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jalyst 2011-12-28 03:13

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Troll(efion) (Post 1142185)

Lumia wannabe ;p

Actually it's massively the other way round, both hw-wise & sw-wise.

The 900 will probably surpass the N9 hw-wise "overall".
But Tango still won't be enough to surpass Maemo6x WRT built-in functionality/utility.
But thanks for the childish, & totally off-topic comment.

jalyst 2011-12-28 03:25

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by noetus (Post 1142352)
Not a bad guess! I'm glad it isn't though (no offence to our Russian friends) it's just that I grew up there - it's the west coast of the Highlands of Scotland, the Isle of Skye to be precise... the most beautiful mountains in the world (and I've seen a few).

They're not particularly high mountains, pretty tiny elevation (have friends/fam. there).
But they do have their own unique style/structure/beauty...

automagic68 2011-12-28 19:20

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Anyone know where I can get 854 x 854 pixel wallpaper? Or should I just make my own?

cincibluer6 2011-12-28 19:49

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I usually head to and grab something from there. The N9 will let you crop it however you want so just grab something that is big enough (ie, bigger than the res of the N9.)

Arpa 2012-01-04 12:16

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by uzernamezz (Post 1142204)
I don't know why the background isn't pure black. It's greenish-black on my N8 and N9.

Well it's not black. Not even on my desktop monitor.

kuzmichov 2012-01-04 16:25

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Here is my wallpaper

gabriel9 2012-01-05 09:21

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
@kuzmichov Any chance to share that one?

JonWW 2012-01-05 10:40

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by gabriel9 (Post 1146041)
@kuzmichov Any chance to share that one?

Watchmaker 2012-01-05 17:32

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I made these wallpapers from a desktop one I found... currently using #2 on my N9 :cool:

slashd0t 2012-01-05 20:01

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Watchmaker (Post 1146218)

As a HUGE watch guy you've made my day.. Thanks for sharing!

Watchmaker 2012-01-06 02:51

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by slashd0t (Post 1146293)
As a HUGE watch guy you've made my day.. Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome ;-)

I was thinking to made some more, I've just found a couple of suitable photos... now that I know somebody apart from me could be interested perhaps I'll put aside laziness and do them...

slashd0t 2012-01-06 05:52

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Watchmaker (Post 1146427)
You're welcome ;-)

I was thinking to made some more, I've just found a couple of suitable photos... now that I know somebody apart from me could be interested perhaps I'll put aside laziness and do them...

Make sure to share them :D

ejasmudar 2012-01-06 05:57

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I want some wallpapers which are completely black near the edges. With the N9's pure black display, this would make it look like the image is floating on the screen with no detectable borders.

Mike Fila 2012-01-06 06:25

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Here are a couple of places to find pics while they are typically for a landscape desktop there are still plenty that will work in portrait. On the right are links to even more specific collections.

edited the last link to add an s ..btw they are always being updated

Watchmaker 2012-01-06 06:43

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by slashd0t (Post 1146455)
Make sure to share them :D

I'll do, don't fear ;)

On a sidenote, how can I upload wallpapers on Ovi Store too? As a free download, of course... I don't know if I can upload these since I'm not the author of the original wallpaper, but I was curious about the Ovi upload process. I don't think it's completely open to anybody or we would be flooded with crap (I mean, MORE flooded with CRAPPIER stuff:p )

qorax 2012-01-06 07:11

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
On my Cyan N9

Seems to augment the overall experience of this 'super'smartphone...

Aranel 2012-01-10 17:53

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

MAX9 2012-01-10 18:23

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
my background picture

DarkSkies 2012-01-10 18:26

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Made both, look good enough. Katatonia has somewhat 3D look, while Death Proof is more classy.

Lomax 2012-01-10 18:28

Touched by His noodly appendage
4 Attachment(s)
FSM on the lock screen and my own interpretation of Chao on the standby screen...

Hail Eris!


