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optimaxxx 2012-09-18 18:23

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
No, -r is hard-reset, it is the one everybody knows messes all your stuff up.

-e is a soft-reset.

It supposedly "restores databases" prior to killing everything, well it turns out, it does not restore messages, or contacts.

thedead1440 2012-09-19 04:59

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 1268639)
No, -r is hard-reset, it is the one everybody knows messes all your stuff up.

-e is a soft-reset.

It supposedly "restores databases" prior to killing everything, well it turns out, it does not restore messages, or contacts.


When did say to to do tracker-control -e? :confused:

Whenever I inform somebody to do a command I give out its consequences so how you got what you've gotten is beyond me :rolleyes:

This is a thread from sometime ago...For you to come here and post warning someone of something that has happened quite long ago is a bit vain...I don't see your point...

Maybe you could enlighten me why you were dragging me in...OR maybe you are not referring to me but somebody else then just mention that person by name instead of leaving it to interpretation...

GringoT 2012-09-27 04:52

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Thanks for your post. Finally my pictures and music shows up on my N9. Finally!

On my end, I got the impression that the issue came from the music that was pre-installed as part of the MMC. I had many many errors, but as you stated most of them looked ok.
When I removed (read deleted) one of the songs that was included in the MMC (not mine originally), all of a sudden everything was fine. Interestingly (but maybe unrelated), last time I flashed the phone with PR1.3, I used an MMC that did not include any music and I had no tracker problems. At the time I thought that might be because I used nokia link "better" (whatever that means), but now I wonder...

Anyway, thank you!

mpy 2012-10-22 13:15

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
I documented the procedure I used to hard-reset the tracker (I had some issues with RSS feeds) without loosing too much data. Here's the post, translated by Big Brother (original language is German).
However it's far from being perfect, but maybe somebody can benefit from the list.

thedead1440 2012-10-22 16:09

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by mpy (Post 1283907)
I documented the procedure I used to hard-reset the tracker (I had same issues with RSS feeds) without loosing too much data. Here's the post, translated by Big Brother (original language is German).
However it's far from being perfect, but maybe somebody can benefit from the list.

That is what someone should do as a last resort as its simply resetting tracker...The first line of defence is to check user-dirs.dirs for corruption. Next, check tracker logs to see if any idv3 tags or album arts are causing an issue or something else is making it stuck...If all else fails only then contemplate doing a tracker reset...

P.S. For the messages backup, N9QTweak implements a better method than Nokia/PC Suite...Try it, trust me ;)

mpy 2012-10-22 16:47

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1283990)
That is what someone should do as a last resort as its simply resetting tracker...

Sure, you are right. My post wasn't intended as a general advice. But resetting was helpful for me, only after the whole procedure I noticed that the birthdays were doubled and I thought ,,Oh no -- the same procedure again...''. That's why I wanted to save others from doing the same fault(s) as I did.


Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1283990)
P.S. For the messages backup, N9QTweak implements a better method than Nokia/PC Suite...Try it, trust me ;)

Thanks for the hint (I'll add it also to my Blogpost). And due to that I also discovered the N9 Button Monitor -- sounds very promising.

larksyrm 2012-10-27 16:39

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

i had some tracker issues where new images etc would not be shown, so i tried resetting. Still after a reset and contacts restore (Restored to my GMail account and resynced) no images are shown except for those that is captured via the camera.

/home/user/.cache # tracker-control -S
27 Oct 2012, 18:35:38: ✓ Store - Idle

27 Oct 2012, 18:35:38: ✓ Applications - Idle
27 Oct 2012, 18:35:38: ✓ Userguides - Idle
27 Oct 2012, 18:35:38: ✓ File System - Idle

Snapping a picture OR copying a file shows process, only the image from the camera shows up in the gallery;

