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Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I'm thinking mine isn't hardware related. I just played five mins of nfs and real golf, thinking that would tax the cpu gpu and vram etc... no crashes.
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Got my handtec N9 up and running and it's like it's booby-trapped, took me 20-30 minutes just to get through the initial setup as it kept freezing on the country and language selections. I really hope it's just a software issue, don't want to send it back, it's so beautiful... Has flashing worked for people? And is there a clear how-to? I've only seen a couple posts that are hard to follow on forum.meego
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
this thread is most disheartening...
looking at potentially using handtec myself i find it worrying to read the problems many are having with these n9 handsets. I really hope you all find it is software and not hardware issues as the phone sounds a total nightmare so far from reboots,hangs ,screen graining to scratched/chipped screens ! surely it cant get any worse ? only better please !! |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
>What makes you say that?
Let's pretend that the 1Gb of app memory is divided into banks. And let's pretend that we have an OS that pages apps into and out of memory as and when required And let's pretens the OS is multitasking and deals with protected memory Now let's starts an app. It *might* or might not attempt to load (some of itself) into the dodgy page of memory. If it *does* that would cause it to abend. But the excellent OS would prevent this from affecting other apps. If it does not, the app starts OK. But parts off it might get paged out of memory and then paged back in to the dud page as we continue to use the phone and launch and stop other apps. If it pages into the dud page, we abend. The OS itself might get paged into the dud page, which will casue an OS reboot. Frankly the symptoms I'm seeing fairly closely match this scenario. I think I have at least some dud RAM ( and cannot as reasonably be explained away as a software issue) |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Hello everyone,
So I've received my phone this afternoon from handtec and have been playing with it since then. Just to report to you guys that I do not have these random reboot problems at all (well the phone rebooted once, while I was playing around with the AP News application , but have not encountered any other reboots/freezes since then) I do not use facebook or twitter at all, if that's gonna make any difference. So far I'm loving this phone, especially the UI. PS: but to be honest with you guys, I'm leaning towards software problem, rather than the hardware itself. The only thing that bothers me at the moment is when I go to a very very dark room (almost pitch black), you can see that the display has a little bit of pink/purple tinge on the top left hand corner. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Someone a while back mentioned that the Handtec batch was made in Finland. Is that true are are these from China? Just trying to isolate the source of the batches. I was ready to pull the trigger on my order but now I'm going to wait. Hopefully this is a sw issue but the isolated nature of this seems to indicate hardware.
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
My phone says Made in Finland, both on the box and SIM tray stickers
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just adding a different voice here... I have a 64gb N9 from Expansys - shipped to NZ from Singapore, Chinese made unit. Been using for 5 days now with no real issues to speak of - One slowdown\freeze once on a swipe, but not easy to tell otherwise. It does sound interesting that one supplier would have a bad batch & not another... I would lean to this being wider than Handtec-supplied devices though & more likely software.
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I noticed my network O2 appears as an icon in the applications list, is this normal for everyone else? I will list the following variables in case anyone can spot a pattern:
I am now able to install from the Store again after enabling the 'synchronise time to server' option as someone mentioned in another thread. Quote:
As strongm suggests, one area that probably wouldn't be taxed by the gaming aspect much is flash storage, so that is another possibility IF hardware is the cause (which would seem unlikely, though not impossible). To people with display issues: I'm not noticing any AMOLED screen issues here so that could be manufacturing sample variance from wherever they are sourced from or just people with more sensitivity to certain screen textures/artefacts. Also: Has anyone tried applying a different product variant firmware to their Austrian 059J1V4 64GB, such as the apparently reliable Denmark based 059L7R7 v10.2011.34-1.340.01.1 firmware? (Or is this something that will break the device?) Quote:
Thanks. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I also have the same question as you, I wonder if we can flash a different region firmware? If yes, how do we do it? I have the black 64GB from handtec and the product variant is 059J1V4 - RM-696 NDT AUSTRIA BLACK 64GB PS: I just encountered another reboot :( , it happened when I was swiping from task manger to the app list (I had about 10 apps opened at the time). |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Thanks for the info, as it may help to spot patterns. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
So what is the general consensus here? Are you guys going to wait for the firmware update or return the device?
PS: the same exact thing just happened again to me while opening about 10 - 13 apps (while I was swiping from the windows manager to the app list) the phone froze and i had to reboot the phone :( The problem I have seems to be similar to someone posted in this heard earlier. Quote:
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Maybe the factory in Finland got a bad batch of components. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
As an update, my phone froze 3 minutes into Angry Birds, countering the 'games are ok' theory. It also freezes more than every other time I boot up after forcing it to power down from a previous freeze. Another strange action is that it often reboots when I try to power it off. Is that a feature and I'm just using the power button the wrong way, or is it failing to reboot?!