Here is the original source for the FSM picture.

slashd0t 2012-01-10 23:09

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I change it up a lot, today I'm really digging this one :)

Watchmaker 2012-01-11 00:18

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I made some more clock-themed wallpapers, hope you'll enjoy them!

captainofiron 2012-01-13 19:30

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Here are some that I made today
(Im a space junky and work in the Aerospace industry)

The original files a larger resolution, so pm me if you want me to email them to you.

kiiwii 2012-01-14 08:23

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

ejasmudar 2012-01-14 09:33

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
when we select a new image for wallpaper, we can crop the image as required. Anybody know where this cropped image is stored? I'm thinking of dynamically changing this image so that we can have random wallpapers or random quotes on these wallpapers, etc.

impact 2012-01-14 09:44

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 1146457)
I want some wallpapers which are completely black near the edges. With the N9's pure black display, this would make it look like the image is floating on the screen with no detectable borders.

Like this? Just search for pics and crop them, it's simple and the results are great.

eerde 2012-01-14 18:32

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I took some of my fractals and made 480 x 854 wallpapers out of them. Use them if you like (them)... ;)

For the others I will just link to the dropbox file.

Aranel 2012-01-15 01:49

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

AndyNokia232 2012-01-15 02:55

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by eerde (Post 1150583)
I took some of my fractals and made 480 x 854 wallpapers out of them. Use them if you like (them)... ;)

These are SO cool! Thanks for sharing! :)

kiddn97583 2012-01-15 05:50

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
2 Attachment(s)
My wallpaper mods and background mods :D

How is it?

zaoltryence 2012-01-15 10:15

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by kiddn97583 (Post 1150750)
My wallpaper mods and background mods :D

How is it?

how did you change your homescreen background?

kiddn97583 2012-01-15 15:48

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
This file was created by "N9.大海" from here ""

Unzip it, go into "/usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/libmeegotouchhome/style"

Backup your original "libmeegotouchviews-modified-default.css"

Overwrite with file within the zip file.

Then go to this directory "/usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/images/backgrounds"

Place your designated background pic and name it after (must) "meegotouch-desktop-bg.png" (480x854)

Done, this changes all three swipe windows.

To undo it, just use the original css file
OR simply make "meegotouch-desktop-bg.png" a whole black background picture :D


Originally Posted by zaoltryence (Post 1150811)
how did you change your homescreen background?

Yeshua 2012-01-15 16:29

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
At first the same one that I have on my desktop:

And then, to preserve battery power, the same one that I have on my Nokia 5220:

cevenn 2012-01-15 21:06

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
searching for black and white::cool:

HanzBlix 2012-01-16 06:03

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Here's my wallpaper based on album art you can find easily

and my standby screen. (couldn't figure out how to screenshot standby screen).

based from (colours inverted and cleaned up in

Download original image link:
I had to adjust the standby screen to 45mm min / max size and make the image size 450pix w/l, the following thread shows you how to do this to make the image size so big on the screen.

zaoltryence 2012-01-16 10:41

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by kiddn97583 (Post 1150909)
This file was created by "N9.大海" from here ""

Unzip it, go into "/usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/libmeegotouchhome/style"

Backup your original "libmeegotouchviews-modified-default.css"

Overwrite with file within the zip file.

Then go to this directory "/usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/images/backgrounds"

Place your designated background pic and name it after (must) "meegotouch-desktop-bg.png" (480x854)

Done, this changes all three swipe windows.

To undo it, just use the original css file
OR simply make "meegotouch-desktop-bg.png" a whole black background picture :D

nice find ill do this when i got time i hope somebody make this into an app.

Mofity 2012-01-16 12:56

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
The wallpaper I have now.

baem90 2012-01-16 16:35

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

:p :p

rm42 2012-01-16 16:51

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I use this set:

Edit: Oops. Sorry, I didn't notice this was an N9 thread.

cevenn 2012-01-20 16:10

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

I find one which make me love swipe more and more everytime I use it:


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