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marxian 2012-02-14 15:34

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by verrnum (Post 1164946)

I found a buyer for my N900.

I think i will buy N9 64 GB.

What do you think between 16Gb and 64 Gb ?

16 GB is only for data, or apps + data ?

MyDocs is ~9GB. I would go for the 64GB model if you want to store music/video content.

cr0c0 2012-02-14 18:02

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
The main reason I sold my N900 and switched to the N9 were the 3G bands. The N900 is incompatible with most Canadian carriers, while the N9 is compatible with all of them.

While I liked the N900 more, I was always stuck with very low internet speeds.

Dave999 2012-02-14 18:36

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
did op buy a N9 or what?

Cmitono 2012-02-19 22:38

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
If you're looking for a smartphone that you need to restart almost everyday due to issues with the 3g, then this is your machine!

If you use gmail, then it's your machine again! Because all the other accounts that I've tried DO NOT work...


nokix 2012-02-20 02:37

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1165063)
did op buy a N9 or what?

i wasn't the OP but i did have a post in this thread considering buying one, and ended up getting a magenta 16GB over the weekend. i didn't have time to go to my operator to change to a micro sim yet so it hasn't really been used. all i've done was charging the battery, updating the firmware via NSU (will try to find ways to flash it on non-debian linux), and importing contacts from a Nokia 2700 via bluetooth.

all in all it was love at first sight. i just couldn't keep my eyes and hands off that sexy body :D now i'm looking forward to getting to know her better (using it), to look for her inner beauty (enabling dev mode), and to see if i could live with, or try to amend (tweaks and future updates), her flaws (bugs and shortcomings).

i'm already pondering getting a 64GB (black or white) for myself, but it is too hard to part with the N900. i'll wait and see how the 16GB N9 fares.

jleholeho 2012-02-20 14:01

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by nokix (Post 1167165)
i wasn't the OP but i did have a post in this thread considering buying one, and ended up getting a magenta 16GB over the weekend. i didn't have time to go to my operator to change to a micro sim yet so it hasn't really been used. all i've done was charging the battery, updating the firmware via NSU (will try to find ways to flash it on non-debian linux), and importing contacts from a Nokia 2700 via bluetooth.

all in all it was love at first sight. i just couldn't keep my eyes and hands off that sexy body :D now i'm looking forward to getting to know her better (using it), to look for her inner beauty (enabling dev mode), and to see if i could live with, or try to amend (tweaks and future updates), her flaws (bugs and shortcomings).

i'm already pondering getting a 64GB (black or white) for myself, but it is too hard to part with the N900. i'll wait and see how the 16GB N9 fares.

You can be sure you get completely used to your N9 in a week, so you wonīt ever even think about using another phone:)
The N9 is a masterpiece of a user-friendly phone, just wait for PR1.2 (hopefully in a week or two) and itīll get even better...
If it had a few more really decent apps, itīd be non-comparable to anything out there so far...
though I can imagine some 2Ghz dual-core CPU with 12mpx camera with much larger optics:)

verrnum 2012-02-20 20:02

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
Hi ,

Thanks all for your feedback.

I sold today my N900, it was a great phone, but screen too much smaller, internet browsing not possible (missing multi point).

I plan to order tomorrow the N9 64 GB Black... i know there are pro/cons versus the Samsung SG2.

Question : where is the official meego community website ?

Thanks all

pycage 2012-02-20 20:19

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by Cmitono (Post 1167097)
If you're looking for a smartphone that you need to restart almost everyday due to issues with the 3g, then this is your machine!

If you use gmail, then it's your machine again! Because all the other accounts that I've tried DO NOT work...


I don't share any of your problems. You might have got a defective unit, or your operator's network might be of bad quality.

Cmitono 2012-02-20 21:42

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1167512)
I don't share any of your problems. You might have got a defective unit, or your operator's network might be of bad quality.

Unfortunately I'm not the only one having issues with 3g network simply disappearing from the menu:

jalyst 2012-02-20 22:09

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by verrnum (Post 1167503)
Question : where is the official meego community website ?

