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wook_sf 2012-08-25 18:05

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
i think i have bug, but i am not sure since i used unrestricted system ui and toggles and such things, so, now i reinstalled system-ui and screenlock and everything but again i can't get statusbar menu to get dropped down when widgets are installed.
does anyone else have this issue?

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 18:07

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by maxdroid (Post 1255662)
I really miss this on my nokia n9. Will this work for me then with pr 1.3?

I would love animated background in the lockscreen and weather widget and some other program links, would be perfect.

Right now I've setteled for placing most apps in folders in app section and using 'home screen settings' waves to make background more pleasant behind the programs, moving.

I only tested it on N950 PR1.2, but I think that it should work without any problem on N9 PR1.3.

There is no animated background now, but maybe in a future update.

What "links" do you need ?

Currently, there is no weather widget, but I'm waiting for the meecast team to bring a nice API to query their weather.

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 18:10

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255663)
i think i have bug, but i am not sure since i used unrestricted system ui and toggles and such things, so, now i reinstalled system-ui and screenlock and everything but again i can't get statusbar menu to get dropped down when widgets are installed.
does anyone else have this issue?

If you are trying to get the menu dropped from the lock screen it won't work. Otherwise it is indeed a bug. Please do a screenshot of all the lock screen desktop widgets, and send them to me (as a bug report if possible).

You might also try to reset widgets, by dropping all the cache and settings that are in
and try again (without uninstalling anything)

wook_sf 2012-08-25 18:23

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255666)
If you are trying to get the menu dropped from the lock screen it won't work. Otherwise it is indeed a bug. Please do a screenshot of all the lock screen desktop widgets, and send them to me (as a bug report if possible).

You might also try to reset widgets, by dropping all the cache and settings that are in
and try again (without uninstalling anything)

removing of /home/user/.config/SfietKonstantin and /home/user/.local/share/data/SfietKonstantin/ worked :)
thanks a lot :)
btw, maemo dock button is not bringing applications menu...

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-25 18:27

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255673)
removing of /home/user/.config/SfietKonstantin and /home/user/.local/share/data/SfietKonstantin/ worked :)
thanks a lot :)
btw, maemo dock button is not bringing applications menu...

I know about maemo dock. It is not polished and might get removed from the package before RC. I will bring it in an 1.0.X release, or maybe in final if I have time to polish it.

wook_sf 2012-08-25 18:32

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255676)
I know about maemo dock. It is not polished and might get removed from the package before RC. I will bring it in an 1.0.X release, or maybe in final if I have time to polish it.

polish it dammit :D and enable "fullscreen" mode too, because, i think with maemo dock statusbar is useless to be shown (especially when rotation is enabled and it gets rotated :))

HtheB 2012-08-26 01:07

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I found some major bug on my N950 when you have a password on the lockscreen with "no delay" selected..
sometimes i cant enter my password or swipe the screen away. if I enter the pass with the keyboard, the touchscreen doesnt wont somehow... I can't power off the phone either... (device still thinks that it's locked so it wont power off) I need to do hold down the power button for like 10 secs so it will turn off...

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 08:33

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1255733)
I found some major bug on my N950 when you have a password on the lockscreen with "no delay" selected..
sometimes i cant enter my password or swipe the screen away. if I enter the pass with the keyboard, the touchscreen doesnt wont somehow... I can't power off the phone either... (device still thinks that it's locked so it wont power off) I need to do hold down the power button for like 10 secs so it will turn off...

Try locking and unlocking your device again. Should work most of the time. I use the lock screen with a password and this bug never happened.

HtheB 2012-08-26 11:36

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255794)
Try locking and unlocking your device again. Should work most of the time. I use the lock screen with a password and this bug never happened.

i've done it like 100 times before hard rebooting.
it almost happen everytime for me :confused:
is it because i have rotation enabled? (vesuri's patch)
or because of the status menu extentions?

I can make a video of my problem... :( (its the only reason why i couldnt use this awesomeness)

wook_sf 2012-08-26 11:38

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1255853)
i've done it like 100 times before hard rebooting.
it almost happen everytime for me :confused:
is it because i have rotation enabled? (vesuri's patch)
or because of the status menu extentions?

