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zfarooq 2011-11-22 06:01

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
shazam, something like flixster + bar code scanner to compare prices

ste-phan 2011-11-22 09:28

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
-Firewall IP (firewall like Little Snitch on OSX – detects outgoing server requests)

This is the single application that makes me want an iPhone sometimes.

I use my N9 In the same way, if not more risky way way then I use my Laptop, so I figure some essential security measures should apply.

Who will make an easy firewall for Harmattan?

-NoScript (the well known selective script blocker for web pages)

-Adblock for standard browser (advertisement blocker, is already available for Fennec)

-Recaller (the versatile audio recording tool.. record any call, record system sounds and if possible choose encoding)

-Frontview (the document scanner, scan , save share)

Benlau has confirmed porting is somewhere remotely on the agenda.

-easy bandwidth selector: EDGE / 3G for battery saving and network stability

sting.kl 2011-11-22 12:38

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
What about a good stock quote app that has multiple portfolio management capabilities as well? Preferably, source should be from Yahoo Finance. Google Finance has very few supported exchanges. Need good interface and design too.

lancewex 2011-11-22 13:30

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1127247)
-Recaller (the versatile audio recording tool.. record any call, record system sounds and if possible choose encoding)

I too vote for / wish for this. It's actually the one program I think I will miss the most--might even be why I still haven't bought an N9.

SamGan 2011-11-22 14:25

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
There is already a call recorder app.

and market monitoring app with data from Yahoo! Finance

sada11 2011-11-22 14:51

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
look this... remoter

edit: this
works great!!!

lancewex 2011-11-22 17:03

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1127384)
There is already a call recorder app.

Recaller is more than just a recorder of phone calls. I seldom use it for that.

lolloo 2011-11-22 18:22

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

SamGan 2011-11-23 14:17

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
The QR code reader is also commonly requested in other forums. I hope someone is working on it.

HtheB 2011-11-23 14:20

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by lolloo (Post 1127486)

You can just use the browser for google docs
and you can just use CuteTube to download youtube vids

jalyst 2011-11-24 05:33

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by lancewex (Post 1127459)
Recaller is more than just a recorder of phone calls. I seldom use it for that.

well outline exactly what it is, so devs know what the nature of the app is you want.

jalyst 2011-11-24 05:36

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1127857)
The QR code reader is also commonly requested in other forums. I hope someone is working on it.

Isn't there already one.....
Pretty sure there's already one for N900, should be ported eventually.
Or it may even be possible to run it without bothering w/a port with the right dependencies/libraries.
Won't look at home GUI-wise, but it may still do the job nicely...

SamGan 2011-11-24 13:03

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1128227)
Isn't there already one.....
Pretty sure there's already one for N900, should be ported eventually.
Or it may even be possible to run it without bothering w/a port with the right dependencies/libraries.
Won't look at home GUI-wise, but it may still do the job nicely...

Not all N9 users come from N900 background. Unless it is ported with a GUI and a .deb file there is no way for this group to tweak a N900 app.

While I'm here I may as well mention the FM player. We already have a basic one but how about a better one with preset frequencies? I hope we don't have to wait too long for that.

Developers should not think they have to give away their app free. If they want to charge for their app and make some money they are entitled to do so. Some commercial interest may spur developers to write apps which general users want instead of what interest them or when they feel like it. I see the N9 app store growing very haphazardly now. The Meego community appears to be clueless or just not interested in developing the essential apps.

PhatApteryx 2011-11-25 07:52

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
Looked around & not seen anything yet... I used to have a Symbian app for filtering & securing my SMS - now i have an N9, something with that functionality again would be awesome...

afrooman24 2011-12-03 08:34

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N900
rdesktop for nokia n900 and settings for windows 7 and for the phone n900...

celebrant 2011-12-04 23:17

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
I would love to have a native download manager for N9. For downloading from rapidshare (premium only) on N900 I used wget + my own PHP scripts (+MySQL) and managed jobs through a web interface (+Apache). But I couldn't get PHP running on the N9 (dependency issues) and didn't even try to install the rest.
Anyway.. some kind of a download manager with web interface would be nice.

Dockman 2011-12-05 00:52

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
I'm still crying out for a spreadsheet writing app :(
I'd pay for it, too.....

SamGan 2011-12-05 07:11

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9

Originally Posted by Dockman (Post 1133271)
I'm still crying out for a spreadsheet writing app :(
I'd pay for it, too.....

Yeah, what happened to porting Calligra to N9? I'll pay for this.

Dockman 2011-12-07 08:16

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
Hey, its just occurred to me that I really don't need a full on spreadsheet editor, just something that can open and edit a csv file, ie. A Table editor, with no formulas. Is this difficult to slap together?

jleholeho 2013-01-05 02:01

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
Wouldn`t there ever be a way to port Midomi from Symbian to N9???
Since "solid" music recognition apps like Shazam or SoundHound will most likely never be available for N9, how about to port SoundHound`s little brother Midomi in some way? A whole lot of older Nokia Symbian phones are supported, no N9 however and that`s a shame...
Everyone here would love to pay for that, I`m sure...

Vromoth 2013-01-05 07:32

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
There are apps for almost all the requests in the first post. I can't give you names for many of them as I don't use them but I know I have seen them. Anyway the best app for QR codes that I have found is CodeCam+ in the store.

ruplee76 2013-01-05 10:52

Re: [Request] Some Essential Apps for N9
Font Magnifier app for n9 please..Anybody ?

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