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s4br0s0 2014-09-07 17:10

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Anyone knows how to fix the "Playback Error" (Network Error)?

Got this with all tracks, can download and listen in archive, but can't listen without download.

Sometimes got "Cannot Find Resource" too.


imaginaryenemy 2014-09-07 18:59

I think this is a problem only Marxian can fix, and he is being uncharacteristically silent.

rfa 2014-11-08 23:19

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
I'm getting a strange problem;

In "Dashboard" many of the songs are represented by "- - - - -" with an actual time and date.

Some of the songs appear as normal.


it appears that the "---" songs are those that have been reposted - not one that were uploaded by the artists.

Alexxxl 2014-11-18 19:19

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Will fix?
Development of closed?

kapu2 2014-11-24 00:40

marxian just pushed out updates for cuteTube and cuteRadio, hopefully a Musikloud update is also in the works. :)

lonk 2015-03-04 21:39

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1449025)
marxian just pushed out updates for cuteTube and cuteRadio, hopefully a Musikloud update is also in the works. :)

I hope too

kapu2 2015-06-15 06:10

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
giving this thread a bump...

I notice that Musikloud is working perfectly fine on my Symbian Nokia 808, although playback has not been functional on the N9 for quite some time now. Also, the Symbian client appears to be v1.5.4 whereas the Meego/Maemo versions are only 1.5.3? Does this make a difference? Would this update fix the playback issues, marxian?

ThomasAH 2015-06-17 13:24

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
I would also love to see this application working properly again :)

marxian 2015-06-18 17:13

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

I'm currently working on the new MusiKloud. I recently published a C++/Qt library for SoundCloud (see, so I'm writing the new client to use the library. The backend is complete, and is being tested using a desktop UI. I should be starting on the other versions very soon. :)

The new MusiKloud can be extended via plugins, so it will be able to support other services, like Mixcloud, or audio podcasts and such.

marxian 2015-06-30 00:28

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Version 0.0.1 of Musikloud2 for Maemo5 is in extras-devel. Version 0.0.2 will be imported soon, which has some better handling of non-seekable streams (such as internet radio). There are also some plugin available:
  • musikloud2-mixcloud - Mixcloud plugin.
  • musikloud2-podcasts - Audio podcast plugin.
  • musikloud2-internetradio - Internet radio plugin that uses the cuteRadio service.

Source code for the application and plugins is at GitHub.

Some screenshots:

TMavica 2015-06-30 04:16

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
I am still waiting Sailfish version of this...cutetube too

ThomasAH 2015-07-01 10:48

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1475187)

Version 0.0.1 of Musikloud2 for Maemo5 is in extras-devel.


Thanks a lot for this update marxian, works like a charm! It's nice (and for me personally essential) to have a functional, smooth Soundcloud client on my N900 :)

I too was wondering whether this app is making its way to Jolla... Do you have any plans on developing it? Same goes for your excellent cuteTube2 application; the Jolla could use both for sure!

kapu2 2015-07-01 21:31

Thanks for the update, marxian!! Looking forward to using Musikloud2 my N9 when the time comes :)

luke_dirtwalker 2015-07-01 22:43

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Played a bit around with the code, and I must say it is very nice. Thanks for all your work marxian!

So after few hours I achieved this:

More to come hopefully tomorrow :P

Hariainm 2015-07-01 22:58

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
This is amazing news! Kudos for the hard work

robthebold 2015-08-15 17:38

I see that Marxian has put MusiKloud2 v 0.0.4 for Harmattan on OpenRepos recently. Thanks, Marxian!

kibet85 2015-08-15 18:40

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
still hoping for musikloud on sailfishos...

luke_dirtwalker 2015-09-22 21:42

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Sailfish port is still ongoing, but I have very limited time so if anyone wants to help please ping me. The code I have so far is hosted here:

Some screenshots:

TMavica 2015-09-25 16:01

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
When will it available? I wait it for long time

jimmy neutron 2016-02-09 21:15

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Bump... I would still love to see this on my jolla.. Maybe some off are more advanced devs can do something with this.. ps Thanks Marxian for making this awesome app by the way...(available on N900 & N9)

Kind regards J.Neutron 2016-08-05 00:46

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
is still maintained for harmattan ?

proprog 2017-01-16 08:02

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
Am I the only one that has got two updates of musikloud2 for maemo in the recent weeks?

Unfortunately it still doesn't work for me but would be nice to hear if someone is trying to fix it.

Edit: It works. i just had to remove my account in musikloud2 and add it again.

TMavica 2018-04-16 10:30

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
seem author offline for a long time
anyone would like to port this to sailfish?

tortoisedoc 2018-04-16 11:38

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1543357)
seem author offline for a long time
anyone would like to port this to sailfish?

Would love to, but the problem is that Soundcloud does not distribute app keys anymore (their request form is offline) :(

TMavica 2018-04-16 11:45

Re: [Announce] MusiKloud - A SoundCloud client
i hate using the android one..the developer disappeared long time

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