I can make a video of my problem... :( (its the only reason why i couldnt use this awesomeness)

i removed unrestricted system ui and it seems that it works pretty fine now (i had both enabled) and rotation don't mess with this app unless you remove lockscreen from gconf as i did :D

HtheB 2012-08-26 11:42

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255854)
i removed unrestricted system ui and it seems that it works pretty fine now (i had both enabled) and rotation don't mess with this app unless you remove lockscreen from gconf as i did :D

thanks, I will try to see if that is the problem.

wook_sf 2012-08-26 11:56

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1255855)
thanks, I will try to see if that is the problem.

also, thedead helped me to debug phone completely (i had rzr's repo enabled and it was causing many troubles too - via MeeCatalog)

pt 2 bugs:
1) when sliding screens (left-right) if i stop moving my finger when screens are on middle it stops and behaves like screen is switched
2) if i switch screens fast it swipe lockscreen away.
3) in main.qml of lockscreen i am unable to change number of homescreens nor to set default one :)
4) ive made few panoramic shots that i assembled on pc and i have them on phone, so if i set such photo as wallpapers lockscreen have much lag, so, it would be best if wallpaper would be scaled down to 854 per width
5) icons that are in /usr/share/themes/*/meegotouch/icons/ are read only from blanco and base dirs, seems like and not from "current theme" > it would be nice to get "gconf2 value of /meegotouch/theme/name

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 12:03

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255860)
pt 2 bugs:
1) when sliding screens (left-right) if i stop moving my finger when screens are on middle it stops and behaves like screen is switched
2) if i switch screens fast it swipe lockscreen away.
3) in main.qml of lockscreen i am unable to change number of homescreens nor to set default one :)
4) ive made few panoramic shots that i assembled on pc and i have them on phone, so if i set such photo as wallpapers lockscreen have much lag, so, it would be best if wallpaper would be scaled down to 854 per width
5) icons that are in /usr/share/themes/*/meegotouch/icons/ are read only from blanco and base dirs, seems like and not from "current theme" > it would be nice to get "gconf2 value of /meegotouch/theme/name

1. Bug related to QML ListView, have to check it out.
2. Nice
3. It is not set in main.qml, but in settings. Soon, there will be a settings applet.
4. Known bug, corrected in RC1
4. If anybody can explain how Harmattan main screen fetch its icons and translation (for default apps) I will be very happy.

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 12:04

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255854)
i removed unrestricted system ui and it seems that it works pretty fine now (i had both enabled) and rotation don't mess with this app unless you remove lockscreen from gconf as i did :D

I'm using unrestricted sysui and it do not conflict at all. Landscape layout is not supported although, since I do not use that (yet).

wook_sf 2012-08-26 12:23

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255863)
1. Bug related to QML ListView, have to check it out.
2. Nice
3. It is not set in main.qml, but in settings. Soon, there will be a settings applet.
4. Known bug, corrected in RC1
4. If anybody can explain how Harmattan main screen fetch its icons and translation (for default apps) I will be very happy.

1. good
2. i am using it as feature :D
3. is in /opt/widgets/lockscreen/qml/main.qml

    Settings {
        id: widgetsSettings
        defaultSettings: [
            SettingsEntry {
                group: "widgets"
                key: "pageCount"
                value: 4
            SettingsEntry {
                group: "widgets"
                key: "initialPage"
                value: 2

4. rc1?
5. well, i doubt that there's many knowledge but i think that it set's /usr/share/themes/$CurrentTheme/meegotouch/icons/ in environment variable and most probably refreshes paths from time to time.
that would be correct way in my opinion
it would be very nice to attach speed dial shortcuts to lockscreen and to have shortcut for new message to specific contact.
another nice dock would be similar to one symbian had before belle, it was on bottom, 3 buttons (center was dialer) so we can use this to make [ homescreen | dialer | apps ] buttons on bottom of screen
btw, i think it's more nice when size of shortcuts is 86x86 (5)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-26 15:31

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1255868)
1. good
2. i am using it as feature :D
3. is in /opt/widgets/lockscreen/qml/main.qml

4. rc1?
5. well, i doubt that there's many knowledge but i think that it set's /usr/share/themes/$CurrentTheme/meegotouch/icons/ in environment variable and most probably refreshes paths from time to time.
that would be correct way in my opinion
it would be very nice to attach speed dial shortcuts to lockscreen and to have shortcut for new message to specific contact.
another nice dock would be similar to one symbian had before belle, it was on bottom, 3 buttons (center was dialer) so we can use this to make [ homescreen | dialer | apps ] buttons on bottom of screen
btw, i think it's more nice when size of shortcuts is 86x86 (5)

About settings, it is not stored in QML. The QML code only provides default settings, that might be changed using either an UI, or modifying settings file in ~/.config/.

