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jalyst 2011-11-14 20:00

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1121532)
So, in the name of chitchat, this happened:
Looks like my pictures and appgrid bleed together. This is the lockscreen by the way, I swiped it away after taking this picture, it got darker when untouched for a while, and lit up with doubletap and lockkeypress.

Eeiiiiw, that is weird, is it still a problem now?

Bluetooth keyboard connection manager GUI

slai 2011-11-14 22:54

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Nah, not a problem at all. Was probably my images refreshing on the device after the flash (first powerup) while loading gallery + locking screen.

Once I swiped it away it was gone, never to return again.

jalyst 2011-11-15 16:46

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
^ Glad to hear that!

Almost non-existent progress WRT open-mode lately, sigh...
Interesting comment from javispedro about WP's "open-mode" though

jalyst 2011-11-16 18:54

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Is there anything that gets "kinda" close to this for the N9 yet?

Still waiting for the freaking White N9's to be order-able in Australia.
Anyone heard any more about them? (PR1.1's already baked in)

chenliangchen 2011-11-16 19:51

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Today I read news that Orange UK has highest pre order for lumia 800, even higher than the N95 and 5800. Shame. So what will happen if it was N9? How high will that be?

jalyst 2011-11-17 15:52

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
... :( ....
Oh well, at least Elop's been hinting even more strongly about Meltemi lately.
So the chances of a F/OSS "&" commercially viable OS from Nokia LT is not lost entirely, yet.

I just find it really hard to believe Elop though...
His heart's not in Nokia doing their own OS that creeps up to the higher-end LT.
Despite their rhetoric that the division between smart/dumb phones is blurring etc.
He just doesn't believe in it, he's convinced Nokia is **** at OS/apps/ecosystems.

jalyst 2011-11-17 16:41

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
SIM-based NFC gains global support from 45 mobile carriers, all huddled around GSMA's standard

Bummer, no mention of Australia yet... :(
I hope these SIMs eventually enable us to add SWP/secure-element to our N9's.
The N9 needs that alongside it's NFC for secure transactions.
IIRC Nokia was associated with IRIS (mentioned in this article) at one point.

Yikes for Android!?
Then again....

Juniper is in the business of selling security products to businesses.
So while we have no reason to doubt the soundness of the firm's methodology, its results should be taken with a grain of salt.

jalyst 2011-11-20 18:36

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Looks like this old Amazon entry (official Amazon listing) has come live again
Didn't look closely but I don't think there's a 64GB listed... surprise, surprise...
Nor a white one for that matter..... :(

lolloo 2011-11-21 07:56

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1126478)
Looks like

Thanks jalyst, luv your informative links... please keep going.

jalyst 2011-11-24 12:37

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
The juggernaut is coming....

afaq 2011-11-24 13:13

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Jalyst did you get an N9 yet? just curious.

Also did anyone else see this LG phone that looks very similar to the N9's body?

jalyst 2011-11-24 20:33

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 1128395)
Jalyst did you get an N9 yet? just curious.

No :(
No White N9 in Australia.


Also did anyone else see this LG phone that looks very similar to the N9's body?
Wow, rip job....
Must be done by compal maybe?
Same folks that did Lumia for Nokia.

afaq 2011-11-27 18:05

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Saw the Lumia on display (in its glory) all over Westfield Stratford, London. They have so many posters, banners and Nokia representatives its unbelievable. Saw this display outside a 3 store and couldnt help but smile seeing that the battery was dead!

jalyst 2011-11-27 18:51

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 1129640)
Saw the Lumia on display (in its glory) all over Westfield Stratford, London.
They have so many posters, banners and Nokia representatives its unbelievable.
Saw this display outside a 3 store and couldnt help but smile seeing that the battery was dead!

LOL, oh the irony.... :D

afaq 2011-11-27 19:29

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Had a good chat with the clueless salesman too. Didn't reveal my n9 and asked
- does this have swype?
Salesman- what's swype?

- does the browser support flash??
Salesman- no but soon html5 will be here. Few years from now.

- specs?
Salesman- 16Gb only...

-what browser?
Salesman - internet explorer...

