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jalyst 2012-11-08 00:12

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by enerqy (Post 1291549)
However, he doesn't find it...the N9/ Thanks for all the input guys!

What does that sentence mean?

enerqy 2012-11-08 00:43

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1291633)
What does that sentence mean?

Complete brain fart when I replied. Must be due to exhaustion plus excitement. I meant to say, if he doesn't find the 808, then he'll look for a N9.

enerqy 2012-12-13 18:42

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread
Got a N9 64GB Black (no Stormtrooper White, sadly). Even though I couldn't get the 808, I'm quite happy with it. Thanks for all the help guys!

TheN9er 2012-12-13 19:18

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by enerqy (Post 1304265)
Got a N9 64GB Black (no Stormtrooper White, sadly). Even though I couldn't get the 808, I'm quite happy with it. Thanks for all the help guys!

If you really want a white N9 you can buy the housing off eBay and change it yourself. I also had a black 64GB N9 and wanted a white one so I switched the housings myself. :) It's an easy change if the torx screws are good to you. If not, it will be more work and require other tools. Here is the video I used:
And here are the two housings available on eBay at the moment:

waldo 2012-12-13 20:23

Re: The Definitive 808 vs. N9 Thread

Originally Posted by enerqy (Post 1304265)
Got a N9 64GB Black (no Stormtrooper White, sadly). Even though I couldn't get the 808, I'm quite happy with it. Thanks for all the help guys!

I also have both, but my sim is in my n9. I went along time with my sim in my 808 and my n9 in a drawer, once I put my sim back into my n9 I keep it in there. I love my 808 and use it in house for podcasts and take it with me for pics sometimes. But I always WANT to use my n9, and I feel like I need to use my 808.

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