If you really want to change settings, check ~/.config/SfietKonstantin/Widgets.conf, and mess with the variables :) You might reboot sysuid to make the changes effective.

RC1 is release candidate 1. I will release it tomorrow and release the 1.0.0 in the 3th of September.

For all features like new docks, please post them on the bug tracker. Thanks.

wook_sf 2012-08-26 17:33

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1255905)
About settings, it is not stored in QML. The QML code only provides default settings, that might be changed using either an UI, or modifying settings file in ~/.config/.

If you really want to change settings, check ~/.config/SfietKonstantin/Widgets.conf, and mess with the variables :) You might reboot sysuid to make the changes effective.

RC1 is release candidate 1. I will release it tomorrow and release the 1.0.0 in the 3th of September.

For all features like new docks, please post them on the bug tracker. Thanks.

looking forward for more progress :) and thanks for efforts about this app :)

dcastrog 2012-08-26 19:38

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Hi, I installed the app, but I think Im doing something wrong. I cant set docks or widgets, I can see a list of shortcuts to add, but when taping on them doesnt do anything..if I try to add docks or widgets it doesnt do anything.

Can someone please set me up? Am I missing something?

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-27 06:09

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by dcastrog (Post 1255990)
Hi, I installed the app, but I think Im doing something wrong. I cant set docks or widgets, I can see a list of shortcuts to add, but when taping on them doesnt do anything..if I try to add docks or widgets it doesnt do anything.

Can someone please set me up? Am I missing something?

Try running it with the terminal

and give me the generated output

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-27 08:10

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I'm releasing the RC1 currently. See the blog post on the main page for FAQ and download links.

HtheB 2012-08-27 09:14

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Thnx for the update, love the N9 clock!

But why is it so hard to swipe this app away? do you know this by any chance?
I have to swipe many times untill it really swipes it away. sometimes the swiping action orientation is even wrong :p

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-27 09:45

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1256152)
Thnx for the update, love the N9 clock!

But why is it so hard to swipe this app away? do you know this by any chance?
I have to swipe many times untill it really swipes it away. sometimes the swiping action orientation is even wrong :p

Swiping is actually partially disabled on this app, because my hack do not perfectly integrate in the Harmattan swipe. Just click on the grey bar should be enough to unlock.

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-30 15:31

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Call to photoshop / gimp / inkscape masters. I still need a nice icon for widgets. Since the 1.0 release is in the 3, there is no much time left.

wook_sf 2012-08-30 19:17

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1257975)
Call to photoshop / gimp / inkscape masters. I still need a nice icon for widgets. Since the 1.0 release is in the 3, there is no much time left.

Inkscape designer report: i started working on it but sunshine and ePSXe keeps me too busy :)
will do some work tonight ;)

Morpog 2012-08-30 19:35

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Maybe it's faster with that official harmattan icon templates:

wook_sf 2012-08-30 19:43

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1258102)

Maybe it's faster with that official harmattan icon templates:

i have that (was doing icon for opptimizer ui :)
thanks :) but, adding background to icon is not that hard, it's about design ;) :) and i am not fan of this native nokia icons anyway :D

this is alpha preview of icon i think that looks ok :)
just would like to mention that icon should go to /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/icons so that i can add one without frame into my upcoming theme :) (since i hate this background frame so much :D)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-08-31 07:34

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1258110)
i have that (was doing icon for opptimizer ui :)
thanks :) but, adding background to icon is not that hard, it's about design ;) :) and i am not fan of this native nokia icons anyway :D

this is alpha preview of icon i think that looks ok :)
just would like to mention that icon should go to /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/icons so that i can add one without frame into my upcoming theme :) (since i hate this background frame so much :D)

Wow, nice, btw, I did not know that you have skills to do these nice icons. But, what I want is something more simple and minimalist. I like the idea of representing a board with content, but maybe not that much reflections, and less bright colors ?

You might also remove the bottom dock with purple icons. Just show that thare are widgets in the frame should be enough.

Thanks a lot for making this icon :)

wook_sf 2012-08-31 09:16

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Sfiet_Konstantin (Post 1258373)
Wow, nice, btw, I did not know that you have skills to do these nice icons. But, what I want is something more simple and minimalist. I like the idea of representing a board with content, but maybe not that much reflections, and less bright colors ?