I suppose I can wait a week or so and see if any news comes along, after that I'll send it back. Fingers crossed it all works out. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Can this be related to the temperature, too? Does it crash more when hot than when idle?
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I'm get about 8 reboots a day, let's say, to give a frequency to this. Mostly when I've opened a bunch of stuff am am using it "heavily", but once it was just sitting there "doing nothing".
And to jah25, I get double-boots and shutdown-reboots too. It's not a feature - it's supposed to stay off! I assume that it just triggers whatever's bad while it's shutting down and so reboots at that point. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Oh, and do you have a way to get some logs and some “reboot reason”?
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I know it doesn't help that much, but just to compare my Handtec phone with the reports here:
- I have *never* had a spontaneous reboot or freeze. Phone has never done anything more than very slightly lag while scrolling - I was pushing it reasonably hard listening to the Ovi music thing for some hours yesterday. - *Whilst* listening to music I opened up the new Linux Magazine PDF from email. This thing is a monster and makes my Macbook Pro freeze on page turns... It took a few seconds to flip to each page on the N9, annoying, but usable at a pinch. I got small glitches in music playback during that time - annoying but bearable given how I was torturing the device - Compared with my previous report someone pointed out the option to setup feed refresh freq and so I withdraw that as not updating (I had it set to manual update...). So seems to be working fine So, all in all *extremely* happy with my N9. Oh and sports tracker was released yesterday, so now ecstatic! Top it off that ebuddy announced they will support the N9 with their multi-network chat thing (whatsapp look alike thing) .... All I'm missing is iplayer... |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Yep, stuttering audio when you give it a kicking is a Maemo staple unfortunately. But fairly understandable.
So, given that we don't have hundreds of people in here complaining, and that you and some others have perfectly fine devices, I'm gonna play the "small subset of the batch have a hardware failure" card (it's pretty damn obvious now) and give Handtec an email. Might take them up on their refund offer given it's unclear when they're getting stock compared to other retailers and maybe I can get a new one quicker from someone else? |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I have had about 3-5 reboots a day, I also have the reboot whilst powering down thing.
It locked up when receiving a call yesterday and rebooted when using the twitter app just now. I'm on the fence about returning it, I really like the device... Any news when we might expect pr-1.1? |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Not as soon as we'd hope, by the looks of it
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
@vitaminj, HughF_UK and the others suffering, it must be damned annoying but others like myself who got an N9 from Handtec aren't suffering any of those problems. It's been totally solid in fact for me which is more than I was expecting to be honest from a 1.0 Nokia release.
I wonder if, when you've had a crash, there isn't something recorded in /var/log/* eg in /var/log/syslog ?? Maybe it's one app causing the problems that I and the non-crashees aren't using rather than a hardware problem ? |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Hmmm... pre filled in the RMA form from handtec... Waiting for the micro sim to regular sim adapter to arrive so I can use the 900 again :)
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Received my N9 last night.. 64G Austria Black model, which seems to match the handtec batch's product code though I bought it from a different supplier.
It "black screened of death" within an hour of use. It has rebooted maybe 60 times now. It "locks" up whilst showing the clock on a locked screen.. Can't unlock the screen even though the clock continues to update and move?! Every app is crashing, browser, contacts (about 3/5 opens will close when selecting any contact) even the xterm in dev mode crashes.. even if I'm not typing/running anything?!?!? It's a really tough call.. I remember the pm settings for the N900 that solved random reboots with PR1.0 and that there was a fix in the next release.. but I have a suspicion my device might really be hosed and a new release won't fix this flaw.. I expected a few bugs, but its in a whole other level of crashiness.. About the only app that hasn't crashed yet is the clock app :( I've seen graphics errors. Not so much lagging when scrolling, but mis-shaped apps.. apps that fill a quarter of the screen (I downloaded a file manager app and that was the first time I saw the error, though I've seen it a few time since) Having had it out of the box for less than 24 hours (and having had to reflash once already) I'm going to see if I can pull some debug stuff out this evening when I get home.. I guess I'm asking if this crazy level unreliable-ness matches what is being talked about here, or if maybe I've got more than firmware bug problems :( |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Have mine from Dubai, direct from Nokia and have had no issues. Phones been running for 3 days without a reboot. Made in China.
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just got my 64GB N9 today from handtech.
Overall the device is working perfectly but I see two major problems: 1. Reboots, got about 4 to 6 reboots now in less then one day of use. That said last couple of hours I had none. 2. Applications crash, mostly the vendor installed games.. almost all crash for no apparent reason.. I also had the contact application crash while adding a nice contact. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just got my Black 64gb today from phonesonline.ie and have been experiencing regular crashes and reboots for the last 8 hours of so..