The latter is more vibrant, & much higher volume...
It's still handy visit FMC occasionally if you can spare the time.
But TMO is really the official non-official forum nowadays.

The name MeeGo has no real meaning to the community any more.
The N9 basically runs Maemo 6x anyway (Harmattan).
Nokia wasn't even close to transitioning to real MeeGo before the strategy was canned last Feb.

strongm 2012-02-20 22:59

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by Cmitono (Post 1167097)
If you're looking for a smartphone that you need to restart almost everyday due to issues with the 3g, then this is your machine!

If you use gmail, then it's your machine again! Because all the other accounts that I've tried DO NOT work...


And now for a slightly differing experience.

I've had my N9 since November and I have only had to reboot it once, and that was not because of 3G

And it works fine with hotmail, my btinternet mail account and with Exchange

aRTee 2012-02-21 21:36

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by Cmitono (Post 1167097)
If you're looking for a smartphone that you need to restart almost everyday due to issues with the 3g, then this is your machine!

If you use gmail, then it's your machine again! Because all the other accounts that I've tried DO NOT work...


Some people have the connection problem - I did, but haven't had it in two weeks or more. Don't know why. BTW I refer to the wifi, but the same fix works for 3G, so I think your N9 suffers the same bug.
I don't know what triggers it, but it's not a problem for all people, just some. You got unlucky. I would still like to know if my fix works for you, btw.


Originally Posted by nokix
i wasn't the OP but i did have a post in this thread considering buying one, and ended up getting a magenta 16GB over the weekend. i didn't have time to go to my operator to change to a micro sim yet so it hasn't really been used.

I have cut up 3 SIM cards (instructions from google) to microsim, all work fine, and all work ok in a self made converted back to miniSIM (= standard/regular SIM) format. (Full size SIM is credit card, the card one usually has to break the SIM out of before sticking it in a phone.)

Cmitono 2012-02-23 12:48

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1168019)
Some people have the connection problem - I did, but haven't had it in two weeks or more. Don't know why. BTW I refer to the wifi, but the same fix works for 3G, so I think your N9 suffers the same bug.
I don't know what triggers it, but it's not a problem for all people, just some. You got unlucky. I would still like to know if my fix works for you, btw.

I have cut up 3 SIM cards (instructions from google) to microsim, all work fine, and all work ok in a self made converted back to miniSIM (= standard/regular SIM) format. (Full size SIM is credit card, the card one usually has to break the SIM out of before sticking it in a phone.)


Thanks for your help!!!!!!

Actually I didn't need to try your fix. I simply changed the settings to "connected on background" and to my surprise it's okay!!!!!

Still, I'll activate Developer's mode and I'll be more than pleased to post any possible errors I might have!


ranbaxy 2012-07-16 18:01

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
N9 web browser still doesn't have flash?

AMD 2012-07-16 18:04

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
Well, I think you should wait until we see if they are going to release a final and successful version of NITDroid then you should buy it, I l♥ve my N9 but there is a slow death in MeeGo Harmattan right now because Nokia left it at its own and now Jolla MIGHT support Nokia N9 so right now it is in dying stage..

geneven 2012-07-16 18:46

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by ranbaxy (Post 1238334)
N9 web browser still doesn't have flash?

You have to use Firefox to use flash. There is a version for the N9. Since adobe is abandoning flash, I don't think it has a lot of pull now.

ladoga 2012-07-17 16:14

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1238338)
Well, I think you should wait until we see if they are going to release a final and successful version of NITDroid then you should buy it, I l♥ve my N9 but there is a slow death in MeeGo Harmattan right now because Nokia left it at its own and now Jolla MIGHT support Nokia N9 so right now it is in dying stage..

I don't agree.

In my experience the N9 is getting better and better regardless of what Nokia does. It will not die as long as there's a community.

Lumiaman 2012-07-17 17:04

Re: Should i buy a N9 ?
I would buy N9 if you need a simple phone to carry around and rely on skype, gtalk IM connectivity. It's not as fluid as WP7 phone an does bizarre things from time to time

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