I Teased him a little more and walked away. Sad because n9 itself isn't a winner in some of those categories,.

jalyst 2011-11-27 20:24

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Sigh, very tempted.....
still getting the White N9 for sure, I'm going to have no money this xmas :)

afaq 2011-11-27 20:33

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Wait for the white. Droid Never appealed to me for some reason.

jalyst 2011-11-28 15:55

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Oh yeah I'll still get a N9 64GB for sure.
But I've got a tough choice on my hands for which marquee Android to get.
There's now about 4x on my short-list!
Next phone is WP or iOS, haven't decided yet, & is still about 6mth+ away.

afaq 2011-11-28 16:29

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
I'd wait a few months - Q1 will surely see heaps of ICS Androids coming and as the Nexus is in par with current releases of Android, I imagine Samsung will release their own ICS (i know Nexus is Samsung but its also google) - Galaxy S3?

Though id be tempted if they released a good HWKB device.

jalyst 2011-11-29 19:43

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Yeah it's a tough one, SGSIII was already on my extended short-list, keeps getting bigger :)
This Nexus wasn't anywhere near as aggressive from a hw perspective as the SGSII was when it's released in Jan.*
I'm guessing the same thing will happen for the SGSIII....

*might've been few mths later in 1st markets

sixracer 2011-11-30 06:46

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
I wish i could do custom names for all my Accounts. I have 12 to do calendar syncing, a few email accounts, chat, FB, and etc. It is getting confusing.

jalyst 2011-12-01 16:34

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by sixracer (Post 1130878)
I wish i could do custom names for all my Accounts. I have 12 to do calendar syncing, a few email accounts, chat, FB, and etc. It is getting confusing.

So do a feature-request via the bug-tracker
IIRC there is a way to do that...

Make sure you spell-out your request clearly, and make your argument compelling.
If you can convince enough people to vote, it may be included in PR1.2 or beyond.

And there's a thread dedicated to discussing the bug-tracker here:

jalyst 2011-12-03 16:55

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
L800 Vs N9.....
Not sure how he gets to his "tie" conclusion, but overall he's pretty neutral.

The overall winner is clear IMO, tis the N9+Maemo6x :)
900/901 + Tango may be a different story though.
Even if the N9 gets PR1.2 around the same time.

Certainly Nokia's true WP's out around Sept or Q4 + Apollo will surpass the N9.
The hw will be far too compelling, and the combo of MS "&" Nokia working on the OS.
Plus the fact that Nokia may have slowed resources toward Maemo (even more) since Q2.
Will mean there's no chance it can maintain an edge.

BigBadGuber! 2011-12-03 17:01

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
NOKIA already has a second rate team work on Harmattan....its only going to get worse

jalyst 2011-12-03 18:53

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
^ A team w/more limited resources at their disposal than would otherwise have been, yes.

GSM arena also agrees the N9 is better 'overall'

SamGan 2011-12-04 12:15

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1132720)
Certainly Nokia's true WP's out around Sept or Q4 + Apollo will surpass the N9.
The hw will be far too compelling, and the combo of MS "&" Nokia working on the OS.
Plus the fact that Nokia may have slowed resources toward Maemo (even more) since Q2.
Will mean there's no chance it can maintain an edge.

How do you know this? Can you look into the future?

WP7 phones are crippled by the OS. The only way Apollo can surpass the N9 is to forsake the opaque file system, get rid of Zune dependency, put in USB mass storage mode, add support for micro-SD card and allow bluetooth file transfer. It should also add true multitasking and get rid of the 5 (fake) multitasking apps limit. Don't forget to allow developers more access to the OS to create more meaningful apps. Come to think of it better add in wi-fi hotspot and internet tethering too which all self-respecting mobile OS already have.

Do you think Microsoft will do all these? They strike at the core of Microsoft's design philosophy - ape Apple, dumb down the system and maintain tight control over users with Zune. But if MS doesn't overturn their design philosophy WP7 will still be the crippled, fenced up, closed OS which keeps users at arms length like ios. And it will continue to be rejected by most users and command only a few percent market share. As for why Apple can and MS can't, don't ask. Just accept that some can and some can't. Buying an iphone is mostly an emotional decision for Apple fans.