/home/user/.cache # tracker-control -F
27 Oct 2012, 18:36:09: ✓ Store - Idle

27 Oct 2012, 18:36:09: ✓ Applications - Idle
27 Oct 2012, 18:36:09: ✓ Userguides - Idle
27 Oct 2012, 18:36:09: ✓ File System - Idle
Press Ctrl+C to end follow of Tracker state
27 Oct 2012, 18:36:28: ✓ File System - Processing…
27 Oct 2012, 18:36:28: ✓ File System - Idle

Permissions for /home/user/.cache/tracker/
d---rwx--- 2 metadata metadata 4.0K Oct 27 17:24 tracker

Any ideas, i would really love to be able to see images again ;-)

Best Regards,

thedead1440 2012-10-27 16:43

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
could you paste the output of:


ls /home/user/

larksyrm 2012-10-27 17:56

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
I found my users-dir.dirs was all f*cked up. Now tracker is processing filesystem and some files are showing. Waiting...waiting...

Waynder 2012-10-29 09:58

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
i still didnt resolve mine -.-

tried reinstalling via nokia suite but didnt help.... will trz now flashing via phoneix...

why does this even happen?
had simular problems on n900...

Waynder 2012-10-29 10:34

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)
just used CLEAR DEVICE option... that done the trick =/ incepting and overclocking back again -.-

MutoSan 2012-12-17 07:55

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by Manatus (Post 1247763)
It looks like some files or filenames can bomb tracker's file system miner.

Run as user:

tracker-control -S
(note capital S)

This shows the status of miners. If it says that the file system miner is disabled by the plugin you have a faulty condition.

You can then check:

tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog

This would show last error messages, and it shows actual files that could not be indexed anymore.

Remove the album that has the problem. I don't know if the reason is too long path, some characters in the names or the actual content of the mp3's but it came down to a individual album I had to remove.

After this you can reboot the phone (if unplugging the phone or starting the music application does not start the miners) or try starting the miners by hand typing

tracker-control -s
(Note minor s)


tracker-control -F

shows the current status of the tracker miners. File system miner should go all the way to 99% or 100% and change to 'idle' when the indexing is over (it should not take very long to index some 5 gigs of music).

Edit: Do not blindly trust what /var/log/syslog says; When tracker meets broken files, at some point it dies completely and the rest of the innocent files will get rejected too with errors.

After testing I found out that my tracker problem was caused by several broken MP3s, however the first file mentioned in the log was not at fault.
I had to go through them one by one, and while some of the files listed were clearly broken, there was one MP3 that had visibly nothing wrong with it and it played without problems on computer. No copying or renaming it helped to get it recognised in N9. When trying to add that to MyDocs/Music, sometimes it just got ignored by music player with error message in syslog, and sometimes it killed the mining process.

Example of the error message in the /var/log/syslog:
Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-miner-fs[4010]: GLIB WARNING ** Tracker - Got extraction DBus error on 'file:///home/user/MyDocs/Music/Chris%20Isaak/Beyond%20The%20Sun/My%20Baby%20Don't%20Love%20Me%20No%20More.mp3': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB MESSAGE Tracker - Setting up monitor for changes to config file:'/home/user/.config/tracker/tracker-extract.cfg'

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB MESSAGE Tracker - Loading defaults into GKeyFile...

Aug 5 17:43:14 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB CRITICAL ** Tracker - tracker_file_get_size: assertion `path != NULL'failed

Aug 5 17:43:15 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB WARNING ** default - Can't set invalid URI '( ' on tagreadbin element discoverer-tag

Aug 5 17:43:15 (2012) tracker-extract[4111]: GLIB WARNING ** Tracker - Call to gupnp_dlna_discoverer_discover_uri_sync() failed: No URI specified to play from.

~ $

This helped me allot. After I found, that my Radiohead music was corrupt I deleted it and restarted everything as you wrote here. Thank you so much.

draxen 2013-04-02 22:11

Re: Tracker problems (PR1.3)

Originally Posted by Manatus (Post 1247763)
It looks like some files or filenames can bomb tracker's file system miner.

You can then check:

tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog

That little tip sorted me out, thanks very much for that.

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