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Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
How about packages with over 15 karma to be automatically promoted, I can see many packages in testing with good karma probably forgotten by their maintainer
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
That is one of the points that has been raised to the administrators as part of the changes in promotion and testing, but up to now we haven't received any answer.
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Right now this initiative is not progressing well.
So far, not a single change has been done to the promotion process so we still need manual promotion from the maintainer. I'm sharing the spreadsheet I'm using to keep track of applications ready for promotion, the status and whose developers I've contacted with. Only a few applications have been manually promoted by their developers, while most of them haven't answer to me. As previously agreed, all applications with enough votes and free of suspicious issues that are unmaintained will be auto-promoted. However we will need someone to do the promotion and, as you already know, our maintenance muscle is right now almost non existent. In order to start the migration to self sustained infrastructure process, the Council contacted with X-Fade a few weeks ago, trying to obtain some administrative rights over current infrastructure. This way we would be able to improve our current maintenance status and start gathering a working group for administration tasks. He agreed to grant the administrative rights to the repository web interface to merlin1991, as a first step in the handover process. Now we are just waiting him to actually give merlin1991 that permission so he could start doing some maintenance tasks on Fremantle repositories. Once we have at least one administrator we could start tasks like this one for promotion of packages. |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Next to many stuck packages in extras-testing, there are also very good application stuck in devel. Never uploaded to testing eg backupmenu 1.20-1 or the newest version of cooktimer, the game brainparty & many more.
If you are interested, I would like to make a list of extras-quality-apps stuck in devel. If you know what I mean... |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
cooktimer has a very active maintainter and so does backupmeu AFAIK. Also extkbd as a small update that could be promoted to testing. Stable packages without "active" maintainters in devel are more of a problem, as they are stuck there indefinately. A list of "seemingly stable" devel packages would be useful. CallerxGUI being one that springs to mind. I have tried asking in the Announce Threads of "seemingly stable" devel packages to see if the maintainter will push up to testing, not had a reply. |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Yes, some have an active maintainer but some don't. It was just an example which came to my mind as first. For the examples of cooktimer and backupmenu, we can easily ask why the maintainer hasn't uploaded it to extras-testing. For some not, for example many of D-ivill themes are stuck in extras-devel while we all know he left the scene and there's nothing wrong with these themes either ;)
Before I start doing this, I want to have a chat with someone how to do this transparently as I can't crunch through all devel-packages alone, there thousands of them. Of course I will try to "test" as much packages as possible but I can't "test" them all alone. I would like to have list of all packages including version number in extras-devel. From that list we mark packages as ready for testing. (If it's ready for testing some kind of super-tester should promote it to testing from there the voting system should do it's job again to get it into extras. ) Maybe a wiki page would be good for this purpose. Everyone with an account can access and add info to it if needed. After we completed the list we could contact all maintainers asking why they didn't promote their package. If they don't answer within 2 months or don't promote we do it ourselves? |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
You are a hero :) I will start filling in all apps that are in devel with decent quality, we will later sort out if the maintainer is active/inactive
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
DARP wiki is filling up nicely, thanks to Mr Pingu and I :D
Amazingly there's >40 useful and potentially bug-free applications here already. When does "Phase 2" start... Quote:
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Adding links to the package pages for ease of use, links to useful TMO posts and new columns for dates with links. This makes the table a lot more useful. |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Outstanding work, thanks.
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
actually i have tested most and almost all of the apps, and i voted too :)
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
Expect more from when I have a day off, and don't need my N900 ;) Testing from extras-devel only goes when I have time to make a backupmenu, *install* a bunch of apps, *test* and then at the end of the day I restore from backupmenu. I only have one N900 and it's my primary device so this explains the slow progress of the rest of the list. Don't worry, I know there are still many more apps in devel that may have decent quality ;)
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=85793&page=4 |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
But isn't that device gone to zeq?
If you have a spare N900 or one gathering dust, I would happily borrow it. Can't afford to buy as I am a poor student and just paid my collegemoney + vacation so don't have much money left these months (or too much month left :p ) =/ |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
My N900 is available for free. I'll check shipping to the Netherlands.
Not sure if I am allowed to shop the battery. Shame as it is a new japod. |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
How I find list of packages I have uploaded to the extras-devel, but not promoted to the extras-testing?
In general: Is there way to search packages on extras-devel by uploader/author? |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
1 Attachment(s)
I do not think there is an easy way to get the info you want. But maybe someone else knows better than me (most probable ;)). Meanwhile I tried some apt-cache, awk, grep, cut, ... and attached is what I got for you. Hopefully you can extract the info you need comfortable enough. Ah, yes. After writing the few lines I see how many you have uploaded :) |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
(And now this goes even more stupid...) Have about packages where Maintainer-field is wrong (unmodified package from debian). E.g python-serial, web interface shows I'm the maintainer (=uploader) http://maemo.org/packages/view/python-serial/ and apt-cache doesn't show. These might be mainly libraries and they are pulled to extras-testing anyway if they are used at all. |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
http://maemo.org/packages/repository...el_free_armel/ http://maemo.org/packages/repository...on-free_armel/ |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
but now I really do not have an idea how to find out. If those lists, hschmitt posted, would enclose the maintaner/uploader then it might be possible (adding wget into the game). |
Re: Supertesters - Make, accept, nominations
But this gave me an idea. Code:
#List of every package in extras-devel: And then wgetting every page: Code:
for n in `cat package_names.txt` 6 hours and 276MB later... -> 335 packages found. [/Edit] |
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