me...

1. While playing a video, if you tap the screen once, the video controls show up. Can this be made so that it doesn't auto-hide? I do a lot of seeking back/forth and so it gets very annoying when it just auto-hides after a couple of seconds. I would like it so you tap video to show the controls for as long as you like, then when done with it, tap video again to make it hide. (this should also fix the annoyance where you can't go back to the list while the video is paused as the back button doesn't show up while video is paused in landscape mode and only option is to play the video again...)

I will add persistent resume as soon as I figure out how to do it. The API I'm using atm doesn't access the correct attribute for the resume position, so I'll have to access the tracker some other way in order to retrieve/set the value (and file a bug against QtGallery).

I will add an option to disable auto-hiding of playback controls in the next update. :)


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118897)
2. When the video is minimized, the live thumbnail reverts back to portrait mode even though I've locked it to landscape only during video playback. Can this be changed so it stays in full sized landscape-oriented even for the live-thumbnail?

The task switcher forces the application into portrait mode when minimized. I don't know of a way to override this, except on the N950 when the keyboard is open.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118897)
3. Is it possible to have another thumbnail size / view for the list? Like a mini-thumbnail mode where you see a tiny thumbnail on the left and show file name on the right like a list view? Like this sorta. (hope you get what I mean :p) It will allow to see more of the longer file name even without scrolling and can fit more videos in a single screen.

I can do that easily enough. I'll add it for the next update. :)


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1118897)
Also, do you have any paypal donation link etc?
I can donate a small amount... (at least $5 for now. =P)

Thanks. :) My PayPal donation link is here, although I may follow mikecomputing's advice and submit it to Nokia Store for 1 euro, so people can choose to support the project that way (plus it will be exposed to people who don't visit TMO or install applications from non-store sources). The free option will always remain. :)

kralde 2011-11-06 00:27

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I cant install it :( problems with some packages about libqt4. I dont have CSSU installed,what can I do? thanks a lot :)

marxian 2011-11-06 00:29

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by kralde (Post 1118913)
I cant install it :( problems with some packages about libqt4. I dont have CSSU installed,what can I do? thanks a lot :)

It's only for MeeGo-Harmattan atm. Hopefully I can find the time to port it to Maemo5 (or someone else can do it. :) ).

jakiman 2011-11-06 00:42

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1118912)
My PayPal donation link is here, although I may follow mikecomputing's advice and submit it to Nokia Store for 1 euro, so people can choose to support the project that way (plus it will be exposed to people who don't visit TMO or install applications from non-store sources). The free option will always remain. :)

The link isn't working for me. But yeah, once it is in Nokia Store, I will surely be buying a copy. =)

kralde 2011-11-06 01:05

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1118915)
It's only for MeeGo-Harmattan atm. Hopefully I can find the time to port it to Maemo5 (or someone else can do it. :) ).

I'm so sorry! the next time I will read carefully in what forum I am. thanks a lot

spectrax0x 2011-11-06 10:55

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
hi marxian thanks for creating ovp and sharing it with us :)

i noticed something using it yesterday:
i have a video that can be played smoothly on the stock video player.
however because i need to see the subtitles i used ovp. i noticed that video playback is not as smooth in ovp than in stock video player. subtitle and audio is fine, just video playback not smooth. (seemingly skipping some frames)

i hope you can understand my description of the issue. ..

Aranel 2011-11-06 13:49

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
New update is plain awesome, only issue I had with it is subtitles. Looks like there's no option to set different encodings, and that means there's no support for different alphabets (Turkish characters are messed up, for example) It would be much better if you improve auto-detection, or add an option to set different encodings.

Thank you, :)

jonnyl 2011-11-06 16:29

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Definitely put it in the store. I'll buy.

CepiPerez 2011-11-06 17:32

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
This app is getting better
But in PR1.1 all my videos from camera are in video stock app
I think you should remove DCIM filter in DocumentGallery

vlad_dracul 2011-11-06 22:36

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I love the player, thank you for developing it.
I have some comments:
- image quality is not the same as the stock player, where the image is smooth in the stock player, it's a little jaggy in OVP. I seems to me that the stock player does some extra post-processing.
- more options for subtitles would be great: and outline and/or shadow would help the text stand-out.
- a "double-tap to pause" option would be nice to have.
Please put it in the store, I'll buy it.

marxian 2011-11-06 22:46

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1119149)
This app is getting better
But in PR1.1 all my videos from camera are in video stock app
I think you should remove DCIM filter in DocumentGallery

They don't show in the stock video player on my device. Does the tracker scan DCIM on your device? If I remove the filter, I don't get thumbnails for those videos. I'm sure it's in the IgnoredDirectories list.

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