![]() |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
/opt/bin/heliumreborn |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Install qt-components-10-com.meego-compat to solve this issue. ;)
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Thanks for the work, mauron85. The last time I checked on Helium, I don't really feel good looking at it. The Meego's UI for it looked way better. Though, I wonder if it's still in development on N9's side or stalled already like the N900's?
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Guys, if you have any problems with running Helium, please check your installed packages with mine and report any difference.
dpkg -l libqt4-* libqtm-* qtquickcompat qt-components* |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Black screen overhere but I lack time to figure out the differences... :( Paste of results: http://pastebin.com/i0E0zFfY |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
qt-components-10 and qt-components-base-theme should be installed.
Sometimes i need to hit twice to scroll, but so far no crashes. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
indeed, it works after
apt-get install qt-components-10 A frighteningly limited set of options (clear history, and that is it) I hope this is intentionally to create a representative testing scope for all users and they will add sophisticated options later. I don't like this tendency to iDumb down all mobile software. Nice to read that a Symbian version is high on the agenda. :p |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Is there any way I can change the user agent for Helium Mobile browser ?
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Here some more Sunspider JS Benchmarks
Nightly 12.0a1 - Total 7041.9 ms +/- 3.0% Helium - Total 11663.2 ms +/- 2.5% MicroB - Total 31938.9 ms +/- 2.9% |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I have too only black screen? i have installed all qt-components you have mentioned. Whats wrong?
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Nokia-N900:~# /opt/bin/heliumreborn
Preloading theme "base" from cache qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/main.qml:69:5: Type MainPage unavailable qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/MainPage.qml:26:5: Type FlickableWebView unavailable qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/FlickableWebView.qml:71:4: PinchArea is not a type |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Preloading theme "base" from cache qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/main.qml:69:5: Type MainPage unavailable qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/MainPage.qml:26:5: Type FlickableWebView unavailable qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/FlickableWebView.qml:71:4: PinchArea is not a type |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I know this error. You have old QtQuick 1.0 instead of QtQuick 1.1. You have to install latest Qt 4.7.4.
I recommend you to install stable version of CSSU (which includes also Qt 4.7.4). http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
i dont know if this is only me but truly speaking ,i didnt notice much difference between the current one and previous one.It definitely loads google page faster and probably another page such as maemo.org but other than that it doesnt go beyond.It does not even search or respond to any further commands.Hopefully mauron you can get a hand on it to make it fully usable cuz it is frickin' good.best of luck .
Edit : between is there any flash support too ? ok got it , it does support flash,but still need to be seen.Has problem while browsing. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
i too m getting a blank screen, this is my output for that
/opt/bin Nokia-N900:~# /opt/bin/heliumreborn qrc:/qmls/qml/HeliumReborn/main.qml:2:1: module "com.nokia.meego" is not installed what do i do????? |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Helium browser , opera 12, fennec latest version or digia web and WHY??
flash nokia real for n900 yes and with hex editor emulated v12 but and with cpu 1150 and dsp 600mhz some 360p videos well and others bad , with lag. Sound ok and video slow 480p Nothing horrible playing, very very very slow Why more navigators?, If with microb is the more faster and stable but flash videos very lag. N900 default with flash 9 240p videos ok and other resolutions very bad, n900 modified 1150mhz 600dsp , flash 10 and libraries and codecs for 720p and more browsers 240ok others resolutions very bad where is the change?, Nothing changed in flash videos in four years First to resolve it. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Because no one cares for shitty flash, and all complains about it - especially in unrelated threads - are redirected to /dev/null (and copy to Adobe)?
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Use standalone app like cuteTube-QML - it's great and the playback is smooth.
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Estel , flash is very important, and is important for all people with n900, html5 for iphone thanks, but for others mobiles/tablets flash is neccesary (movies online, facebook games , minigames online etc..)
for example in www.shurweb.es (movies web page) the movie flash gordon is playable in 360p sound-video synchronized totalizator yes cutetube qml is the best |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Dude, seriously, use some grammar and punctuation, it'll help. Terrible language wid no verbs and tipos more bad than trolling! |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
It's ok if someone's English is bad. The community shouldn't be exclusive because of language issues. But this post really made me wince, I think it's just a normal part of netiquette. My point is, please make an effort to make full sentences or at least be understandable. Thank you samipower for making your last post more readable. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
I might implement the user agent change and fix the UI problems with cut off stuff if someone wants to donate
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
So, how are the updates to Helium coming over at Nemo?
Anyone maybe care to check what's new and maybe push a new version of Helium to Fremantle repos (which are, I hear back up now)? Edit: I tried inquiring in #nemomobile IRC channel about Helium, but no one was around who knew. I don't know if this is the authoritative page on the subject, but it doesn't look so promising for now. On the other hand, new Nemo snapshots keep rolling in regularly, and I would be surprised if in the past 5 months none of their work had gone into the browser... |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
The maintainer of Nemo package for Helium says a new release for fremantle would make sense. Any takers? Marmistrz, maybe you could clarify if the work by rburchell listed on their github is included in the current fremantle build? Thanks, Ben |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
you should ask the one who pushed it to devel. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
So mauron85, that question goes out to you, then. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
it stucks while playing youtube videos
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
But trust nobody and compare them yourself. Grab tarball from here: http://maemo.org/packages/source/vie...browser/2.0-1/ |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
https://github.com/nemomobile/heliumreborn You used this package: https://github.com/veskuh/HeliumReborn ? I don't know if it's the same as packages listed on the latter site. Please forgive me for not comparing the source myself as you suggest. I don't know how to go about reading code and it'd just be useless to try :( |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
My bad. I though you're programmer. I've also compared rburchell repo.
This is how it can be done: Code:
$ git clone https://github.com/nemomobile/heliumreborn It means the rburchell Nemo repo is pretty much same code as we have for Maemo5. |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
It seems that not a lot of work has been done on Helium for half a year or so - apparently it's not much of a priority to Nemo developers.
...switching my attention back to the current tinkering in progress @Fennec, 2 promising new builds are coming up :) Will keep an eye on Helium though, who knows if maybe the Nemo devs will present new builds as soon as tomorrow! |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
To me, most mobile sites suck in any browser! :p |
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
It's good browser, but why sometimes it's not responding at once for scrolling? Is there any chance to implement tab switcher?
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Re: [Announce] - Helium Mobile Browser for N900
Any recent builds for helium ?
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