You might also remove the bottom dock with purple icons. Just show that thare are widgets in the frame should be enough.

Thanks a lot for making this icon :)

well, i am coder my self and i think ui is most important part, so that everything needs to be cool :D hehehehe
since app you wrote is not so minimalistic, icon can't be minimalistic either :P :D
i don't like purple things either, that's just for presentation :D:D hehehehe
all reflections are cool imho, otherwise it is very very simple :D hehehehe
anyhow, did you figure how to get icon? because i saw you used proper way in photo-frame widget (for settings icon) it displays custom theme. you should do double-check for this, also, afaik, homescreen is connected to tracker events and when tracker update icons cache, it reloads icon too. that's how we can have animated icons (not best solution for disk IO devs can do so far).
anyhow, i did some shots with my phone, they're consider as pretty nice, if you're interested in wallpapers, that can be done too ;) :)

B3Punch3D 2012-08-31 11:43

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
1 Attachment(s)
What about something like this? (the @ are placeholder for some icon)
If you like the idea then i would rework the icon

F2thaK 2012-08-31 11:51

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
1 Attachment(s)
Heres my minimal one.

B3Punch3D 2012-08-31 13:15

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I created one, that looks quite the same, if u like it, use it ;)

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-03 08:07

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Hum ... release might not happen today, because of laptop linux reinstallation. But I'm still hoping ...

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-04 15:16

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Release: 1.0 finale.
If you want to develop widgets, you might be interested to check this release and grab the sources :) !

Craig_Mabbitt 2012-09-04 20:50

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
can i turn off engine without deleting it?
and where i can download widgets?
and the last. Why screen don't turn off. It stay blink black.
thx for your work (=

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-04 20:57

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Craig_Mabbitt (Post 1261194)
can i turn off engine without deleting it?

Not yet, it is listed in the bugs / tasks for the next major version


Originally Posted by Craig_Mabbitt (Post 1261194)
and where i can download widgets?

Nowhere. There is no infrastructure for downloading widgets yet. But soon maybe, there will. I will use I think.


Originally Posted by Craig_Mabbitt (Post 1261194)
and the last. Why screen don't turn off. It stay blink black.

Be sure to turn off low power mode.
I'm still experimenting on lockscreen, and some features are missing. Read FAQ on the blog and bug reports.

And to everybody, remember, this release is stable, yet it is not fully featured. There will be improvements in the next minor and patch releases.


Originally Posted by Craig_Mabbitt (Post 1261194)
thx for your work (=


Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-07 11:36

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Widgets will soon be available on
If you don't have the client, go there and download it.

Delivering packages through apps.formeego will facilitate updating processes, so you won't need to wait for my announcements on blog or TMO, just wait for the package manager to tell you that updates are available.

Next version is 1.0.1. It will soon be delivered and will bring
  • Apps formeego support
  • Media player control

1.0.2 will bring notifications support, but is not planned yet.

MaddogG 2012-09-07 12:03

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
Will the Media player control widget support only stock media players?

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-07 12:05

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by MaddogG (Post 1262581)
Will the Media player control widget support only stock media players?

In 1.0.1 it only supports stock player. If you want it to support other players, you have to point me the players you want it to support. And it also depends if the developer have made an interprocess API available (like DBus).

Slerppa 2012-09-10 17:38

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen
I installed 1.01 through apps4meego and restarted device, after this: Stand by screen stopped working, lockscreen couldn't be swiped away... after many tries I finally managed to do it somehow. Then I tried to go delete it > went to settings -> apps, but widgets screen appeared again. -> swiped it away and managed to unistall it. It was interesting experience atleast.

Sfiet_Konstantin 2012-09-10 19:47

Re: [Announce] Widgets platform -- lockscreen

Originally Posted by Slerppa (Post 1264325)
I installed 1.01 through apps4meego and restarted device, after this: Stand by screen stopped working, lockscreen couldn't be swiped away... after many tries I finally managed to do it somehow. Then I tried to go delete it > went to settings -> apps, but widgets screen appeared again. -> swiped it away and managed to unistall it. It was interesting experience atleast.

There should be the grey bar at the bottom of the view: you should have click it to unlock the screen.

You could also have configured widgets to display some unlockers or icons that can help unlocking the view.

Everything is explained in the blog post, FAQ section.

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