Too many people have predicted WP7's success on the basis of two giants collaborating together. If size is important WP7 should be highly successful now instead of the miserly 1.5% global share it commands now. Isn't Microsoft big enough? Others say Lumia must succeed because of Nokia's massive promotion. Is that so? Analysts are scrambling to cut down Lumia projected sales this Q4 from 2,000,000 to 1,000,000 and now 500,000. Even the last figure is looking shaky.

jalyst 2011-12-04 18:33

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
I dunno, I'm sure many of those things you cite are on the road-map.
(IIRC WiFi tethering's already in Mango, it's just not there for older handsets, or thanks to carrier restrictions)
Plus the sheer hype alone is scary...
The masses don't care about the feature counts.
Unfortunately it's that lame term, "ecosystem".
Serve them up all the online goodies and then just make it all work.
They won't care (or even know) that they can't do a multitude of more obscure things.
That can come later (if needs be) by forking out more $ for apps/services.
I just hope we hear more about Meltemi + Qt5 + SwipeUX* soon.
The silence is deafening.....

*please dear god open it up more

afaq 2011-12-05 10:52

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Was in a phone store over the weekend and saw someone staring at the Lumia. I heard them ask their friend if they should buy the Nokia or go for the Galaxy S2. I couldnt help but interrupt and tell them to get the Galaxy.

I felt a little dirty afterwards but quickly recovered as I reminded myself i'm not Nokia's bit*ch. I just couldnt see a clueless customer jump on the Wp7 wagon especially after I heard a Nokia sales representative tell him the Lumia will meet all his 'needs'. E.g.

- 16Gb storage? dont worry. You can use SkyDrive and store all your data in the cloud.
- Flash? HTML5 is the future anyway. Few years away.

Pissed me off as I just cant believe Nokia/MS is using the cloud argument to sell devices with only 16GB storage. I asked about data caps and I was told to "take it up with your network provider". He went on to tell me that no one hits the 1GB data usage mark anyway. :mad:

afaq 2011-12-05 10:57

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Also had my first "Is that a Lumia phone!!!" from a stranger. I told them it was the N9 and that ended the conversation.

jalyst 2011-12-06 04:00

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Swipe-down to close, windows 8x

jalyst 2011-12-12 19:10

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Any general chit chat to be had?

scapegoat845 2011-12-12 19:13

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1136729)

How bout this... ?

jalyst 2011-12-12 19:21

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Yeah saw that, can't hurt anyone really, good for everyone IMO.

I'm taking-off very soon, & will be away for a mth+
Ah the festive season... ;-P

scapegoat845 2011-12-12 19:22

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1136737)
Yeah saw that, can't hurt anyone really, good for everyone IMO.

U order snow white yet !? ;)

tissot 2011-12-12 19:30

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
You got some nerves of steel jalyst. :)

My original idea was to wait for Cyan N9.... the day i could get some N9, no matter the color, i did. ;)

jalyst 2011-12-12 19:46

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat

Originally Posted by scapegoat845 (Post 1136738)
U order snow white yet !? ;)

Not available in Oz... :(
I'm going to contact Nokia Australia soon.
I'm not 100% sure I want that color...
I just want it here so I can compare it alongside the black 64GB.
I do prefer the white, but I may change my mind when I'm looking at both.

Niwakame 2011-12-12 20:24

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
I think white will accumulate dirt very quick.

afaq 2011-12-14 19:45

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Heard an Ad for the N9 here in Pakistan on a local station. It started with the famous nokia jingle and then the voice said in a quite heavy base "The new phone from Nokia: N9. Go to for more info".
I jumped out of my car seat as I thought the N9 was a non existent device but then I quickly realised i'm in Asia.

This was a few days after i saw giant posters for the N9 too.

myrjola 2011-12-14 21:16

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Nice description of the N9 User Interface (developer oriented):

Nokia N9 UX Guidelines

Maj3stic 2011-12-14 21:42

Re: N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Some interesting stuff

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