![]() |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
thnks man |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
<widget [some other attributes] viewmodes="fullscreen">... Also, I was a bit busy today making a few fixes for Symbian widgets. Hydra version 1.3.4 should be out in a few days and will be able to install your widget in it's original form, with proper icon used in the launcher and all :) Here is the full changelog: * Fixed info.plist being looked for case-sensitively for Symbian widgets * Fixed icon.png being looked for case-sensitively for Symbian widgets * Fixed blocked scrolling for widgets with configuration defined viewport * Improved strings contained by widget.wrt API * Added D-Bus signal for installation result listening * Added D-Bus method for uninstalling a widget |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I love with calculator widget from opera, it is great calculator ever for N9. Any one know more widget pls share.tks
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Hello everyone! If you enjoyed using Hydra widget platform, there is now a way to support the continuous development work. Earlier today, a professional version of the software was made available in Nokia Store (http://store.ovi.com/content/345697). New improvements included in the PRO version will be made available to the free version after a few weeks, with the exception of data encryption support.
Here are the changes in 1.3.5: * Automatic encryption of widget files and stored data (PRO version only) * Implemented cookie support to WAC webview component * Modified update checking to only happen if network is available * Added Google Drive widget * Separated shortcut widgets to their own category * Fixed manager application sometimes not picking the best size icon * Fixed locked horizontal scrolling * Fixed virtual keyboard getting stuck when input event causes new URL to load |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Wanted to give you some good news. I have successfully implemented experimental support for Firefox OS web apps, allowing you to install and run most of the apps available at https://marketplace.firefox.com/. Coming out in a few weeks with a new version of Hydra WRT (PRO version first, naturally), stay tuned.
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Whers n900??
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I just wrote a brief tutorial on installing Firefox web apps with Hydra. Check it out at http://sviox.blogspot.fi/2013/03/mozilla-web-apps.html. The support will be officially launched very soon.
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Thanks for this good Widget platform. Can You tell me how can I check the version of Hydra? Thank's Milko |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Thanks for your work. I already have the paid version of your app, waiting for new updates. Just a question: Did you tried Soundcloud app for FirefoxOS? Does it work? I'm a heavy user of this web, wonder if it works. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Just to check if the issue with opening office >2007 files is fixed. Thanks! |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Firefox Marketplace shortcut widget will be available starting with 1.3.7 release, correct? I couldn't find it in my current 1.3.6 |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Firefox Marketplace will be available on version 1.3.7, which I will publish as soon as I find the time to test it a bit more (features are all done for the initial release). Pro version users will naturally get this first (regular version users are actually still using 1.3.5 since 1.3.6 had mostly fixes aimed for pro version).
Think I should add a version number into the manager app in future versions, but for now you can check the version with these steps: 1) Open device 'Settings' 2) Then go to 'Applications' 3) Then open 'Manage applications' (first item in the list) 4) Find Hydra (all apps are in alphabetical order) - the version is below the name @Hariainm I haven't used that service myself, but I can check it out. I have had some issues with widgets using audio so I wouldn't hold my breath. @thedead1440 Really? I honestly haven't done anything on that issue. Proves my suspicions about this being a platform bug true. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Any chances of it in n900??
I have gone through the thread. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Looking to solving the issue, cannot open ms office 2007 file.tks!
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
im a premium user of ur app...i hope illd be able to upgrade straight from 1.3.6 to 7 cuz i jusy bought it yesterday... n wen will it be released.. was thinking of going the extramile to get firefox os on my phonr but if it can be sideloaded no p
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Version 1.3.7 of Hydra Widget Platform PRO (for paid users) is avaliable for download. FirefoxOS Marketplace support is included in this version.
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Let me know how you like it. There are still a few known issues, such as: -The marketplace web app crashes and shows a graphical glitch (crash outside my code..) -APIs for fetching info about installed Mozilla web apps are only dummy implementations so that the Marketplace for example cannot access info about installed apps -Updates are not yet supported for packaged apps -HTML5 cache is not yet supported, which means all hosted apps need to be used online I'll try to address the three last bullets in the next version(s). The crashing issue while nasty, is not really on my turf. Schedule for next version is totally open at the moment. I have a really really busy spring so development is done quite slowly if at all (sadly). I'm investigating possibilities to open sourcing the app, but that also takes up quite some time, which I don't have at the moment. It would be cool if I could get other developers to assist me with this, since this stopped being a 'small and simple' app quite long ago and it's still growing ;) |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Is there any way to run applications marked as "only in FirefoxOS"?
HERE Maps is in Marketplace but can't download it. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I could not install HERE Maps as well (available only for Firefox OS) nor Pulse (API error story).
Another remark: the icon which is created is taking the Hydra icon but not the app itself so you end up with plenty of Hydra icons... Thanks anyway, great work ! |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Hydra should always try to download any icons defined for the Mozilla app installed and use the closest match (based on size) in launcher and manager UI. Are you saying you can't see icons (besides the hydra default one) for any apps? For example, try installing Twitter and let me know if you see an icon (you should). |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
data-manifest_url="https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/7eccfd71-2765-458d-983f-078580b46a11/manifest.webapp" You need to download this 'manifest file' and open it in a text editor. The URL to the package is given in a "package_path" field such as the one below: "package_path": "https://marketplace.firefox.com/downloads/file/201674/here-maps-packaged-1.8.58.zip" |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
So why did it not work? 1. I used User Agent that was made Hydra be detected as an Android device (shame on me!) 2. QtWebkit used by Hydra does not support window.matchMedia() JavaScript function used for CSS media queries (and the Marketplace uses this to check if your using a mobile device, and this condition is for some reason partially used to detect Firefox OS too...) I changed the UA string and implemented the matchMedia() function to return correct values - and guess what? We're back in business with packaged apps! Now if I only had the time to finalize this version and publish it... Anyhow, it's coming, sooner or later. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
any updates yet for the new version?
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Initial changelog for 1.3.8: * Implemented support for update discovery and installation for packaged Firefox OS web apps * Implemented window.matchMedia() to support Marketplace browser detection of mobile device * Fixed Firefox OS Marketplace widget to use UA string not detected as an Android device * Fixed trying to install newer versions of packaged Firefox OS web apps saying it's already installed * Fixed widget details page to show it's header text with same color as other pages do * Fixed update description document ETags to support broader character set via base64 encoding * Fixed installing packaged Firefox OS web app from Marketplace when temp directrory does not exist Besides finalizing the above, I'm also looking into implementing: * Support for Mozilla API to query installed web app details * Support for data URI icons |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
2 Attachment(s)
Just bought the pro version, very nice :)
The only strange thing is that the font and the buttons in the widgets and for example in twitter for firefox are too small!! Is there a way to change this? |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Thanks for looking into this, sometimes it's pretty hard to press some "x" buttons for example :) Thanks again and keep up the good work!! :) |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
* Changed default device pixel ratio to 1.5 * Implemented support for viewport meta tag Had to build a bit of a hack though, since QtWebkit seems to do all kinds of wrong things with the viewport meta tag even though it claims to support it. So I completely ignored Qt's handling and built my own. |
Great news :)
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Some additional information (with pics) about the upcoming version on my blog.
I'll try to finalize the changes as soon as possible. Tizen apps' viewport handling is currently giving me some headaches but I'm sure I can figure out something. |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Too lucrative app:)
at least think about the n900:( in some point of time:) it will breath a fresh air into it:) |
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Will facebook for firefox work in the next version? :)
Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
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