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col37400 2012-01-17 03:00

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1151482)
That's like picking a car based on the stereo in it...

When I originally got my N900, it could offer a combination of things that few other phones could at that time.

Since then, smartphones have fully entered the mainstream, lots of stuff has developed massively (Android for example) and for me, many phones can now offer the things I want.

So, it's likely to come down to the one feature that a) is of significant interest to me and b) the quality of which varies substantially from phone to phone. And that is the camera.

Although, I do also like having a hardware keyboard and resistive/stylus optimised screen so these things could also come into play.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-01-17 04:32

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by msa (Post 1151319)
i got myself a nexus s a few days ago. its not expensive anymore and android 4.0 is available for it.

the nexus s is (by miles) inferior to the N900.

excelar8 2012-01-17 05:49

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I have a Galaxy Nexus and the only thing I miss from my N900 is the FM Transmitter

jurop88 2012-01-17 06:43

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151268)
... maybe get a battery off ebay (but who knows how long those last ..) ...

Don't worry too much and go by that road, but first remember to have a look at excellent dr_frost_dk's battery thread

jaeezzy 2012-01-17 06:51

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I've already got myself N9...

LordVan 2012-01-17 07:24

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1151454)
You need one of these!

ok just why did you link me the pink one? :p I see what you are getting at though ... although as I said the Galaxy note has pressure sensitivity .. I'm probably gonna poke at a friends Note at some point -- definitely before I buy one .. but first trying out some battery hacks I found on here or maybe buy another one .. -- one other issue is that sometimes I can'T take calls since the phone switches to the telephone app too slowly (that might've been solved with the speedpatch though still testing)

LordVan 2012-01-17 07:31

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by jurop88 (Post 1151662)
Don't worry too much and go by that road, but first remember to have a look at excellent dr_frost_dk's battery thread

Thanks I will check it out but probably later as it seems this is quite the lengthy procedure ;)

shuraizo 2012-01-17 07:47

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Most likely SGT 7.7
CMIIW, Battery technology seems to have a hard time keeping up with the phone processors, so the next logical option is to get a bigger device which will allow more room for battery..

Sure you will lose a bit of portability, but it's worth it IMO

I'm not sure how quad core phones will manage the battery life,
Wouldn't it be like N900 where power and battery consumption is not properly balanced?

Hacker 2012-01-17 08:17

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I'm allll about the N9. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it at first, but I've been hands-on with it for two weeks now and I'm very happy with it post n900. Best phone ever.

lvlonkey 2012-01-17 09:10

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Im kinda liking the specs on the samsung captivate glide. I wish it was possible to put maemo on it.

rich c 2012-01-17 09:47

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
One thing not mentioned yet that I'm missing. Notification light! Having to unlock the screen to check the notification bar is nowhere near as efficient.

msa 2012-01-17 16:45

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by HELLASISGREECE (Post 1151639)
the nexus s is (by miles) inferior to the N900.

absolutely wrong statement, as you can not directly compare these devices.

woody14619 2012-01-17 17:03

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151676)
Thanks I will check it out but probably later as it seems this is quite the lengthy procedure ;)

Actually, 95% of the thread is well-summarized in the first 3 or 4 posts. The OP posted a few blanks when he created the thread, and has used them to provide a great set of well broken up topic areas the thread has covered. (Smart OP!) One is just about batteries (where to buy, what to look for, and what to avoid), one is just about charging and external chargers, one is about hardware mods to use dual-battery, etc.

So, all you really need to read are the first 3 or 4 posts to know what's going on in the thread.

sixwheeledbeast 2012-01-18 00:01

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151675)
ok just why did you link me the pink one? :p
... but first trying out some battery hacks I found on here or maybe buy another one .. -- one other issue is that sometimes I can'T take calls since the phone switches to the telephone app too slowly (that might've been solved with the speedpatch though still testing)

There are a number of people that would recommend avoiding anything with the word patch.
Is has been know these cause more problems and are hard to remove completely.
It's sound like your N900 needs some TLC. Maybe a reflash.
Have a look at threads on here about slow phones/how to speed up you're phone, you will find a reason.