Quite annoyed but am tempted to wait for 1.1 if it's purely crashy firmware. Has crashed with 3rd party and nokia software equally and reboots more than just freezing:( |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I'm leaning towards returning my device at the moment. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
mine came to day i dont have any crashes and reboots 16g black made in finland EU model
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I've seen an improvement in stability today, but the trade off has been that the web browser won't open! Fighting with this phone has actually become entertaining...
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just to add data points, mine says Made in Finland, 059J187 64GB Black, firmware version 10.2011.34-1_PR_001
The reboots are once a couple of days or so, although yesterday it rebooted twice. Lockups even less often. It's not that bad but still annoying, I really hope it's software not hardware issue. Gonna take a peek at logs when it reboots again. |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
64GB from Handtec, Austrian, received Monday. I have also flashed it a good number of times, always using the same firmware version, sometimes followed by eMMC (before reboot) and sometimes without. More often than not the flash process failed at various points, alas no patterns observed. Sometimes failing at the beginning, sometimes at the finalizing stage, or anywhere in between. Constant: No SIM card used at all. Variables: 2 different laptops
Tried various USB ports on both. After one failed flashing it wouldn't boot past the Nokia logo. Finally recovered by flashing (when it chose to complete) by adding -c to perform a cold flash. My deduction is that this has to be some kind of hardware fault as no change in symptoms even after successful flashes. I am very happy with Handtec's service and believe this is just bad luck. However, in order to avoid potential complications with their faulty goods procedure (28 day window I think) I intend getting a replacement as soon as possible, stock permitting. I don't see the point in holding out for the new firmware, whenever this may be, as a) It's currently just a paper weight, b) Can't see how it can be a software fault as my (successful) firmware flashes have made zero difference. My cynical side reckons this could even, just possibly be, part of Elop's cunning plan to ensure the N9 fails, e.g. lowering the QA bar. But I'd rather remain positive and look forward to replacement. If I get impatient I may just have to source a 770 to complete my tablet family! OCD? :rolleyes: |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Completing my info:
Made in Finland, N9 64GB Black, firmware version 10.2011.34-1_PR_001 Going by the maps preloaded in the maps application it looks like this is a version from Austria. Really wondering what's causing these crashes... I have found no clue's in either dmesg or /var/log/syslog. No ecc errors like I read somewhere or other messages indicating a problem... |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
The only third party app I've installed was a file browser app, which I've not needed to actually use yet.. Apps are crashing with such regularity its scary. I would expect if it were RAM issues, there would be kernel table inconsistencies, and killed processes would be reported in dmesg, instead they just stop, or rather I've not found what caused exit (SEGV, ILL, BUS etc)
The phone app crashes whilst I'm entering a phone number, the N9 simple cannot be this wildly unstable? The product code, for those who don't know is a number (starting 0) printed on the SIM tray.. This will identify the regional varient of the device.. The Handtec devices (and mine, unfortunately) all seem to be the Austrian 64 black device with code 059J1V4.. Maybe it really is localised to just this model? Does anyone else suffer many many random reboots on a device with a different code (any 16gb owners as affected?) /sys/kernel/pm_debug looks like it might be interesting Where's the bootreason and dsme logs gone on this device?! dammit! More investigating to do |
Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Hi, firstly I'm genuinely sorry for you guys that are having problems with your new N9. I've been reading the posts here, so just in case it helps anyone go through a process of elimination, I summarise my [fault free] N9 details below:
1. To be clear 'fault free' means no reboots, freezes, or distortion issues. No material lags. 2. Source: Handtec.co.uk - arrived Monday 31/10/11. Arrived in good order, but noticed no seal on the Nokia box. ? 3. Product: Nokia N9 64gb. Made in Finland. Version: 10.2011.34-1_PR_001 4. Developer mode: OFF 5. All Stock (out of box) apps work fine 6. All downloaded apps (see below) also work fine fMobi, qTranslate, Converter, City Scene, Shortcuts, File Manager, Filebox. 7. Issues? Well Accuweather caused a slight stall when first opened. So did AP mobile. One-off incidents. 8. Max number of apps open at one time (so far); probably about 8. 9. Accounts: Facebook, Flickr, Google, Mail for Exchange (google), Nokia account, IMAP email, Skype, Twitter and YouTube. I think most people on here have been drooling to get an N9 for a long time. Me included. I think if you are experiencing some of the problems described in this thread, you should take a cold dispassionate view. Would you accept any product that behaved that way...answer would be no. It's obvious that some of you have been very unlucky and it's still uncertain what's causing the problem, but if there are N9s that are working fine, don't suffer indefinitely. It's a beautiful product and you should all be enjoying the most of it. Footnote: Expansys.co.uk was due to have 16gb versions in stock on 3 November. If I can of any further help, give me a shout. I'm subscribed to this thread and at twitter Horizon_fall |
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