Example, my phone app is a little slow to respond sometimes.
I can put up with it. I know it's because I have 20-30 widgets on my very busy desktop, it also doesn't do my battery life any good either. When I clear the desktops all is smooth again and I can get another 4-6 hours of battery.

Mofity 2012-01-19 13:48

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I choose the N9, but still use N900 from time to time:)

thebtman 2012-01-19 22:36

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Well I have tried other devices.

In terms of apps and mod-a-bility Android is a winner. I bought an Acer Liquid Metal. Great device, overclocked to 1400mhz and its really rapid, faster than the N900 no doubt.

But something about the N900 keeps me using it as my main device.

The way it works, the hardware keyboard, the camera quality and the form factor seem to work for me.

I'm in that weird place where on paper there are many better devices than the N900, but my head/heart wont allow me to change!

I've now gone to the extent of looking at all the major apps I use on the Android device (eg ebay,, paypal), and creating shortcuts on the N900 desktop as if they are apps.

Reasons to keep: Records calls perfectly, massive storage - I love music, great to use, pretty fast, great web browser, brilliant cut/paste, great camera, brilliant mobile reception, excellent wifi signal, love modding!

Reasons to move on: Lack of main market apps, email is ****...really ****!, no real decent twitter app, faster devices out there.

Guess I'm keeping it then!:D

mornage 2012-01-19 23:04

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I have just ordered a Galaxy Nexus. it's the end of my contract anyway so am due upgrade.

I am going to keep my N900 with me at all times as there is nothing like it. There is plenty of wifi around (esp since Sky have just teamed up with cloud wifi) so I dont need a sim, although I may get a sim only/pay as you go just in case.

bills2north 2012-01-21 17:12

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
It wonīt samsung thatīs for sure. i just tried gps ala galax and i swear every single time i held it horizonally my left index finger hit the power button which then switched off the phone. STUPID design!!!

FlameReaper 2012-01-21 17:38

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Since N900 was my first smartphone I'm afraid it might have set my bars too high for a newer one... Not even a tablet PC can fulfill which I already satiated on this N900.

Capacitive screens that can accept pressure sensitivity features? Wonder when will that come. Galaxy Note? Hmm, I need more justification...

philh 2012-01-21 18:24

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
After owning the N900 for almost two years last Autumn I went for the N8 after I learned it will get Belle, the camera was a massive factor as well. I was thinking about going Android but I just couldn't, even when I found a phone I could see myself owning there always was the "but it hasn't got the N8 camera" cloud hanging above it. So as a day to day phone so far the N8 was brilliant, love the aluminum body, the way it looks, the camera of course, satnav is amazing (who needs sygic) etc and Belle will make it hundred times better.

I still have the N900 sim free and am unable to part with it, I can't imagine someone else getting it for some pathetic Ģ100 after being so brilliant for me since I bought it so I reflashed it, apart from overclocking it to 900mhz and installing cutetube and simple brightness left it stock and it is now serving as a great little tablet.

thebtman 2012-01-21 22:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by philh (Post 1153725)
After owning the N900 for almost two years last Autumn I went for the N8 after I learned it will get Belle, the camera was a massive factor as well. I was thinking about going Android but I just couldn't, even when I found a phone I could see myself owning there always was the "but it hasn't got the N8 camera" cloud hanging above it. So as a day to day phone so far the N8 was brilliant, love the aluminum body, the way it looks, the camera of course, satnav is amazing (who needs sygic) etc and Belle will make it hundred times better.

I still have the N900 sim free and am unable to part with it, I can't imagine someone else getting it for some pathetic Ģ100 after being so brilliant for me since I bought it so I reflashed it, apart from overclocking it to 900mhz and installing cutetube and simple brightness left it stock and it is now serving as a great little tablet.

For the amount of photo blogging I do I'd probably consider the N8 as well. Sounds like a good choice.

What is the quality like?...I've lived with the N900 and been pretty happy with the results...

bsd1101 2012-01-22 00:15

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
A buddy of mine told me about the n900 months before it went on sale. Saw its openness but didn't know what to think of it at first. I was on sprint with a blackberry; if I remember correctly. I was sick of Sprints horrible customer service and did not want to sign another contract. After having Windows phones and blackberries I jumped the gun and got myself this amazing piece of technology; switched to TMobile. I've had my N900 for over two years now and it's still going strong. The more I see this question the more worried I become about it. I can't see myself owning a non-open phone ever again. My friends have droids but it's just not the same. The only phone i'm currently considering is the N9. Not having a keyboard really kills me though. If and when my n900 dies I will seek out an N9 unless something "better" comes along. My friends said I was crazy when I bought this phone; thinking I would buy another one in no more than a year.

N900 - till death do us part.

eight 2012-01-22 00:37

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I'm really late, have the N900 for a month now and never expected such a great Debian-System behind it. Best Smartphone I ever had. :)

Got mine for 130€ in really great condition, with screen protector, used with silicon case, and 6 month waranty left.
Bought it just before Christmas, prices were really low and are higher now, was a good time to buy on the spur of the moment.

I <3 my N900, as a maemo newbie there's so much to explore and learn, time will bring another open (tizen?) device with keyboard. If not, I would bet i'm happy with my (third) N900 in two years and will have fun with it.


Originally Posted by xalted13 (Post 1153831)
I can't see myself owning a non-open phone ever again.
N900 - till death do us part.

Exactly also my experience with the N900. :D

ibrakalifa 2012-01-22 01:47

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
its not about n900, its all about maemo inside, stupid dummy nokia abandoned the best OS ever, i hate nokia!!

eight 2012-01-22 03:57

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
They bet on winmob as upper class and not one phone with android? How lame is this?

Roth 2012-01-22 05:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
After the N900, I would love to get a hold of an N950, but it seems a little farfetched. If anything, I'd probably hold on to my N900 and N810 until we see what Intel/Samsung will come up with Tizen handset. Galaxy SIII, perhaps?

// Roth

los_tannoury 2012-08-17 11:36

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
wish i can get n950 ,n900 till death

nodevel 2012-08-17 12:34

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Most likely another N900. A friend of mine is going to do the same thing.

independent 2012-08-17 20:23

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Another n900. For basic phones the X1-00 is very good and highly recommended. It seems to have a more efficient charging system off a 2mm plug even with a 5v (USB -> 2mm no upverter) output and also uses the BL-5J battery.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-08-17 20:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I cannot decide

Another N900?
or my N9?
or an E7?
Xperia P is also cool but.. has Android.. meh

mrk88 2012-08-17 20:43

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
N9 and a Jolla phone :D

ed00 2012-08-17 23:00

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
N900 + N950 = Masterpiese Nē

sifo 2012-08-17 23:14

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Another N900 and if it is dead too i will get a third one............ never will touch meego unless there is no N900's in the whole world :p
deal with it :D

also Android is the last thing will come to my mind.


gazii_b 2012-08-18 00:04

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I got the HTC One X because my N900 its bricked.
Hello we are in 2012 and there is no multitasking that's worth talking about like N900. I'm a little bit dissapointed!!! :(

Sorry for you'r time!

panjgoori 2012-08-18 00:13

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
im actually planning to come back to N900 after using android for 2 months. believe me Android is nothing compared to Maemo.

nokix 2012-08-18 02:12

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by los_tannoury (Post 1252914)
wish i can get n950 ,n900 till death

My thought exactly!

Sadly, my N900 just died, got dropped from a considerable height. I've got my wife a N9 already so I've got a SGS3 for myself. Its quad core and screen are amazing, but I still miss maemo. No one does an integrated contact list (with IM plugins) and multi-tasking better than maemo does. It's my first Android phone, and it doesn't seem to multi-task truly. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

ajack 2012-08-18 04:21

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
When my N900 dies, it'll be another N900 followed by my last N900... I have two spares, just in case.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-18 05:32

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
N900. N900 then N9, :)

macey 2012-08-21 15:21

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Just bought another N900. Has USB problem but that's not an issue for me.
Long live N900.

MamoriNoTenshi 2012-08-21 17:59

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
It's funny how the N900 price is still at 600 bucks. N900 = beast. I'm using a razr but is nothing compared to the n900.... Maemo all the way!!!!!!! Hopefuly someone will make a new version of N900 with some kind of Maemo 6.

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